The "OZONE HOLE" scam was the pre-curser to the Global Warmists movement.

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You are still talking about your model. You often said you didn't believe in models of physics.

Your interpretation again...I am fine with models that can be tested against measurable, repeatable observations..
I am fine with models that can be tested against measurable, repeatable observations.
Does that now mean that you no longer think Quantum Mechanics is fairy dust?

The barest tip of QM has been experimentally 100 years, QM will bear as much resemblance to QM today as medicine of 100 years ago does to medicine today.
The barest tip of QM has been experimentally 100 years, QM will bear as much resemblance to QM today as medicine of 100 years ago does to medicine today.
That is total bullshit. The measurements are valid to parts per billion and that is good enough for all physics on earth. A new theory will not change those numbers.
The barest tip of QM has been experimentally 100 years, QM will bear as much resemblance to QM today as medicine of 100 years ago does to medicine today.
That is total bullshit. The measurements are valid to parts per billion and that is good enough for all physics on earth. A new theory will not change those numbers.

You believe all of QM has been measured to parts per billion? Every aspect of QM has been verified to that degree? Are you really so stupid that you believe that?

And by the way...QM has made a couple of predictions verifiable to that accuracy...nothing more.
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You believe all of QM has been measured to parts per billion? Every aspect of QM has been verified to that degree? Are you really so stupid that you believe that?
Quantum ElectroDynamics has NEVER failed an experimental test. That's like someone asking you if every aspect of the second law has been verified. Think about it.
The obvious conclusion here is that Same Shit knows absolutely squat about QM.
You believe all of QM has been measured to parts per billion? Every aspect of QM has been verified to that degree? Are you really so stupid that you believe that?
Quantum ElectroDynamics has NEVER failed an experimental test. That's like someone asking you if every aspect of the second law has been verified. Think about it.

Try reading some time....

Inherent Differences between Bound and Radiation Fields
Clip: The recent failure of quantum electrodynamics to explain the electron and the muon data of the proton charge radius supports this conclusion.

Tests of quantum electrodynamics in few-electron very high-Z ions (Conference) | OSTI.GOV
Clip: A possible failure of quantum electrodynamics (QED) to predict accurate radiative corrections to bound states at Z= 92 is not ruled out by its success at low Z.

The incredible shrinking proton

#70: The Proton Gets Small(er)
Clip: In quantum physics, a 4 percent mistake is a mighty error. “Either there’s a problem with quantum electrodynamics,” Knowles says, “or there’s some funny physics going on that no one understands yet.” Bacelar Valente redux.pdf

It isn't like you have to look far to find problems with QM...if you are a thinking person that would probably never occur to a bot like you to even look...such is your faith.
If you did, you would not have made such an ignorant remark.

You have become comic does it feel to have let someone get so completely under your skin that you are reduced to that?
So what is your explanation for a decrease in ozone taking place over decades?
Tests of quantum electrodynamics in few-electron very high-Z ions (Conference) | OSTI.GOV
Clip: A possible failure of quantum electrodynamics (QED) to predict accurate radiative corrections to bound states at Z= 92 is not ruled out by its success at low Z.
That was done in 1986. Things have changed. They didn't mention a failure in their single sentence conclusion:
In conclusion, we have measured the Lamb shift in uranium. Our final value of 70.4 (8.1) is in agreement with the theoretical value of 75.3(0.4) eV.

This reference did not say there was any failure in QED. It was mainly about the historic failures of QM before QED came about.

Inherent Differences between Bound and Radiation Fields
Clip: The recent failure of quantum electrodynamics to explain the electron and the muon data of the proton charge radius supports this conclusion.

Tests of quantum electrodynamics in few-electron very high-Z ions (Conference) | OSTI.GOV
Clip: A possible failure of quantum electrodynamics (QED) to predict accurate radiative corrections to bound states at Z= 92 is not ruled out by its success at low Z.

The incredible shrinking proton

#70: The Proton Gets Small(er)
Clip: In quantum physics, a 4 percent mistake is a mighty error. “Either there’s a problem with quantum electrodynamics,” Knowles says, “or there’s some funny physics going on that no one understands yet.”

These three references are about the protons size discrepancy found in 2010. Several experiments were done between then and 2017 which did not resolve the discrepancy in two different methods of measurement.

However that is not a failure of QED. The proton size is fuzzy and too complex for QED to calculate so far. The puzzle is an experimental measurement discrepancy. Thank you for the reference. I wasn't aware of that measurement problem.

I stand by my statement that QED has not failed any experimental test especially in the area that is relevant to earth sciences. But of course you don't believe QM anyway.

So what is your explanation for a decrease in ozone taking place over decades?

I have given you a good place to start already...we know that ozone production in the stratosphere is entirely dependent upon incoming UV...we also know that while the sun's TSI is moderately stable from year to year, output in specific bands of UV can vary wildly over the same time span...a small change in the 100 to 400nm wavelengths could have a profound effect on the amount of O3 that is produced...especially over the poles during their respective winters.
[QUOTE="Wuwei, post: 21495223, member: 54364"

I stand by my statement that QED has not failed any experimental test especially in the area that is relevant to earth sciences. But of course you don't believe QM anyway.


Of course you do...and I am sure that you will stand by it to the bitter end...even as QM is modified to the point that it is barely recognizable as the same theory we have today should you live that long.

By the way...for all your faith in QM, are you aware that Newtonian physics remains the core of study in the vast majority of physics programs...that should tell you something about the faith that actual physicists have that the theory is set in stone and will remain unchanged as time and technology progress.
Of course you do...and I am sure that you will stand by it to the bitter end...even as QM is modified to the point that it is barely recognizable as the same theory we have today should you live that long.
Fool. As soon as an experiment finds QED wrong. I will stand by any new theory that is supported by all experiments. All the physics of any new theory will still have to abide by all current experiments to parts per billion. This accuracy is by far all that's needed for events that affect the ozone layer, the subject of this thread.

By the way...for all your faith in QM, are you aware that Newtonian physics remains the core of study in the vast majority of physics programs...that should tell you something about the faith that actual physicists have that the theory is set in stone and will remain unchanged as time and technology progress.

Fool. Of course Newton's theory is taught and will always be taught. The theory is all that's needed to plan flights to the moon or Pluto. Einsteins theory becomes Newton's theory to a very high degree of accuracy since rockets don't go anywhere near the speed of light. Any calculation involving ozone (the subject of this thread) will not need relativity either. Why did you bring that diversion up?
Fool. As soon as an experiment finds QED wrong. I will stand by any new theory that is supported by all experiments. All the physics of any new theory will still have to abide by all current experiments to parts per billion. This accuracy is by far all that's needed for events that affect the ozone layer, the subject of this thread.

You are absolutely laughable...Q.E.D. can tell us about electron anomalous magnetic moment to a certainty of parts per billion...and it will predict proton-to-electron mass ratios to parts per billion.. Now do apply QED to what is happening in the ozone layer....

You are always good for a laugh...I have to hand that to you.

Fool. Of course Newton's theory is taught and will always be taught.

Not just is the core of most physics programs. You are not aware that post modern physics is in a crisis because it is your religion...nothing can go against your are as blind to problems within physics as the catholic church was to pedophile priests....
Pure trolling

You have become a bitter old woman just like the hairball....I do enjoy watching you get your panties in a twist and start the name calling when you have no rational response....

wuwei said: "All the physics of any new theory will still have to abide by all current experiments to parts per billion. This accuracy is by far all that's needed for events that affect the ozone layer, the subject of this thread."

To which I said: " Q.E.D. can tell us about electron anomalous magnetic moment to a certainty of parts per billion...and it will predict proton-to-electron mass ratios to parts per billion.. Now do apply QED to what is happening in the ozone layer...."

Care to explain how that is trolling? I'm sure you can't since all you do is say crap you can't back up...I do enjoy watching you get your panties in a twist when I put questions and challenges to you that you simply can not answer...
Now do apply QED to what is happening in the ozone layer...

You are always good for a laugh...I have to hand that to you.
QED shows ozone is and behaves like a green house gas.

Not just is the core of most physics programs. You are not aware that post modern physics is in a crisis because it is your religion...nothing can go against your are as blind to problems within physics as the catholic church was to pedophile priests...

Newtonian mechanics is the core of high school physics classes, not college classes. It's now even more obvious you didn't get any physics in college. A college course in Newtonian mechanics is an abstraction that would be way way over your head. Post modern physics is not in a crisis. You only think so because you don't understand it.

Your anger seem always comes when you are totally wrong and posting crap. You never learn that it really makes you look petulant and stupid.
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