The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

Yes, he was shot straight on because he tried to attack a deadly threat in self-defense.

You are absolutely correct that AA could have came around the truck, saw TM right there probably aiming the shotgun at him and being so close AA decided to attack prior to being shot. He could have tried to knock the gun barrel out of TM’s hands or something like that. The trouble for Turtlesoup and KingGUERRILLA is even if AA squared up and initiated an attack TM and his cohorts in crime are responsible for whatever led to AA’s death.

The defense of TM cannot fly because TM initiated an attack first by moving toward the spot where he saw AA was heading.

However I believe it’s more plausible that TM really fucked up when he misjudged and did not account for the possibility that AA could not see TM coming at him until it was too late to stop - AA thought he could get back on the road and TM panicked as he told police that AA “Squared up” as if to attack so he shot him.

Either way TM is not and should not be set free on the basis that a white moron with a gun was just standing in the middle of the road just wanting to talk and the poor dumb white moron with a gun had to defend himself when he was attacked for no reason.
TM and his cohorts in crime are responsible for whatever led to AA’s death
Not only did Maude commit the crime that precipitated all the events he was also the first person who used violence

If he would have simply stood his ground like a civilized human being or kept on running a wouldn't have been shot because both the men with guns were trained veteran professionals who were well aware of the law were on the phone with 911 and likely on camera and or witnessed

they didn't hunt him they didn't run him down they didn't even put a hand on him

all they did was ask him to stop running from the scene of his crime and report for police then they gave up the Chase and were attacked while standing their ground in the middle of the street on the phone with 911 in broad daylight

You silly drama queens need a new Rosa Parks

The trouble for @Turtlesoup and @KingGUERRILLA is even if AA squared up and initiated an attack TM and his cohorts in crime are responsible for whatever led to AA’s death
A few years ago I was scouting some property off a rural Road and a man walked up to my vehicle with a gun in his holster and asked me what I was doing in the area

Under your cowardly interpretation of the law it would be perfectly legal for me to without saying a word run him over with my vehicle because I was scared of his gun

I've been involved in international property acquisitions since I was a child and we've been confronted by men with weapons numerous times especially when we were in far-flung rural environments

Every day in this country a young man carrying a shotgun accidentally Strays onto another person's property when hunting

Those of you who suck starbuks thru a straw while living in a condominium across the road from a police station have no idea how your cowardly interpretation of the law affects the real men among you who live in different environments

whenever someone holding a weapon asks you a question don't run away from them or attack

Stand your ground and calmly explain yourself

You see when you use violence as a means to escape someone who hasn't even touched you you open the door for them to use violence to protect themselves

as a former professional athlete I've been coaching young black men for several decades and I often times refer to Trayvon Martin and Ahmad as poster boys for what never to do when someone with a gun is confronting you
TM and his cohorts in crime are responsible for whatever led to AA’s death
Not only did Maude commit the crime that precipitated all the events he was also the first person who used violence

If he would have simply stood his ground like a civilized human being or kept on running a wouldn't have been shot because both the men with guns were trained veteran professionals who were well aware of the law were on the phone with 911 and likely on camera and or witnessed

they didn't hunt him they didn't run him down they didn't even put a hand on him

all they did was ask him to stop running from the scene of his crime and report for police then they gave up the Chase and were attacked while standing their ground in the middle of the street on the phone with 911 in broad daylight

You silly drama queens need a new Rosa Parks

View attachment 451905
You're lying again as there's no evidence Arbery committed a felony. So no, Arbery did not initiate any violence. The violence was initiated by Travis when he posed a deadly threat to Arbery. For that, he was charged, and will likely be convicted, of aggravated assault. For killing Arbery who was fighting for his life in self-defense against a deadly threat, he was was charged, and will likely be convicted, of murder. He will face the death penalty and both Gregory McMichael and William Bryan will die in prison.

Was it worth chasng down Arbery like that?
The trouble for @Turtlesoup and @KingGUERRILLA is even if AA squared up and initiated an attack TM and his cohorts in crime are responsible for whatever led to AA’s death
A few years ago I was scouting some property off a rural Road and a man walked up to my vehicle with a gun in his holster and asked me what I was doing in the area

Under your cowardly interpretation of the law it would be perfectly legal for me to without saying a word run him over with my vehicle because I was scared of his gun

I've been involved in international property acquisitions since I was a child and we've been confronted by men with weapons numerous times especially when we were in far-flung rural environments

Every day in this country a young man carrying a shotgun accidentally Strays onto another person's property when hunting

Those of you who suck starbuks thru a straw while living in a condominium across the road from a police station have no idea how your cowardly interpretation of the law affects the real men among you who live in different environments

whenever someone holding a weapon asks you a question don't run away from them or attack

Stand your ground and calmly explain yourself

You see when you use violence as a means to escape someone who hasn't even touched you you open the door for them to use violence to protect themselves

as a former professional athlete I've been coaching young black men for several decades and I often times refer to Trayvon Martin and Ahmad as poster boys for what never to do when someone with a gun is confronting you
Was that man threatening to kill you?
TM and his cohorts in crime are responsible for whatever led to AA’s death
Not only did Maude commit the crime that precipitated all the events he was also the first person who used violence

If he would have simply stood his ground like a civilized human being or kept on running a wouldn't have been shot because both the men with guns were trained veteran professionals who were well aware of the law were on the phone with 911 and likely on camera and or witnessed

they didn't hunt him they didn't run him down they didn't even put a hand on him

all they did was ask him to stop running from the scene of his crime and report for police then they gave up the Chase and were attacked while standing their ground in the middle of the street on the phone with 911 in broad daylight

You silly drama queens need a new Rosa Parks

View attachment 451905
You're lying again as there's no evidence Arbery committed a felony. So no, Arbery did not initiate any violence. The violence was initiated by Travis when he posed a deadly threat to Arbery. For that, he was charged, and will likely be convicted, of aggravated assault. For killing Arbery who was fighting for his life in self-defense against a deadly threat, he was was charged, and will likely be convicted, of murder. He will face the death penalty and both Gregory McMichael and William Bryan will die in prison.

Was it worth chasng down Arbery like that?
arberry initiated the entire chain of events by illegally entering a man's property with the intent to commit burglary

then he attempted to carjack a man in a desperate attempt to escape

then he attacked two Good Samaritans who were standing their ground on the phone with 911 and earned himself the Darwin Award

you need to find a new Rosa Parks


1 initiated the chain of events by committing a crime
2 provoked Pursuit by Reckless flight
3 escalated the use of force by attacking people who were simply trying to identify him

arberry Initiated provoked and escalated the entire series of events that led to his death
TM and his cohorts in crime are responsible for whatever led to AA’s death
Not only did Maude commit the crime that precipitated all the events he was also the first person who used violence

If he would have simply stood his ground like a civilized human being or kept on running a wouldn't have been shot because both the men with guns were trained veteran professionals who were well aware of the law were on the phone with 911 and likely on camera and or witnessed

they didn't hunt him they didn't run him down they didn't even put a hand on him

all they did was ask him to stop running from the scene of his crime and report for police then they gave up the Chase and were attacked while standing their ground in the middle of the street on the phone with 911 in broad daylight

You silly drama queens need a new Rosa Parks

View attachment 451905
You're lying again as there's no evidence Arbery committed a felony. So no, Arbery did not initiate any violence. The violence was initiated by Travis when he posed a deadly threat to Arbery. For that, he was charged, and will likely be convicted, of aggravated assault. For killing Arbery who was fighting for his life in self-defense against a deadly threat, he was was charged, and will likely be convicted, of murder. He will face the death penalty and both Gregory McMichael and William Bryan will die in prison.

Was it worth chasng down Arbery like that?
arberry initiated the entire chain of events by illegally entering a man's property with the intent to commit burglary

then he attempted to carjack a man in a desperate attempt to escape

then he attacked two Good Samaritans who were standing their ground on the phone with 911 and earned himself the Darwin Award

you need to find a new Rosa Parks


1 initiated the chain of events by committing a crime
2 provoked Pursuit by Reckless flight
3 escalated the use of force by attacking people who were simply trying to identify him

arberry Initiated provoked and escalated the entire series of events that led to his death
View attachment 451946
Aww, you poor thing, you're lying again. Want proof? Arbery was not charged with any of those crimes; whereas the 3 rednecks were charged with 5 felonies between them.

There is zero evidence of intent to commit a burglary.

There is zero evidence of carjacking. Don't forget, you lied already about this, claiming Arbery went for the driver's door when there is no evidence to support that.

There is zero evidence anyone for trying to identify him. He attacked a deadly threat. You said so yourself.

The only one to provoke this incident were the McMichaels who chased Arbery down for over 4 minutes until they finally posed a deadly threat to him by pulling a gun on him while trying to block the road ahead of him.
The notion that a couple of vigilante Hillbillies set upon an innocent black jogger and gunned him down in the street is a complete joke

That's exactly what they are, and that is how a jury of 12 will see them. Walking into an unoccupied building site, and taking nothing from it, is not reason to chase and gun down another human being. To think otherwise shows extreme prejudice, as well as ignorance.
Was that man threatening to kill you?
he had a weapon and was walking directly at me... that's legal throat punch criteria in your book

You're lying again. Walking toward you with a holstered gun is not a threat. And punching someone in the throat for walking toward you is not legal. And of course, that's not what happened with Arbery. Arbery punched no one until after they shot him.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that.
Walking into an unoccupied building site, and taking nothing
trespass with intent to commit burglary is a felony in the state of Georgia and the jail house is full of boys who got charged with the exact same crime for the exact same scenario
chase and gun down
All they did was drive up next to him and ask him what he was doing then they let him go and stood in the middle of the street calling the police to tell them where he was just a few minutes later he ran up and attacked them with deadly force

nobody was "chased and gunned down"
Walking into an unoccupied building site, and taking nothing
trespass with intent to commit burglary is a felony in the state of Georgia and the jail house is full of boys who got charged with the exact same crime for the exact same scenario
chase and gun down
All they did was drive up next to him and ask him what he was doing then they let him go and stood in the middle of the street calling the police to tell them where he was just a few minutes later he ran up and attacked them with deadly force

nobody was "chased and gunned down"
Repeating lies does not make them true. You still have no evidence Arbery intended to steal anything from that construction site

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