The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

What makes you think AA could see TM standing or moving to there before he decided to swerve back onto the pavement?

My god you are dense.

Maybe AA was taught to stay off of white peoples grass. Or he just preferred to jog on a public road where he had every right to be. He has every right to be on pavement without being harassed by armed gunman in the middle of the road who shot him for jogging while black.
Do you recognize any of them as a wanted criminal like Greg McMichael did with Arberry

But, again, Arbery was not "wanted".

None of the videos I've seen here clearly show Arbery. They show someone who could be Arbery, but more by virtue of his skin color and clothing. That's just not enough to go on. A lot of people wear shorts in Georgia in February...

* if a neighbor showed you several videos of a trespasser and asked you to help catch the individual because you had previous specialized training and the local police encouraged in the neighborhood to turn to you then I would suggest it's perfectly reasonable for you to arm yourself and Chase a person you know is a wanted criminal and if that person attacks you trying to dislodge your firearm you better shoot them or else they're likely to kill you

In that case the police are shirking their sworn duties. My law enforcement experience is military. It doesn't necessarily transfer into the civilian community. In the military, I didn't need much of a reason to arrest you. If I thought you looked shady I could hook you up. That's just not the case in the civilian community yet, using your arguments, it should be enough. My acting on my law enforcement training could easily get me in hot water in the civilian community, and someone asking me to catch someone, because I had "previous specialized training" would hardly be enough to compel me to do his bidding.

See,here's the thing, Dummy: Arming yourself is a serious thing. I doubt you truly understand what it means; the gravity of it or the level of responsibility one assumes when doing it. Unfortunately, I speak from experience when I say that shooting someone is a life altering event. I'll bet every penny I have (and I have a lot of them) that you don't know what that's like. While I would do the exact same thing in the same situation, it's something I wouldn't wish on anyone.

From what I can tell, the way the McMichaels reacted to all of this was more akin to two white boys wanting to act like cowboys or KKK far more than they were interested in protecting their neighborhood.

They made bad decisions, and now they'll be held to account for those decisions...
I said he should have stood his ground and explained himself but suggested running away was a better option than trying to throat punch two men with guns... (notice no quote as usual just his personal dramatic interpretation of what I said)

Arbery did stand his ground so who the fuck knows what you're talking about. Including you.

Of course two trained law enforcement agents are a deadly threat to a mentally deranged criminal bent on attacking them LOL that doesn't mean it was a good idea to go for his gun was it?

It doesn't matter how well trained they are (their actions that day reveal they weren't) nor is there evidence he was "mentally deranged." Regardless, as they were a "deadly threat" to him, it was within his right to engage them in self defense and fight for his life. They lose on those grounds.

Actually death threats silencing a crime victim is a big deal

I didn't say that is not a big deal. I said it doesn't matter why he didn't press charges in terms of your idiotic claim that had he pressed charges, the trespassing magically becomes a felony. That's not true, but even if it was, English still never pressed charges.

Of course there are lower charges of trespassing in the state of Georgia but when you enter onto a property that you are not supposed to be and go looking around 4 things to steal while on probation you can be charged with felony burglary even if you weren't caught taking anything in the state of Georgia

And again, there's no evidence Arbery stole, or intended to steal anything.

As always, your inane defense of those rednecks ends in an epic fail.

There was no footrace from the rear window line to the spot about six feet in front of the front grill.

AA had no way to know it was a race you stupid lying racist.
Ahmaud was a football player who could have easily outrun Travis McMichael

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As always, you prove to be an utter failure.

Yes, Arbery most certainly could have outrun Travis. But that's a meaningless observation by you since Arbery could not outrun a shot fired at him from Travis' shotgun.

You are a racist liar. AA had half a second between first seeing a dude with a gun and being shot. You are mentally retarded if you rich that is plenty of time to decide between fight it flight.

All were know just that AA was shot and there was a fight after that
he chose to attack and that's why he was shot
Your other lie us that you cannot state with any confidence that had AA continued running straight in the grass that TM would not shoot him in the side or later in the back.

How can you say that you know that while knowing TM is a racist
If Maude had kept running straight ahead and Travis shot him in the back I would be the first person calling for the death penalty

* just because someone used the "n word" doesn't mean they would shoot a fleeing black person

I hope you're privileged white 12 year old
It was Arbery's legal right to attack since Travis was threatening his life.
Now, I see people jogging/running through my community all the time, yet I know none of them. So, my question to you is this: Should I arm myself and chase them all down? Or should I only chase down the blacks?
Do you recognize any of them as a wanted criminal like Greg McMichael did with Arberry

* if a neighbor showed you several videos of a trespasser and asked you to help catch the individual because you had specialized training and the local police encouraged the neighborhood to turn to you then I would suggest it's perfectly reasonable for you to arm yourself and Chase a person you know is a wanted criminal and if that person attacks you trying to dislodge your firearm you better shoot them or else they're likely to kill you

the United States of America and especially the southern portion of it has broad and wide protections for citizens to act as law enforcement

it goes back to English common law and our Frontier days in this country

you don't sound like someone with any real experience to me you sound like a privileged white person who lives in a condo across the street from a police station

I think you suck at Starbucks through a straw while watching The View

anybody so damn stupid that they don't know what a 911 handgun is while claiming to be a military veteran is pretty concerning

At this point I'm pretty suspicious that your primary military experience is Call of Duty on the Xbox
You're lying again as Arbery was not a wanted criminal. Your constant lying reveals they are fucked.
Arming yourself is a serious thing. I doubt you truly understand what it means; the gravity of it or the level of responsibility one assumes when doing it.

What’s really scary and sad is that a lifelong police officer never understood the gravity of being armed amongst a mostly unarmed public, whether on duty or off duty. He never conveyed that understanding to his idiot kid.

I was in high school when the Vietnam war was raging. I grew up in the country but not on a farm. My dad had an arsenal of guns, mostly for hunting but he had a crossbow and some other crazy weapons. My dad was an alcoholic and occasionally he went on a bender. He damn near shot me a few times. Once he invited my wife and I over for dinner. When we pulled up into the driveway he had guns sticking out the windows and he was a aiming a shotgun at us. He thought a gang of Mexicans were about to attack his house.

After that, I told him I would have no more to do with him unless he got rid of the guns and try to stop drinking. He did both. Things turned out OK but I’ve never cared about guns, wanted to own guns, or anything to do with guns. I could care less about people that own guns. I have sisters and brothers and friends who own guns. That’s fine but everybody I know is a responsible person.

I see from your posts, you are a very responsible person. I have no problem with you owning a gun for whatever lawful purpose.

But this KingGUERRILLA dude, my god, WTF, a gun, among the public, in that idiot’s hand ruins it for intelligent responsible gun owners every where in America.

How do we keep guns out of the hands of non-criminals who are too damn stupid to be responsible enough to carry one?
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Yes, Arbery most certainly could have outrun Travis. But that's a meaningless observation by you since Arbery could not outrun a shot fired at him from Travis' shotgun
So if someone's following you with a gun you should attack them before they shoot you?

just "in case"
What’s really scary and sad is that a lifelong police officer never understood the gravity of being armed amongst a mostly unarmed public, whether on duty or off duty. He never conveyed that understanding to his idiot kid
* as if the McMichaels were psychic and knew whether or not the criminal wanted for all the trespasses and burglaries in the neighborhood was carrying a weapon or not

Yes, Arbery most certainly could have outrun Travis. But that's a meaningless observation by you since Arbery could not outrun a shot fired at him from Travis' shotgun
So if someone's following you with a gun you should attack them before they shoot you?

just "in case"
Only if they're a deadly threat to you as Travis wa to Arbery.
Only if they're a deadly threat to you as Travis wa to Arbery
so as long as you feel afraid you can run up to somebody and punch them in the throat

* posing a deadly threat to someone is not a crime

Of course A Good Samaritan with a shotgun is a deadly threat to a mentally deranged Criminal Who attacks people
You tell me... you said Travis was a "deadly threat."
thats right

Travis was a deadly threat to any deranged criminal who ran at him, grabbed his shotgun and tried to punch him unconscious

a Good Samaritan armed with a gun is a deadly threat against Crime
Only if they're a deadly threat to you as Travis wa to Arbery
so as long as you feel afraid you can run up to somebody and punch them in the throat

* posing a deadly threat to someone is not a crime

Of course A Good Samaritan with a shotgun is a deadly threat to a mentally deranged Criminal Who attacks people
If it's a reasonable fear, absofuckinglutely.

And you're lying again about Arbery punching Travis in the throat. He did not run up to Travis and punch him in the throat, as you falsely claim. He only punched him in the throat after being shot. Twice!

Why do you lie about repeatedly that like that?
You tell me... you said Travis was a "deadly threat."
thats right

Travis was a deadly threat to any deranged criminal who ran at him, grabbed his shotgun and tried to punch him unconscious

a Good Samaritan armed with a gun is a deadly threat against Crime
You're lying again. There's no evidence Arbery was either "deranged" or a "criminal." He also didn't run at Travis until Travis moved in towards him. Prior to that, Arbery was running away from him.
You're lying again as Arbery was not a wanted criminal

In none of those is Arbery identified as the individual English saw.


ok so now its "not Arberry" in the videos

... it probably wasn't him that ran from the house that day...just another black guy Sprinting dressed exactly the same way

Everything he did was completely immaterial until he ran up and grabbed at the shotgun

The fact that he was a mentally deranged Street criminal from a criminal family hearing voices with a long history of violence and aggressive behavior actually doesn't matter

Even a perfectly well-mannered citizen who's never even committed the crime of jaywalking can be legally shot if they try to grab someone's gun

I just find the fact that the kid has such a long and impressive rap sheet at the young age of 25 to be hilarious

you're going to have to find a new Rosa Parks
Only if they're a deadly threat to you as Travis wa to Arbery
so as long as you feel afraid you can run up to somebody and punch them in the throat

* posing a deadly threat to someone is not a crime

Of course A Good Samaritan with a shotgun is a deadly threat to a mentally deranged Criminal Who attacks people
If it's a reasonable fear, absofuckinglutely.

And you're lying again about Arbery punching Travis in the throat. He did not run up to Travis and punch him in the throat, as you falsely claim. He only punched him in the throat after being shot. Twice!

Why do you lie about repeatedly that like that?
Travis shot him as he grabbed at his shotgun just as it's always been legal to do

When someone tries to forcibly extract your firearm they are now an armed deadly threat

How do you explain his shotgun injury to the wrist?

you do understand that it is indicative of grabbing at the firearm don't you?

The professionals that reviewed the scene and the video Justified it as a perfectly reasonable shooting because it fit all the criteria

nobody pulled in the Spin Doctors until Oprah and LeBron created National outrage

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