The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

You have to prove intent and, given as nothing was reported stolen
* you don't need to prove intent in Georgia simple trespass is a felony burglary charge if the owner wants to press charges which Larry English DID want to press charges before the death threats he received...soooo radical extremists silenced the victim

well done

You're wrong. F.Lee...

Criminal Trespass | Georgia Criminal Lawyer
from your link:

"What has to be Proven to be Convicted"

"To be convicted of criminal trespass in Georgia, the State must show that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The key element in trespass cases is that the accused remained on the land or property without authority"

Cowardly Larry English has been receiving death threats ever since this unfortunate scenario unfolded

All he did was suffer a string of burglaries and then post the most likely candidates photo all over a social media site along with numerous other neighbors who had the same concerns about this individuals activity in their neighborhood as there were multiple things being stolen over the course of the last few months like fishing equipment and firearms

One night Larry english's camera sensor tripped his phone alert and he called his friend Diego who promptly went over there with a 911 handgun Just as Gregory McMichael arrived because his son Travis had just had a suspicious encounter with a man that looked identical to Ahmaud Arberry poking around the shadows in a neighbor's yard and fleeing when Travis noticed him, this was not long after Travis suffered a theft from his car of a handgun.

It seems to me abundantly clear that Larry English had a burglary problem at his home under construction and was comfortable asking neighbors for help in catching the culprit

In fear for his life he is now recanting everything he said prior to the social media outrage that has precipitated the violent threats against his life

Luckily some of the reports he made detailing the string of burglaries he was suffering is documented from his 911 calls

Terroristic threatening is a very effective strategy to silence a victim, what a shame this cowardly man doesn't have the guts to stand up and admit the fact that he was being robbed by the same person who was shot that day in the unfortunate incident between the McMichaels and Ahmaud Arberry

And now after the death threats this cowardly man is singing a completely different tune

Property Ahmaud Arbery Broke Into Had $2,500 Worth of Fishing Equipment Stolen From It/

"The media have widely reported that there was only one burglary reported to the police between January and February (Arbery was shot on February 23rd) — a handgun stolen from Travis McMichael himself in early January.

But last week, Larry English, the owner of the property Arbery was filmed breaking into, told the Daily Beast that somebody had stolen $2,500 worth of fishing equipment from his waterside home under construction. He never reported it to the police.

English appears to be changing his story in a new article by Colby Itkowitz at the Washington Post. He is now parroting the claim made by Lee Merritt, attorney for the Arbery family, that nothing was ever stolen from his property.

English, who claims to be terminally ill and building the house as part of his bucket list, also added that he and his family are being bombarded with death threats and that they are afraid. A lawyer for the English family put out a statement attacking the McMichaels, stressing that Larry English was not the person who called 911 when Arbery broke into their vacation home on the same day he died while “jogging.”

It’s not hard to deduce what happened here. The sickly man was having his things stolen so people in the community who heard about it kept an eye out. Now that the system is coming down on the good Samaritans and calling them “racist,” Larry English is doing what every good bourgeois does: throwing them under the bus"
You have to prove intent and, given as nothing was reported stolen
* you don't need to prove intent in Georgia simple trespass is a felony burglary charge if the owner wants to press charges which Larry English DID want to press charges before the death threats he received...soooo radical extremists silenced the victim

well done

You're wrong. F.Lee...

Criminal Trespass | Georgia Criminal Lawyer
they can automatically charge any trespass as felony burglary in Georgia

they have very Broad and aggressive private property laws

"They can automatically..."?

That doesn't make sense.

If it happens "automatically", then it happens without influence. It wouldn't matter what someone wants to do. There's no "can" abouot it. If it's automatic, it happens.

And that's not the case in Georgia...
"To be convicted of criminal trespass in Georgia, the State must show that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The key element in trespass cases is that the accused remained on the land or property without authority"

Cowardly Larry English has been receiving death threats ever since this unfortunate scenario unfolded

What Larry English opts to do or not to do has no bearing. He's taken the position that nothing was stolen. That's his statement. It doesn't really matter why he's making that statement...

All he did was suffer a string of burglaries and then post the most likely candidates photo all over a social media site along with numerous other neighbors who had the same concerns about this individuals activity in their neighborhood as there were multiple things being stolen over the course of the last few months like fishing equipment and firearms

Where are the police reports regarding these thefts?

One night Larry english's camera sensor tripped his phone alert and he called his friend Diego who promptly went over there with a 911 handgun

There's no such thing as a 911 handgun. Again, your ignorance shines with the light of a thousand suns...

It’s not hard to deduce what happened here.

Indeed. Two wannabe KKK members found a negro running through their neighborhood, and decided it would be fun to chase him down and murder him...
You have to prove intent and, given as nothing was reported stolen
* you don't need to prove intent in Georgia simple trespass is a felony burglary charge if the owner wants to press charges which Larry English DID want to press charges before the death threats he received...soooo radical extremists silenced the victim

well done

You're wrong. F.Lee...

Criminal Trespass | Georgia Criminal Lawyer
they can automatically charge any trespass as felony burglary in Georgia

they have very Broad and aggressive private property laws

"They can automatically..."?

That doesn't make sense.

If it happens "automatically", then it happens without influence. It wouldn't matter what someone wants to do. There's no "can" abouot it. If it's automatic, it happens.

And that's not the case in Georgia...
Intent to burglarize has a very low criteria in the state of Georgia, its VERY pro-business and notoriously harsh on crime

It's abundantly clear that Larry English wanted to charge the person trespassing at his home with the fullest extent of the law before the incident made national headlines and he started catching death threats

The McMichaels were clearly acting in good faith upon their immediate first-hand knowledge and personal interactions with the individual wanted for numerous criminal activities in the neighborhood

They literally recognized a fleeing fugitive and gave Chase for a few minutes in an attempt to identify the individual

they gave up when he wouldn't comply with instructions and parked their truck and called 911 just a few minutes later the criminal ran up and attack them while they were standing their ground
"McMichael? Table for one?"

There's no such thing as a 911 handgun. Again, your ignorance shines with the light of a thousand suns
Where are the police reports regarding these thefts?
What Larry English opts to do or not to do has no bearing. He's taken the position that nothing was stolen. That's his statement. It doesn't really matter why he's making that statement

Basically a 1911.

No real gun owner would bother with that, though.

Which model did he have?

Can you link to an article somewhere which mentions the gun he had?
Basically a 1911.

No real gun owner would bother with that, though.

Which model did he have?

Can you link to an article somewhere which mentions the gun he had?
View attachment 452667

I see, so you can't link to anything which discuss which gun he had. You just looked up "obscure pistols" on the internet and went with the first one you saw.

Got it.

Honestly, I'd never heard of it, so you got me on that one...
Basically a 1911.

No real gun owner would bother with that, though.

Which model did he have?

Can you link to an article somewhere which mentions the gun he had?
View attachment 452667

I see, so you can't link to anything which discuss which gun he had. You just looked up "obscure pistols" on the internet and went with the first one you saw.

Got it.

Honestly, I'd never heard of it, so you got me on that one...

you havent watched the bodycams have you??

* he "provoked" a criminal to attack in by chasing him LOL

it’s quite the provocation to move twenty feet towards someone with a shotgun and when you get close you shoot them.

THAT’S provoking a fight when
you don’t fatally wound them right off the bat..

If TM didn’t have the right weapon he shoved not have moved in on AA and got so close. Do you agree?
Basically a 1911.

No real gun owner would bother with that, though.

Which model did he have?

Can you link to an article somewhere which mentions the gun he had?
View attachment 452667

I see, so you can't link to anything which discuss which gun he had. You just looked up "obscure pistols" on the internet and went with the first one you saw.

Got it.

Honestly, I'd never heard of it, so you got me on that one...

you havent watched the bodycams have you??

At what point do they talk about a 911 handgun? I'm not gonna' sit here and watch a half hour's worth of video which fails to support your argument...
when you get close you shoot them
if travis shot a "fleeing man" how come maude wasent hit in the side or back?
Maude had a lead on travis and could have easily outpaced him by just heading straight



If TM didn’t have the right weapon he shoved not have moved in on AA and got so close. Do you agree
yes...if he planned on shooting an innocent unarmed black jogger everything he did was wrong
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Maude had a lead on travis and could have easily outpaced him by just heading straight

You are so stupid with your charts because you do not allow for the FACT that AA was not aware and did not anticipate that TM would be coming at him at the front of the truck. AA left jogging on the grass and moved back onto the pavement, not to attack TM but to be on the pavement.

Was that a mistake in judgment? Maybe so.

But it was not a decision to attack. It cannot be. AA’s view was blocked by the cab and it’s nuts to claim AA decided to attack a man with a shotgun that he did not know would be there.
Remember in real time it was half a second from coming around truck until the first shot. If those routes were simultaneous coming together that is no time allowed to make a decision to fight or continue with flight.

AA was literally ambushed by TM.

This card ain’t gonna work no more. Them thar days is gone and good riddance.

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Travis posed a deadly threat to Arbery and provoked him into trying to disarm Travis
Why didn't arberry just keep running straight ahead when he saw Travis walking his Direction holding a shotgun?

he had a sizable lead on Travis and could have easily outpaced him

why turn direction to attack?
You said he shouldn't have run away...


Regardless of your confusion, you already fessed up that Travis was a deadly threat. Arbery had every right to go after his gun in self-defense.
Whatever his reasons, Larry English never pressed charges
View attachment 452597

Moron, it doesn't matter what his reasons were -- he never pressed charges. As stupid as it sounds, you actually claimed misdemeanor trespassing is a felony if someone presses charges ... English never did. So just like every other claim you make, it turns out to be bullshit.
You have to prove intent and, given as nothing was reported stolen
* you don't need to prove intent in Georgia simple trespass is a felony burglary charge if the owner wants to press charges which Larry English DID want to press charges before the death threats he received...soooo radical extremists silenced the victim

well done

You're wrong. F.Lee...

Criminal Trespass | Georgia Criminal Lawyer
they can automatically charge any trespass as felony burglary in Georgia

they have very Broad and aggressive private property laws
You're wrong again as evidenced by the very existence of misdemeanor trespassing; which wouldn't exist if all trespassing was a felony.

I hate to break the news to ya 'cause I know this isn't easy for you -- but you don't get to make up the laws just to make your idiotic positions more convenient.
Was that a mistake in judgment? Maybe so.
he wasent shot because as he "casually jogged past the front of the truck in 1/2 second" or he would have BEEN HIT IN THE SIDE NOT SQUARE IN THE CHEST AND WRIST as he grabbed at the shotgun!!!

the cops had VIDEO and FORENSICS IMMEADETLY thats why they declared it a good shooting

nobody "casually jogs" around a truck thats a "deadly threat" LOL

he thought they were soft and he could beat the gun out of travis....

he was WRONG

download (18).jpeg
You said he shouldn't have run away.
I said he should have stood his ground and explained himself but suggested running away was a better option than trying to throat punch two men with guns... (notice no quote as usual just his personal dramatic interpretation of what I said)
Regardless of your confusion, you already fessed up that Travis was a deadly threat. Arbery had every right to go after his gun in self-defense
Of course two trained law enforcement agents are a deadly threat to a mentally deranged criminal bent on attacking them LOL that doesn't mean it was a good idea to go for his gun was it?
Moron, it doesn't matter what his reasons were -- he never pressed charges. As stupid as it sounds, you actually claimed misdemeanor trespassing is a felony if someone presses charges ... English never did. So just like every other claim you make, it turns out to be bullshit
Actually death threats silencing a crime victim is a big deal
You're wrong again as evidenced by the very existence of misdemeanor trespassing; which wouldn't exist if all trespassing was a felony
Of course there are lower charges of trespassing in the state of Georgia but when you enter onto a property that you are not supposed to be and go looking around 4 things to steal while on probation you can be charged with felony burglary even if you weren't caught taking anything in the state of Georgia

Georgia has extremely aggressive property laws and very broad powers of self-defense

If I was out riding an ATV and an old black farmer holding a shotgun walked up to me and asked me what I was doing in the area it wouldn't be legal for me to try to kill him with a brick because I was afraid of his shotgun even if we has blocking my path

I would stop my ATV take off my helmet and calmly explain what I was doing in the area

if I tried to punch him in the throat just because i wanted to get past him it would be legal for him to shoot me...everytime

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