The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

Exactly! ..Fight or flight! He was tired of running, and the pussy recording hit him with his truck. Plus, the old prick on the back of the pickup shot him
You really need to do your recon before you start squealing about crime online...

I agree...maude got tired and couldn't run anymore so he decided to try to fight his way out instead of calmly stand his ground explain himself and wait for the police because he was an experienced Street Criminal on parole that would have gone right back to jail when they showed up

* this idiot thinks Gregory McMichel shot maudd*

despite the fact that Travis was holding a shotgun, you've suggested here that Arbery should've just kept running.
why not?
He got tired of running, "SUPERMAN"! We all can't have infinite endurance, like you..
yeah... he gassed out and realized the whole neighborhood was after him so he was going to have to hurt somebody to get away

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clearly he wasn't willing to report to the police after trespassing in a crime scene while on parole

wonder why
Yeah, if you mean by whole neighborhood .. Three racist assholes, that would've got the shit beat out of them without those guns, then yeah, and all three of those pussies would have definitely got hurt.

King Mayo
Getting the shit beat out of them will be a walk in the park compared to the treatment they're gonna get in prison for whacking a brother.
Certainly there're in protective custody getting treated just fine

jails are run by law enforcement officers that know these poor men have been railroaded by the same ridiculous media that makes them look bad for the Starbucks crowd

It's funny how you guys have decided their punishment before they've even been found guilty like a bunch of bloodthirsty monkeys jumping around cuz they saw an advertisement on TV
Well, you got it all figured out huh? He was a guilty thug that deserved to get killed for doing what countless people did the days before: look in a empty construction. Yeah, He deserved to get chased down and killed. Boy your some piece of work
He didn't get killed for "poking around an empty construction site" he got killed for trying to beat up a man holding a shotgun
What does his past, have to do with that day?!
download (89).jpeg

why would he run when he got caught casing out a crime scene while he was on Parole?

Because he was an experienced Criminal with serious mental health issues so severe even his mother had to call the police on him
Because posing a deadly threat to someone while following the law

How would AA know an effort to divert and block his path of travel and the attempts to detain that were backed by the threat of using lethal force was being done by men who were following the law and meant him no harm?
He didn't get killed for "poking around an empty construction site" he got killed for trying to beat up a man holding a shotgun

Finish your sentence. You left out the most important fact. “he got killed for trying to beat up a man holding a shotgun who just shot him in the chest with it”

Then you say you should run

You said Arbery should've run between houses and jumped fences.

You're such a fucking liar...

I said arberry should have stood his ground and explaind himself while an innocent jogger would have ducked between houses and looked for cover... obviously he wasn't an innocent jogger LOL

Nice try

If he would have simply stood his ground like a civilized human being or kept on running

As for what you insisted an innocent jogger would do, you said an innocent jogger would've stopped for the wannabe KKK boys because he would have nothing to hide.

You've told so many lies in this thread you can't keep up with them all.

But that's okay. We can...
any innocent jogger would have ducked between houses if they were afraid

Any man with a pair of balls would have stood his ground and threatened the McMichaels with court proceedings

A crazy Street Criminal on probation desperate to escape the police would have attacked them

*got that?
So you claim Arbery was guilty of a crime because he trespassed on someone's property; while at the same time, you say an innocent person would have trespassed on someone's property.

The more I read your posts, the more I'm confident Travis is gonna fry.
How entertaining to see you jump through such hoops

* of course what I said was it's clear that maude was not shy of trespassing and any innocent jogger who was being chased by men with guns would not decide to flee down the road when he had wide open acreage lots of places to hode and no fences or walls to stop him...just look at his opportunity to escape!!!!

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It's time to give up on the jogger narrative and just admit that this was a petty criminal who got caught casing a lick who panicked when he saw white men with guns
Give what up? You already lost this when you unwittingly admitted Travis was a deadly threat. That gave Arbery the legal right to try to disarm Travis in self defense. I've just been fucking with you for entertainment value ever since.

Any trained military operator is going to ask himself what a man is doing to running directly at a vehicle where he knows a deadly threat exists
Travis McMichael was standing his ground when arbery ran a distance longer than a football field directly at him then snuck around the side of his truck and jumped him trying to forcibly remove his shotgun
Oh? At what point was Arbery a threat to Travis?
despite the fact that Travis was holding a shotgun, you've suggested here that Arbery should've just kept running.
why not?
He got tired of running, "SUPERMAN"! We all can't have infinite endurance, like you..
yeah... he gassed out and realized the whole neighborhood was after him so he was going to have to hurt somebody to get away

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clearly he wasn't willing to report to the police after trespassing in a crime scene while on parole

wonder why
Yeah, if you mean by whole neighborhood .. Three racist assholes, that would've got the shit beat out of them without those guns, then yeah, and all three of those pussies would have definitely got hurt.

King Mayo
Getting the shit beat out of them will be a walk in the park compared to the treatment they're gonna get in prison for whacking a brother.
Certainly there're in protective custody getting treated just fine

jails are run by law enforcement officers that know these poor men have been railroaded by the same ridiculous media that makes them look bad for the Starbucks crowd

It's funny how you guys have decided their punishment before they've even been found guilty like a bunch of bloodthirsty monkeys jumping around cuz they saw an advertisement on TV
Umm, that's only for now while they're awaiting trial. After their trial, they'll be shipped off to a prison. What kind of treatment you suppose a redneck former law enforcement officer who murdered an unarmed brother out for a jog is gonna get?

despite the fact that Travis was holding a shotgun, you've suggested here that Arbery should've just kept running.
why not?
He got tired of running, "SUPERMAN"! We all can't have infinite endurance, like you..
yeah... he gassed out and realized the whole neighborhood was after him so he was going to have to hurt somebody to get away

View attachment 452235

clearly he wasn't willing to report to the police after trespassing in a crime scene while on parole

wonder why
Yeah, if you mean by whole neighborhood .. Three racist assholes, that would've got the shit beat out of them without those guns, then yeah, and all three of those pussies would have definitely got hurt.

King Mayo
Getting the shit beat out of them will be a walk in the park compared to the treatment they're gonna get in prison for whacking a brother.
Certainly there're in protective custody getting treated just fine

jails are run by law enforcement officers that know these poor men have been railroaded by the same ridiculous media that makes them look bad for the Starbucks crowd

It's funny how you guys have decided their punishment before they've even been found guilty like a bunch of bloodthirsty monkeys jumping around cuz they saw an advertisement on TV

What a fucking hypocrite. You're whining about us saying the KKK wannabes are guilty, yet you waste no time in repeatedly insisting that Arbery was caught in the commission of a crime.

He wasn't.

Travis McMichael, if there is justice in this world, will get a spike in his arm, and Gregory McMichael will die in prison...
It's time to give up on the jogger narrative

Only full blown racists would give up on the jogger narrative.

The red arrow depicts a jogger trying to get past a truck with two armed men near it and a second truck chasing him from behind. AA jogged past GM without being

The black arrow depicts the aggressive move toward AA with an intent to initiate combat in order to stop AA’s path of escape.

AA was jogging, not attacking, because he could not know or anticipate that TM was aggressively moving toward him to initiate combat in front of the truck.

TM shot AA once prior the initiation of combat. But the combat was TM’s choice because TM moved 20 feet to get close enough for it to be possible.
Well, you got it all figured out huh? He was a guilty thug that deserved to get killed for doing what countless people did the days before: look in a empty construction. Yeah, He deserved to get chased down and killed. Boy your some piece of work
He didn't get killed for "poking around an empty construction site" he got killed for trying to beat up a man holding a shotgun
Yeah and that man, his pussy racist Dad, and his pussy racist friend, was acting like a group of blood thirsty monkeys. Chasing and hitting some one with a vehicle, because " hey" we're white we can do that!

Get the fuck out of here!
Because posing a deadly threat to someone while following the law

How would AA know an effort to divert and block his path of travel and the attempts to detain that were backed by the threat of using lethal force was being done by men who were following the law and meant him no harm?
he didnt...

that's why if he pulled out a legally owned firearm and killed all three of them I would support that because he could make a case for his fear in Court especially considering his mental retardation and exposure to BLM PROPAGANDA

Engaging in a legal citizens arrest procedure is an extremely dangerous thing to do
he got killed for trying to beat up a man holding a shotgun who just shot him in the chest with it
Absolutely not

Travis McMichael was attacked and responded with deadly force

Arberry was in complete Control of whether or not they came into contact
Then you say you should run

You said Arbery should've run between houses and jumped fences.

You're such a fucking liar...

I said arberry should have stood his ground and explaind himself while an innocent jogger would have ducked between houses and looked for cover... obviously he wasn't an innocent jogger LOL

Nice try

If he would have simply stood his ground like a civilized human being or kept on running

As for what you insisted an innocent jogger would do, you said an innocent jogger would've stopped for the wannabe KKK boys because he would have nothing to hide.

You've told so many lies in this thread you can't keep up with them all.

But that's okay. We can...
any innocent jogger would have ducked between houses if they were afraid

Any man with a pair of balls would have stood his ground and threatened the McMichaels with court proceedings

A crazy Street Criminal on probation desperate to escape the police would have attacked them

*got that?
So you claim Arbery was guilty of a crime because he trespassed on someone's property; while at the same time, you say an innocent person would have trespassed on someone's property.

The more I read your posts, the more I'm confident Travis is gonna fry.
How entertaining to see you jump through such hoops

* of course what I said was it's clear that maude was not shy of trespassing and any innocent jogger who was being chased by men with guns would not decide to flee down the road when he had wide open acreage lots of places to hode and no fences or walls to stop him...just look at his opportunity to escape!!!!

View attachment 452398

It's time to give up on the jogger narrative and just admit that this was a petty criminal who got caught casing a lick who panicked when he saw white men with guns
Give what up? You already lost this when you unwittingly admitted Travis was a deadly threat. That gave Arbery the legal right to try to disarm Travis in self defense. I've just been fucking with you for entertainment value ever since.

Any trained military operator is going to ask himself what a man is doing to running directly at a vehicle where he knows a deadly threat exists
the McMichaels were a deadly threat to any criminal who attacked them


they were a deadly threat to a maude
despite the fact that Travis was holding a shotgun, you've suggested here that Arbery should've just kept running.
why not?
He got tired of running, "SUPERMAN"! We all can't have infinite endurance, like you..
yeah... he gassed out and realized the whole neighborhood was after him so he was going to have to hurt somebody to get away

View attachment 452235

clearly he wasn't willing to report to the police after trespassing in a crime scene while on parole

wonder why
Yeah, if you mean by whole neighborhood .. Three racist assholes, that would've got the shit beat out of them without those guns, then yeah, and all three of those pussies would have definitely got hurt.

King Mayo
Getting the shit beat out of them will be a walk in the park compared to the treatment they're gonna get in prison for whacking a brother.
Certainly there're in protective custody getting treated just fine

jails are run by law enforcement officers that know these poor men have been railroaded by the same ridiculous media that makes them look bad for the Starbucks crowd

It's funny how you guys have decided their punishment before they've even been found guilty like a bunch of bloodthirsty monkeys jumping around cuz they saw an advertisement on TV
Umm, that's only for now while they're awaiting trial. After their trial, they'll be shipped off to a prison. What kind of treatment you suppose a redneck former law enforcement officer who murdered an unarmed brother out for a jog is gonna get?

Really really good treatment

in fact they'll probably be in protective custody if they're convicted and idolized as Heroes by the guards much like Kyle Rittenhouse would
why would he run when he got caught casing out a crime scene while he was on Parole?

I have no idea.

What I do know, though, is that on the day he was murdered he wasn't caught casing out a crime scene...
What was he looking around for??

he kept looking around the crime scene for something like he was searching?

remember when the McMichaels gave Chase they had personal first-hand immediate knowledge that Larry English wanted this kid for FELONY BURGLARY
despite the fact that Travis was holding a shotgun, you've suggested here that Arbery should've just kept running.
why not?
He got tired of running, "SUPERMAN"! We all can't have infinite endurance, like you..
yeah... he gassed out and realized the whole neighborhood was after him so he was going to have to hurt somebody to get away

View attachment 452235

clearly he wasn't willing to report to the police after trespassing in a crime scene while on parole

wonder why
Yeah, if you mean by whole neighborhood .. Three racist assholes, that would've got the shit beat out of them without those guns, then yeah, and all three of those pussies would have definitely got hurt.

King Mayo
Getting the shit beat out of them will be a walk in the park compared to the treatment they're gonna get in prison for whacking a brother.
Certainly there're in protective custody getting treated just fine

jails are run by law enforcement officers that know these poor men have been railroaded by the same ridiculous media that makes them look bad for the Starbucks crowd

It's funny how you guys have decided their punishment before they've even been found guilty like a bunch of bloodthirsty monkeys jumping around cuz they saw an advertisement on TV

What a fucking hypocrite. You're whining about us saying the KKK wannabes are guilty, yet you waste no time in repeatedly insisting that Arbery was caught in the commission of a crime.

He wasn't.

Travis McMichael, if there is justice in this world, will get a spike in his arm, and Gregory McMichael will die in prison...
Arberry was caught on camera illegally trespassing with the intent to commit burglary multiple times including that day

that's a felony y'all

* a young experience Street Criminal on probation with a history of theft gets caught casing out a lick and you dorks lose your mind cuz Oprah said it cuz he blak

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