The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

You're a fucking idiot.

Seriously, you're fucking brain dead...
they lied to you

*its not your fault

Ok. Proof they were not just standing in the road. I am not sure of the source. Perhaps you can evaluate it for me.

why did Arberry attack the mcmichels??

he ran at 2 men

he ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and ATTACKED

According to your own post the “heroic” McMichaels pursued him didn’t they?

He was followed by another truck working in conjunction with the McMichaels driven by Roddy. You now turn the corner and see the first truck and now one is out of the truck blocking your route. What are you supposed to think? The guy blocking your route is armed with a shotgun. What are his intentions?

We tell women who are being attacked to fight. We tell women to fight their rapists. We tell people if they are in an active shooter situation to hide and if discovered fight. Why?

You are going to die if you do nothing. At least fighting you have a slim chance, but a chance. Doing nothing means you die with a whimper.

Now. What could possibly be your goal here? What is your motivation? It is obviously not to set the record straight. All of your assertions have been disproven. What is left? You can’t be seriously considering the law, or the facts. So what is left?

Either you are a relative of the McMichaels or Roddy. Or you are someone outraged that whites are in jail for killing a black. You are not a cop. You can’t even be a rent a cop with this level of ignorance of the law. So I don’t know what Public Safety experience you have. Perhaps you are a volunteer with some sort of Emergency Management Agency. Or a school crossing guard.

Whatever it is. It is not based in a search for truth or fact.

Criminal Arbary knew he was snagged trespassing and casing the house---so when the men followed him and told him to stop-it certainly was thinking OH SHIT I've been caught how dare the white cops try to stop me from being a criminal...this pretending that this guy wasn't a criminal is crazy.

Oh Lord. Twenty pages in and we have to start all over with Georgia Law. Ok. Fine.

Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no authority to pursue or even tell Arbury to stop. The only person with that authority for your supposed crimes was Larry English or his designated representative. The McMichaels were not designated. Neither were they cops at the time of the incident. Daddy was retired. Mainly because he never finished his training to maintain his certification. An analogy here. If you do not renew your Drivers License you can’t legally drive anymore.

The McMichaels had no authority to perform a Citizens Arrest. That means the attempt was a felony. Trespassing is a misdemeanor. So the McMichaels performed a felony to catch a suspected misdemeanor. If that wasn’t enough they then commit the crime of Aggravated Assault. In Georgia that is where you threaten a person with a gun or other potentially deadly weapon. It is also a Felony. So even if Arbury had stopped the McMichaels were looking at Prison for at least three years.

Now you can not claim self defense while committing crimes. Otherwise every Armed Robbery Suspect would swear it was self defense when they shot the clerk. So Travis can’t claim self defense.

So the charges are appropriate for the Vigilante Trio. And they will almost certainly be convicted and sent to Prison for twenty years, the mandatory minimum by law. Anything above that is at the discretion of the Judge.
nobody threatened him with the gun and nobody took him into custody

It's not illegal by Georgia law to speak to someone while holding your gun that's not even aimed at them and that's all that happened until your criminal hero told his Braveheart Kung Fu theater attack

if you see a man running out of your neighbor's house covered in blood you're allowed to chase him and ask him questions while holding a gun in the low ready position

just because you're the title feeble coward that would let the criminal run away doesn't mean the rest of the nation will and American law is well established in this category

Oprah and LeBron want these three men locked up so there's a very good chance that's what happens even though it would be a miscarriage of American Justice

The problem is you my friend. You are the racist. You change your story every single reply. They were in pursuit. Totally reasonable and under old English law legal to take him into citizens arrest.

Explain to me based on the Georgia BAR standard I posted when they did in fact effect an arrest.

You really are just turtled up. When they and Roddy struck him with their vehicles that was also aggravated assault. The three of them set out to catch a petty thief and ended up committing multiple felonies.
your criminal hero had committed the act of trespass likely burglary attempted carjacking and assault before he was finally shot by Travis McMichael who was sustaining a direct attack on his person at the time of the shooting

you're manic disjointed posting style smacks of someone that is emotionally involved and that's understandable because you're trying to defend a mentally retarded career criminal that got caught in the act

In Georgia. I keep repeating this. Only the victim could claim trespassing. And the victim could do the citizens arrest. Bystanders could not. That was the Winn Dixie decision by the Appeals Court. Remember?

You have to catch the guy in the act. The only thing the McMichaels caught him doing was trying to avoid people committing felonies.

I know. You do not understand this. The lawyers representing the accused certainly do. And that is why they are pointing fingers at each other. It’s his fault not mine. I didn’t do it.
That is BULLCHIT and inaccurate.
the McMichaels had an immediate knowledge that he was a wanted criminal for the repeated trespasses on Larry Englishs property

It could be trouble for the McMichaels because Larry English is one of the world's most worthless pieces of human garbage and a complete coward who is trying to distance himself from all the things he did that inspired the neighborhood to try to catch this guy

it's very likely that Larry English tries to throw the McMichaels under the bus because he doesn't want to get any more death threats, that's why he's doing something as ridiculous as claiming nothing was stolen when there's a bunch of YouTube videos of his 911 calls detailing the things that were stolen

I think Larry English and William Roddy Bryant are a couple of complete freaking cowards and I would like to see both of them charged in this case somehow however the McMichaels did nothing wrong and we're simply responding to the information they were given in a perfectly legal and logical manner
The McMichaels were acting on immediate knowledge that English provided----which means they had the legal right to make a citizens arrest.
Bullshit. They had no right to make a citizens arrest under Georgia law. Please review your facts.
I did review the facts..I looked up Georgias laws--they had a right to make a citizens arrest of this habitual stupid criminal.
You are simply wrong. And the jury will decide it.

the law is clear.

and these witch hunts to destroy anyone who opposes communism or criminals has got to end.
When you run out of arguments just type all caps and say you're right.
In fact you are not. Me an SavannahMan have gone through the law and the circumstances of this case. There was no justification-zero-for shooting Arbery. And the McMichaels will do long prison terms for it.
You and Savannahman? Well aren't you two special.....I guess I should just stop thinking for myself since I got you to already issuing a verdict........


I read the law, I think for myself unlike weak minded clowns---------when Arbery (a convicted felon no less) tried to grab their gun, they gained the right to shoot him in self defence.

Ok. Here is an explanation of the law by a successful Appeals Attorney.

Think for yourself if you like. But unless you are a lawyer who has gotten people out of jams like the McMichaels are in, perhaps you should listen to the experts.
that hack lawyer just like all of you is predicating his entire case on the fallacious fantasy that the McMichaels actually pointed their weapons at this criminal Thief

the two experienced law enforcement agents were 100% aware that while acting as civilians and having not witnessed a felony they could not Point their weapons at the criminal simply because he was fleeing but as soon as he became an attacker he was fair game

that's why at no point in the video can you prove the McMichaels actually pointed their weapons directly add the criminal simply because he was fleeing

Once again this hack attorney and all the sjw fantasy Warriors out there must cling tightly to this fantasy because it's all they have in a desperate attempt to impugn the act of a couple decent all-American boys trying to protect their neighborhood from a well-known local Thief who had been predating it for weeks

directly from the hack attorney:
"So the big issue with the defendant’s case here is that they pointed guns at Arbery. We know this because, according to one District Attorney’s memo, the first shot went through Arbery’s hand as he was trying to grab the barrel. In Georgia, pointing a gun at someone is aggravated assault even if you had no intent to intimidate them.
The McMichaels will have to establish that they were in the middle of a lawful arrest when the assault began, and that will be difficult because they escalated force so quickly. Or they will have to establish that they made a “reasonable mistake of fact” that led them to believe their actions were justified. But that’s tricky, because their response was far from ordinary. Or they will have to show that it was reasonable to point weapons at an unarmed person in an effort to get him to stop"
How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

You're a fucking idiot.

Seriously, you're fucking brain dead...
they lied to you

*its not your fault

Ok. Proof they were not just standing in the road. I am not sure of the source. Perhaps you can evaluate it for me.

why did Arberry attack the mcmichels??

he ran at 2 men

he ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and ATTACKED

According to your own post the “heroic” McMichaels pursued him didn’t they?

He was followed by another truck working in conjunction with the McMichaels driven by Roddy. You now turn the corner and see the first truck and now one is out of the truck blocking your route. What are you supposed to think? The guy blocking your route is armed with a shotgun. What are his intentions?

We tell women who are being attacked to fight. We tell women to fight their rapists. We tell people if they are in an active shooter situation to hide and if discovered fight. Why?

You are going to die if you do nothing. At least fighting you have a slim chance, but a chance. Doing nothing means you die with a whimper.

Now. What could possibly be your goal here? What is your motivation? It is obviously not to set the record straight. All of your assertions have been disproven. What is left? You can’t be seriously considering the law, or the facts. So what is left?

Either you are a relative of the McMichaels or Roddy. Or you are someone outraged that whites are in jail for killing a black. You are not a cop. You can’t even be a rent a cop with this level of ignorance of the law. So I don’t know what Public Safety experience you have. Perhaps you are a volunteer with some sort of Emergency Management Agency. Or a school crossing guard.

Whatever it is. It is not based in a search for truth or fact.

Criminal Arbary knew he was snagged trespassing and casing the house---so when the men followed him and told him to stop-it certainly was thinking OH SHIT I've been caught how dare the white cops try to stop me from being a criminal...this pretending that this guy wasn't a criminal is crazy.

Oh Lord. Twenty pages in and we have to start all over with Georgia Law. Ok. Fine.

Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no authority to pursue or even tell Arbury to stop. The only person with that authority for your supposed crimes was Larry English or his designated representative. The McMichaels were not designated. Neither were they cops at the time of the incident. Daddy was retired. Mainly because he never finished his training to maintain his certification. An analogy here. If you do not renew your Drivers License you can’t legally drive anymore.

The McMichaels had no authority to perform a Citizens Arrest. That means the attempt was a felony. Trespassing is a misdemeanor. So the McMichaels performed a felony to catch a suspected misdemeanor. If that wasn’t enough they then commit the crime of Aggravated Assault. In Georgia that is where you threaten a person with a gun or other potentially deadly weapon. It is also a Felony. So even if Arbury had stopped the McMichaels were looking at Prison for at least three years.

Now you can not claim self defense while committing crimes. Otherwise every Armed Robbery Suspect would swear it was self defense when they shot the clerk. So Travis can’t claim self defense.

So the charges are appropriate for the Vigilante Trio. And they will almost certainly be convicted and sent to Prison for twenty years, the mandatory minimum by law. Anything above that is at the discretion of the Judge.
nobody threatened him with the gun and nobody took him into custody

It's not illegal by Georgia law to speak to someone while holding your gun that's not even aimed at them and that's all that happened until your criminal hero told his Braveheart Kung Fu theater attack

if you see a man running out of your neighbor's house covered in blood you're allowed to chase him and ask him questions while holding a gun in the low ready position

just because you're the title feeble coward that would let the criminal run away doesn't mean the rest of the nation will and American law is well established in this category

Oprah and LeBron want these three men locked up so there's a very good chance that's what happens even though it would be a miscarriage of American Justice

The problem is you my friend. You are the racist. You change your story every single reply. They were in pursuit. Totally reasonable and under old English law legal to take him into citizens arrest.

Explain to me based on the Georgia BAR standard I posted when they did in fact effect an arrest.

You really are just turtled up. When they and Roddy struck him with their vehicles that was also aggravated assault. The three of them set out to catch a petty thief and ended up committing multiple felonies.
your criminal hero had committed the act of trespass likely burglary attempted carjacking and assault before he was finally shot by Travis McMichael who was sustaining a direct attack on his person at the time of the shooting

you're manic disjointed posting style smacks of someone that is emotionally involved and that's understandable because you're trying to defend a mentally retarded career criminal that got caught in the act

In Georgia. I keep repeating this. Only the victim could claim trespassing. And the victim could do the citizens arrest. Bystanders could not. That was the Winn Dixie decision by the Appeals Court. Remember?

You have to catch the guy in the act. The only thing the McMichaels caught him doing was trying to avoid people committing felonies.

I know. You do not understand this. The lawyers representing the accused certainly do. And that is why they are pointing fingers at each other. It’s his fault not mine. I didn’t do it.
That is BULLCHIT and inaccurate.
the McMichaels had an immediate knowledge that he was a wanted criminal for the repeated trespasses on Larry Englishs property

It could be trouble for the McMichaels because Larry English is one of the world's most worthless pieces of human garbage and a complete coward who is trying to distance himself from all the things he did that inspired the neighborhood to try to catch this guy

it's very likely that Larry English tries to throw the McMichaels under the bus because he doesn't want to get any more death threats, that's why he's doing something as ridiculous as claiming nothing was stolen when there's a bunch of YouTube videos of his 911 calls detailing the things that were stolen

I think Larry English and William Roddy Bryant are a couple of complete freaking cowards and I would like to see both of them charged in this case somehow however the McMichaels did nothing wrong and we're simply responding to the information they were given in a perfectly legal and logical manner
The McMichaels were acting on immediate knowledge that English provided----which means they had the legal right to make a citizens arrest.
Bullshit. They had no right to make a citizens arrest under Georgia law. Please review your facts.
I did review the facts..I looked up Georgias laws--they had a right to make a citizens arrest of this habitual stupid criminal.
You are simply wrong. And the jury will decide it.

the law is clear.

and these witch hunts to destroy anyone who opposes communism or criminals has got to end.
When you run out of arguments just type all caps and say you're right.
In fact you are not. Me an SavannahMan have gone through the law and the circumstances of this case. There was no justification-zero-for shooting Arbery. And the McMichaels will do long prison terms for it.
You and Savannahman? Well aren't you two special.....I guess I should just stop thinking for myself since I got you to already issuing a verdict........


I read the law, I think for myself unlike weak minded clowns---------when Arbery (a convicted felon no less) tried to grab their gun, they gained the right to shoot him in self defence.

Ok. Here is an explanation of the law by a successful Appeals Attorney.

Think for yourself if you like. But unless you are a lawyer who has gotten people out of jams like the McMichaels are in, perhaps you should listen to the experts.
I think nothing will convince this mope he is simply wrong. It might be worth asking what would.
How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

You're a fucking idiot.

Seriously, you're fucking brain dead...
they lied to you

*its not your fault

Ok. Proof they were not just standing in the road. I am not sure of the source. Perhaps you can evaluate it for me.

why did Arberry attack the mcmichels??

he ran at 2 men

he ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and ATTACKED

According to your own post the “heroic” McMichaels pursued him didn’t they?

He was followed by another truck working in conjunction with the McMichaels driven by Roddy. You now turn the corner and see the first truck and now one is out of the truck blocking your route. What are you supposed to think? The guy blocking your route is armed with a shotgun. What are his intentions?

We tell women who are being attacked to fight. We tell women to fight their rapists. We tell people if they are in an active shooter situation to hide and if discovered fight. Why?

You are going to die if you do nothing. At least fighting you have a slim chance, but a chance. Doing nothing means you die with a whimper.

Now. What could possibly be your goal here? What is your motivation? It is obviously not to set the record straight. All of your assertions have been disproven. What is left? You can’t be seriously considering the law, or the facts. So what is left?

Either you are a relative of the McMichaels or Roddy. Or you are someone outraged that whites are in jail for killing a black. You are not a cop. You can’t even be a rent a cop with this level of ignorance of the law. So I don’t know what Public Safety experience you have. Perhaps you are a volunteer with some sort of Emergency Management Agency. Or a school crossing guard.

Whatever it is. It is not based in a search for truth or fact.

Criminal Arbary knew he was snagged trespassing and casing the house---so when the men followed him and told him to stop-it certainly was thinking OH SHIT I've been caught how dare the white cops try to stop me from being a criminal...this pretending that this guy wasn't a criminal is crazy.

Oh Lord. Twenty pages in and we have to start all over with Georgia Law. Ok. Fine.

Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no authority to pursue or even tell Arbury to stop. The only person with that authority for your supposed crimes was Larry English or his designated representative. The McMichaels were not designated. Neither were they cops at the time of the incident. Daddy was retired. Mainly because he never finished his training to maintain his certification. An analogy here. If you do not renew your Drivers License you can’t legally drive anymore.

The McMichaels had no authority to perform a Citizens Arrest. That means the attempt was a felony. Trespassing is a misdemeanor. So the McMichaels performed a felony to catch a suspected misdemeanor. If that wasn’t enough they then commit the crime of Aggravated Assault. In Georgia that is where you threaten a person with a gun or other potentially deadly weapon. It is also a Felony. So even if Arbury had stopped the McMichaels were looking at Prison for at least three years.

Now you can not claim self defense while committing crimes. Otherwise every Armed Robbery Suspect would swear it was self defense when they shot the clerk. So Travis can’t claim self defense.

So the charges are appropriate for the Vigilante Trio. And they will almost certainly be convicted and sent to Prison for twenty years, the mandatory minimum by law. Anything above that is at the discretion of the Judge.
nobody threatened him with the gun and nobody took him into custody

It's not illegal by Georgia law to speak to someone while holding your gun that's not even aimed at them and that's all that happened until your criminal hero told his Braveheart Kung Fu theater attack

if you see a man running out of your neighbor's house covered in blood you're allowed to chase him and ask him questions while holding a gun in the low ready position

just because you're the title feeble coward that would let the criminal run away doesn't mean the rest of the nation will and American law is well established in this category

Oprah and LeBron want these three men locked up so there's a very good chance that's what happens even though it would be a miscarriage of American Justice

The problem is you my friend. You are the racist. You change your story every single reply. They were in pursuit. Totally reasonable and under old English law legal to take him into citizens arrest.

Explain to me based on the Georgia BAR standard I posted when they did in fact effect an arrest.

You really are just turtled up. When they and Roddy struck him with their vehicles that was also aggravated assault. The three of them set out to catch a petty thief and ended up committing multiple felonies.
your criminal hero had committed the act of trespass likely burglary attempted carjacking and assault before he was finally shot by Travis McMichael who was sustaining a direct attack on his person at the time of the shooting

you're manic disjointed posting style smacks of someone that is emotionally involved and that's understandable because you're trying to defend a mentally retarded career criminal that got caught in the act

In Georgia. I keep repeating this. Only the victim could claim trespassing. And the victim could do the citizens arrest. Bystanders could not. That was the Winn Dixie decision by the Appeals Court. Remember?

You have to catch the guy in the act. The only thing the McMichaels caught him doing was trying to avoid people committing felonies.

I know. You do not understand this. The lawyers representing the accused certainly do. And that is why they are pointing fingers at each other. It’s his fault not mine. I didn’t do it.
That is BULLCHIT and inaccurate.
the McMichaels had an immediate knowledge that he was a wanted criminal for the repeated trespasses on Larry Englishs property

It could be trouble for the McMichaels because Larry English is one of the world's most worthless pieces of human garbage and a complete coward who is trying to distance himself from all the things he did that inspired the neighborhood to try to catch this guy

it's very likely that Larry English tries to throw the McMichaels under the bus because he doesn't want to get any more death threats, that's why he's doing something as ridiculous as claiming nothing was stolen when there's a bunch of YouTube videos of his 911 calls detailing the things that were stolen

I think Larry English and William Roddy Bryant are a couple of complete freaking cowards and I would like to see both of them charged in this case somehow however the McMichaels did nothing wrong and we're simply responding to the information they were given in a perfectly legal and logical manner
The McMichaels were acting on immediate knowledge that English provided----which means they had the legal right to make a citizens arrest.
Bullshit. They had no right to make a citizens arrest under Georgia law. Please review your facts.
I did review the facts..I looked up Georgias laws--they had a right to make a citizens arrest of this habitual stupid criminal.
You are simply wrong. And the jury will decide it.

the law is clear.

and these witch hunts to destroy anyone who opposes communism or criminals has got to end.
When you run out of arguments just type all caps and say you're right.
In fact you are not. Me an SavannahMan have gone through the law and the circumstances of this case. There was no justification-zero-for shooting Arbery. And the McMichaels will do long prison terms for it.
You and Savannahman? Well aren't you two special.....I guess I should just stop thinking for myself since I got you to already issuing a verdict........


I read the law, I think for myself unlike weak minded clowns---------when Arbery (a convicted felon no less) tried to grab their gun, they gained the right to shoot him in self defence.
You just cannot let go of your silly ideas, can you? This has been demonstrated to you over and over. The McMichaels initiated the incident. They had no justification for doing what they did. You cannot threaten a person with a gun and then shoot him when he tries to resist and claim self defense. That simply won't fly.
nobody threatened him with a gun
Now it is a matter of record that the McMichaels were committing two Felonies prior to the shooting.
Could you explain to the USMB forum, the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to that stupid conclusion?
In Atlanta I saw there were 10,000 Aggravated Assaults. That is where you wave a weapon or threaten someone with a weapon.
At what point in this video do you see anyone waving a weapon?

Is it before or after Arbery assaulted/battered and attempted to steal the shotgun (attempted robbery) from McMichael?

It is who committed the first crime. That would be the McMichaels. As I explained but you seem to refuse truth. Or facts. Or information.

the first criminal act was trespass
and the same person that committed the first criminal act of trespass is the first person that committed a violent act as well

the mcMichels were simply reacting to a trespasser in their neighborhood doing suspicious things

Only they had no legal authority to react to the trespasser other than call the cops. They had no authority to press charges. Someone has to. They had no legal authority to pursue. Detain. Any of it.

They were not good neighbors. They were vigilantes. They are felons. After the trial they will be convicted felons. And then they will be Inmates.
reply to 26259298
At what point in this video do you see anyone waving a weapon?

Is it before or after Arbery assaulted/battered and attempted to steal the shotgun (attempted robbery) from McMichael?

What really matters is the GBI investigation has determined that AA was shot in the lower chest before the image you are referring to there is produced in real life
and in the sequence if the fatal final seconds of the murder.

So the GBI has answered your question about where can we see TM waving the shotgun?

it’s worse for the Morons with Guns Club than you can imagine.

GBI Investigator Dial testified that that in that scene that you are depicting AA is already wounded and blood is visible on his shirt.

So if you are reduced to arguing that aiming a gun and firing; hitting a victim in the chest is not waving a gun well then you are a certified Dumbass Imbecile having no hope for recovering. Good only for our amusement
Now it is a matter of record that the McMichaels were committing two Felonies prior to the shooting.
Could you explain to the USMB forum, the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to that stupid conclusion?
In Atlanta I saw there were 10,000 Aggravated Assaults. That is where you wave a weapon or threaten someone with a weapon.
At what point in this video do you see anyone waving a weapon?

Is it before or after Arbery assaulted/battered and attempted to steal the shotgun (attempted robbery) from McMichael?

It is who committed the first crime. That would be the McMichaels. As I explained but you seem to refuse truth. Or facts. Or information.

the first criminal act was trespass
and the same person that committed the first criminal act of trespass is the first person that committed a violent act as well

the mcMichels were simply reacting to a trespasser in their neighborhood doing suspicious things

Only they had no legal authority to react to the trespasser other than call the cops. They had no authority to press charges. Someone has to. They had no legal authority to pursue. Detain. Any of it.

They were not good neighbors. They were vigilantes. They are felons. After the trial they will be convicted felons. And then they will be Inmates.

under your ridiculous and cowardly interpretation of law if you found a disheveled Prowler in your daughter's bedroom going through her underwear drawer it would be legal for you to even pursue him when he ran out the back door someone left open

Hopefully the people on the jury are not a bunch of sissy condo living freaks like you and understand how this type of law is applied throughout our history

You people would have let Richard Ramirez run off into the sunset because no one witnessed him but commit a felony before they ran him down and ended one of America's most horrible serial killers Reign of Terror
reply to 26259298
At what point in this video do you see anyone waving a weapon?

Is it before or after Arbery assaulted/battered and attempted to steal the shotgun (attempted robbery) from McMichael?

What really matters is the GBI investigation has determined that AA was shot in the lower chest before the image you are referring to there is produced in real life
and in the sequence if the fatal final seconds of the murder.

So the GBI has answered your question about where can we see TM waving the shotgun?

it’s worse for the Morons with Guns Club than you can imagine.

GBI Investigator Dial testified that that in that scene that you are depicting AA is already wounded and blood is visible on his shirt.

So if you are reduced to arguing that aiming a gun and firing; hitting a victim in the chest is not waving a gun well then you are a certified Dumbass Imbecile having no hope for recovering. Good only for our amusement

nobody "waived or pointed or threatened" anybody with a gun

Gramps kept his in the holster until arbery attacked and Travis only shouldered his rifle when it was clear that arberry was about to commit a felony assault and showed amazing Trigger Discipline by not firing until the criminal pulled a rapid change of Direction grabbed his gun and started punching him in the face

nobody "ran him down"

They were standing their ground for several minutes when he ran up and attacked them forcing them to defend themselves case closed

LeBron and Oprah Got You drama queens all riled up for ratings
Last edited:
My consisted image when the first shot was fired :

View attachment 437332
Pretty close.
That is obviously an image that has been digitally edited. Did you edit it? If not, who did?

Could post a link to the video so that your fellow USMB forumers may scrutinize it?

It doesn't fit your version of what happened so it's "obviously been digitally edited"?

You're fuckin' pathetic...
. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
Because they recognized him from surveillance and Travis McMichael and Gregory McMichael had both seen him and dealt with him in the past

like I said he was a well-known local Petty Thief

But if he they didn't see him do anything wrong on THAT DAY, then pursuing him with firearms was illegal...
I don't see 12 jurors convicting these guys. And at then end of the day that is all that matters.
. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
Because they recognized him from surveillance and Travis McMichael and Gregory McMichael had both seen him and dealt with him in the past

like I said he was a well-known local Petty Thief

But if he they didn't see him do anything wrong on THAT DAY, then pursuing him with firearms was illegal...
So by your cowardly interpretation of the law if you see someone who committed a crime yesterday im not allowed to pursue them while holding a firearm?

So if I see a Prowler who was staring through my daughter's bedroom window window at last night I'm not allowed to pursue him while holding a handgun if I see him peeking through my neighbors daughter's bedroom the next day??
I don't see 12 jurors convicting these guys. And at then end of the day that is all that matters.
Don't underestimate the power of celebrity endorsement

there's a very good chance these two men go to jail and this incident changes the citizen's arrest requirements in the state of Georgia as they are probably very desperate to not be viewed as a bunch of Southern Hillbillies who chase down and "murder" innocent black joggers in the street so they may need a scapegoat

Propaganda is a very powerful and dangerous tool, it started Wars I don't see why it can't send three men to jail in the backward hillbilly world of Georgia Justice

Never forget that America's War on Drugs has turned a large portion of the American population against law enforcement
So by your cowardly interpretation of the law if you see someone who committed a crime yesterday im not allowed to pursue them while holding a firearm?

It's my CORRECT interpretation of the law, shitstain.

Using your retarded view, if I see a video of you jaywalking yesterday, I can draw my sidearm and detain you for the police. That's the exact same argument you're making...

So if I see a Prowler who was staring through my daughter's bedroom window window at last night I'm not allowed to pursue him while holding a handgun if I see him peeking through my neighbors daughter's bedroom the next day??

Travis McMichael didn't witness any crime. That's what you're not getting through your thick skull. He saw someone who he thought was the same guy in a video he saw, but that's it and, no, under those circumstances he acted illegally.

Your position is basically this:

You're running down the street for exercise. I'm walking towards you, but on the other side of the street. When you're about 100 feet from me, you cross the street, never breaking gait, and are now running directly towards me. I feel threatened by this. Why would you cross the street? Are you going to attack me? Well, shit, I don't know, it would be stupid of me to wait until you actually attack me, right? And given that there's no reason that I'm aware of for you to cross the street, and you're still running at me, I draw my Kimber Ultra Carry II and send two .45 caliber hollowpoints into your chest, killing you.

According to you, I just acted completely lawfully...
Magnified shadow of what looks to shouldered shotgun and it has already been fired once - hitting AA in the lower chest. If it is - the top of the shot gun logs to be at least for feet across the centerline and this is during TMs retreat.

I’m sure GBI has this analyzed and enhanced and I’ll bet they can determine with certainty that TMs back foot was a full truck length out in front of the bumper.

It shows me TM was the aggressor right up to when he shot AA for not stopping as he ran around the passenger side of the truck. It’s murder - not even close to self defense for idiot TM.
You can't tell jack shit from that shadow. It's certainly not proof that he had shouldered the shotgun. It could be a tree branch for all we know.

And obviously they were not a full truck length in front of the truck. I'm not sure why you are lying about that. But you are lying nonetheless.

From the video you linked to:

At 19 seconds into the video Forest Gump is not even on the pavement. He's on the shoulder of the road in a full sprint cutting to the left and charges straight at Travis who had retreated to the front of the truck to put the truck between himself and the criminal.


And at 20 seconds into the video Forest Gump is all the way across the center line and has knocked Travis backwards several feet.


This proves that AA was the aggressor. He initiated the physical altercation.

I bet Forest Gump thought that shotgun and that truck were his ticket to freedom. He wanted to deck Travis, steal his gun, shoot both of those fat crackers and get away with that redneck truck.

The thief was on probation for stealing shit and fleeing the scene of the crime. If he didn't get away before the police arrived, his probation officer could have made him do jail time.
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So by your cowardly interpretation of the law if you see someone who committed a crime yesterday im not allowed to pursue them while holding a firearm?

It's my CORRECT interpretation of the law, shitstain.

Using your retarded view, if I see a video of you jaywalking yesterday, I can draw my sidearm and detain you for the police. That's the exact same argument you're making...

So if I see a Prowler who was staring through my daughter's bedroom window window at last night I'm not allowed to pursue him while holding a handgun if I see him peeking through my neighbors daughter's bedroom the next day??

Travis McMichael didn't witness any crime. That's what you're not getting through your thick skull. He saw someone who he thought was the same guy in a video he saw, but that's it and, no, under those circumstances he acted illegally.

Your position is basically this:

You're running down the street for exercise. I'm walking towards you, but on the other side of the street. When you're about 100 feet from me, you cross the street, never breaking gait, and are now running directly towards me. I feel threatened by this. Why would you cross the street? Are you going to attack me? Well, shit, I don't know, it would be stupid of me to wait until you actually attack me, right? And given that there's no reason that I'm aware of for you to cross the street, and you're still running at me, I draw my Kimber Ultra Carry II and send two .45 caliber hollowpoints into your chest, killing you.

According to you, I just acted completely lawfully...
if I ran at you and tried to grab your firearm it would be perfectly legal for you to shoot me
I don't see 12 jurors convicting these guys. And at then end of the day that is all that matters.
They absolutely will. I live here and without a change of venue they're done.

You live in Brunswick?
Yes. About 10 minutes or so from where the incident took place.

I drove by there the other day. We went to a place called Marshside Grill for dinner. It wasn't too bad...
So by your cowardly interpretation of the law if you see someone who committed a crime yesterday im not allowed to pursue them while holding a firearm?

It's my CORRECT interpretation of the law, shitstain.

Using your retarded view, if I see a video of you jaywalking yesterday, I can draw my sidearm and detain you for the police. That's the exact same argument you're making...

So if I see a Prowler who was staring through my daughter's bedroom window window at last night I'm not allowed to pursue him while holding a handgun if I see him peeking through my neighbors daughter's bedroom the next day??

Travis McMichael didn't witness any crime. That's what you're not getting through your thick skull. He saw someone who he thought was the same guy in a video he saw, but that's it and, no, under those circumstances he acted illegally.

Your position is basically this:

You're running down the street for exercise. I'm walking towards you, but on the other side of the street. When you're about 100 feet from me, you cross the street, never breaking gait, and are now running directly towards me. I feel threatened by this. Why would you cross the street? Are you going to attack me? Well, shit, I don't know, it would be stupid of me to wait until you actually attack me, right? And given that there's no reason that I'm aware of for you to cross the street, and you're still running at me, I draw my Kimber Ultra Carry II and send two .45 caliber hollowpoints into your chest, killing you.

According to you, I just acted completely lawfully...
if I ran at you and tried to grab your firearm it would be perfectly legal for you to shoot me

But by that time it would be too late. You running at me is enough for me to feel threatened and, according to you, I have the right to protect myself.

You'd end up with a hole in your back the size of Texas and, according to you, I was perfectly justified...

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