The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

I don't see 12 jurors convicting these guys. And at then end of the day that is all that matters.
They absolutely will. I live here and without a change of venue they're done.
The prosecution is trying to stack the jury with all blacks?
They don't need to. The white people here are overwhelmingly appalled by the McMichaels.
Well that is the first question the Defense asks in jury selection and if they say yes or dance around the topic they get dismissed.
They only get so many challenges.
I doubt that in your county 12 reasonable jurors, who will judge the case on evidence, can't be seated.
I'm sure they will. And they'll vote to convict those scumbags. Because the evidence is pretty clear.
Reports from whom? Could you provide an example?

Why is it necessary? My point remains that the video does not show AA attacking TM before being shot by TM whether it was on the wrist or the chest where some pellets hit.

Are you in agreement with that?

I picked up somewhere that Greg McMichael told police that the first shot was to the hand.

Checking new info I see that GM originally told police he witnessed only two shots. That explains why he thought the first shot was to the hand.

The GBI investigator cleared that up here;
Judge finds probable cause against 3 suspects in Ahmaud Arbery case

Jun 4, 2020 — Dial contradicted Greg McMichael's statement to police that the first shot by his son Travis McMichael was to Arbery's hand.
don’t think for an instant they wanted to shoot him.
the video does not show AA attacking TM before being shot by TM whether it was on the wrist or the chest where some pellets hit
At 12m 45s you can clearly see Ahmaud Arberry attack Travis McMichael and clearly hear the first gunshot go off well after contact was made... pretty cool this uploader made it clear that other uploaders had tried to manipulate the blasts to present a false narrative

Imagine that...the media altered the sounds on the video to falsify that the gun shots went off before the convicted felon attacked the McMichael.
I don't see 12 jurors convicting these guys. And at then end of the day that is all that matters.
They absolutely will. I live here and without a change of venue they're done.
The prosecution is trying to stack the jury with all blacks?
They don't need to. The white people here are overwhelmingly appalled by the McMichaels.
Well that is the first question the Defense asks in jury selection and if they say yes or dance around the topic they get dismissed.
They only get so many challenges.
I doubt that in your county 12 reasonable jurors, who will judge the case on evidence, can't be seated.
I'm sure they will. And they'll vote to convict those scumbags. Because the evidence is pretty clear.
What evidence has been presented in the trial?
I don't see 12 jurors convicting these guys. And at then end of the day that is all that matters.
They absolutely will. I live here and without a change of venue they're done.
The prosecution is trying to stack the jury with all blacks?
They don't need to. The white people here are overwhelmingly appalled by the McMichaels.
Well that is the first question the Defense asks in jury selection and if they say yes or dance around the topic they get dismissed.
They only get so many challenges.
I doubt that in your county 12 reasonable jurors, who will judge the case on evidence, can't be seated.
I'm sure they will. And they'll vote to convict those scumbags. Because the evidence is pretty clear.
What evidence has been presented in the trial?
There hasnt been a trial. Yet. But we know at least some of what will be rpesented because we've seen some of the grand jury presentations.
I don't see 12 jurors convicting these guys. And at then end of the day that is all that matters.
They absolutely will. I live here and without a change of venue they're done.
The prosecution is trying to stack the jury with all blacks?
They don't need to. The white people here are overwhelmingly appalled by the McMichaels.
Well that is the first question the Defense asks in jury selection and if they say yes or dance around the topic they get dismissed.
They only get so many challenges.
I doubt that in your county 12 reasonable jurors, who will judge the case on evidence, can't be seated.
I'm sure they will. And they'll vote to convict those scumbags. Because the evidence is pretty clear.
The evidence is clear that the felon ARBERY attacked the McMICHAELS for calling the cops on him-------------
I don't see 12 jurors convicting these guys. And at then end of the day that is all that matters.
They absolutely will. I live here and without a change of venue they're done.
The prosecution is trying to stack the jury with all blacks?
They don't need to. The white people here are overwhelmingly appalled by the McMichaels.
Well that is the first question the Defense asks in jury selection and if they say yes or dance around the topic they get dismissed.
They only get so many challenges.
I doubt that in your county 12 reasonable jurors, who will judge the case on evidence, can't be seated.
I'm sure they will. And they'll vote to convict those scumbags. Because the evidence is pretty clear.
What evidence has been presented in the trial?
There hasnt been a trial. Yet. But we know at least some of what will be rpesented because we've seen some of the grand jury presentations.
Link? I thought that was supposed to be secret, not for public consumption. Did the defense present anything?
. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.
Now it is a matter of record that the McMichaels were committing two Felonies prior to the shooting.
Could you explain to the USMB forum, the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to that stupid conclusion?
In Atlanta I saw there were 10,000 Aggravated Assaults. That is where you wave a weapon or threaten someone with a weapon.
At what point in this video do you see anyone waving a weapon?

Is it before or after Arbery assaulted/battered and attempted to steal the shotgun (attempted robbery) from McMichael?

It is who committed the first crime. That would be the McMichaels. As I explained but you seem to refuse truth. Or facts. Or information.

the first criminal act was trespass
and the same person that committed the first criminal act of trespass is the first person that committed a violent act as well

the mcMichels were simply reacting to a trespasser in their neighborhood doing suspicious things

Only they had no legal authority to react to the trespasser other than call the cops. They had no authority to press charges. Someone has to. They had no legal authority to pursue. Detain. Any of it.

They were not good neighbors. They were vigilantes. They are felons. After the trial they will be convicted felons. And then they will be Inmates.

They weren't pressing charges--------as sorry but they have the right to stop a criminal fleeing the scene of his crime and the right to defend themselves when the criminal (convicted felon) attacked them trying to steal their gun-(aka right to self defense.)
. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.
You have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. It was absolutely nothing like that. Arbery had been in that house many times. And so had a bunch of other people in the neighborhood. Arbery stole nothing from the house. What sense does it make to take off after someone who walked into a house under construction and confront him with guns after you've called the police? None.
Now it is a matter of record that the McMichaels were committing two Felonies prior to the shooting.
Could you explain to the USMB forum, the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to that stupid conclusion?
In Atlanta I saw there were 10,000 Aggravated Assaults. That is where you wave a weapon or threaten someone with a weapon.
At what point in this video do you see anyone waving a weapon?

Is it before or after Arbery assaulted/battered and attempted to steal the shotgun (attempted robbery) from McMichael?

It is who committed the first crime. That would be the McMichaels. As I explained but you seem to refuse truth. Or facts. Or information.

the first criminal act was trespass
and the same person that committed the first criminal act of trespass is the first person that committed a violent act as well

the mcMichels were simply reacting to a trespasser in their neighborhood doing suspicious things

Only they had no legal authority to react to the trespasser other than call the cops. They had no authority to press charges. Someone has to. They had no legal authority to pursue. Detain. Any of it.

They were not good neighbors. They were vigilantes. They are felons. After the trial they will be convicted felons. And then they will be Inmates.

They weren't pressing charges--------as sorry but they have the right to stop a criminal fleeing the scene of his crime and the right to defend themselves when the criminal (convicted felon) attacked them trying to steal their gun-(aka right to self defense.)

What crime had he committed?
TM ran from behind the drivers side door so he could be closer to the passenger side in front of the truck in order to shoot AA if AA would not stop
A man that was trained by the US Military in law enforcement is not stupid enough to shoot a fleeing suspect

you are pulling Notions out of your colorectal passage and somehow suggesting you can know his intent

I say he was gaining a tactically superior position in case and attacking criminal took the opportunity to fire a weapon from the other side of the truck and pin him down (likely after killing his father who had no cover) after all when a criminal is running up from behind your vehicle where is the safest place to be?

It's the front dumbass!!!
Richard Dial: ( 52:49 ) Well that’s correct, during the struggle is mere seconds after the first shot, his front of his shirt is saturated with blood. 26261355 Reply to 26260946

Magnified shadow of what looks to shouldered shotgun and it has already been fired once - hitting AA in the lower chest. If it is - the top of the shot gun logs to be at least for feet across the centerline and this is during TMs retreat.

I’m sure GBI has this analyzed and enhanced and I’ll bet they can determine with certainty that TMs back foot was a full truck length out in front of the bumper.

It shows me TM was the aggressor right up to when he shot AA for not stopping as he ran around the passenger side of the truck. It’s murder - not even close to self defense for idiot TM.
You can't tell jack shit from that shadow.

Obviously they were not a full truck length in front of the truck. I'm not sure why you are lying about that. But you are lying nonetheless.

From the video you linked to.

At 19 seconds into the video Forest Gump is not even on the pavement. He's on the shoulder of the road in a full sprint going straight at Travis who had retreated to the front of the truck to put the truck between himself and the criminal.

View attachment 437578

And at 20 seconds into the video Forest Gump is all the way across the center line and has knocked Travis backwards several feet.

View attachment 437582

This proves that AA was the aggressor.

You are an idiot simpleton. Because you think nothing happened between your video at 19 seconds and at 20 seconds.

If you don’t like TM’s shadow seen under the front bumper of the truck then watch for his hat. Halfway between your frames, or thereabouts, the shotgun blast is heard and TM’s white cap is seen right here:
View attachment 437595
I swear on TrumpQ’s Bible that white cap and that shadow are there and can be seen moving right to left if you slow it down and watch closely.
View attachment 437592
it means that what GBI investigators testified is true and why the charges against the white morons with guns will stick.

Here’s a transcript - The Altercation between AA is after the first shot. When TM was in front of the truck and before TM started backing up.

Ahmaud Arbery Trial Transcript: June 4 Preliminary Hearings - Rev

AFTER the first shot, again, you see a struggle between Travis McMichael and Mr. Arbery. During that struggle, Mr. Arbery, while he was wearing a white shirt during this incident, during that struggle, you see the front of his shirt is saturated with blood.​
Jesse Evans: ( 52:44 ) He’s already saturated blood before the struggle that you can see on the video?​

Richard Dial: ( 52:49 ) Well that’s correct, during the struggle is his front of his shirt is saturated with blood.​
Do you agree with GBI that AA is “already saturated in blood before the struggle that you can see on the video?” Here at your image if second 20.
View attachment 437605

If not what evidence do you have to the contrary?
News media altered the AUDIO of the video-------
Now it is a matter of record that the McMichaels were committing two Felonies prior to the shooting.
Could you explain to the USMB forum, the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to that stupid conclusion?
In Atlanta I saw there were 10,000 Aggravated Assaults. That is where you wave a weapon or threaten someone with a weapon.
At what point in this video do you see anyone waving a weapon?

Is it before or after Arbery assaulted/battered and attempted to steal the shotgun (attempted robbery) from McMichael?

It is who committed the first crime. That would be the McMichaels. As I explained but you seem to refuse truth. Or facts. Or information.

the first criminal act was trespass
and the same person that committed the first criminal act of trespass is the first person that committed a violent act as well

the mcMichels were simply reacting to a trespasser in their neighborhood doing suspicious things

Only they had no legal authority to react to the trespasser other than call the cops. They had no authority to press charges. Someone has to. They had no legal authority to pursue. Detain. Any of it.

They were not good neighbors. They were vigilantes. They are felons. After the trial they will be convicted felons. And then they will be Inmates.

They weren't pressing charges--------as sorry but they have the right to stop a criminal fleeing the scene of his crime and the right to defend themselves when the criminal (convicted felon) attacked them trying to steal their gun-(aka right to self defense.)

What crime had he committed?

trespass with the intent to commit burglary and felony assault
. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.

Except that Citizens are prohibited by law from doing that exact thing. They must see a crime. First hand knowledge. In their presence. At that time. The McMichaels saw none of it. And this committed felonies simply trying to detain Arbury in violation of the law.
. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.

Except that Citizens are prohibited by law from doing that exact thing. They must see a crime. First hand knowledge. In their presence. At that time. The McMichaels saw none of it. And this committed felonies simply trying to detain Arbury in violation of the law.
You think that a citizen can't chase someone who he has Reasonable Suspicion has committed a felony?

so if I see a man covered in blood sneaking out of the back of my neighbor's house and he panics and runs when he realizes I've seen him I'm not allowed to unholster my pistol and chase him?

You have a coward's interpretation of the law.

Even though a simple detention qualifies as an arrest it's going to be clear in court that all the McMichaels wanted to do was to have arbery wait for the cops because they recognized him as a wanted man for the trespasses and burglaries in the neighborhood

The fact that they called the cops during the chase proves that they had no malicious motivation
. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.

Except that Citizens are prohibited by law from doing that exact thing. They must see a crime. First hand knowledge. In their presence. At that time. The McMichaels saw none of it. And this committed felonies simply trying to detain Arbury in violation of the law.
You and others have made that point about a dozen times here. and it's absolutely true and simply a matter of fact. Yet these dullards somehow think repeating the argument makes it persuasive. How do you explain that?
. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.

Except that Citizens are prohibited by law from doing that exact thing. They must see a crime. First hand knowledge. In their presence. At that time. The McMichaels saw none of it. And this committed felonies simply trying to detain Arbury in violation of the law.
You and others have made that point about a dozen times here. and it's absolutely true and simply a matter of fact. Yet these dullards somehow think repeating the argument makes it persuasive. How do you explain that?
Do you really want to make it illegal for a former Navy SEAL to pursue some alcoholic vagrant who he sees stumble out of the back of his neighbor's house at 4 in the morning covered in blood and panic when he realizes he's been noticed?

do you really want to make what the people did to notorious serial killer Richard Ramirez an illegal act?

They chased detained and then beat a man they had not seen commit a felony

You don't want them to go to jail do you?
An innocent young man was chased down and murdered by a neibourhood full of bloodthirsty racists just because he was jogging while black in the wrong neibourhood...

these rediclious propaganda narratives only exist to bilk big money out of crowdfunding websites but they convince a few celebrities and that in turn pulled in the more suggestive amongst us LOL
Richard Dial: ( 52:49 ) Well that’s correct, during the struggle is mere seconds after the first shot, his front of his shirt is saturated with blood. 26261355 Reply to 26260946

Magnified shadow of what looks to shouldered shotgun and it has already been fired once - hitting AA in the lower chest. If it is - the top of the shot gun logs to be at least for feet across the centerline and this is during TMs retreat.

I’m sure GBI has this analyzed and enhanced and I’ll bet they can determine with certainty that TMs back foot was a full truck length out in front of the bumper.

It shows me TM was the aggressor right up to when he shot AA for not stopping as he ran around the passenger side of the truck. It’s murder - not even close to self defense for idiot TM.
You can't tell jack shit from that shadow.

Obviously they were not a full truck length in front of the truck. I'm not sure why you are lying about that. But you are lying nonetheless.

From the video you linked to.

At 19 seconds into the video Forest Gump is not even on the pavement. He's on the shoulder of the road in a full sprint going straight at Travis who had retreated to the front of the truck to put the truck between himself and the criminal.

View attachment 437578

And at 20 seconds into the video Forest Gump is all the way across the center line and has knocked Travis backwards several feet.

View attachment 437582

This proves that AA was the aggressor.

You are an idiot simpleton. Because you think nothing happened between your video at 19 seconds and at 20 seconds.

If you don’t like TM’s shadow seen under the front bumper of the truck then watch for his hat. Halfway between your frames, or thereabouts, the shotgun blast is heard and TM’s white cap is seen right here:
View attachment 437595
I swear on TrumpQ’s Bible that white cap and that shadow are there and can be seen moving right to left if you slow it down and watch closely.
Yes you can see the shadows of both TM and AA. That certainly does not prove that TM is shouldering the weapon, idiot. All those shadows prove is that you are a fucking liar. If they were a full truck length in front of the truck, as you claimed in post #870, you would NOT be able to see their shadows in that frame.

What I'm wondering is why you were lying to the USMB forum. Could you explain why you lied to the USMB forum?

You are correct that they moved from right to left. AA was charging towards TM very quickly. In a mere second AA ran from the shoulder of the road all the way past the center line. There was absolutely nothing TM could do to prevent the attack because AA was charging at him so damn fast. Like a linebacker blitzing a QB.

You can see TM's hat in that frame through the windshield. A split second later when the first shot is fired, you can see his hat through the door window. By the time the first shot is fired TM has already been pushed backwards approximately 2-3 feet by AA's considerable momentum. What that proves is that the first shot was fired after AA had already hit TM.

This frame is when the first shot is fired.


Clearly, TM shot the criminal in self defense. The video proves it was self defense. That's why TM wasn't arrested and charged with murder that day.

Those guys are political prisoners.
Last edited:
. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.

Except that Citizens are prohibited by law from doing that exact thing. They must see a crime. First hand knowledge. In their presence. At that time. The McMichaels saw none of it. And this committed felonies simply trying to detain Arbury in violation of the law.
Could you explain to the USMB forum, the reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery?

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