The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

The fact that Travis McMichael did not shoot him at distance proves he was not trying to kill him...

It proves no such thing.

It could be evidence that Travis was a lousy shot and wanted to wait for Arbury to get closer so he wouldn't miss. Another possibility is that since the shotgun was loaded with buckshot, a greater degree of damage would occur to Arbury if he was closer to McMichael when he was shot...
The Ape has made this claim repeatedly--that McMichaaels were not out to kill him.
It's probably true, they weren't. But that is irrelevant. They did kill him. They had no right to. They had no right to do what they did.
Of course they weren't the entire narrative is absolutely ridiculous

They lied to you about all these other innocent black victims for media ratings so what's yet another
. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.

Except that Citizens are prohibited by law from doing that exact thing. They must see a crime. First hand knowledge. In their presence. At that time. The McMichaels saw none of it. And this committed felonies simply trying to detain Arbury in violation of the law.
You and others have made that point about a dozen times here. and it's absolutely true and simply a matter of fact. Yet these dullards somehow think repeating the argument makes it persuasive. How do you explain that?
Do you really want to make it illegal for a former Navy SEAL to pursue some alcoholic vagrant who he sees stumble out of the back of his neighbor's house at 4 in the morning covered in blood and panic when he realizes he's been noticed?

do you really want to make what the people did to notorious serial killer Richard Ramirez an illegal act?

They chased detained and then beat a man they had not seen commit a felony

You don't want them to go to jail do you?

I got $20 that says you don't dress yourself.

Someone who's as stupid and ignorant as you surely needs to be dressed, spoon-fed, etc.

The similarities between this case and the Ramirez case are virtually non-existent. Ramirez was recognized by his picture which was released by a law enforcement agency, when they officially declared him "wanted". No law enforcement agency released Arbury's photo or declared him wanted.

You fail.

So you're saying the cops wouldn't have stopped arberry if they saw him sprinting out of the front door of mr. English's house after they received all those reports and likely photographs of him?
In this surveillance camera video you see Arbery walking down the street...

Hell, that could've been me in that video. You can't identify anyone in that video...
There is also a surveillance camera inside the house. The guy has been positively identified as Arbery.


And it's not the first time either. Usually he would go in there at night.

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*dry shirt
*loose cotton cargo shorts
*LOOSE laced shoes
*minimum 4 mile run


It’s pretty much aiming a shotgun when you shoot someone in the chest with it.
26264486 Reply to 26263502 26263731

Show me the frame where somebody points a gun at Arbery.

Go to post #724. Your fellow Morons with Guns Club imbecile KingGUERRILLA posted a link to a video from another Morons with Guns Club big shot who slowed the video down when Arbery was between the two trucks a few seconds before TM shot him in the lower chest on the first shot.

Go there, it’s a Morons with Guns Club live blog, watch the video show and in It you will have it explained that TM aimed his shotgun at AA and told him to stop. He even enhanced the video so you can actually see it. Unlike you two gun law Bozos, KingG’s dude thinks aiming the gun at AA was a good defensive move. He’s a dumbass like you but KingG believes in him.

His feeble logic suggests that Travis McMichael was finally going to shoot arbery in the back as he went innocently jogging past yet for some reason didn't shoot him the previous thousand chances he had!!!

You liar. I never said TM was gonna shoot AA in the back. Who can know what a moron with a gun will do after shooting a jogger in the chest for trying to run past his illegal roadblock.

What I said was after TM shot AA in the chest in front of the truck AA had two choices - fight wounded or flight wounded. AA chose fight. He was attacked and had to choose. Or, I also said it was not really a choice. AA was just shot in the chest by a lunatic / survival instincts took over / AA was in instantaneous shock. No judge or jury will consider AA’s reaction after being shot as anything other than a self defense attempt by a wounded man who ended up dead from two more wounds.
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. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.

Except that Citizens are prohibited by law from doing that exact thing. They must see a crime. First hand knowledge. In their presence. At that time. The McMichaels saw none of it. And this committed felonies simply trying to detain Arbury in violation of the law.
You and others have made that point about a dozen times here. and it's absolutely true and simply a matter of fact. Yet these dullards somehow think repeating the argument makes it persuasive. How do you explain that?
Do you really want to make it illegal for a former Navy SEAL to pursue some alcoholic vagrant who he sees stumble out of the back of his neighbor's house at 4 in the morning covered in blood and panic when he realizes he's been noticed?

do you really want to make what the people did to notorious serial killer Richard Ramirez an illegal act?

They chased detained and then beat a man they had not seen commit a felony

You don't want them to go to jail do you?

I got $20 that says you don't dress yourself.

Someone who's as stupid and ignorant as you surely needs to be dressed, spoon-fed, etc.

The similarities between this case and the Ramirez case are virtually non-existent. Ramirez was recognized by his picture which was released by a law enforcement agency, when they officially declared him "wanted". No law enforcement agency released Arbury's photo or declared him wanted.

You fail.

So you're saying the cops wouldn't have stopped arberry if they saw him sprinting out of the front door of mr. English's house after they received all those reports and likely photographs of him?

Sure they would've. They're sworn law enforcement officers. That's their fucking job.

Travis McMichael, who is not a sworn law enforcement officer, didn't see Arbury exiting English's house.

There's a profound difference between the two. You just ignorantly refuse to acknowledge it...
In this surveillance camera video you see Arbery walking down the street...

Hell, that could've been me in that video. You can't identify anyone in that video...
There is also a surveillance camera inside the house. The guy has been positively identified as Arbery.

In the video shot from across the street, you cannot positively identify anyone...
Even if anyone could it is hardly a crime to go into a house under construction. And lots of people in the area have said they used to do just that. Whatever it is, it hardly justifies taking off in armed pursuit of a guy after calling 911. Much less confronting him. Much less shooting him to death.
Richard Dial: ( 52:49 ) Well that’s correct, during the struggle is mere seconds after the first shot, his front of his shirt is saturated with blood. 26261355 Reply to 26260946

Magnified shadow of what looks to shouldered shotgun and it has already been fired once - hitting AA in the lower chest. If it is - the top of the shot gun logs to be at least for feet across the centerline and this is during TMs retreat.

I’m sure GBI has this analyzed and enhanced and I’ll bet they can determine with certainty that TMs back foot was a full truck length out in front of the bumper.

It shows me TM was the aggressor right up to when he shot AA for not stopping as he ran around the passenger side of the truck. It’s murder - not even close to self defense for idiot TM.
You can't tell jack shit from that shadow.

Obviously they were not a full truck length in front of the truck. I'm not sure why you are lying about that. But you are lying nonetheless.

From the video you linked to.

At 19 seconds into the video Forest Gump is not even on the pavement. He's on the shoulder of the road in a full sprint going straight at Travis who had retreated to the front of the truck to put the truck between himself and the criminal.

View attachment 437578

And at 20 seconds into the video Forest Gump is all the way across the center line and has knocked Travis backwards several feet.

View attachment 437582

This proves that AA was the aggressor.

You are an idiot simpleton. Because you think nothing happened between your video at 19 seconds and at 20 seconds.

If you don’t like TM’s shadow seen under the front bumper of the truck then watch for his hat. Halfway between your frames, or thereabouts, the shotgun blast is heard and TM’s white cap is seen right here:
View attachment 437595
I swear on TrumpQ’s Bible that white cap and that shadow are there and can be seen moving right to left if you slow it down and watch closely.
View attachment 437592
it means that what GBI investigators testified is true and why the charges against the white morons with guns will stick.

Here’s a transcript - The Altercation between AA is after the first shot. When TM was in front of the truck and before TM started backing up.

Ahmaud Arbery Trial Transcript: June 4 Preliminary Hearings - Rev

AFTER the first shot, again, you see a struggle between Travis McMichael and Mr. Arbery. During that struggle, Mr. Arbery, while he was wearing a white shirt during this incident, during that struggle, you see the front of his shirt is saturated with blood.​
Jesse Evans: ( 52:44 ) He’s already saturated blood before the struggle that you can see on the video?​

Richard Dial: ( 52:49 ) Well that’s correct, during the struggle is his front of his shirt is saturated with blood.​
Do you agree with GBI that AA is “already saturated in blood before the struggle that you can see on the video?” Here at your image if second 20.
View attachment 437605

If not what evidence do you have to the contrary?
News media altered the AUDIO of the video-------


Damn news media - Has the entire GBI and FBI in on the hoax to falsely evidence and frame the last of the American do-gooders with a gun.
It’s pretty much aiming a shotgun when you shoot someone in the chest with it.
Show me the frame where somebody points a gun at Arbery.

Go to post #724. Your fellow Morons with Guns Club imbecile KingGUERRILLA posted a link to a video from another Morons with Guns Club big shot who slowed the video down when Arbery was between the two trucks a few seconds before TM shot him in the lower chest on the first shot.

Go there, it’s a Morons with Guns Club live blog, watch the video show and in It you will have it explained that TM aimed his shotgun at AA and told him to stop. He even enhanced the video so you can actually see it. Unlike you two gun law Bozos, KingG’s dude thinks aiming the gun at AA was a good defensive move. He’s a dumbass like you but KingG believes in him.
FYI KG is on my iggy list. So don't assume that I've read his posts.
In this surveillance camera video you see Arbery walking down the street...

Hell, that could've been me in that video. You can't identify anyone in that video...
There is also a surveillance camera inside the house. The guy has been positively identified as Arbery.

In the video shot from across the street, you cannot positively identify anyone...
But we know who it is because he went into the house and was caught on video by that camera too.

He doesn't have a twin brother.

Are you trying to insinuate that it was some other guy wearing khaki shorts and a white shirt with twists in his hair that was faded on the sides hauling ass down Santilla road that day?

So I suppose it is time to destroy the last leg of the McMichaels are good people argument. The idea they were or are good neighbors. Every house in that neighborhood has probably lost 10% of its value. Nobody is going to be grateful for that.

When a prospective buyer gets a report they will see a murder took place in the neighborhood. If they do make an offer it is certainly going to be for much less money than it would have been before the murder.

For years now people’s property is going to be worth less. All so three redneck vigilantes could chase and kill a guy who at most stole a handful of nails. I’m sure Larry English is grateful his house is now unsellable for years. I’m sure the neighbors wish the McMichaels had just minded their own business.
Are you trying to insinuate that it was some other guy wearing khaki shorts and a white shirt with twists in his hair that was faded on the sides hauling ass down Santilla road that day?


No, I was merely pointing out that the video shot from cross the street is unusable in conforming anyone's identity.

And there's no Santilla Road. It's Satilla Drive. I've actually been there. You'd appear a lot more intelligent if you knew what you were talking about...
It’s pretty much aiming a shotgun when you shoot someone in the chest with it.
26264486 Reply to 26263502 26263731

Show me the frame where somebody points a gun at Arbery.

Go to post #724. Your fellow Morons with Guns Club imbecile KingGUERRILLA posted a link to a video from another Morons with Guns Club big shot who slowed the video down when Arbery was between the two trucks a few seconds before TM shot him in the lower chest on the first shot.

Go there, it’s a Morons with Guns Club live blog, watch the video show and in It you will have it explained that TM aimed his shotgun at AA and told him to stop. He even enhanced the video so you can actually see it. Unlike you two gun law Bozos, KingG’s dude thinks aiming the gun at AA was a good defensive move. He’s a dumbass like you but KingG believes in him.

His feeble logic suggests that Travis McMichael was finally going to shoot arbery in the back as he went innocently jogging past yet for some reason didn't shoot him the previous thousand chances he had!!!

You liar. I never said TM was gonna shoot AA in the back. Who can know what a moron with a gun will do after shooting a jogger in the chest for trying to run past his illegal roadblock.

What I said was after TM shot AA in the chest in front of the truck AA had two choices - fight wounded or flight wounded. AA chose fight. He was attacked and had to choose. Or, I also said it was not really a choice. AA was just shot in the chest by a lunatic / survival instincts took over / AA was in instantaneous shock. No judge or jury will consider AA’s reaction after being shot as anything other than a self defense attempt by a wounded man who ended up dead from two more wounds.
Did Travis shoot him before he turned 90 degrees or after?


So I suppose it is time to destroy the last leg of the McMichaels are good people argument. The idea they were or are good neighbors. Every house in that neighborhood has probably lost 10% of its value. Nobody is going to be grateful for that.

When a prospective buyer gets a report they will see a murder took place in the neighborhood. If they do make an offer it is certainly going to be for much less money than it would have been before the murder.

For years now people’s property is going to be worth less. All so three redneck vigilantes could chase and kill a guy who at most stole a handful of nails. I’m sure Larry English is grateful his house is now unsellable for years. I’m sure the neighbors wish the McMichaels had just minded their own business.
Yeah good point it's been a total disaster for Satilla Shores

I bet there's no way in hell any of those people would call the cops if they saw a black guy breaking in their neighborhood anymore

what if the black guy fought the cops and got hurt?

if they were smart they wouldn't call the cops on a black guy beating somebody to death in the middle of the road

look what happened

perhaps the rest of the nation will learn an important lesson from this

don't you dare call the cops when you see a black guy committing a crime

He might violently resist arrest and force a white man to defend himself

just let them Rob rape and steal and hope you're not next
So I suppose it is time to destroy the last leg of the McMichaels are good people argument. The idea they were or are good neighbors. Every house in that neighborhood has probably lost 10% of its value. Nobody is going to be grateful for that.

When a prospective buyer gets a report they will see a murder took place in the neighborhood. If they do make an offer it is certainly going to be for much less money than it would have been before the murder.

For years now people’s property is going to be worth less. All so three redneck vigilantes could chase and kill a guy who at most stole a handful of nails. I’m sure Larry English is grateful his house is now unsellable for years. I’m sure the neighbors wish the McMichaels had just minded their own business.
The McMichaels are racists. I say this not because of the incident (I actually think race played no role whatsoever in what happened) but because I know people who know them and say that. They were constantly talking about "the ******* this and the ******* that". Their daughter's boyfriend stopped coming around for exactly that reason.
. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.

Except that Citizens are prohibited by law from doing that exact thing. They must see a crime. First hand knowledge. In their presence. At that time. The McMichaels saw none of it. And this committed felonies simply trying to detain Arbury in violation of the law.
You and others have made that point about a dozen times here. and it's absolutely true and simply a matter of fact. Yet these dullards somehow think repeating the argument makes it persuasive. How do you explain that?
Do you really want to make it illegal for a former Navy SEAL to pursue some alcoholic vagrant who he sees stumble out of the back of his neighbor's house at 4 in the morning covered in blood and panic when he realizes he's been noticed?

do you really want to make what the people did to notorious serial killer Richard Ramirez an illegal act?

They chased detained and then beat a man they had not seen commit a felony

You don't want them to go to jail do you?

I got $20 that says you don't dress yourself.

Someone who's as stupid and ignorant as you surely needs to be dressed, spoon-fed, etc.

The similarities between this case and the Ramirez case are virtually non-existent. Ramirez was recognized by his picture which was released by a law enforcement agency, when they officially declared him "wanted". No law enforcement agency released Arbury's photo or declared him wanted.

You fail.

So you're saying the cops wouldn't have stopped arberry if they saw him sprinting out of the front door of mr. English's house after they received all those reports and likely photographs of him?

Sure they would've. They're sworn law enforcement officers. That's their fucking job.

Travis McMichael, who is not a sworn law enforcement officer, didn't see Arbury exiting English's house.

There's a profound difference between the two. You just ignorantly refuse to acknowledge it...
so The police were looking for arbery?

like I said he was a wanted man

Arbery was wanted for the trespassing and burglary
So I suppose it is time to destroy the last leg of the McMichaels are good people argument. The idea they were or are good neighbors. Every house in that neighborhood has probably lost 10% of its value. Nobody is going to be grateful for that.

When a prospective buyer gets a report they will see a murder took place in the neighborhood. If they do make an offer it is certainly going to be for much less money than it would have been before the murder.

For years now people’s property is going to be worth less. All so three redneck vigilantes could chase and kill a guy who at most stole a handful of nails. I’m sure Larry English is grateful his house is now unsellable for years. I’m sure the neighbors wish the McMichaels had just minded their own business.
The McMichaels are racists. I say this not because of the incident (I actually think race played no role whatsoever in what happened) but because I know people who know them and say that. They were constantly talking about "the ******* this and the ******* that". Their daughter's boyfriend stopped coming around for exactly that reason.
Do you think racists should be allowed to defend themselves or they do they deserve whatever happens to them?
First shot was to the hand ???? and there no 90 degree turn visible . 26265199 reply to 26262426 26264888
That's why he got shot in the hand first and then got two more blasts directly to the chest

Which hand was wounded? What was the other hand doing at that moment?

Did Travis shoot him before he turned 90 degrees or after?

There is no 90 degree turn that’s visible in the video once AA disappears in front of the truck. All you can see is a 30 to 45
degree turn and then TM shot him in the lower chest prior to the fight.for the gun across the centerline.

So it’s a 45 turn - a step or two then shot in the lower chest - then the other 45 turn - when wounded AA fought for his life starting to grab the gun and then getting shot on the hand by the second shot.

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