The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

TM fears physical attack by AA so he repositions himself to be closer to AA
That is untrue. You are lying again.

AA is approaching from the rear of the truck, and TM moves from from driver's side door to the front of the truck. He moved away from AA who, quickly approaching from the rear of the truck.

You're a liar and an idiot.
If a violent armed criminal was assaulting you from the rear of a vehicle the smartest place to move is the front

Had Travis stayed on the driver side and the criminal open fired from the rear of the vehicle he would have had no cover and been killed leaving his elderly cancer surviving father to take the next Bullet From the attacking Criminal... after all Travis had a lame old shotgun with pallets and the attacking criminal very well could have had a high-capacity 9 mm or 45 that would whip through the truck's body like butter

Travis heroically moved to a superior firing position where he could protect his father and use a tactic called slicing the pie to take out the threat from the charging crook

Nobody could predict that arberry would go all Al-Qaeda on him but it's likely the criminal knew he would be going back to jail for his crimes and decided he was going to kill both the McMichaels in order to make his Escape
The only Burglary Report for the neighborhood was Travis reporting a weapon stolen from his truck three or four months before the shooting

Homes under construction are hotbeds of theft especially in the South where largely illegal Mexican labor are oftentimes using tools that they did not buy from Home Depot so when they come up missing they're not about to call the police and report all their stolen tools have been stolen

criminals Target Mexican labor for this reason

A little tip from the world of Street crime
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That is a very good snd best image to locate and establish TM’s Shot#1 Position. I agree.
That is not where Travis was when the first shot is heard, jackass.

When the first shot is heard, Travis had already been knocked a couple of feet to the left of that position by the attacker.

. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.
You have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. It was absolutely nothing like that. Arbery had been in that house many times. And so had a bunch of other people in the neighborhood. Arbery stole nothing from the house. What sense does it make to take off after someone who walked into a house under construction and confront him with guns after you've called the police? None.
THE THIEF was casing the house that was under construction ( trespassed) looking for items that he could steal later and that would need his car parked nearby-----------which btw is a common tactic of thieves who steal from construction sites. They are looking for tools or new home items left in the home being built--------once they find something which is usually heavy---they have to bring their car/truck in later so arbery wouldn't have been carrying out anything in the middle of the day without his car nearby to load up...he would have had to return later that night if he found what he wanted to steal. Pretending to jog in a neighborhood that wasn't even his, allowed him to more easily sneak up on a house quicker and more quietly with less chance of being noticed--a game he played often before but he got caught this time.

Normal people don't trespass and go into a home without the owners permission--------and I think we all know that ahbery had no permission.
. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.
You have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. It was absolutely nothing like that. Arbery had been in that house many times. And so had a bunch of other people in the neighborhood. Arbery stole nothing from the house. What sense does it make to take off after someone who walked into a house under construction and confront him with guns after you've called the police? None.
THE THIEF was casing the house that was under construction ( trespassed) looking for items that he could steal later and that would need his car parked nearby-----------which btw is a common tactic of thieves who steal from construction sites. They are looking for tools or new home items left in the home being built--------once they find something which is usually heavy---they have to bring their car/truck in later so arbery wouldn't have been carrying out anything in the middle of the day without his car nearby to load up...he would have had to return later that night if he found what he wanted to steal. Pretending to jog in a neighborhood that wasn't even his, allowed him to more easily sneak up on a house quicker and more quietly with less chance of being noticed--a game he played often before but he got caught this time.

Normal people don't trespass and go into a home without the owners permission--------and I think we all know that ahbery had no permission.
Since plenty of people walk through construction sites casing a home this way often times does not illicit suspicion

Arbery was a mentally retarded Street criminal so he wasn't that good at his game and got recognized by The Neighbors as the man wanted for the string of burglaries and trespasses in the neighborhood

since many people walk construction sites his behavior wouldn't have been so suspicious if he weren't a single young black male didn't stop to look around before he walked in and most of all fled like a thief the moment he was spotted this compounded by the fact that he tried to attack the people who were confronting him all leads up to a classic case of petty burglary compounded by a violent Act

Honestly it's a miracle the kids survived this long with his attitude and behavior
Why not fire up the F150 and get the hell out of there.
Why would TM still be under assault when AA ran on grass to avoid confrontation with him? 26267481reply to 26266937
If a violent armed criminal was assaulting you from the rear of a vehicle the smartest place to move is the front

If that were the situation in this case and TM wanted to avoid a possible armed or physical confrontation from a black male who was running on a public road heading west directly toward him:

The first question is why didn’t TM tell old pops to get down , we are under attack and he may have a 50 caliber machine gun in those shorts with big cargo pockets. I’m driving both us outta here to safety because he’s not gonna talk he is coming to kill us.

After seven minutes of chasing AA, That’s TM’s best move for his and his fathers Considering AA has not shown any sign of possessing a weapon - other of course being a black male RUNNING is a deadly weapon by default in that county.
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That is a very good snd best image to locate and establish TM’s Shot#1 Position. I agree.
That is not where Travis was when the first shot is heard, jackass.

When the first shot is heard, Travis had already been knocked a couple of feet to the left of that position by the attacker.

View attachment 438029
You can actually see the shotgun blast in the video on the right side of the truck coming up at about a 40° angle

Some serious video software may even be able to catch a few of the pellets in flight

The ridiculously low angle of the shotgun blasts are a major forensic Factor proving the Travis McMichael did not aim the gun and fire with intention but simply discharged it during a life-and-death struggle

The people were arguing with don't understand the slightest inkling of firearm and criminal tactics and Logistics
Are you trying to insinuate that it was some other guy wearing khaki shorts and a white shirt with twists in his hair that was faded on the sides hauling ass down Santilla road that day?


No, I was merely pointing out that the video shot from cross the street is unusable in conforming anyone's identity.

And there's no Santilla Road. It's Satilla Drive. I've actually been there. You'd appear a lot more intelligent if you knew what you were talking about...
I stand corrected. It's Satilla Drive, not Santilla road.

See how fucking easy that is? I admitted that I was wrong and the world did not end. That's what intelligent people do when they realize they were wrong about something.

Unlike you, I freely and easily admit it when I am wrong.

Oh, when I'm wrong I readily admit it.

In your case, though, it suggests how little you actually know about the case...

Earlier in this thread, you falsely claimed that Travis McMichael was never a USCG Boarding Officer. Even after I proved you wrong by providing a link to his Joint Services Transcript, you still never admitted that you were wrong.

You posted a diploma from a five day school. The Boarding Officer COI is five weeks long...

You also falsely claimed that only COs could become USCG Boarding Officers.

I never, ever said that, because it would be profoundly stupid. "CO" is short for "Commanding Officer". No Commanding Officer serves as a boarding officer.

Commisioned officers, on the other hand, do serve as boarding officers.

But, see, you're an ignorant little snit with no clue what you're talking about, so you try to make a point and fall flat on your face...

And falsely claimed that since Travis McMichael was enlisted and had an E-5 pay grade when he was honorably discharged, he could not have been a Boarding Officer, when the fact of the matter is the someone who is E-4 or above can become a USCG Boarding Officer.

He was a boarding team member, not a boarding officer, who is in charge of the boarding team...

You never admitted that you were wrong about that either.

Because I was right.

I have experience in this. You don't...

Habitually clinging to false beliefs is a major impediment to learning.

Well, that explains why you're so fucking stupid...
Why not fire up the F150 and get the hell out to there.
Why would TM still be under assault when AA ran on grass to avoid confrontation with him reply to 26266937
If a violent armed criminal was assaulting you from the rear of a vehicle the smartest place to move is the front

If that were the situation in this case and TM wanted to avoid a possible armed or physical confrontation from a black male who was running on a public road heading west directly toward him:

The first question is why didn’t TM tell old pops to get down , we are under attack and he may have a 50 caliber machine gun in those shorts with big cargo pockets. I’m driving both us outta here to safety because he’s not gonna talk he is coming to kill us.

That’s TM’s best move for his and his fathers Considering AA has not shown any sign of possessing a weapon - other of course being a black male RUNNING is a deadly weapon by default.
Naturally you revert to running like a coward as your default ethos and that's perfectly understandable but these men wanted to catch that Thief as is their right as an American citizen to protect their neighborhood and had every right to stand their ground after all they had stopped chasing him some time ago and we're now standing in the middle of the street calling the police

That little criminal weasel didn't run in the grass to avoid confrontation ...he ran around the truck to pull a sneak attack Ambush 90-degree turn as is clearly depicted on the video

He was a mentally retarded Street criminal after all but he wasn't stupid enough to charge directly at a man who had a shotgun shouldered from 30 meters so he started weaving back and forth as he was deciding what to do like a typical football player planning to pull a Juke maneuver

as Travis walked around to the front of the vehicle he lowered his shotgun and arbery figured he had a chance to snatch it with a ridiculous move inspired by too much Kung Fu theater

In this photo you can clearly see the change of Direction in Arberry gait so drastic that his loose laced shoes almost popped off his heel



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Why not fire up the F150 and get the hell out of there.
Why would TM still be under assault when AA ran on grass to avoid confrontation with him? 26267481reply to 26266937
If a violent armed criminal was assaulting you from the rear of a vehicle the smartest place to move is the front

If that were the situation in this case and TM wanted to avoid a possible armed or physical confrontation from a black male who was running on a public road heading west directly toward him:

The first question is why didn’t TM tell old pops to get down , we are under attack and he may have a 50 caliber machine gun in those shorts with big cargo pockets. I’m driving both us outta here to safety because he’s not gonna talk he is coming to kill us.

After seven minutes of chasing AA, That’s TM’s best move for his and his fathers Considering AA has not shown any sign of possessing a weapon - other of course being a black male RUNNING is a deadly weapon by default in that county.
The M's called the cops--they were only trying to delay the thief long enough for the cops who were in route to arrest him. The thief realized that the gig was up and that the cops were called and with his criminal record knew he would be going back to he attacked.

Most people even thiefs don't attacked men trying to delay them, but Arbery had a record of attacking those who tried to stopped him.

Nothing the McMichaels did was wrong or illegal--they were only trying to stop a thief and yet so many idiots want to make them the bad guys for stopping crime. It's a weird twisted world.

Honest question: Where in the Holy fuck did you go to school?

It only makes you look stupider.

I have a friend who's a writer on The Tonight Show. I'm going to send him this.

This shit is comedy gold...

My goodness! That's fucking embarrassing.


He performed a 135 degree turn around the truck in a full sprint in a few seconds.
. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.

Except that Citizens are prohibited by law from doing that exact thing. They must see a crime. First hand knowledge. In their presence. At that time. The McMichaels saw none of it. And this committed felonies simply trying to detain Arbury in violation of the law.
You and others have made that point about a dozen times here. and it's absolutely true and simply a matter of fact. Yet these dullards somehow think repeating the argument makes it persuasive. How do you explain that?
Do you really want to make it illegal for a former Navy SEAL to pursue some alcoholic vagrant who he sees stumble out of the back of his neighbor's house at 4 in the morning covered in blood and panic when he realizes he's been noticed?

do you really want to make what the people did to notorious serial killer Richard Ramirez an illegal act?

They chased detained and then beat a man they had not seen commit a felony

You don't want them to go to jail do you?

I got $20 that says you don't dress yourself.

Someone who's as stupid and ignorant as you surely needs to be dressed, spoon-fed, etc.

The similarities between this case and the Ramirez case are virtually non-existent. Ramirez was recognized by his picture which was released by a law enforcement agency, when they officially declared him "wanted". No law enforcement agency released Arbury's photo or declared him wanted.

You fail.

So you're saying the cops wouldn't have stopped arberry if they saw him sprinting out of the front door of mr. English's house after they received all those reports and likely photographs of him?

Sure they would've. They're sworn law enforcement officers. That's their fucking job.

Travis McMichael, who is not a sworn law enforcement officer, didn't see Arbury exiting English's house.

There's a profound difference between the two. You just ignorantly refuse to acknowledge it...
so The police were looking for arbery?

like I said he was a wanted man

Arbery was wanted for the trespassing and burglary

You stupid fuck.

A person is "wanted" when a warrant has been issued for his arrest.


There was no such warrant issued for Ahmaud Arbury...
the police were actively looking for him that means he was wanted by the police

he was a criminal from a criminal family who got caught

he knew he was guilty that's why he sprinted out the front door

No, they weren't. If they were, he'd have been arrested. There would have been a warrant issued for his arrest. He wasn't a hard guy to find. They knew where he lived. If Arbury was "wanted" (in the legal, non-redneck sense of the word), they would've arrested him long before Travis McMichael decided to murder him...

Honest question: Where in the Holy fuck did you go to school?

It only makes you look stupider.

I have a friend who's a writer on The Tonight Show. I'm going to send him this.

This shit is comedy gold...

My goodness! That's fucking embarrassing.


Seriously, stop trying to appear smart and just admit that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Seriously, you're out of your depth here...

Honest question: Where in the Holy fuck did you go to school?

It only makes you look stupider.

I have a friend who's a writer on The Tonight Show. I'm going to send him this.

This shit is comedy gold...

My goodness! That's fucking embarrassing.


Seriously, stop trying to appear smart and just admit that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Seriously, you're out of your depth here...
Obvious projection.

How far to the west did TM have to run to be so far across the centerline in the image you posted from his original position watching AA and the co-conspirator approach from the east?

26267794 reply to 26267250
When the first shot is heard, Travis had already been knocked a couple of feet to the left of that position by the attacker.

Are you going to tell us how far TM ran to the west and then north to be out in front of AA to the point that AA was able as you claim to knock him back?

DId AA grab the gun before it went off wounding him in the chest or did TM shoot him when AA squared up as he told the police?
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. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.

Except that Citizens are prohibited by law from doing that exact thing. They must see a crime. First hand knowledge. In their presence. At that time. The McMichaels saw none of it. And this committed felonies simply trying to detain Arbury in violation of the law.
You and others have made that point about a dozen times here. and it's absolutely true and simply a matter of fact. Yet these dullards somehow think repeating the argument makes it persuasive. How do you explain that?
Do you really want to make it illegal for a former Navy SEAL to pursue some alcoholic vagrant who he sees stumble out of the back of his neighbor's house at 4 in the morning covered in blood and panic when he realizes he's been noticed?

do you really want to make what the people did to notorious serial killer Richard Ramirez an illegal act?

They chased detained and then beat a man they had not seen commit a felony

You don't want them to go to jail do you?

I got $20 that says you don't dress yourself.

Someone who's as stupid and ignorant as you surely needs to be dressed, spoon-fed, etc.

The similarities between this case and the Ramirez case are virtually non-existent. Ramirez was recognized by his picture which was released by a law enforcement agency, when they officially declared him "wanted". No law enforcement agency released Arbury's photo or declared him wanted.

You fail.

So you're saying the cops wouldn't have stopped arberry if they saw him sprinting out of the front door of mr. English's house after they received all those reports and likely photographs of him?

Sure they would've. They're sworn law enforcement officers. That's their fucking job.

Travis McMichael, who is not a sworn law enforcement officer, didn't see Arbury exiting English's house.

There's a profound difference between the two. You just ignorantly refuse to acknowledge it...
so The police were looking for arbery?

like I said he was a wanted man

Arbery was wanted for the trespassing and burglary

You stupid fuck.

A person is "wanted" when a warrant has been issued for his arrest.


There was no such warrant issued for Ahmaud Arbury...
the police were actively looking for him that means he was wanted by the police

he was a criminal from a criminal family who got caught

he knew he was guilty that's why he sprinted out the front door

No, they weren't. If they were, he'd have been arrested. There would have been a warrant issued for his arrest. He wasn't a hard guy to find. They knew where he lived. If Arbury was "wanted" (in the legal, non-redneck sense of the word), they would've arrested him long before Travis McMichael decided to murder him...
Richard Ramirez was wanted before they identified him just like arbery was wanted before they identified him

if he had dropped his ID on video the cops would have got it and went straight to his home and arrested him for Criminal Trespass with the intent to commit burglary because back then Larry English was wanting to press charges

So yes the police were looking for the suspect in a string of burglaries and trespasses whom they had photos and descriptions of so he was in fact wanted just yet to be identified
How far to the west did TM have to run to be so far across the centerline in the image you posted from his original position watching AA and the co-conspirator approach from the east?
View attachment 438058
26267794 reply to 26267250
When the first shot is heard, Travis had already been knocked a couple of feet to the left of that position by the attacker.

Are you going to tell us how far TM ran to the west and then north to be out in front of AA to the point that AA was able as you claim to knock him back?

DId AA grab the gun before it went off wounding him in the chest or did TM shoot him when AA squared up as he told the police?
Travis McMichael was a grand total of three or four feet from his original position when he got out of the car

You can clearly see and hear the shotgun blast go off AFTER arberry closed and travis was moving backward in excruciating detail at exactly 12 minutes 45 seconds in this video

if he wanted to evade Travis he wouldn't run up and Juke around his truck

here's the photo of a street view directly to the left of arberries position just prior to the shooting... ( he had plenty of places to go)

Richard Ramirez was wanted before they identified him just like arbery was wanted before they identified him

Certainly the criminal known as the Night Stalker was but, before they knew that person was Ramirez, there was no arrest warrant. An arrest warrant requires that a name be affixed to it. Once police had a name, they issued a warrant for his arrest. THAT'S what made him a wanted man.

Was there an active investigation into the alleged burglaries in that neighborhood? Were police actively; like daily, out in the community pursuing leads and trying to find Arbury like they were doing in the Ramirez case? Was the FBI involved in ther Arbury case, as it was in the Ramirez case? Did police release a photograph of Arbury?

No, none of that happened. None of that happened because the police did not have a warrant for the arrest of Ahmaud Marquez Arbery. With no such warrant, the man murdered by Travis McMichael was, by all legal metrics, not a wanted man.

if he had dropped his ID on video the cops would have got it and went straight to his home and arrested him for Criminal Trespass with the intent to commit burglary because back then Larry English was wanting to press charges

So yes the police were looking for the suspect in a string of burglaries and trespasses whom they had photos and descriptions of so he was in fact wanted just yet to be identified

It's clear that you're just too fucking stupid to understand how this works. Someone is not "wanted" until a warrant is issued for their arrest. In order for a warrant to be issued for a person's arrest, a name has to be affixed to the warrant, identifying the person to be arrested. By your own admission, Arbery had yet to be identified, which means a warrant could not have been issued for his arrest. If there's no warrant, a person is not "wanted".

That's how it works, regardless of your retarded little attempts to spin it into something which supports your retarded argument...

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