The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

Are you trying to insinuate that it was some other guy wearing khaki shorts and a white shirt with twists in his hair that was faded on the sides hauling ass down Santilla road that day?


No, I was merely pointing out that the video shot from cross the street is unusable in conforming anyone's identity.

And there's no Santilla Road. It's Satilla Drive. I've actually been there. You'd appear a lot more intelligent if you knew what you were talking about...
I stand corrected. It's Satilla Drive, not Santilla road.

See how fucking easy that is? I admitted that I was wrong and the world did not end. That's what intelligent people do when they realize they were wrong about something.

Unlike you, I freely and easily admit it when I am wrong.

Earlier in this thread, you falsely claimed that Travis McMichael was never a USCG Boarding Officer. Even after I proved you wrong by providing a link to his Joint Services Transcript, you still never admitted that you were wrong.

You also falsely claimed that only COs could become USCG Boarding Officers. And falsely claimed that since Travis McMichael was enlisted and had an E-5 pay grade when he was honorably discharged, he could not have been a Boarding Officer, when the fact of the matter is the someone who is E-4 or above can become a USCG Boarding Officer.

You never admitted that you were wrong about that either.

Habitually clinging to false beliefs is a major impediment to learning.
EPIC denial

It’s fact-based denial of your lie that you can see a 90 degree turn before the camera loses sight of Arbery as he disappears in front of the truck.

Where do you see a full 90 turn before being shot within the next half second or a couple of steps later?


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EPIC denial

It’s fact-based denial of your lie that you can see a 90 degree turn before the camera loses sight of Arbery as he disappears in front of the truck.

Where do you see a full 90 turn before being shot within the next half second or a couple of steps later?
you cant find a 90 degree turn in Arberrys Direction of travel?

say...around the front passanger quarter panel??
So I suppose it is time to destroy the last leg of the McMichaels are good people argument. The idea they were or are good neighbors. Every house in that neighborhood has probably lost 10% of its value. Nobody is going to be grateful for that.

When a prospective buyer gets a report they will see a murder took place in the neighborhood. If they do make an offer it is certainly going to be for much less money than it would have been before the murder.

For years now people’s property is going to be worth less. All so three redneck vigilantes could chase and kill a guy who at most stole a handful of nails. I’m sure Larry English is grateful his house is now unsellable for years. I’m sure the neighbors wish the McMichaels had just minded their own business.
Yeah good point it's been a total disaster for Satilla Shores

I bet there's no way in hell any of those people would call the cops if they saw a black guy breaking in their neighborhood anymore

what if the black guy fought the cops and got hurt?

if they were smart they wouldn't call the cops on a black guy beating somebody to death in the middle of the road

look what happened

perhaps the rest of the nation will learn an important lesson from this

don't you dare call the cops when you see a black guy committing a crime

He might violently resist arrest and force a white man to defend himself

just let them Rob rape and steal and hope you're not next

Call the cops when you see someone doing something suspicious. Sure. Arm yourself and set off I hot pursuit to catch him? Nope. Go back to minding your business.
So I suppose it is time to destroy the last leg of the McMichaels are good people argument. The idea they were or are good neighbors. Every house in that neighborhood has probably lost 10% of its value. Nobody is going to be grateful for that.

When a prospective buyer gets a report they will see a murder took place in the neighborhood. If they do make an offer it is certainly going to be for much less money than it would have been before the murder.

For years now people’s property is going to be worth less. All so three redneck vigilantes could chase and kill a guy who at most stole a handful of nails. I’m sure Larry English is grateful his house is now unsellable for years. I’m sure the neighbors wish the McMichaels had just minded their own business.
Yeah good point it's been a total disaster for Satilla Shores

I bet there's no way in hell any of those people would call the cops if they saw a black guy breaking in their neighborhood anymore

what if the black guy fought the cops and got hurt?

if they were smart they wouldn't call the cops on a black guy beating somebody to death in the middle of the road

look what happened

perhaps the rest of the nation will learn an important lesson from this

don't you dare call the cops when you see a black guy committing a crime

He might violently resist arrest and force a white man to defend himself

just let them Rob rape and steal and hope you're not next

Call the cops when you see someone doing something suspicious. Sure. Arm yourself and set off I hot pursuit to catch him? Nope. Go back to minding your business.
I bet the first dude who called the cops on on arbery is never going to call again

I bet Larry English wishes he never reported anything also

One Good Samaritan and one burglary victim silenced for fear of reprisal

I wonder how many other Good Samaritans aren't going to pick up the phone because they're worried about the consequences

if that black suspect attacks somebody and gets hurt the caller could wind up in big trouble for being the ones that started it all

I guarantee the first 911 caller goes down as racially profiling him and gets his name lit up all over social media for years

theyll NEVER call the cops on black people again
There is no 90 degree turn that’s visible in the video once AA disappears in front of the truck. All you can see is a 30 to 45
degree turn and then TM shot him in the lower chest prior to the fight.for the gun across the centerline.

So it’s a 45 turn - a step or two then shot in the lower chest - then the other 45 turn - when wounded AA fought for his life starting to grab the gun and then getting shot on the hand by the second shot.
He turned approximately 135 degrees. At 16 seconds into the video you posted he is behind the truck and turned about 45 degrees from the centerline of the road with one foot on the centerline.

A mere 4 seconds later, 20 seconds into the video, he is in front of the truck and turned to ~270 degrees from the centerline of the road with one foot on the centerline.

In those few seconds he ran from the centerline, all the way to the right shoulder of the road into the grass and then back to the centerline.


He made an approximately 135 degree turn.

Don't try to minimize his athleticism, it just makes you look even stupider.
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So I suppose it is time to destroy the last leg of the McMichaels are good people argument. The idea they were or are good neighbors. Every house in that neighborhood has probably lost 10% of its value. Nobody is going to be grateful for that.

When a prospective buyer gets a report they will see a murder took place in the neighborhood. If they do make an offer it is certainly going to be for much less money than it would have been before the murder.

For years now people’s property is going to be worth less. All so three redneck vigilantes could chase and kill a guy who at most stole a handful of nails. I’m sure Larry English is grateful his house is now unsellable for years. I’m sure the neighbors wish the McMichaels had just minded their own business.
Yeah good point it's been a total disaster for Satilla Shores

I bet there's no way in hell any of those people would call the cops if they saw a black guy breaking in their neighborhood anymore

what if the black guy fought the cops and got hurt?

if they were smart they wouldn't call the cops on a black guy beating somebody to death in the middle of the road

look what happened

perhaps the rest of the nation will learn an important lesson from this

don't you dare call the cops when you see a black guy committing a crime

He might violently resist arrest and force a white man to defend himself

just let them Rob rape and steal and hope you're not next

Call the cops when you see someone doing something suspicious. Sure. Arm yourself and set off I hot pursuit to catch him? Nope. Go back to minding your business.
I bet the first dude who called the cops on on arbery is never going to call again

I bet Larry English wishes he never reported anything also

One Good Samaritan and one burglary victim silenced for fear of reprisal

I wonder how many other Good Samaritans aren't going to pick up the phone because they're worried about the consequences

if that black suspect attacks somebody and gets hurt the caller could wind up in big trouble for being the ones that started it all

I guarantee the first 911 caller goes down as racially profiling him and gets his name lit up all over social media for years

theyll NEVER call the cops on black people again

If the baddie is in your house nobody is going to raise a fuss.

We figure he got in your house and you killed him. No problem. Fair is fair.

But we do not extend that to you chasing the fellow down. When you chase him down we ain’t gonna buy the self defense claim. In your house? You can shoot him until the weapon goes dry and he looks like a hunk of Swiss cheese.

But it starts with minding your own business. You go to your neighbors house and shoot someone. We aren’t going to look kindly on that. You need a really good reason.

Let’s say you are walking through a car park and suddenly you pick up a rock and break a window. Now if you did this because you saw a child inside obviously in distress and it’s a hundred and ten in the shade. We won’t mind. If it’s an animal like a dog in similar situation. No jury would convict you.

But if you did it because you were convinced that the jacket on the backseat Is the one that was stolen three weeks ago. Well. In that case we are not going to be understanding. You are going to jail. Don’t get all outraged. You are going to jail.

Now as you can see in the video above. That woman shot at three blacks. Nobody said nothing. No charges. No indictment. Nothing. Why? She was home minding her business when they broke into her home.

There isn’t a DA in the State who would have charged her. You couldn’t get a jury to convict her. It was her home. Her business.

So what is the difference you will argue. First. It was her home. She didn’t arm up and jump in the car and tear out after them. We understand shooting in that moment where fear for your life and the lives of your family takes over. We don’t buy you felt that fear after a ten minute chase you never should have set out on.

We understand a moment of passion. We call it manslaughter when a wife or husband finds their loved one with another and kills them. We don’t condone it. But we understand and are willing to let you off with a much lighter sentence.

If you come home and head out. And come back an hour later to kill them both. Well that ain’t a crime of passion. We do not understand. And we send you up for murder.
. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.

Except that Citizens are prohibited by law from doing that exact thing. They must see a crime. First hand knowledge. In their presence. At that time. The McMichaels saw none of it. And this committed felonies simply trying to detain Arbury in violation of the law.
You and others have made that point about a dozen times here. and it's absolutely true and simply a matter of fact. Yet these dullards somehow think repeating the argument makes it persuasive. How do you explain that?
Do you really want to make it illegal for a former Navy SEAL to pursue some alcoholic vagrant who he sees stumble out of the back of his neighbor's house at 4 in the morning covered in blood and panic when he realizes he's been noticed?

do you really want to make what the people did to notorious serial killer Richard Ramirez an illegal act?

They chased detained and then beat a man they had not seen commit a felony

You don't want them to go to jail do you?

I got $20 that says you don't dress yourself.

Someone who's as stupid and ignorant as you surely needs to be dressed, spoon-fed, etc.

The similarities between this case and the Ramirez case are virtually non-existent. Ramirez was recognized by his picture which was released by a law enforcement agency, when they officially declared him "wanted". No law enforcement agency released Arbury's photo or declared him wanted.

You fail.

So you're saying the cops wouldn't have stopped arberry if they saw him sprinting out of the front door of mr. English's house after they received all those reports and likely photographs of him?

Sure they would've. They're sworn law enforcement officers. That's their fucking job.

Travis McMichael, who is not a sworn law enforcement officer, didn't see Arbury exiting English's house.

There's a profound difference between the two. You just ignorantly refuse to acknowledge it...
so The police were looking for arbery?

like I said he was a wanted man

Arbery was wanted for the trespassing and burglary

You stupid fuck.

A person is "wanted" when a warrant has been issued for his arrest.


There was no such warrant issued for Ahmaud Arbury...
Perhaps Ahmaud Arbery was just an attention seeker who likes to be on the news. Sometimes youngsters from fatherless homes will purposefully get into trouble because they crave attention at any cost.

Here he is in 2013.


BRUNSWICK, Ga. – A quick acting police officer in Brunswick stopped a teenager with a loaded gun from entering a high school basketball game Tuesday night.

Police arrested 19-year-old Ahmaud Marquez Avery (pictured below), who is not a student at Brunswick.

"The man ran through the parking lot. I tried to get him to stop as well. He would not stop for us," said Glynn County Schools Chief of Police, Rod Ellis. "We ended up chasing him to the back of the school were other officers helped us apprehend him."

Ellis said the .380 caliber semi-automatic handgun slipped out of the teen's pants.

A parent, who did not want to be identified, told Channel 4 he saw the gun as he was about to enter the school gym. He said police were everywhere.

"They were trying to keep everyone calm and away from the gun that was on the ground. They wouldn't let anyone in or out of the gym," said the parent.

The basketball game continued without interruption while police arrested Avery.

"The main thing is we stopped him from getting into the event," Ellis said. "We don't know what his intentions were but you know it's never a good combination when you bring a weapon to a school event clearly when it's posted that you can't."

At Friday night's basketball game, Chief Ellis said they added more officers and from now on, every person will be scanned with a metal detecting wand.

Police said Avery is out of jail on bond.

Two of the police officers suffered injuries. One has been treated for a fractured hand.

Then here he is on a police body cam video after Arbery, who was 20 at the time, got caught stealing a 65 inch TV from Wal-Mart with two 15 year old kids and a 17 year old kid.

And here is Ahmaud Arbery in another viral video that made the news a few years later. IIRC, we even had a thread here at USMB about this incident a couple years ago.

Where was TM when AA ran up to the right headlight of TM’s Truck?
In those few seconds he ran from the centerline, all the way to the right shoulder of the road into the grass and then back to the centerline.

Why did AA run “all the way to the right shoulder of the road into the grass” ? 26266066 reply to 26265701

While AA was doing that, TM repositioned himself. Can you tell me where TM started from and ended up at the exact moment that AA reached the point depicted in the following image:

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In those few seconds he ran from the centerline, all the way to the right shoulder of the road into the grass and then back to the centerline.

Why did AA run “all the way to the right shoulder of the road into the grass” ?

While AA was doing that, TM repositioned himself. Can you tell me where TM started from and ended up at the exact moment that AA reached the point depicted in the following image:

View attachment 437913
When he first gets out of the truck he is positioned here....


That's the absolute worst place Travis could possibly be positioned after he dismounted because he could be cornered by the criminal who is running directly towards Travis and approaching surprisingly quickly.

He can't move to the right because the body of the truck is in the way.

He cannot move backwards because the door of the truck is in the way.

He cannot move forward because the criminal is quickly approaching from that direction.

His only option to avoid a physical confrontation is to move to the left. And that is exactly what he does.

As you can see, in this next frame, now Travis is no longer cornered. The door of the truck is no longer blocking him from moving away from the criminal.


But the criminal has also turned left and is running straight at Travis again. Since the criminal is approaching at an alarming speed from behind the truck, at this point the best way for Travis to avoid a physical confrontation with the criminal is to reposition himself in front of the truck. That way the truck is between himself and the criminal.

Since it is 100% the attacker's purview to decide whether he is going to attack Travis from the left or the right, the best option to avoid a physical confrontation for Travis is to reposition himself in front of the truck halfway between the right fender of the truck and the left edge of the open driver's side door.

And as evidenced by the frame that you posted earlier, and this frame, that is right where Travis repositioned himself. You can tell because you can see the top of his hat through the windshield just to the left of the driver's side headrest.


Now obviously a morbidly obese 34 year old guy like Travis McMichael cannot outrun an outstanding lean young 25 year old athlete like Ahmaud Arbery. So trying to run away from him was not a viable option. His best option after he dismounted and had an "Oh Shit!" moment, was to take cover in front of the truck and pray that AA stops, turns around, or just keeps running on by.
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TM fears physical attack by AA so he repositions himself to be closer to AA while his father is fully exposed, put his gun down and watched as AA runs past him
26266139 reply to 26266139
that is right where Travis repositioned himself. You can tell because you can see the top of his hat through the windshield just to the left of the driver's side headrest.

I asked you to tell me where AA positioned himself at the precise moment when AA ran at a steady pace around the passenger side of the truck and reached a spot in the area if the right front headlight. This is your response:


That is a very good snd best image to locate and establish TM’s Shot#1 Position. I agree.

Some questions:

What is the distance from TM’s Original position at the middle of the truck with his back to the driver side door that was open to the Shot#1 Position? How many steps or distance in feet did TM shift to get to Shot#1 Position?

Let’s say the Truck is facing west.

TM certainly was aware that AA had committed to a path off the road in the grass in the passenger side Do you agree?

So if you say TM was fearful of being attacked by AA who can be seen in the video running at a steady pace to the west towards the passenger side why did TM also move to the west to be closer to AA when he runs right past fully exposed GM and reached the
right front fender of the truck? While yelling at AA to stop.

To avoid a physical confrontation would it not have been much safer to watch as AA continued west and to put AA’s momentum to work at keeping AA as far from him and a loaded shotgun as far away possible? TM’s lesst safest position was to run west and be once again farther west than AA without having the truck and his daddy separating himself from who you call an attacker who was running west on the passenger side fir certain.

If you want to avoid an attack from someone running west around your truck. As the attacker is near the right rear wheel heading west you would head esst toward the left rear wheel at the dance time. you would never run west too to risk an inevitable collision with an attacker.

Unless you were armed snd your attacker was not and you wanted the collision to happen.

Why did TM run toward AA and his momentum If his intent was to avoid a physical confrontation in front of the truck?

Why is TM there at all. No one forced him to have his hat visible through the rear and front windshield five feet from the right headlight with a loaded shotgun in his hand that goes right about then.
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After all this became public. I read the information. Watched the videos. And came up with a scenario I believe is probably true. It fits my read.

The only Burglary Report for the neighborhood was Travis reporting a weapon stolen from his truck three or four months before the shooting.

Now I think that Daddy and Junior decided Arbury stole the gun. And the idea that he would run by every day or two was just infuriating. It festered inside them. The hatred they felt was compounded by the idea Arbury was just laughing at them. It made them feel powerless. Weak. And they decided they were gonna catch him and force him to answer questions. They might even find he had the gun on him.

This is why they used the epitaph to describe Arbury. This is why they set off in pursuit. It was painfully obvious that Arbury couldn’t be carrying anything from the Construction site. Other than a handful of nails everything else was just too big.

Arbury was in effect taunting them to their way of thinking. And By God they were not going to endure that any longer. They did not set out to kill him. But the moment they armed up and set off they were the criminals. And their crime spree resulted in a man dead.

The McMichaels felt certain the Gun would be located when the cops investigated.

Again. This is the scenario that made the most sense to me. It fits what we know about them. And it fits the actions they took. The reason they believed Arbury was armed was because they believed he had stolen the gun.

But these beliefs do not justify the action they took. Even if their belief was true. It was still criminal for them to set off in pursuit. They had no evidence. No first hand knowledge that he had committed a crime at the time they set off in pursuit. Their suspicion that he took the gun is not reasonable for the pursuit. It was months before. And they needed more proof than it must be him.

I honestly believe they have perhaps one chance in twenty to avoid prison. They might get lawyers who are much better than the ones I’ve seen so far. The odds for them going to prison are very very high.
TM certainly was aware that AA had committed to a path off the road in the grass in the passenger side Do you agree?
No. Are you trying to imply that all white cracker rednecks are supernatural supervillain evil mind readers, Mr. anti-white racist bigot?

If he is not some sort of mind reader, how could TM possibly know from which direction AA would choose to attack?

AA could have attacked from the left, or the right, or ran straight over the top of the truck or dove underneath the truck and grabbed TM by the ankles.

...Or chose not to attack TM at all. But then he would not have earned his 2020 Darwin Award nomination.
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. Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no legal authority to pursue and detain/arrest.
Can you show the USMB forum, any sort of evidence that either Travis McMichael or his father Gregory McMichael attempted to illegally detain/arrest Mr. Arbery?

If so, please share it with us.

Why did they chase him?
He was a felon caught on tape casing a house under construction so the cops wanted him-----and they were being good citizens and trying to stop the felon from fleeing the scene of the crime as the cops arrived.

ALL of this per the evidence.

Except that Citizens are prohibited by law from doing that exact thing. They must see a crime. First hand knowledge. In their presence. At that time. The McMichaels saw none of it. And this committed felonies simply trying to detain Arbury in violation of the law.
You and others have made that point about a dozen times here. and it's absolutely true and simply a matter of fact. Yet these dullards somehow think repeating the argument makes it persuasive. How do you explain that?
Do you really want to make it illegal for a former Navy SEAL to pursue some alcoholic vagrant who he sees stumble out of the back of his neighbor's house at 4 in the morning covered in blood and panic when he realizes he's been noticed?

do you really want to make what the people did to notorious serial killer Richard Ramirez an illegal act?

They chased detained and then beat a man they had not seen commit a felony

You don't want them to go to jail do you?

I got $20 that says you don't dress yourself.

Someone who's as stupid and ignorant as you surely needs to be dressed, spoon-fed, etc.

The similarities between this case and the Ramirez case are virtually non-existent. Ramirez was recognized by his picture which was released by a law enforcement agency, when they officially declared him "wanted". No law enforcement agency released Arbury's photo or declared him wanted.

You fail.

So you're saying the cops wouldn't have stopped arberry if they saw him sprinting out of the front door of mr. English's house after they received all those reports and likely photographs of him?

Sure they would've. They're sworn law enforcement officers. That's their fucking job.

Travis McMichael, who is not a sworn law enforcement officer, didn't see Arbury exiting English's house.

There's a profound difference between the two. You just ignorantly refuse to acknowledge it...
so The police were looking for arbery?

like I said he was a wanted man

Arbery was wanted for the trespassing and burglary

You stupid fuck.

A person is "wanted" when a warrant has been issued for his arrest.


There was no such warrant issued for Ahmaud Arbury...
the police were actively looking for him that means he was wanted by the police

he was a criminal from a criminal family who got caught

he knew he was guilty that's why he sprinted out the front door
TM fears physical attack by AA so he repositions himself to be closer to AA
That is untrue. You are lying again.

AA is approaching from the rear of the truck, and TM moves from from driver's side door to the front of the truck. He moved away from AA, who was quickly approaching from the rear of the truck.

You're a liar and an idiot.
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Where was TM when AA ran up to the right headlight of TM’s Truck?
In those few seconds he ran from the centerline, all the way to the right shoulder of the road into the grass and then back to the centerline.

Why did AA run “all the way to the right shoulder of the road into the grass” ? 26266066 reply to 26265701

While AA was doing that, TM repositioned himself. Can you tell me where TM started from and ended up at the exact moment that AA reached the point depicted in the following image:

View attachment 437913
Yes Travis went from the driver side to the front of the truck approximately 3 ft

Your criminal Hero on the other hand ran about a football field directly at Travis and the rear of the vehicle

as he approached Travis shoulder to shotgun even though he never aimed the gun directly at the criminal it was clear he was armed so the criminal had a choice to make

the criminal could have stopped and held his ground knowing full well he was in no danger of being fired upon has he hadn't been shot in the previous exchanges they had and the gun wasn't even aimed at him

he could simply keep on running, knowing that Travis would have no reason to shoot him because he hadn't shot him in the previous encounters

or he could sneak around the truck pull a quick 90-degree maneuver and attack Travis in a ridiculous Kung Fu theater Ricki Lake Show attempt to beat a weapon out of his hand

as we well know this ridiculous criminal chose to attack and since Travis was now standing in front of his truck to protect himself from the charging Criminal and holding his shotgun in a low position the foolish criminal thought he could grab it and made a play

as the ridiculous criminal reached his hand out to grab the barrel of the shotgun and charge Travis his hand was hit with the first blast of pellets... unfazed by the weak load of pellets the criminal then grabbed the barrel of the gun and with his other hand tried to not Travis unconscious with repeated blows to the face

Travis being a trained military operator with nerves of Steel and Trigger Discipline to match knew he was now in a fight for his life

Luckily Travis also had an Iron Jaw to match his Iron Will and he absorbed punch after punch trying to avoid being forced to kill the suicidal Criminal

After several strikes any man would realize that even a piece of garbage Criminal could possibly get in a strike that could incapacitate the citizen so at that point Travis was forced to end the threat

After the second point-blank shotgun blast to the chest the criminal finally released his grip on Travis's shotgun and try to run away

Travis of course being a trained military operator who had absolutely no intention of injuring this Reckless homicidal maniac immediately dropped his aim then continued backing up as he had been throughout the entire attack

the criminals stumbled a few more feet and then fell flat on his criminal face

Had Travis sought to murder a man he would have shot him at range with a heavy load called a slug

Had Travis had slug ammunition in his shotgun the first blast would have likely injured the criminal so bad he would have stopped his assault but the second one would have blown a crater through him and dropped him like a bag of rubbish

the only reason this worthless criminal could take three blasts from the shotgun is the fact that Travis had a much less lethal load in his firearm then was available at your local Walmart

Travis McMichael was an experienced Hunter and Military trained operator who understood Firearms ballistics... the fact that he went out to confront this well-known local petty Criminal with pellets in a shotgun proves he had absolutely no intention of using it to assault the criminal but was solely interested in defending himself and his father who was a cancer survivor from what could have been an armed individual and without a doubt highly aggressive and dangerous

as an experienced criminal from a criminal family who was likely on parole at the time arberry knew he'd likely go back to jail for what he done at the English home and chose to attack two men with guns rather than talk to the police

Travis and Gregory were idiots to chase this dangerous Thief however I'm certain if they did not he would have made his Escape and come back to terrorize the neighborhood over and over again has even though the police were on their way he had a good Head Start and could easily claim he was just out for a jog and they mistakenly identified him because he was black

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