The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

in order to legally attack someone you have to have no reasonable means of escape and actually be cornered

Travis McMichael had primary control of the shotgun when Arbery tried to grab it.

According to you, instead of McMicael allowing Arbery to get close enough to grad the barrel of the shotgun, he (McMichael) should've run, since he had plenty of space and opportunity. He had a reasonable means of escape and he was not cornered.

Travis McMichael acted unlawfully...
maude did something illegal giving the mcmichels probable cause to persue him then closed on and attacked a man standing his ground just like travon Martin

once someone STOPS CHASING YOU its unreasonable to run them down and attack

a man who is not threatening you and standing his ground is not legally attackable

nobody pointed a gun at or even tried to grab maude

he had no legal right to attack and did so because he was nutz

he was diagnosed as hearing voices just prior to the incident

you idiots are trying to defend a criminal with severe mental health issues

i can give him a pass for the suicide charge considering his history but that dosent "negate" the mcmichels right to defend themselves

You're talking out both sides of your mouth now.

But, back to my point. You're repeatedly stated that Arbery "charged" at McMichael. My question to you is this: If what you say is true, why didn't McMichael retreat?
McMichael did retreat. He retreated from the rear of the driver's side door to front of the truck as Arbery was quickly charging at him from the rear of the truck, thus repositioning himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery.

However, Arbery hooked around the passenger side of the truck and attacked McMichaels. Thus earning his 2020 Darwin Award nomination.

Why did he stop running?

According to Guerilla, if Arbery was being chased he should've escaped through one of the backyards located on "acres and acres" of land each house has up there.

So, if McMichael was being charged by someone, why shouldn't he be expected to do the exact same thing?
That's just stupid. A morbidly obese middle aged guy can't outrun an athletic 25 year old. His best option to avoid a physical confrontation at that point was to position himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery, and that's exactly what he did. He retreated to the front of the truck.

We don't know that because McMichael didn't even try.
Bullshit. The video proves he retreated.

Well, I guess he didn't retreat far enough, did he?

Using Guerilla's "logic", McMichael should have done everything within his power to escape the charging criminal. After all, he was being attacked. He should've run and he didn't and, because he chose to stay where he was, he shoulders full responsibility for murdering Arbery...

Arbery was the aggressor in the physical confrontation.

Again, according to Guerilla, McMichael had a duty to flee...

He was killed while committing armed robbery.

Oh, so now it's armed robbery?

The saddest part of all of this is that you're absolutely clueless as to how absolutely fucking stupid you look...
everyone knows if arbery had surrendered to the McMichaels he would have been arrested and the McMichaels would have been neighborhood Heroes

That may well be the case.

However that's not what happened, because the inbred decided to play "Johnny Law", when he had no business doing so and, as a result, ended up murdering an unarmed man and then calling him a

This is Hate Crime 101 in law school...
Then TM retreated to the front of the truck

IF TM started his retreat from AA at this point as you claimper this frame.
View attachment 441149
What tells you from the video that it was a retreat and not an attack.

You must ask yourself why if TM saw that AA wanted to avoid making physical contact on the drivers side by swerving to get around on the passenger side why would TM change position to the very front of the truck that would end up being 4 ft or less from intersecting with AA’s path that was chosen to avoid contact.

Had TM stayed put in the oncoming lane left of the centerline as shown in the image above he would at all times be at least 20 feet from possible contact with westbound heading AA.. The truck would always be separating the two until AA Passes the truck and is on his way home./ Alive. TM Would have been yellin GO GO GO INSTEAD OF STOP STOP STOP.

But TM could see just as we can on the video that AA’s detour to the passenger side was a means of escape from the blockade they had set up. So TM had to block that escape by running as close out in front of the intended escape route as he could.


TM did get close to AA in the westbound lane in front of the truck and AA was shot in the chest.

That we know.

But we know for certain from the video that AA showed the first sign wanting to avoid physical contact. It was TM crossing the centerline in front of the truck with a loaded shotgun going against an unarmed man In light clothing that makes TM the attacker not the other way around.

It’s crossing that double yellow line in front of the truck that makes TM the attacker right up to the first shot. What happened after that first shot is on TM too.
TM is not a mind reader, jackass. He had no way of knowing that AA was going to go around the passenger side of the truck. There is no evidence whatsoever that he was trying to "head him off at the pass". He retreated and took cover in front of the truck.

Now I think I know why you were lying about TM being 15 feet in front of the truck. You're just tying to dishonestly present a false narrative that he was trying to get a pursuit angle. You failed.

Science proves you wrong. The sun at that time of day was at an approximately -45 degree angle. In order for someone to cast a shadow all the way to the truck from 15 feet away he would have to be about 15 feet tall.

A ~6 foot tall man like TM could not cast a shadow to the front of that truck, as we see in the video, if he was more than 6 feet away from the truck.

I will add to this. Those figures were approximate for simplicity. I'll get more precise, even though it will likely go way the fuck over your head.

I went to the charts and found that in the Satilla Shores neighborhood of New Brunswick at 1:15 PM on Feb 23, 2000 the solar angle was -59.42 degrees.

View attachment 441201

Therefore a 6 foot tall man could only cast a shadow about 3 and a half feet.

If they were 15 feet in front of the truck, in order to cast those shadows we see under the truck in the frame you posted earlier, TH and AA would have to be over 25 feet tall.

View attachment 441210

The science proves that you are not only wrong, you are wrong by a hell of a lot.

Damn good I got you to admit the scientific and mathematical reality of shadows of men reflected on hot pavement.

I’M not saying TM was 15 feet from the front bumper the entire 3/4 seconds following AA’s arrival at the right headlight . AA was zero feet in front the truck at that moment


AA was let’s say heading southwest away from the truck or possibly 4 to 5 ft from the front of the truck when he was shot.

He was not 2ft to 3ft in front of the truck running south and straight at TM who was also 2ft to 3ft west the truck s as you two moonbats have alleged.

No 90 degree turn to attack.

I think AA ended up about 10 to 12 or up to 15 feet from the bumper when he was in pursuit of TM after being shot in the chest and was running across the center line bringing his three foot shadow behind him back into view of the camera.

What shadow is cast if TM is standing waiting for AA to reach the front of the truck with his right foot positioned exactly mid-bumper facing northeast let’s say 12” to the west, if that one foot was flat on the ground right there at this precise moment in shadow time?


Very impressive but you are a dumb ass who (assuming the truck faces west) does not know the difference between shadows of men moving southward (parallel with the shadow of the front bumper) or the shadows of men moving southwesterly away from the truck (assuming the truck faces west)
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nobody brandished threatened or pointed a firearm at anyone until it was absolutely necessary
You're lying. Travis exited the vehicle with a shotgun and stood in the middle of the oncoming lane, brandishing it. That was what led to Arbery going around the passenger side of the truck.

when someone is running directly at an individual who is standing their ground holding a firearm it is perfectly reasonable for the person standing their ground to believe their life is in jeopardy
You're lying again as Travis wasn't standing his ground. Standing your ground means you have no duty to retreat when someone is threatening you with death or great bodily harm. Arbery wasn't threatening Travis as Travis was sitting in the vehicle, he was jogging down the road. If anything, Arbery was the one being threatened as the McMichaels and Bryan had been chasing him for several minutes and boxed him in with the McMichaels parked in front of him and Bryan following him from behind. At that point, Arbery was not a threat. Travis was in a vehicle and chose to get out with a shotgun. At that point, he was threatening Arbery, Arbery was still not threatening him. As Arbery rounded the front of the Truck and found Travis was moving towards him, Arbery was standing his ground against the man threating him with a shotgun.

In a precise scenario to the Trayvon Martin incident a person who was being chased now became an aggressor as the party who gave up the chase was now being closed on by the person they were previously chasing
Travis threatened Arbery with a shotgun. When did Zimmerman brandish a firearm? So no, not the same.

A citizen defending their neighborhood universally has more rights than an intruder doing suspicious things within that neighborhood
There's no law that allows someone in Georgia to resort to deadly force to defend their neighborhood. They can legally defend an intruder in their residence and they can legally defend themselves if being attacked or about to be attacked if they themselves did not provoke the attack; which Travis provoked by brandishing a shotgun.

if you catch someone doing something suspicious you have every right to confront them and if they flee they now give you probable cause to pursue them as well
Cite the Georgia statute that permits that...
He was killed while committing armed robbery.

Oh, so now it's armed robbery?

The saddest part of all of this is that you're absolutely clueless as to how absolutely fucking stupid you look...
He used force to try to steal TM's shotgun. The video shows the shotgun in AA's hands. Therefore it was armed robbery.

Plain and simple.
He used force to try to steal TM's shotgun. The video shows the shotgun in AA's hands. Therefore it was armed robbery.

He is shot in the chest before the video shows the shotgun in AA's hands.

The shotgun became evidence as it was used to commit the felony of aggravated assault against AA. Are you saying AA committed a felony when he attempted to seize it in order to prevent being shot again.
He was killed while committing armed robbery.

Oh, so now it's armed robbery?

The saddest part of all of this is that you're absolutely clueless as to how absolutely fucking stupid you look...
He used force to try to steal TM's shotgun. The video shows the shotgun in AA's hands. Therefore it was armed robbery.

Plain and simple.
Self-defense, not armed robbery, which is ludicrous anyway as Abery was not armed.
No 90 degree turn to attack.
It was ~135 degrees. And of course that necessarily includes 90 degrees.

Here AA is running about 45 degrees clockwise from the centerline...


...then here he is a few seconds later back to the centerline going perpendicular to it the other way.


That's a 135 degree turn.
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He is shot in the chest before the video shows the shotgun in AA's hands.
That is not proof that AA did not grab the gun before he was shot, jackass.

It’s proof that an armed white male shot an unarmed black male while ordering him to stop based upon a gut feeling that the black male was responsible for non-deadly neighborhood crimes in recent months.

It’s all the proof needed to convict all three white males of these serous crimes against a person. .... malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault, false imprisonment and criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment.

the murder charges stem from the fact that AA died as a result of all the other felonies committed by the perps for seven minutes that day.

To want them released, restored to hero status, over what you cannot see on a video for one second out of those seven minutes, is absurd and emblematic of your racism’s

I think GBI will construct a 4D model of what happened during that “first shot” second that is not fully visible the video.

and I’m sure that compute model will show that TM was not in physical contact with AA when the first shot was fired. That will coincide with TM never telling police that the first shot was the result of AA grabbing the gun.
U.S. Coast Guard demonstrates rescue efforts as boating season takes off - News - The Florida Times-Union - Jacksonville, FL

According to the Coast Guard, 58 people died in 2013 and 50 people died in 2012.

If not for the fast action of McMichael and other members of the Coast Guard on Aug. 28, 2014, more people could have died.

The wind and rain made it almost impossible to see more than 100 feet in any direction. And there were two people in the water.

An elderly couple’s boat had lost power to its navigational equipment and crashed into the south jetty near Mayport Naval Station about 10 p.m. last August, McMichael said.

A relatively boring night at U.S. Coast Guard Sector Jacksonville suddenly turned into a dash for rescue.

“By the time we got out there, it was completely destroyed,” he said of the boat.

McMichael, a Brunswick, Ga., native with eight years under his belt in the Coast Guard, couldn’t spot the couple in the water. Tension built among the crew as a spotlight swept the rolling sea.

The 45-foot rescue boat made it to the south end of the jetty where the crew spotted the couple in the water and tossed them a line.

“If they hadn’t had on their life jackets, they wouldn’t have made it,” he said.[/color]

TJM: I save people's lives, nigga.

AMA: I teach teenage kids how to get arrested at Walmart and hate cracker hillbillies.

Super. He did his fucking job.

How you think that means he didn't intentionally kill someone is a mystery.
The video proves that he acted in self defense.

Arbery attacked him and tried to steal his shotgun while he was fleeing the scene of a crime. And while very minor, the trespass would have been a violation of his probation nonetheless.

And if he got busted by the cops, the crime could have put him in jail because committing any crimes while on probation, no matter how minor, is a violation of probation.

Attacking Travis and trying to steal his shotgun was technically attempted robbery. A violent felony.

He should have just stopped rather than escalate it.

He probably would have only did 30 days, if even that. 90 days max if they were real assholes.

Instead, he's fucking dead.

Fucking Darwin awards suck. :(

What's the color of the sky in your world?
It varies. Right now it is mostly light grey with a hint of darker blueish bands, but in a couple of hours it will be black. The sunrise tomorrow morning may be more colorful.

Not at all surprising.

I hope they bring back public hangings for Travis.
That's because you're a jealous sociopathic moron.

No, it's because I believe such a punishment is appropriate for someone who arms himself, chases down someone who's running down the road (without cause), and then gets out of his truck and kills someone. He is a despicable piece of shit...
The video has been posted.

Where in the video do you see Travis McMichael "chasing" Ahmaud Arbery?

That's right, you don't see that.

The video proves conclusively that Travis McMichael only shot after he was attacked.

Now, you can argue that you think Travis was a racist honkey cracker redneck good-ol'-boy incestuous inbred Hills Have Eyes radioactive white motherfucking mutant, and you may argue that the 2nd amendment should be repealed because your retarded mind has been brainwashed it to thinking it's wayciss...

But none of that changes the facts. They are clear for you to see in the video.

I think AA ended up about 10 to 12 or up to 15 feet from the bumper when he was in pursuit of TM after being shot in the chest and was running across the center line bringing his three foot shadow behind him back into view of the camera.
That would mean that TM is a lot faster from a dead stop than Usain Bolt at a full sprint on his best day. Or they instantly teleported.

You have absolutely no innate understanding of physics. I fire people like on day one because they tend to be accident prone.
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That would mean that TM is a lot faster from a dead stop than Usain Bolt at a full sprint on his best day.

TM has to run 20 feet while AA has to run 100. Completely doable with adrenaline jacked up hoping to catch a Fuckin N-word and impress his daddy.
nobody brandished threatened or pointed a firearm at anyone until it was absolutely necessary
You're lying. Travis exited the vehicle with a shotgun and stood in the middle of the oncoming lane, brandishing it. That was what led to Arbery going around the passenger side of the truck.

when someone is running directly at an individual who is standing their ground holding a firearm it is perfectly reasonable for the person standing their ground to believe their life is in jeopardy
You're lying again as Travis wasn't standing his ground. Standing your ground means you have no duty to retreat when someone is threatening you with death or great bodily harm. Arbery wasn't threatening Travis as Travis was sitting in the vehicle, he was jogging down the road. If anything, Arbery was the one being threatened as the McMichaels and Bryan had been chasing him for several minutes and boxed him in with the McMichaels parked in front of him and Bryan following him from behind. At that point, Arbery was not a threat. Travis was in a vehicle and chose to get out with a shotgun. At that point, he was threatening Arbery, Arbery was still not threatening him. As Arbery rounded the front of the Truck and found Travis was moving towards him, Arbery was standing his ground against the man threating him with a shotgun.

In a precise scenario to the Trayvon Martin incident a person who was being chased now became an aggressor as the party who gave up the chase was now being closed on by the person they were previously chasing
Travis threatened Arbery with a shotgun. When did Zimmerman brandish a firearm? So no, not the same.

A citizen defending their neighborhood universally has more rights than an intruder doing suspicious things within that neighborhood
There's no law that allows someone in Georgia to resort to deadly force to defend their neighborhood. They can legally defend an intruder in their residence and they can legally defend themselves if being attacked or about to be attacked if they themselves did not provoke the attack; which Travis provoked by brandishing a shotgun.

if you catch someone doing something suspicious you have every right to confront them and if they flee they now give you probable cause to pursue them as well
Cite the Georgia statute that permits that...
I see you have a flair for the dramatic

It's perfectly reasonable to shoulder your firearm if a criminal is closing on your position with an intent to do great bodily harm

Shouldering a weapon is not threatening or brandishing it

You have absolutely no evidence that Maud was threatened at any time

You can't box a young athletic man in with two vehicles in a wide open road

Just because someone is holding a shotgun doesn't give you the right to attack them because you feel scared they have to actually threaten you with great bodily harm and you have to have no reasonable means of Escape in order to use violence

Maude had no reasonable belief they would shoot him in this encounter because no one had fired at him in any of their previous encounters
That would mean that TM is a lot faster from a dead stop than Usain Bolt at a full sprint on his best day.

TM has to run 20 feet while AA has to run 100. Completely doable with adrenaline jacked up hoping to catch a Fuckin N-word and impress his daddy.
Travis McMichael didn't run anywhere he took about two steps around the door and around two or three more to the middle of the trucks hood in about five seconds flat in response to the charging Criminal

Not only did Maude instigate the Reasonable Suspicion by trespassing he also provoked a chase by fleeing and then escalated the encounter by using violence in an effort to disarm a man who hadn't even touched him or pointed a weapon at him
He was killed while committing armed robbery.

Oh, so now it's armed robbery?

The saddest part of all of this is that you're absolutely clueless as to how absolutely fucking stupid you look...
He used force to try to steal TM's shotgun. The video shows the shotgun in AA's hands. Therefore it was armed robbery.

Plain and simple.

That's not armed robbery, dunce.

Armed robbery is when you use a weapon to threaten someone when you rob them. Arbery never used a weapon in an attempt to rob the inbred.

Grabbing the shotgun doesn't count.

Watching your mental flailing is pretty entertaining, though, I'll give you that...
He was killed while committing armed robbery.

Oh, so now it's armed robbery?

The saddest part of all of this is that you're absolutely clueless as to how absolutely fucking stupid you look...
He used force to try to steal TM's shotgun. The video shows the shotgun in AA's hands. Therefore it was armed robbery.

Plain and simple.

That's not armed robbery, dunce.

Armed robbery is when you use a weapon to threaten someone when you rob them. Arbery never used a weapon in an attempt to rob the inbred.

Grabbing the shotgun doesn't count.
Yes it does.
That would mean that TM is a lot faster from a dead stop than Usain Bolt at a full sprint on his best day.

TM has to run 20 feet while AA has to run 100. Completely doable with adrenaline jacked up hoping to catch a Fuckin N-word and impress his daddy.
Travis McMichael didn't run anywhere he took about two steps around the door and around two or three more to the middle of the trucks hood in about five seconds flat in response to the charging Criminal

Not only did Maude instigate the Reasonable Suspicion by trespassing he also provoked a chase by fleeing and then escalated the encounter by using violence in an effort to disarm a man who hadn't even touched him or pointed a weapon at him

You said that Arbery should've run away when he felt threatened. You've said that many times.

You said that Travis also felt threatened as Arbery "charged" at him.

Why was it not incumbent for Travis, like Arbery, to also run away when he felt threatened?

I'll give you a minute to dream up some lame, pathetic answer but, be aware, your hypocrisy is showing...
He was killed while committing armed robbery.

Oh, so now it's armed robbery?

The saddest part of all of this is that you're absolutely clueless as to how absolutely fucking stupid you look...
He used force to try to steal TM's shotgun. The video shows the shotgun in AA's hands. Therefore it was armed robbery.

Plain and simple.

That's not armed robbery, dunce.

Armed robbery is when you use a weapon to threaten someone when you rob them. Arbery never used a weapon in an attempt to rob the inbred.

Grabbing the shotgun doesn't count.
Yes it does.

I challenge you to cite the Georgia State law which considers that armed robbery.

You can't do it, and you know you can't do it.

You must be getting pretty tired of being called on your bullshit so much...

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