The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

Assuming the white truck and black truck were facing west -
They were not facing west.

notfacing west.PNG
It’s the final take down reply to 26319877 - Travis moved toward AA and then he shoots him.
as Travis moved toward him

Assuming the white truck and black truck were facing west - WTF? You are ADMITTING TM was moving toward AA as the only armed attacker.

TM had to be attacking in a general direction moving west to northwest while AA was running west to southwest. When the two converged a shot was fired.

No matter what occurred if there was a collision before a shot or a shot before a collision - the man with the loaded weapon in public put his life and the life of the man he was trying to detain in danger.

You have come a long way to admit that TM moved more than three feet toward AA after the swerve:
View attachment 441472View attachment 441473View attachment 441474
While AA was running through those three scenes, TM took off for a trot of his own such that his shadow appears in the pavement under the front of the white truck.
View attachment 441479
Why didn't maud stand his ground and talk to the cops?
Then agaiun, he had a couple of inbreds chasing him with guns, so it surprises no one that he elected to get the fuck outta' Dodge.
But he didn't do that at all

he ran directly at two men who were standing their ground with guns

that's not Escape behavior and it's definitely not indicative of fear as he would reasonably have if they had actually threatened him

An innocent young jogger being threatened by murderous rednecks with guns would have ran between the houses and desperately asked for help

A psychotic mentally retarded career Criminal fleeing like a maniac from a crime he committed that didn't want to talk to the police would try to kill Witnesses jack their car and make a break for it...

he tried to carjack roddy and then attackef the McMichaels in a suicide bomber style charge

The only reason he had the balls to pull that stunt is because he was 100% convinced they weren't going to hurt him because no one had so much as pointed a gun at him or threatened him in any way
He didn't have to escape. Georgia's a stand your ground state. He had every right to fight for his life.
But he didn't stand his ground

he was moving throughout the entire process

in fact the only time he stood still was when he was inside of Larry Englishs home looking around for something

what was he looking around for in there?

he just kept looking around like he was taking an inventory....

Dumbfuck, "standing your ground," doesn’t literally mean standing in one spot on the ground.

That would mean that TM is a lot faster from a dead stop than Usain Bolt at a full sprint on his best day.

TM has to run 20 feet while AA has to run 100. Completely doable with adrenaline jacked up hoping to catch a Fuckin N-word and impress his daddy.
Wrong. They would have had to run at least 10 feet in 0.2 seconds. That's an average rate of 50 feet/second or 34 MPH. Usain Bolt's record speed was 27.8 MPH.

So no, that's not completely doable. You're full of shit.

Your bigotry and ignorance does not cancel science and mathematics.

Hey, shitstain, I'm still waiting for you to cite the Georgia law which states that trying to take a firearm away from someone is armed robbery...
Do your own homework, idiot.

You want me to show you evidence of a law which doesn't exist.

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you, fuckhead?

You're a fuck up. Just admit that and then we can move on. Otherwise, you're nothing but an ignorant douchebag...
It’s the final take down reply to 26319877 - Travis moved toward AA and then he shoots him.
as Travis moved toward him

Assuming the white truck and black truck were facing west - WTF? You are ADMITTING TM was moving toward AA as the only armed attacker.

TM had to be attacking in a general direction moving west to northwest while AA was running west to southwest. When the two converged a shot was fired.

No matter what occurred if there was a collision before a shot or a shot before a collision - the man with the loaded weapon in public put his life and the life of the man he was trying to detain in danger.

You have come a long way to admit that TM moved more than three feet toward AA after the swerve:
View attachment 441472View attachment 441473View attachment 441474
While AA was running through those three scenes, TM took off for a trot of his own such that his shadow appears in the pavement under the front of the white truck.
View attachment 441479
Why didn't maud stand his ground and talk to the cops?

Because he was murdered by an inbred racist, that's why...
Why didn't maud stand his ground and talk to the cops?

AA stood his ground by ignoring (as much as possible) TRAVIS MCMICHAEL, GREG MCMICHAEL and WILLIAM R BRYAN who were in violation of his personal liberty who were unlawfully attempting to confine and detain him without legal authority on a public roadway.

The fact that you have zero concern for a young black male having his life ended by three white men who were illegally depriving him of his liberty without any direct knowledge that he was any kind of threat to the peace and well being of their community, tells us that you are as racist as you are ignorant.

The only disturbance to the peace and tranquility of Santilla Shores that afternoon was the reckless operation of two pickup trucks in a seven minute pursuit of an unarmed black pedestrian and the blasts of a 12 gauge shotgun that was brought to the needless and insane string of felonies that the three white males have been charged with committing but have one thing that the young black male didn’t have. A chance to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he did not commit a crime in a court of law. - because he was murdered.
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Well the moment you touch a firearm you become armed and if you're trying to forcibly take a item worth over $100 away from somebody it's felony robbery so he's kind of got you on that one

Actually, that's not true...

That's assault in every law code in the world

"Every law code in the world"??

Cop to it, bro, you just make this shit up, don't you?

this kid ran half a football field directly at Travis

Which means Travis had plenty of time to evade the perceived threat.

Your inbred hero is going to die.

And he can't die soon enough...
Then agaiun, he had a couple of inbreds chasing him with guns, so it surprises no one that he elected to get the fuck outta' Dodge.
But he didn't do that at all

he ran directly at two men who were standing their ground with guns

that's not Escape behavior and it's definitely not indicative of fear as he would reasonably have if they had actually threatened him

An innocent young jogger being threatened by murderous rednecks with guns would have ran between the houses and desperately asked for help

A psychotic mentally retarded career Criminal fleeing like a maniac from a crime he committed that didn't want to talk to the police would try to kill Witnesses jack their car and make a break for it...

he tried to carjack roddy and then attackef the McMichaels in a suicide bomber style charge

The only reason he had the balls to pull that stunt is because he was 100% convinced they weren't going to hurt him because no one had so much as pointed a gun at him or threatened him in any way
He didn't have to escape. Georgia's a stand your ground state. He had every right to fight for his life.
But he didn't stand his ground

he was moving throughout the entire process

in fact the only time he stood still was when he was inside of Larry Englishs home looking around for something

what was he looking around for in there?

he just kept looking around like he was taking an inventory....

Dumbfuck, "standing your ground," doesn’t literally mean standing in one spot on the ground.

Yes I've mentioned that numerous times when people said Travis McMichael was not standing his ground because he walked from the driver side compartment to the front of the truck However maud was in flight and should have just stood his ground and reported to law enforcement because he was doing something that any reasonable person would consider highly suspicious especially considering his demographic

if I was just checking out a house and someone confronted me about it I wouldn't run away and then try to throat punch them when I got tired of running I would Stand My Ground explain my reason for being there and then sue their ass in court

the reason maud didn't stand his ground is because he didn't want to talk to the cops

he didn't want to talk to the cops cuz he knew he would go to jail
It’s the final take down reply to 26319877 - Travis moved toward AA and then he shoots him.
as Travis moved toward him

Assuming the white truck and black truck were facing west - WTF? You are ADMITTING TM was moving toward AA as the only armed attacker.

TM had to be attacking in a general direction moving west to northwest while AA was running west to southwest. When the two converged a shot was fired.

No matter what occurred if there was a collision before a shot or a shot before a collision - the man with the loaded weapon in public put his life and the life of the man he was trying to detain in danger.

You have come a long way to admit that TM moved more than three feet toward AA after the swerve:
View attachment 441472View attachment 441473View attachment 441474
While AA was running through those three scenes, TM took off for a trot of his own such that his shadow appears in the pavement under the front of the white truck.
View attachment 441479
Why didn't maud stand his ground and talk to the cops?

Because he was murdered by an inbred racist, that's why...
I mean instead of running like a thief he should have stood his ground before he decided to run up and punch them while forcibly attempting to disarm the man trained by the US Military
Why didn't maud stand his ground and talk to the cops?

AA stood his ground by ignoring (as much as possible) TRAVIS MCMICHAEL, GREG MCMICHAEL and WILLIAM R BRYAN who were in violation of his personal liberty who were unlawfully attempting to confine and detain him without legal authority on a public roadway.

The fact that you have zero concern for a young black male having his life ended by three white men who were illegally depriving him of his liberty without any direct knowledge that he was any kind of threat to the peace and well being of their community, tells us that you are as racist as you are ignorant.

The only disturbance to the peace and tranquility of Santilla Shores that afternoon was the reckless operation of two pickup trucks in a seven minute pursuit of an unarmed black pedestrian and the blasts of a 12 gauge shotgun that was brought to the needless and insane string of felonies that the three white males have been charged with committing but have one thing that the young black male didn’t have. A chance to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he did not commit a crime in a court of law. - because he was murdered.
What would have happened if Maud would have stood his ground right outside the house in Defiance of the first neighbor calling 911

Let's just say he was innocently sprinting out of the front door of that house and did not realize that the Man Standing in broad daylight in front of him on the phone was calling 911 because if his illegal entry to mr. English's property

Two men pulled up alongside him in a pickup truck and asked him to stop running and explain why he was illegally in the English house

Instead of standing his ground and explaining his reason for being there he started evading their attempt to question him and then proceeded to attempt to car jack a man and then commited a violent felony assault

This is precisely the same thing that happened to Richard Ramirez the serial killer who was identified in a supermarket and ran giving the citizens of Southern California reasonable suspicion that he had been responsible for a crime

they gave Chase to Richard Ramirez which of course was perfectly legal then then Richard Ramirez attempted to carjack a woman in a desperate attempt to escape just like Maude

the brave citizens of Southern California ran down and detained Richard Ramirez even though they only recognized him from his photograph circulated in media just like the citizens of Satilla Shores tried to run down and detain Maude arbery because they recognized his photograph from the Satilla Shores Facebook group

the two incidences are identical as citizens' recognized a wanted criminal and attempted to detain them even though they had not witnessed a felony

You people's cowardly interpretation of the law flies in the face of human nature and American history

This cowardly interpretation is only possible if you were a privileged white person living in a condo across the street from a well-funded police station and we're comfortable hiding under your bed at the site of any illegal activity

I for one in the kind of man that would intercede if I saw a criminal running away from a woman's unconscious body while clutching a purse

I understand why you would run and hide

cowards are common and perhaps if you could change the laws of this great nation and make it illegal to pursue criminals you wouldn't have to hide inside your own vagina anymore and could simply say that you would have been a brave man and ran down that criminal but We As Americans are not allowed to so you're just following the law not being a worthless sniveling coward who lets criminals ransack his neighborhood

I wonder what you would do if you walked around the corner of a public Street and found a black man assaulting your own mother

would you run and hide?
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Well the moment you touch a firearm you become armed and if you're trying to forcibly take a item worth over $100 away from somebody it's felony robbery so he's kind of got you on that one

Actually, that's not true...

That's assault in every law code in the world

"Every law code in the world"??

Cop to it, bro, you just make this shit up, don't you?

this kid ran half a football field directly at Travis

Which means Travis had plenty of time to evade the perceived threat.

Your inbred hero is going to die.

And he can't die soon enough...
Travis had every right to stand his ground just like Maude

You see if both parties stand their ground we can handle these things like civilized human beings

However when one party travels a distance and then assaults another party there was standing its ground it becomes highly obvious who the aggressor was

If mod had been standing his ground at the bus stop while a couple rednecks drove up to him and then beat the crap out of him he would be the victim

If Maude had been innocently jogging down the road and a couple rednecks drove up and shot him in the back he would be the victim

Trouble is a couple trained law enforcement agents for standing their ground in the middle of a public roadway in broad daylight on the phone with the police when a violent Psychopathic Criminal closed on their position pulled a sneak attack maneuver around a vehicle and try to forcibly disarm a man using violence

In response to this flurry of activity the trained law enforcement agent was forced to defend himself

You may have had a case if the mcMichael's ran up on maude pointing guns at him and he pulled a ninja Kung Fu Samurai maneuver yet at that point he was fatally injured in a hail of racist gunfire as it was initially reported but now we know they had a reasonable suspicion to pursue an individual who had been ransacking their neighborhood and skulking around in the shadows

All they did was trying to speak to him likely in an effort to Simply identify him and he became feloniously violent trying to carjack people and physically beat weapons out of their hands

This is a great lesson for all young black men in our nation

The next time you go creeping through the crime scene and a couple of people confront you on it don't try to punch them in the throat call me stand your ground and make up some bullshit excuse while you were chasing out that lick and perhaps you can get paid millions of dollars when LeBron and Oprah says they were harassing you cuz you black

You don't even have to be a decent citizen all you have to do is not become violent and you can get paid millions of dollars just like the jerks at Starbucks
Then agaiun, he had a couple of inbreds chasing him with guns, so it surprises no one that he elected to get the fuck outta' Dodge.
But he didn't do that at all

he ran directly at two men who were standing their ground with guns

that's not Escape behavior and it's definitely not indicative of fear as he would reasonably have if they had actually threatened him

An innocent young jogger being threatened by murderous rednecks with guns would have ran between the houses and desperately asked for help

A psychotic mentally retarded career Criminal fleeing like a maniac from a crime he committed that didn't want to talk to the police would try to kill Witnesses jack their car and make a break for it...

he tried to carjack roddy and then attackef the McMichaels in a suicide bomber style charge

The only reason he had the balls to pull that stunt is because he was 100% convinced they weren't going to hurt him because no one had so much as pointed a gun at him or threatened him in any way
He didn't have to escape. Georgia's a stand your ground state. He had every right to fight for his life.
But he didn't stand his ground

he was moving throughout the entire process

in fact the only time he stood still was when he was inside of Larry Englishs home looking around for something

what was he looking around for in there?

he just kept looking around like he was taking an inventory....

Dumbfuck, "standing your ground," doesn’t literally mean standing in one spot on the ground.

Yes I've mentioned that numerous times when people said Travis McMichael was not standing his ground because he walked from the driver side compartment to the front of the truck However maud was in flight and should have just stood his ground and reported to law enforcement because he was doing something that any reasonable person would consider highly suspicious especially considering his demographic

if I was just checking out a house and someone confronted me about it I wouldn't run away and then try to throat punch them when I got tired of running I would Stand My Ground explain my reason for being there and then sue their ass in court

the reason maud didn't stand his ground is because he didn't want to talk to the cops

he didn't want to talk to the cops cuz he knew he would go to jail
Yet again you demonstrate you don't understand what stand your ground is. It's also not calling the police. It's not retreating when someone is threatening you with death or great bodily harm; as Travis McMichael was threatening Arbery with a shotgun after chasing him throughout that Satilla Shores neighborhood.
Well the moment you touch a firearm you become armed and if you're trying to forcibly take a item worth over $100 away from somebody it's felony robbery so he's kind of got you on that one

Actually, that's not true...

That's assault in every law code in the world

"Every law code in the world"??

Cop to it, bro, you just make this shit up, don't you?

this kid ran half a football field directly at Travis

Which means Travis had plenty of time to evade the perceived threat.

Your inbred hero is going to die.

And he can't die soon enough...
Travis had every right to stand his ground just like Maude

You see if both parties stand their ground we can handle these things like civilized human beings

However when one party travels a distance and then assaults another party there was standing its ground it becomes highly obvious who the aggressor was

If mod had been standing his ground at the bus stop while a couple rednecks drove up to him and then beat the crap out of him he would be the victim

If Maude had been innocently jogging down the road and a couple rednecks drove up and shot him in the back he would be the victim

Trouble is a couple trained law enforcement agents for standing their ground in the middle of a public roadway in broad daylight on the phone with the police when a violent Psychopathic Criminal closed on their position pulled a sneak attack maneuver around a vehicle and try to forcibly disarm a man using violence

In response to this flurry of activity the trained law enforcement agent was forced to defend himself

You may have had a case if the mcMichael's ran up on maude pointing guns at him and he pulled a ninja Kung Fu Samurai maneuver yet at that point he was fatally injured in a hail of racist gunfire as it was initially reported but now we know they had a reasonable suspicion to pursue an individual who had been ransacking their neighborhood and skulking around in the shadows

All they did was trying to speak to him likely in an effort to Simply identify him and he became feloniously violent trying to carjack people and physically beat weapons out of their hands

This is a great lesson for all young black men in our nation

The next time you go creeping through the crime scene and a couple of people confront you on it don't try to punch them in the throat call me stand your ground and make up some bullshit excuse while you were chasing out that lick and perhaps you can get paid millions of dollars when LeBron and Oprah says they were harassing you cuz you black

You don't even have to be a decent citizen all you have to do is not become violent and you can get paid millions of dollars just like the jerks at Starbucks
Then agaiun, he had a couple of inbreds chasing him with guns, so it surprises no one that he elected to get the fuck outta' Dodge.
But he didn't do that at all

he ran directly at two men who were standing their ground with guns

that's not Escape behavior and it's definitely not indicative of fear as he would reasonably have if they had actually threatened him

An innocent young jogger being threatened by murderous rednecks with guns would have ran between the houses and desperately asked for help

A psychotic mentally retarded career Criminal fleeing like a maniac from a crime he committed that didn't want to talk to the police would try to kill Witnesses jack their car and make a break for it...

he tried to carjack roddy and then attackef the McMichaels in a suicide bomber style charge

The only reason he had the balls to pull that stunt is because he was 100% convinced they weren't going to hurt him because no one had so much as pointed a gun at him or threatened him in any way
He didn't have to escape. Georgia's a stand your ground state. He had every right to fight for his life.
But he didn't stand his ground

he was moving throughout the entire process

in fact the only time he stood still was when he was inside of Larry Englishs home looking around for something

what was he looking around for in there?

he just kept looking around like he was taking an inventory....

Dumbfuck, "standing your ground," doesn’t literally mean standing in one spot on the ground.

Yes I've mentioned that numerous times when people said Travis McMichael was not standing his ground because he walked from the driver side compartment to the front of the truck However maud was in flight and should have just stood his ground and reported to law enforcement because he was doing something that any reasonable person would consider highly suspicious especially considering his demographic

if I was just checking out a house and someone confronted me about it I wouldn't run away and then try to throat punch them when I got tired of running I would Stand My Ground explain my reason for being there and then sue their ass in court

the reason maud didn't stand his ground is because he didn't want to talk to the cops

he didn't want to talk to the cops cuz he knew he would go to jail
Yet again you demonstrate you don't understand what stand your ground is. It's also not calling the police. It's not retreating when someone is threatening you with death or great bodily harm; as Travis McMichael was threatening Arbery with a shotgun after chasing him throughout that Satilla Shores neighborhood.
Nobody threatened Maude with a gun

in fact nobody even pointed a gun at maude until maude made his REDICLIOUS final assault

these men were both professional law enforcement officers with training in the US Military and the local auspices

they knew better than to aim their firearms at someone that wasn't presenting a direct and immediate threat of great bodily harm to them or someone else

as soon as Maude came around the front quarter panel of the truck and ran directly at Travis McMichael he became an immediate threat

innocent joggers don't do that
Travis McMichael was threatening Arbery with a shotgun after chasing him throughout that Satilla Shores neighborhood
Actually Travis McMichael was standing his ground not threatening anybody with anything in any way when a wanted local Criminal on probation with a history of mental instability ran directly at him for a considerable distance ignoring multiple opportunities to cut between houses to Escape and then attacked him right in front of his elderly father who was a cancer survivor with deadly force so the trained military veteran with a four-year-old child was forced to defend himself and his elderly father by retreating throughout the entire assault and only pulling the trigger when it was absolutely necessary to stop the threat, This is highly evident as the split-second the criminal released his death grip on the shotgun the victim continued to backup and immediately stopped firing dropping his aim

Here's what happens when an innocent black man is harassed by a Neighbourhood and handles his business like a professional

I believe this man was racially profiled and harassed because he was a young black professional and didn't fit their notion of what a real estate agent was supposed to look like

This is a wonderful example of racial profiling, aggressive behavior and how to handle mentally unstable individuals who clearly wish you ill will

the jerks at Starbucks should learn a lesson from this individual

Attack and counter attack
26322973 reply to 26322543 attack and counter attack

Travis had every right to stand his ground just like Maude

Trouble is you have already admitted in writing that TM did not stand his ground.

KingG: “Travis McMichael moved to the front of the truck with a shotgun loaded with pellets / At the front of the vehicle Maude attacked Travis as Travis moved toward him by grabbing his shotgun and striking him”

post: 26319877
Travis McMichael moved to the front of the truck with a shotgun loaded with pellets

post: 26319877
At the front of the vehicle Maude attacked Travis as Travis moved toward him by grabbing his shotgun and striking him

You are describing an attack by a fully armed and dangerous man who was committing active felonies still in progress ands counter attack by AA who was unarmed when he was shot by his assailants so he fought.
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if I was just checking out a house and someone confronted me about it I wouldn't run away and then try to throat punch them when I got tired of running I would Stand My Ground explain my reason for being there and then sue their ass in court

Sue them for what?

This is how I know you're an ignorant child.

Any adult knows you can't sue someone (not successfully, anyways,) for asking you a question.

How fucking stupid.

Please tell me you're not a breeder. We don't need any little ignorant Guerillas running around...
It’s the final take down reply to 26319877 - Travis moved toward AA and then he shoots him.
as Travis moved toward him

Assuming the white truck and black truck were facing west - WTF? You are ADMITTING TM was moving toward AA as the only armed attacker.

TM had to be attacking in a general direction moving west to northwest while AA was running west to southwest. When the two converged a shot was fired.

No matter what occurred if there was a collision before a shot or a shot before a collision - the man with the loaded weapon in public put his life and the life of the man he was trying to detain in danger.

You have come a long way to admit that TM moved more than three feet toward AA after the swerve:
View attachment 441472View attachment 441473View attachment 441474
While AA was running through those three scenes, TM took off for a trot of his own such that his shadow appears in the pavement under the front of the white truck.
View attachment 441479
Why didn't maud stand his ground and talk to the cops?

Because he was murdered by an inbred racist, that's why...
I mean instead of running like a thief he should have stood his ground before he decided to run up and punch them while forcibly attempting to disarm the man trained by the US Military

You seem to think that someone "trained by the US Military" is some sort of Rambo.

Not the case at all.

The military gets by with providing the minimum level of training necessary to do a job. It's always been that way. You've never worn a uniform, though, so you're clueless.

When it comes to military expertise, I'll put my 20 career up against your fantasy world anytime...

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