The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

Reply to 26312515 - TM 4ft from AA in front of the truck - shoots him

Any professionally trained military operator would walk to the front of the engine block if he had a potentially violent criminal CHARGING the rear of the vehicle

We’re trying to stick with facts according to what we can see. Anything you cannot see is a lie unless you can confirm it some other way. For example you said the TM walked to the front of the engine block. That is a lie because I have seen no video showing TM walking to the front of the engine block.

Be that as it may:

So are you saying right now that when AA came around the right front fender on the passenger side TM was repositioned in front of the truck, right up against the bumper, dead center between the headlights. He is therefore about 3ft from the passenger side headlight when AA was coming around the truck making a 45 degree turn. We see it right here


We are dealing only with what we can see and verified by certain realities, so please confirm that you are guessing because you cannot see him, that TM is about 4 FT straight south from AA in that image.

But there are ways to verify if your guess is right. The shadows deny your guess should you choose to double down and stick with it.

please confirm that TM is about 4 FT from AA as he reached the front of the truck.
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in order to legally attack someone you have to have no reasonable means of escape and actually be cornered

Travis McMichael had primary control of the shotgun when Arbery tried to grab it.

According to you, instead of McMicael allowing Arbery to get close enough to grad the barrel of the shotgun, he (McMichael) should've run, since he had plenty of space and opportunity. He had a reasonable means of escape and he was not cornered.

Travis McMichael acted unlawfully...
maude did something illegal giving the mcmichels probable cause to persue him then closed on and attacked a man standing his ground just like travon Martin

once someone STOPS CHASING YOU its unreasonable to run them down and attack

a man who is not threatening you and standing his ground is not legally attackable

nobody pointed a gun at or even tried to grab maude

he had no legal right to attack and did so because he was nutz

he was diagnosed as hearing voices just prior to the incident

you idiots are trying to defend a criminal with severe mental health issues

i can give him a pass for the suicide charge considering his history but that dosent "negate" the mcmichels right to defend themselves

No. You are the one defending people accused of multiple Felonies. And ignoring the law to do it.
maudes crime started the chain of events and he commited the 1st act of violence

You're defending a mentally retarded criminal who attacked two men who were standing their ground
He committed a misdemeanor. Are we gonna start lining up jaywalkers now for firing squads? Petty thieves get the electric chair? Lethal injection for public intoxication?
The Final Takedown reply to 26306598
Nobody runs at two people who they're afraid of without an intention to attack them

So this is your reply to my final takedown post where you’ve been asked to stick with solid visual evidence.

So I do not see in the video, AA running with a little cartoon caption cloud showing us what AA was thinking......

“I am going to attack those two men in the truck ahead of me because I have no reason to be afraid of the man in the truck who has been chasing me for 6 1/2 minutes and cutting me off every time I try to get away.”

I just do not see a cartoon cloud maybe you can provide it and I’ll re-address this issue.

Now for the question that you were asked and refuse to reply - where do you see AA turning 90° to the south assuming that the truck is facing east in this photo or after it when AA goes out of view of the camera and is shot in the chest half a second later.

View attachment 440653
So in that photo assuming that the truck is facing due east I see AA making a 45° or less turn and then going out of sight. Where do you have evidence that AA turns a complete 90 and was heading due south to attack TM who was just standing somewhere several feet away minding his own business.
the acuteness of the angle he turned before engaging in a suicide charge is completely irrelevant

I just find it comical that you can defend someone who changed the direction of his travel in order to attack another man

you presume that the McMichaels set out to murder arbery and then accuse me of assuming that arbery was planning to attack them... this contention is highly entertaining to me

The two men he attacked weren't even chasing him

don't you get it... they stopped chasing him and we're standing their ground

Your criminal hero observed the two men who were previously chasing him standing their ground some 100 meters away

no reasonable person who was afraid of men with guns would decide to jog around a vehicle where a man was standing in the bed and another was standing immediately adjacent

that shows a complete and total lack of fear and that proves that nobody threatens this individual

if he was an innocent jogger being threatened by men with guns he would have run up to someone's door and asked for help or at least ran behind a house and called 911

any rational human being who was afraid of two men who were supposedly "threatening him with guns" would not run directly at the truck

By running directly at the back of the vehicle Maude proved that the men were not threatening him because absolutely no one would do that type of thing unless they were a criminal who were hearing voices in their head like maud

You would have a case if they shot him in the back as he ran by or chased him down like the media claims but the fact is they were standing their ground as he ran directly at them completely destroying the fake narrative design to sucker Chumps out of big money via a crowdfunding websites

For God sake Travis didn't even grab him

there's a very good chance the mcMichael's had no intention to arrest him but simply wanted to identify the character who was suspected by the entire neighborhood of committing numerous burglaries and trespassersView attachment 440664
View attachment 440671
This is the posture Travis McMichael was in when this photo was taken... as anyone can see a shouldered weapon is not an aimed weapons and in no way shape form or fashion is a criminal act especially when you're being charged by someone who has a reason to become violent with you
"The two men he attacked weren't even chasing him"

“Should we have been chasing him? I don’t one point when I cornered him over there he was trying to get in my truck." ~ Roddie Bryan

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that.
in order to legally attack someone you have to have no reasonable means of escape and actually be cornered

Travis McMichael had primary control of the shotgun when Arbery tried to grab it.

According to you, instead of McMicael allowing Arbery to get close enough to grad the barrel of the shotgun, he (McMichael) should've run, since he had plenty of space and opportunity. He had a reasonable means of escape and he was not cornered.

Travis McMichael acted unlawfully...
maude did something illegal giving the mcmichels probable cause to persue him then closed on and attacked a man standing his ground just like travon Martin

once someone STOPS CHASING YOU its unreasonable to run them down and attack

a man who is not threatening you and standing his ground is not legally attackable

nobody pointed a gun at or even tried to grab maude

he had no legal right to attack and did so because he was nutz

he was diagnosed as hearing voices just prior to the incident

you idiots are trying to defend a criminal with severe mental health issues

i can give him a pass for the suicide charge considering his history but that dosent "negate" the mcmichels right to defend themselves

You're talking out both sides of your mouth now.

But, back to my point. You're repeatedly stated that Arbery "charged" at McMichael. My question to you is this: If what you say is true, why didn't McMichael retreat?
McMichael did retreat. He retreated from the rear of the driver's side door to front of the truck as Arbery was quickly charging at him from the rear of the truck, thus repositioning himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery.

However, Arbery hooked around the passenger side of the truck and attacked McMichaels. Thus earning his 2020 Darwin Award nomination.
Travis was standing in the middle of the oncoming lane after exiting the truck. How did he end up in the ongoing lane, heading towards Arbery, in front of the truck, if he was retreating? :cuckoo:
criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment.

26286353 reply to 26222437
They were chasing him for over 5 minutes before they lost him and took up the position at the End of the Street and then Arberry comes running directly at them

What do you mean they “lost” him?!

Richard Dial: (01:02) So Travis McMichael, at some *point , has gotten in front of Mr. Aubrey. He actually stops right about here near the intersection of Holmes Road and Satilla Drive, that’s where he stops his vehicle.​

They passed him in order to set a trap between the two trucks to make sure he did not get away..

When you say Arbery comes running directly at them it’s the McMichaels who are setting up the final confrontation and effort to detain AA by interdicting his path of travel.

Being armed and menacing this is where the three do-gooders commit criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment. And their crimes get worse from there on.
How else do you stop a criminal fleeing a scene---------they were within their rights---AA had trespassed and they weren't required to let him go.
(2) Faun ‘s image when first shot was fired showing to separate shadows that move from right to left as the action transpiresView attachment 440577
That's not when the first shot was fired, jackass.

You are simply lying again.

Give me your visual frame where you think it was. Then we can all agree on one unless you are being absurd as usual.

I’ll insert yours into this exercise if it’s close because it really doesn’t matter because AA did not run east to the front of the truck and make an abrupt 90 degree turn, run south to attack a stationary TM standing his ground somewhere close to the truck and south of the DYL.

So let’s see your screenshot again.
That moron doesn't even realize he's condemning Travis McMichael if he claims the shot came after that since their shadows reveals McMichael is pointing his gun at Arbery. According to Muhammed, Arbery attacked McMichael after the gun was pointed at him.

If we reconstruct what happened in front of the truck based on the movements of the shadows - one potentially possible scenario is this assuming the truck is facing west.

AA is running west - AA passes passenger side front headlight - AA turns about 45 degrees heading SW for a couple of strides - TM at the same time has circled around to the front of the truck arriving a distance ahead of the truck sufficient to block AA’s path - TM is facing NE - I assume the shotgun is shouldered and pointed at AA. AA momentum heading SW causes impending collision with TM as he rushed into his path.

TM was not standing still right next to the truck willing to let AA run by. He was moving too, right up to the face to face confrontation. AA has a shotgun aimed at him.

It happens so fast TM shoots AA in the chest with the tip of the barrel about 7 to 9 ft from the front bumper right in the middle of the Westbound lane.

I agree the first shot was fired in FAUN’s frame this one:

AA’s momentum drives TM to back
up SW and into view at the centerline about 15 FT from the bumper.

As shown here:


This is all consistent with the movement of the two shadows.
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in order to legally attack someone you have to have no reasonable means of escape and actually be cornered

Travis McMichael had primary control of the shotgun when Arbery tried to grab it.

According to you, instead of McMicael allowing Arbery to get close enough to grad the barrel of the shotgun, he (McMichael) should've run, since he had plenty of space and opportunity. He had a reasonable means of escape and he was not cornered.

Travis McMichael acted unlawfully...
maude did something illegal giving the mcmichels probable cause to persue him then closed on and attacked a man standing his ground just like travon Martin

once someone STOPS CHASING YOU its unreasonable to run them down and attack

a man who is not threatening you and standing his ground is not legally attackable

nobody pointed a gun at or even tried to grab maude

he had no legal right to attack and did so because he was nutz

he was diagnosed as hearing voices just prior to the incident

you idiots are trying to defend a criminal with severe mental health issues

i can give him a pass for the suicide charge considering his history but that dosent "negate" the mcmichels right to defend themselves

You're talking out both sides of your mouth now.

But, back to my point. You're repeatedly stated that Arbery "charged" at McMichael. My question to you is this: If what you say is true, why didn't McMichael retreat?
McMichael did retreat. He retreated from the rear of the driver's side door to front of the truck as Arbery was quickly charging at him from the rear of the truck, thus repositioning himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery.

However, Arbery hooked around the passenger side of the truck and attacked McMichaels. Thus earning his 2020 Darwin Award nomination.

Why did he stop running?

According to Guerilla, if Arbery was being chased he should've escaped through one of the backyards located on "acres and acres" of land each house has up there.

So, if McMichael was being charged by someone, why shouldn't he be expected to do the exact same thing?
That's just stupid. A morbidly obese middle aged guy can't outrun an athletic 25 year old. His best option to avoid a physical confrontation at that point was to position himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery, and that's exactly what he did. He retreated to the front of the truck.

We don't know that because McMichael didn't even try.

That fat little fuck's gonna' swing...
in order to legally attack someone you have to have no reasonable means of escape and actually be cornered

Travis McMichael had primary control of the shotgun when Arbery tried to grab it.

According to you, instead of McMicael allowing Arbery to get close enough to grad the barrel of the shotgun, he (McMichael) should've run, since he had plenty of space and opportunity. He had a reasonable means of escape and he was not cornered.

Travis McMichael acted unlawfully...
maude did something illegal giving the mcmichels probable cause to persue him then closed on and attacked a man standing his ground just like travon Martin

once someone STOPS CHASING YOU its unreasonable to run them down and attack

a man who is not threatening you and standing his ground is not legally attackable

nobody pointed a gun at or even tried to grab maude

he had no legal right to attack and did so because he was nutz

he was diagnosed as hearing voices just prior to the incident

you idiots are trying to defend a criminal with severe mental health issues

i can give him a pass for the suicide charge considering his history but that dosent "negate" the mcmichels right to defend themselves

You're talking out both sides of your mouth now.

But, back to my point. You're repeatedly stated that Arbery "charged" at McMichael. My question to you is this: If what you say is true, why didn't McMichael retreat?
McMichael did retreat. He retreated from the rear of the driver's side door to front of the truck as Arbery was quickly charging at him from the rear of the truck, thus repositioning himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery.

However, Arbery hooked around the passenger side of the truck and attacked McMichaels. Thus earning his 2020 Darwin Award nomination.

Why did he stop running?

According to Guerilla, if Arbery was being chased he should've escaped through one of the backyards located on "acres and acres" of land each house has up there.

So, if McMichael was being charged by someone, why shouldn't he be expected to do the exact same thing?
That's just stupid. A morbidly obese middle aged guy can't outrun an athletic 25 year old. His best option to avoid a physical confrontation at that point was to position himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery, and that's exactly what he did. He retreated to the front of the truck.

We don't know that because McMichael didn't even try.
Bullshit. The video proves he retreated.

Arbery was the aggressor in the physical confrontation. He was killed while committing armed robbery.
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in order to legally attack someone you have to have no reasonable means of escape and actually be cornered

Travis McMichael had primary control of the shotgun when Arbery tried to grab it.

According to you, instead of McMicael allowing Arbery to get close enough to grad the barrel of the shotgun, he (McMichael) should've run, since he had plenty of space and opportunity. He had a reasonable means of escape and he was not cornered.

Travis McMichael acted unlawfully...
maude did something illegal giving the mcmichels probable cause to persue him then closed on and attacked a man standing his ground just like travon Martin

once someone STOPS CHASING YOU its unreasonable to run them down and attack

a man who is not threatening you and standing his ground is not legally attackable

nobody pointed a gun at or even tried to grab maude

he had no legal right to attack and did so because he was nutz

he was diagnosed as hearing voices just prior to the incident

you idiots are trying to defend a criminal with severe mental health issues

i can give him a pass for the suicide charge considering his history but that dosent "negate" the mcmichels right to defend themselves

You're talking out both sides of your mouth now.

But, back to my point. You're repeatedly stated that Arbery "charged" at McMichael. My question to you is this: If what you say is true, why didn't McMichael retreat?
McMichael did retreat. He retreated from the rear of the driver's side door to front of the truck as Arbery was quickly charging at him from the rear of the truck, thus repositioning himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery.

However, Arbery hooked around the passenger side of the truck and attacked McMichaels. Thus earning his 2020 Darwin Award nomination.

Why did he stop running?

According to Guerilla, if Arbery was being chased he should've escaped through one of the backyards located on "acres and acres" of land each house has up there.

So, if McMichael was being charged by someone, why shouldn't he be expected to do the exact same thing?
That's just stupid. A morbidly obese middle aged guy can't outrun an athletic 25 year old. His best option to avoid a physical confrontation at that point was to position himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery, and that's exactly what he did. He retreated to the front of the truck.

We don't know that because McMichael didn't even try.
Bullshit. The video proves he retreated.

Arbery was the aggressor in the physical confrontation. He was killed while committing armed robbery.

By "retreat," you mean move towards Arbery as he went around the truck.
in order to legally attack someone you have to have no reasonable means of escape and actually be cornered

Travis McMichael had primary control of the shotgun when Arbery tried to grab it.

According to you, instead of McMicael allowing Arbery to get close enough to grad the barrel of the shotgun, he (McMichael) should've run, since he had plenty of space and opportunity. He had a reasonable means of escape and he was not cornered.

Travis McMichael acted unlawfully...
maude did something illegal giving the mcmichels probable cause to persue him then closed on and attacked a man standing his ground just like travon Martin

once someone STOPS CHASING YOU its unreasonable to run them down and attack

a man who is not threatening you and standing his ground is not legally attackable

nobody pointed a gun at or even tried to grab maude

he had no legal right to attack and did so because he was nutz

he was diagnosed as hearing voices just prior to the incident

you idiots are trying to defend a criminal with severe mental health issues

i can give him a pass for the suicide charge considering his history but that dosent "negate" the mcmichels right to defend themselves

You're talking out both sides of your mouth now.

But, back to my point. You're repeatedly stated that Arbery "charged" at McMichael. My question to you is this: If what you say is true, why didn't McMichael retreat?
McMichael did retreat. He retreated from the rear of the driver's side door to front of the truck as Arbery was quickly charging at him from the rear of the truck, thus repositioning himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery.

However, Arbery hooked around the passenger side of the truck and attacked McMichaels. Thus earning his 2020 Darwin Award nomination.

Why did he stop running?

According to Guerilla, if Arbery was being chased he should've escaped through one of the backyards located on "acres and acres" of land each house has up there.

So, if McMichael was being charged by someone, why shouldn't he be expected to do the exact same thing?
That's just stupid. A morbidly obese middle aged guy can't outrun an athletic 25 year old. His best option to avoid a physical confrontation at that point was to position himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery, and that's exactly what he did. He retreated to the front of the truck.

We don't know that because McMichael didn't even try.
Bullshit. The video proves he retreated.

Arbery was the aggressor in the physical confrontation. He was killed while committing armed robbery.

By "retreat," you mean move towards Arbery as he went around the truck.
He didn't move towards Arbery. You must be watching the video in reverse.

Right here in this frame you can see AA running straight towards TM.


Then TM retreated to the front of the truck and AA hooked around passenger side of the truck and attacked TM when he was standing approximately where GM was standing in this frame from the police body cam.


Logically, we can deduce that that is where TM was standing because GM's shadow is in approximately the same place as we saw TM's shadow when he was knocked backwards by AA.

NotfooledbyW Notice that he is nowhere even close to a full truck length in front of the truck.

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reply 26313569
Bullshit. The video proves he retreated.
The video proves that TM ran backwards because we can see it.
The audio proves that TM retreated only after firing the first shot. KingG Says he hears the shot here:

View attachment 441121
That means AA has been shot and wounded before the video PROVES that TM ran backwards and thus retreated as the struggle for the gun began a few frames later..

I can imagine how well it will go when you tell the jury and the court that AA criminally assaulted TM in this view:


And The fact that AA has been shot and wounded at that point gives him no right or reason to attack a white moron with a gun for the misdemeanor petty crime of a white man shooting a black man on a public road because he has to know why he ran past his driveway about 15 minutes earlier while being black. YES the jury is going to love that: “stupid N-word tried to steal my gun after I shot him the first time” defense a whole lot.


  • 7F5D71A6-88AA-46B4-8501-A675E5DF5145.jpeg
    20.2 KB · Views: 11
Then TM retreated to the front of the truck

IF TM started his retreat from AA at this point as you claimper this frame.

What tells you from the video that it was a retreat and not an attack.

You must ask yourself why if TM saw that AA wanted to avoid making physical contact on the drivers side by swerving to get around on the passenger side why would TM change position to the very front of the truck that would end up being 4 ft or less from intersecting with AA’s path that was chosen to avoid contact.

Had TM stayed put in the oncoming lane left of the centerline as shown in the image above he would at all times be at least 20 feet from possible contact with westbound heading AA.. The truck would always be separating the two until AA Passes the truck and is on his way home./ Alive. TM Would have been yellin GO GO GO INSTEAD OF STOP STOP STOP.

But TM could see just as we can on the video that AA’s detour to the passenger side was a means of escape from the blockade they had set up. So TM had to block that escape by running as close out in front of the intended escape route as he could.


TM did get close to AA in the westbound lane in front of the truck and AA was shot in the chest.

That we know.

But we know for certain from the video that AA showed the first sign wanting to avoid physical contact. It was TM crossing the centerline in front of the truck with a loaded shotgun going against an unarmed man In light clothing that makes TM the attacker not the other way around.

It’s crossing that double yellow line in front of the truck that makes TM the attacker right up to the first shot. What happened after that first shot is on TM too.
Then TM retreated to the front of the truck

IF TM started his retreat from AA at this point as you claimper this frame.
View attachment 441149
What tells you from the video that it was a retreat and not an attack.

You must ask yourself why if TM saw that AA wanted to avoid making physical contact on the drivers side by swerving to get around on the passenger side why would TM change position to the very front of the truck that would end up being 4 ft or less from intersecting with AA’s path that was chosen to avoid contact.

Had TM stayed put in the oncoming lane left of the centerline as shown in the image above he would at all times be at least 20 feet from possible contact with westbound heading AA.. The truck would always be separating the two until AA Passes the truck and is on his way home./ Alive. TM Would have been yellin GO GO GO INSTEAD OF STOP STOP STOP.

But TM could see just as we can on the video that AA’s detour to the passenger side was a means of escape from the blockade they had set up. So TM had to block that escape by running as close out in front of the intended escape route as he could.


TM did get close to AA in the westbound lane in front of the truck and AA was shot in the chest.

That we know.

But we know for certain from the video that AA showed the first sign wanting to avoid physical contact. It was TM crossing the centerline in front of the truck with a loaded shotgun going against an unarmed man In light clothing that makes TM the attacker not the other way around.

It’s crossing that double yellow line in front of the truck that makes TM the attacker right up to the first shot. What happened after that first shot is on TM too.
TM is not a mind reader, jackass. He had no way of knowing that AA was going to go around the passenger side of the truck. There is no evidence whatsoever that he was trying to "head him off at the pass". He retreated and took cover in front of the truck.

Now I think I know why you were lying about TM being 15 feet in front of the truck. You're just tying to dishonestly present a false narrative that he was trying to get a pursuit angle. You failed.

Science proves you wrong. The sun at that time of day was at an approximately -45 degree angle. In order for someone to cast a shadow all the way to the truck from 15 feet away he would have to be about 15 feet tall.

A ~6 foot tall man like TM could not cast a shadow to the front of that truck, as we see in the video, if he was more than 6 feet away from the truck.
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(2) Faun ‘s image when first shot was fired showing to separate shadows that move from right to left as the action transpiresView attachment 440577
That's not when the first shot was fired, jackass.

You are simply lying again.

Give me your visual frame where you think it was. Then we can all agree on one unless you are being absurd as usual.

I’ll insert yours into this exercise if it’s close because it really doesn’t matter because AA did not run east to the front of the truck and make an abrupt 90 degree turn, run south to attack a stationary TM standing his ground somewhere close to the truck and south of the DYL.

So let’s see your screenshot again.
That moron doesn't even realize he's condemning Travis McMichael if he claims the shot came after that since their shadows reveals McMichael is pointing his gun at Arbery. According to Muhammed, Arbery attacked McMichael after the gun was pointed at him.

If we reconstruct what happened in front of the truck based on the movements of the shadows - one potentially possible scenario is this assuming the truck is facing west.

AA is running west - AA passes passenger side front headlight - AA turns about 45 degrees heading SW for a couple of strides - TM at the same time has circled around to the front of the truck arriving a distance ahead of the truck sufficient to block AA’s path - TM is facing NE - I assume the shotgun is shouldered and pointed at AA. AA momentum heading SW causes impending collision with TM as he rushed into his path.

TM was not standing still right next to the truck willing to let AA run by. He was moving too, right up to the face to face confrontation. AA has a shotgun aimed at him.

It happens so fast TM shoots AA in the chest with the tip of the barrel about 7 to 9 ft from the front bumper right in the middle of the Westbound lane.

I agree the first shot was fired in FAUN’s frame this one:
View attachment 441079
AA’s momentum drives TM to back
up SW and into view at the centerline about 15 FT from the bumper.

As shown here:

View attachment 441082
This is all consistent with the movement of the two shadows.
That's complete nonsense.

You're the poster boy for the Dunning-Kruger effect. You're so stupid that you don't even know you're stupid.
in order to legally attack someone you have to have no reasonable means of escape and actually be cornered

Travis McMichael had primary control of the shotgun when Arbery tried to grab it.

According to you, instead of McMicael allowing Arbery to get close enough to grad the barrel of the shotgun, he (McMichael) should've run, since he had plenty of space and opportunity. He had a reasonable means of escape and he was not cornered.

Travis McMichael acted unlawfully...
maude did something illegal giving the mcmichels probable cause to persue him then closed on and attacked a man standing his ground just like travon Martin

once someone STOPS CHASING YOU its unreasonable to run them down and attack

a man who is not threatening you and standing his ground is not legally attackable

nobody pointed a gun at or even tried to grab maude

he had no legal right to attack and did so because he was nutz

he was diagnosed as hearing voices just prior to the incident

you idiots are trying to defend a criminal with severe mental health issues

i can give him a pass for the suicide charge considering his history but that dosent "negate" the mcmichels right to defend themselves

You're talking out both sides of your mouth now.

But, back to my point. You're repeatedly stated that Arbery "charged" at McMichael. My question to you is this: If what you say is true, why didn't McMichael retreat?
McMichael did retreat. He retreated from the rear of the driver's side door to front of the truck as Arbery was quickly charging at him from the rear of the truck, thus repositioning himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery.

However, Arbery hooked around the passenger side of the truck and attacked McMichaels. Thus earning his 2020 Darwin Award nomination.

Why did he stop running?

According to Guerilla, if Arbery was being chased he should've escaped through one of the backyards located on "acres and acres" of land each house has up there.

So, if McMichael was being charged by someone, why shouldn't he be expected to do the exact same thing?
That's just stupid. A morbidly obese middle aged guy can't outrun an athletic 25 year old. His best option to avoid a physical confrontation at that point was to position himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery, and that's exactly what he did. He retreated to the front of the truck.

We don't know that because McMichael didn't even try.
Bullshit. The video proves he retreated.

Arbery was the aggressor in the physical confrontation. He was killed while committing armed robbery.

By "retreat," you mean move towards Arbery as he went around the truck.
He didn't move towards Arbery. You must be watching the video in reverse.

Right here in this frame you can see AA running straight towards TM.

View attachment 441137

Then TM retreated to the front of the truck and AA hooked around passenger side of the truck and attacked TM when he was standing approximately where GM was standing in this frame from the police body cam.

View attachment 441138

Logically, we can deduce that that is where TM was standing because GM's shadow is in approximately the same place as we saw TM's shadow when he was knocked backwards by AA.

NotfooledbyW Notice that he is nowhere even close to a full truck length in front of the truck.

"He didn't move towards Arbery. You must be watching the video in reverse."

Nah, you're just fucked in the head, Spunky.

Here's Travis McMichael standing in the middle of the oncoming lane ...


But then seconds later, he's about 6 feet closer to Arbery on the other side of the road.


How did he get there if he didn't move towards Arbery? Did Scotty beam him there?

Reply to 26312515 - TM 4ft from AA in front of the truck - shoots him

Any professionally trained military operator would walk to the front of the engine block if he had a potentially violent criminal CHARGING the rear of the vehicle

We’re trying to stick with facts according to what we can see. Anything you cannot see is a lie unless you can confirm it some other way. For example you said the TM walked to the front of the engine block. That is a lie because I have seen no video showing TM walking to the front of the engine block.

Be that as it may:

So are you saying right now that when AA came around the right front fender on the passenger side TM was repositioned in front of the truck, right up against the bumper, dead center between the headlights. He is therefore about 3ft from the passenger side headlight when AA was coming around the truck making a 45 degree turn. We see it right here

View attachment 441026
We are dealing only with what we can see and verified by certain realities, so please confirm that you are guessing because you cannot see him, that TM is about 4 FT straight south from AA in that image.

But there are ways to verify if your guess is right. The shadows deny your guess should you choose to double down and stick with it.

please confirm that TM is about 4 FT from AA as he reached the front of the truck.
. Anything you cannot see is a lie unless you can confirm it some other way
It's pretty obvious that the criminal cut a 90-degree turn around the passenger quarter panel and then attacked Travis McMichael in a skipping motion highly indicative of a punch set up

as they emanate from the other side of the vehicle due to the veracity of the assault it's clear that the criminal has a death grip on the firearm thus proving it was grabbed in front of the truck out of view

in order to legally attack someone you have to have no reasonable means of escape and actually be cornered

Travis McMichael had primary control of the shotgun when Arbery tried to grab it.

According to you, instead of McMicael allowing Arbery to get close enough to grad the barrel of the shotgun, he (McMichael) should've run, since he had plenty of space and opportunity. He had a reasonable means of escape and he was not cornered.

Travis McMichael acted unlawfully...
maude did something illegal giving the mcmichels probable cause to persue him then closed on and attacked a man standing his ground just like travon Martin

once someone STOPS CHASING YOU its unreasonable to run them down and attack

a man who is not threatening you and standing his ground is not legally attackable

nobody pointed a gun at or even tried to grab maude

he had no legal right to attack and did so because he was nutz

he was diagnosed as hearing voices just prior to the incident

you idiots are trying to defend a criminal with severe mental health issues

i can give him a pass for the suicide charge considering his history but that dosent "negate" the mcmichels right to defend themselves

You're talking out both sides of your mouth now.

But, back to my point. You're repeatedly stated that Arbery "charged" at McMichael. My question to you is this: If what you say is true, why didn't McMichael retreat?
McMichael did retreat. He retreated from the rear of the driver's side door to front of the truck as Arbery was quickly charging at him from the rear of the truck, thus repositioning himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery.

However, Arbery hooked around the passenger side of the truck and attacked McMichaels. Thus earning his 2020 Darwin Award nomination.

Why did he stop running?

According to Guerilla, if Arbery was being chased he should've escaped through one of the backyards located on "acres and acres" of land each house has up there.

So, if McMichael was being charged by someone, why shouldn't he be expected to do the exact same thing?
That's just stupid. A morbidly obese middle aged guy can't outrun an athletic 25 year old. His best option to avoid a physical confrontation at that point was to position himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery, and that's exactly what he did. He retreated to the front of the truck.

We don't know that because McMichael didn't even try.
Bullshit. The video proves he retreated.

Arbery was the aggressor in the physical confrontation. He was killed while committing armed robbery.

By "retreat," you mean move towards Arbery as he went around the truck.
He didn't move towards Arbery. You must be watching the video in reverse.

Right here in this frame you can see AA running straight towards TM.

View attachment 441137

Then TM retreated to the front of the truck and AA hooked around passenger side of the truck and attacked TM when he was standing approximately where GM was standing in this frame from the police body cam.

View attachment 441138

Logically, we can deduce that that is where TM was standing because GM's shadow is in approximately the same place as we saw TM's shadow when he was knocked backwards by AA.

NotfooledbyW Notice that he is nowhere even close to a full truck length in front of the truck.

"He didn't move towards Arbery. You must be watching the video in reverse."

Nah, you're just fucked in the head, Spunky.

Here's Travis McMichael standing in the middle of the oncoming lane ...

View attachment 441181

But then seconds later, he's about 6 feet closer to Arbery on the other side of the road.

View attachment 441187

How did he get there if he didn't move towards Arbery? Did Scotty beam him there?


he moved toward the front of the truck because anyone trained by the United States military in Firearms tactics has enough sense to put an engine block between himself and someone who is clearly a dangerous threat... it's a critical game of angles called slicing the pie, kids that played Call of Duty or Airsoft completely understand the's not that complex or perhaps he intended to grab arbery in an attempt to identify him

either way his actions were perfectly Justified considering the fact that Arberry was clearly intending to attack because no rational person with a flight intention wouldent run directly at the vehicle from such a great distance with so many opportunities to escape

His attack INTENT was extremely clear because he'd already seen Travis McMichael standing his ground with a firearm yet decided to run around the side of the truck and pull a 90° sneak attack ambush in a ridiculous Kung Fu theater attempt to disarm a man using violence
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in order to legally attack someone you have to have no reasonable means of escape and actually be cornered

Travis McMichael had primary control of the shotgun when Arbery tried to grab it.

According to you, instead of McMicael allowing Arbery to get close enough to grad the barrel of the shotgun, he (McMichael) should've run, since he had plenty of space and opportunity. He had a reasonable means of escape and he was not cornered.

Travis McMichael acted unlawfully...
maude did something illegal giving the mcmichels probable cause to persue him then closed on and attacked a man standing his ground just like travon Martin

once someone STOPS CHASING YOU its unreasonable to run them down and attack

a man who is not threatening you and standing his ground is not legally attackable

nobody pointed a gun at or even tried to grab maude

he had no legal right to attack and did so because he was nutz

he was diagnosed as hearing voices just prior to the incident

you idiots are trying to defend a criminal with severe mental health issues

i can give him a pass for the suicide charge considering his history but that dosent "negate" the mcmichels right to defend themselves

You're talking out both sides of your mouth now.

But, back to my point. You're repeatedly stated that Arbery "charged" at McMichael. My question to you is this: If what you say is true, why didn't McMichael retreat?
McMichael did retreat. He retreated from the rear of the driver's side door to front of the truck as Arbery was quickly charging at him from the rear of the truck, thus repositioning himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery.

However, Arbery hooked around the passenger side of the truck and attacked McMichaels. Thus earning his 2020 Darwin Award nomination.

Why did he stop running?

According to Guerilla, if Arbery was being chased he should've escaped through one of the backyards located on "acres and acres" of land each house has up there.

So, if McMichael was being charged by someone, why shouldn't he be expected to do the exact same thing?
That's just stupid. A morbidly obese middle aged guy can't outrun an athletic 25 year old. His best option to avoid a physical confrontation at that point was to position himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery, and that's exactly what he did. He retreated to the front of the truck.

We don't know that because McMichael didn't even try.
Bullshit. The video proves he retreated.

Arbery was the aggressor in the physical confrontation. He was killed while committing armed robbery.

By "retreat," you mean move towards Arbery as he went around the truck.
He didn't move towards Arbery. You must be watching the video in reverse.

Right here in this frame you can see AA running straight towards TM.

View attachment 441137

Then TM retreated to the front of the truck and AA hooked around passenger side of the truck and attacked TM when he was standing approximately where GM was standing in this frame from the police body cam.

View attachment 441138

Logically, we can deduce that that is where TM was standing because GM's shadow is in approximately the same place as we saw TM's shadow when he was knocked backwards by AA.

NotfooledbyW Notice that he is nowhere even close to a full truck length in front of the truck.

"He didn't move towards Arbery. You must be watching the video in reverse."

Nah, you're just fucked in the head, Spunky.

Here's Travis McMichael standing in the middle of the oncoming lane ...

View attachment 441181

But then seconds later, he's about 6 feet closer to Arbery on the other side of the road.

View attachment 441187

How did he get there if he didn't move towards Arbery? Did Scotty beam him there?


he moved toward the front of the truck because anyone trained by the United States military in Firearms tactics has enough sense to put an engine block between himself and someone who is clearly a dangerous threat... it's a critical game of angles called slicing the pie, kids that played Call of Duty or Airsoft completely understand the's not that complex or perhaps he intended to grab arbery in an attempt to identify him

either way his actions were perfectly Justified considering the fact that Arberry was clearly intending to attack because no rational person with a flight intention wouldent run directly at the vehicle from such a great distance with so many opportunities to escape

His attack attentions were extremely clear because he'd already seen Travis McMichael standing his ground with a firearm yet decided to run around the side of the truck and pull a 90° sneak attack ambush in a ridiculous Kung Fu theater attempt to disarm a man using violence

"he moved toward the front of the truck..."


You dumbfucks need to coordinate your stories better. Muhammed is in denial that Travis McMichael moved towards Arbery.

"either way his actions were perfectly Justified considering the fact that Arberry was clearly intending to attack"

Arbery had every right to defend his life from someone brandishing a fire arm at him.
Then TM retreated to the front of the truck

IF TM started his retreat from AA at this point as you claimper this frame.
View attachment 441149
What tells you from the video that it was a retreat and not an attack.

You must ask yourself why if TM saw that AA wanted to avoid making physical contact on the drivers side by swerving to get around on the passenger side why would TM change position to the very front of the truck that would end up being 4 ft or less from intersecting with AA’s path that was chosen to avoid contact.

Had TM stayed put in the oncoming lane left of the centerline as shown in the image above he would at all times be at least 20 feet from possible contact with westbound heading AA.. The truck would always be separating the two until AA Passes the truck and is on his way home./ Alive. TM Would have been yellin GO GO GO INSTEAD OF STOP STOP STOP.

But TM could see just as we can on the video that AA’s detour to the passenger side was a means of escape from the blockade they had set up. So TM had to block that escape by running as close out in front of the intended escape route as he could.


TM did get close to AA in the westbound lane in front of the truck and AA was shot in the chest.

That we know.

But we know for certain from the video that AA showed the first sign wanting to avoid physical contact. It was TM crossing the centerline in front of the truck with a loaded shotgun going against an unarmed man In light clothing that makes TM the attacker not the other way around.

It’s crossing that double yellow line in front of the truck that makes TM the attacker right up to the first shot. What happened after that first shot is on TM too.
TM is not a mind reader, jackass. He had no way of knowing that AA was going to go around the passenger side of the truck. There is no evidence whatsoever that he was trying to "head him off at the pass". He retreated and took cover in front of the truck.

Now I think I know why you were lying about TM being 15 feet in front of the truck. You're just tying to dishonestly present a false narrative that he was trying to get a pursuit angle. You failed.

Science proves you wrong. The sun at that time of day was at an approximately -45 degree angle. In order for someone to cast a shadow all the way to the truck from 15 feet away he would have to be about 15 feet tall.

A ~6 foot tall man like TM could not cast a shadow to the front of that truck, as we see in the video, if he was more than 6 feet away from the truck.

I will add to this. Those figures were approximate for simplicity. I'll get more precise, even though it will likely go way the fuck over your head.

I went to the charts and found that in the Satilla Shores neighborhood of New Brunswick at 1:15 PM on Feb 23, 2000 the solar angle was -59.42 degrees.

aasun angle.PNG

Therefore a 6 foot tall man could only cast a shadow about 3 and a half feet.

If they were 15 feet in front of the truck, in order to cast those shadows we see under the truck in the frame you posted earlier, TH and AA would have to be over 25 feet tall.


The science proves that you are not only wrong, you are wrong by a hell of a lot.
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Then TM retreated to the front of the truck

IF TM started his retreat from AA at this point as you claimper this frame.
View attachment 441149
What tells you from the video that it was a retreat and not an attack.

You must ask yourself why if TM saw that AA wanted to avoid making physical contact on the drivers side by swerving to get around on the passenger side why would TM change position to the very front of the truck that would end up being 4 ft or less from intersecting with AA’s path that was chosen to avoid contact.

Had TM stayed put in the oncoming lane left of the centerline as shown in the image above he would at all times be at least 20 feet from possible contact with westbound heading AA.. The truck would always be separating the two until AA Passes the truck and is on his way home./ Alive. TM Would have been yellin GO GO GO INSTEAD OF STOP STOP STOP.

But TM could see just as we can on the video that AA’s detour to the passenger side was a means of escape from the blockade they had set up. So TM had to block that escape by running as close out in front of the intended escape route as he could.


TM did get close to AA in the westbound lane in front of the truck and AA was shot in the chest.

That we know.

But we know for certain from the video that AA showed the first sign wanting to avoid physical contact. It was TM crossing the centerline in front of the truck with a loaded shotgun going against an unarmed man In light clothing that makes TM the attacker not the other way around.

It’s crossing that double yellow line in front of the truck that makes TM the attacker right up to the first shot. What happened after that first shot is on TM too.
Even though mod was a mentally retarded Street criminal he wasn't dumb enough to directly charge and a man who was standing his ground with a shotgun so he pulled a sneak attack Ambush around the side of the truck
in order to legally attack someone you have to have no reasonable means of escape and actually be cornered

Travis McMichael had primary control of the shotgun when Arbery tried to grab it.

According to you, instead of McMicael allowing Arbery to get close enough to grad the barrel of the shotgun, he (McMichael) should've run, since he had plenty of space and opportunity. He had a reasonable means of escape and he was not cornered.

Travis McMichael acted unlawfully...
maude did something illegal giving the mcmichels probable cause to persue him then closed on and attacked a man standing his ground just like travon Martin

once someone STOPS CHASING YOU its unreasonable to run them down and attack

a man who is not threatening you and standing his ground is not legally attackable

nobody pointed a gun at or even tried to grab maude

he had no legal right to attack and did so because he was nutz

he was diagnosed as hearing voices just prior to the incident

you idiots are trying to defend a criminal with severe mental health issues

i can give him a pass for the suicide charge considering his history but that dosent "negate" the mcmichels right to defend themselves

You're talking out both sides of your mouth now.

But, back to my point. You're repeatedly stated that Arbery "charged" at McMichael. My question to you is this: If what you say is true, why didn't McMichael retreat?
McMichael did retreat. He retreated from the rear of the driver's side door to front of the truck as Arbery was quickly charging at him from the rear of the truck, thus repositioning himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery.

However, Arbery hooked around the passenger side of the truck and attacked McMichaels. Thus earning his 2020 Darwin Award nomination.

Why did he stop running?

According to Guerilla, if Arbery was being chased he should've escaped through one of the backyards located on "acres and acres" of land each house has up there.

So, if McMichael was being charged by someone, why shouldn't he be expected to do the exact same thing?
That's just stupid. A morbidly obese middle aged guy can't outrun an athletic 25 year old. His best option to avoid a physical confrontation at that point was to position himself so that the truck was between himself and Arbery, and that's exactly what he did. He retreated to the front of the truck.

We don't know that because McMichael didn't even try.
Bullshit. The video proves he retreated.

Arbery was the aggressor in the physical confrontation. He was killed while committing armed robbery.

By "retreat," you mean move towards Arbery as he went around the truck.
He didn't move towards Arbery. You must be watching the video in reverse.

Right here in this frame you can see AA running straight towards TM.

View attachment 441137

Then TM retreated to the front of the truck and AA hooked around passenger side of the truck and attacked TM when he was standing approximately where GM was standing in this frame from the police body cam.

View attachment 441138

Logically, we can deduce that that is where TM was standing because GM's shadow is in approximately the same place as we saw TM's shadow when he was knocked backwards by AA.

NotfooledbyW Notice that he is nowhere even close to a full truck length in front of the truck.

"He didn't move towards Arbery. You must be watching the video in reverse."

Nah, you're just fucked in the head, Spunky.

Here's Travis McMichael standing in the middle of the oncoming lane ...

View attachment 441181

But then seconds later, he's about 6 feet closer to Arbery on the other side of the road.

View attachment 441187

How did he get there if he didn't move towards Arbery? Did Scotty beam him there?


he moved toward the front of the truck because anyone trained by the United States military in Firearms tactics has enough sense to put an engine block between himself and someone who is clearly a dangerous threat... it's a critical game of angles called slicing the pie, kids that played Call of Duty or Airsoft completely understand the's not that complex or perhaps he intended to grab arbery in an attempt to identify him

either way his actions were perfectly Justified considering the fact that Arberry was clearly intending to attack because no rational person with a flight intention wouldent run directly at the vehicle from such a great distance with so many opportunities to escape

His attack attentions were extremely clear because he'd already seen Travis McMichael standing his ground with a firearm yet decided to run around the side of the truck and pull a 90° sneak attack ambush in a ridiculous Kung Fu theater attempt to disarm a man using violence

"he moved toward the front of the truck..."


You dumbfucks need to coordinate your stories better. Muhammed is in denial that Travis McMichael moved towards Arbery.

"either way his actions were perfectly Justified considering the fact that Arberry was clearly intending to attack"

Arbery had every right to defend his life from someone brandishing a fire arm at him.

nobody brandished threatened or pointed a firearm at anyone until it was absolutely necessary

when someone is running directly at an individual who is standing their ground holding a firearm it is perfectly reasonable for the person standing their ground to believe their life is in jeopardy

In a precise scenario to the Trayvon Martin incident a person who was being chased now became an aggressor as the party who gave up the chase was now being closed on by the person they were previously chasing

A citizen defending their neighborhood universally has more rights than an intruder doing suspicious things within that neighborhood

it goes all the way back to the visceral days of human existence before we had English common law on which our legal system is based

if you catch someone doing something suspicious you have every right to confront them and if they flee they now give you probable cause to pursue them as well

If the person who has instigated this scenario by committing crimes like trespassing now becomes the aggressive actor and closes in on and attacks the person who was previously chasing them they are to blame for the incident

everyone knows if arbery had surrendered to the McMichaels he would have been arrested and the McMichaels would have been neighborhood Heroes

George Zimmerman walked because Trayvon Martin did exactly what Maude did however Trayvon wasn't even trespassing and Zimmerman still walked

Great news recently that the cop who was forced to shoot Jacob Lake also walked

the dramatic BLM narrative got you guys all gassed up emotional and reactionary and I can understand why

a ridiculously dramatic narrative concocted to sucker Chumps out of millions of dollars through crowdfunding websites can be very enrapturing

an innocent young black jogger chased down and murdered by a Savage Posse of Southern crackers as he was gunned down in the street as he fled for his life


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