The "Palestinians" and Their Lies

José;7365291 said:
Originally posted by Coyote
If Israel claims them, then they will have to claim the Palestinians as Israeli's and that would be difficult.

"Dificult" only for racist Jews and american Gentiles like you who dehumanize the palestinian people and support jewish supremacism in Palestine without even being fully aware of it.

Great Britain: "We've decided to divide this land into a Jewish State and an Arab State."

Israel: "Sounds good."

Arabs: "No! We want it all!"

[Arabs lose wars in 1948, 1967, 1973]

Arabs: "Give us our land back!"

Israel: "What? You tried to kill us all! Why should we give you anything?"

Egypt: "Okay... we'll sign a peace treaty with you."

Israel: "Well, okay... we'll give you the Sinai."

U.S.: "We need you to work this out with the Arabs, Israel. How about you make the first move."

Israel: "Okay. We'll withdraw from Gaza."

Arabs: "Not good enough. INTIFADA!!!!!"

Israel: "Okay... how about we halt what you're calling 'settlement' building while we negotiate."

Arabs: "Not good enough!"

Israel: "Okay, U.S., we tried... now Hamas is in control of Gaza and we're getting rocket fire on a daily basis. We have to act to protect our people."

Jose: "RACISTS!!!!!!!"
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José;7365321 said:
Originally posted by Roudy
Jose Feliciano, how did these Arabs who never even considered themselves "Palestinian" get a national identity?

The same way Apaches who never even considered themselves "American" got the American national identity.

Through the contact with the english colonists.

The same way Zulus and Xhosas who never even considered themselves "South African" got the South African national identity.

Through the contact with the dutch colonists.
Yeah? Except for the fact that the Arabs who now call themselves "Palestinians" are also recent invaders from neighboring Arab lands who arrived in the last 100 to 200 years. So you are totally ignorant about the history and demographics of the region. The entire British mandate of Palestine, which included what is now Israel, Gaza, and Jordan, contained a total of about 900,000 to 1.2 million Arab Palestinians. And for the last 700 years, Arabs did not control the region, nor was there ever a Palestinian nation. This was all part of the Ottoman empire, of which became British territory. "Read all about it."
José;7365291 said:
Originally posted by Coyote
If Israel claims them, then they will have to claim the Palestinians as Israeli's and that would be difficult.

"Dificult" only for racist Jews and american Gentiles like you who dehumanize the palestinian people and support jewish supremacism in Palestine without even being fully aware of it.

Great Britain: "We've decided to divide this land into a Jewish State and an Arab State."

Israel: "Sounds good."

Arabs: "No! We want it all!"

[Arabs lose wars in 1948, 1967, 1973]

Arabs: "Give us our land back!"

Israel: "What? You tried to kill us all! Why should we give you anything?"

Egypt: "Okay... we'll sign a peace treaty with you."

Israel: "Well, okay... we'll give you the Sinai."

U.S.: "We need you to work this out with the Arabs, Israel. How about you make the first move."

Israel: "Okay. We'll withdraw from Gaza."

Arabs: "Not good enough. INTIFADA!!!!!"

Israel: "Okay... how about we halt what you're calling 'settlement' building while we negotiate."

Arabs: "Not good enough!"

Israel: "Okay, U.S., we tried... now Hamas is in control of Gaza and we're getting rocket fire on a daily basis. We have to act to protect our people."

Jose: "RACISTS!!!!!!!"
You just described Palestinian Mentality (TM) to the T. :lmao:

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