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The "Palestinians" are like the guy who murders his parents and then cries for mercy

Why don't you guys just win the war already, why drag it out? You can't win or sumthin'? :dunno:
These people are so arrogant and narcissistic, they're going to keep ramping up the tyranny towards all their neighbors, until the world community finally decides to deal with them, the same way they dealt with the last country's (Axis Powers) who were doing this shit.
"These people........"
It isn't ***their land***- and even THEY admitted that; long ago:

"THE PALESTINIAN NATIONAL CHARTER" (Al-Mithaq Al-Kawmee Al-Philisteeni), Adopted in 1964 by the 1st Palestinian Conference

Article 24: This Organization does not exercise any territorial sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the Gaza Strip or in the Himmah Area.

Anything unclear there, son?
Nice how you cherry-pick that document, then take it completly out of context. The PLO didn't claim sovereignty, not the Palestinian people that are indigenous to that area. The West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem, are all sovereign Palestinian territory. Even if they weren't, your still wrong! Because that land was never given to Israel and that's all you need to know.
Evidently, plain English is too much for you. The PLO was recognized as the official representitives of the would-have-been "Palestinians" by the entire Arab world- including the would-have-been "Palestinians". And just like Himma, whichis in northern Jordan, they gave up all sovereign claims to Judea, Samaria, and Gaza- and Jerusalem.

Israel isn't breaking the ceasefires: The Arabs do by shooting missiles from Gaza. And they choose to fight the wars. We don't.
The missles are in response to Israeli air strikes, IDF hit squads crossing the border to murder a member of the Palestinian government, fishermen and farmers being shot at for kicks, drone strikes and the ongoing 45 year, belligerent occupation of their land.

The rocket attacks only go back to 2001; the occupation goes back an additional 35 years. So, Israeli aggression came first, numbnuts.

You're so full of shit, I can use your own link to prove you're wrong.

You're not even a good liar!
The missiles aren't in response to anything, but were the cause of it. We would have no reason for air strikes- or strikes of any other kind, were it not for their terror. They choose terror, sothey get hellfire enemas.

It is our call to make. They can live their miserable lives as they wish until they threaten us. Then they no longer have that choice.
It's your call to make, in regards to how you're going to repond to a threat, but it is illegal to attack country's over threats....
LOL! I see. You want us to wait until AFTER they attack before responding. Tell you what: Why don't you run that by any other country on earth and see what they say? That doesn't happen anywhere- especially in cases of a threat to destroy a country.

As to you, I crap bigger than you.
I'm at the 49ner Tavern in Long Beach, Ca every Friday for happy hour. You come on down there between 4-5pm and we can finish this discussion face-to-face. We can also talk about the size of your crap, if you like.

No wonder why you're such a big talker. You're far away from here and close to Hollywood.

I don't get to California, but next time you're in Judea and Samaria; the more-recently-liberated areas of Israel, let me know. Unlike you, my money is where my mouth is.
try again 'because' it is very clear for anyone who reads
the article that the author "ADLER" was doing a tongue in
cheek OUT OF LEFT field piece. He should have been
more careful knowing how idiots have trouble recognizing
Why don't you guys just win the war already, why drag it out? You can't win or sumthin'? :dunno:
These people are so arrogant and narcissistic, they're going to keep ramping up the tyranny towards all their neighbors, until the world community finally decides to deal with them, the same way they dealt with the last country's (Axis Powers) who were doing this shit.
"These people........"
People like Yitzhak...

"Zionist factions competed for the honor of allying to Hitler. By 1940-41, the 'Stern Gang,' among them Yitzhak Shamir, later Prime Minister of Israel, presented the Nazis with the 'Fundamental Features of the Proposal of the National Military Organization in Palestine (Irgun Zvai Leumi) Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe and the Participation of the NMO in the War on the Side of Germany.'”

51 Documents » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
georgie why are you struggling so mightily to prove you are a nazi pig?
Isn't it time for you to lick the shit off adolf abu ali's ass? You don't
have to prove your love of adolf-----he knows you love him
Israel derangement syndrome counseling
Stating things that are factually correct, is not derangement.

However, doing things that haven't been done (by a nation) since nazi Germany did them back the '30's and expecting no criticism or objections from the rest of the world, is pretty deranged.
This is a year old. Meanwhile your own brethren have murdered plenty of innocent people since that article was published. Naturally you don't have a problem with Muslim clerics inciting their members to kill the Christians and the Jews.

Housefly you must have not gotten the point, you look at the OP claims which is lunacy, and respond to his grave claims, he's too ironic and it must hurt when the CIA says Israel is their biggest spy threat. Tissue? ....:cool:
No wonder why you're such a big talker. You're far away from here and close to Hollywood.

I don't get to California, but next time you're in Judea and Samaria; the more-recently-liberated areas of Israel, let me know. Unlike you, my money is where my mouth is.
You made some vague reference to what cities you lived near, whereas I told you specifically where and when you could find me. But I can't make any bets, because the Tavern is not on Indian land.
This is a year old. Meanwhile your own brethren have murdered plenty of innocent people since that article was published. Naturally you don't have a problem with Muslim clerics inciting their members to kill the Christians and the Jews.

Housefly you must have not gotten the point, you look at the OP claims which is lunacy, and respond to his grave claims, he's too ironic and it must hurt when the CIA says Israel is their biggest spy threat. Tissue? ....:cool:
The tissues should actually go to your brethren, Baghdad Bob Jr., who are always crying about something or other when they are the ones murdering innocent people. If you are so worried about assassinations, why didn't you bring up one which was more up to date about the Muslims wanting to assassinate the Coptic pope? And, BecauseIknownothing, the biggest thread to the world today happens to be Islam as they work their way around the world trying to welcome another Caliphate and forcing Sharia Law on everyone. By the way, are you going to spend the rest of your winter break from school on a message board and not hang out with some contemporaries like other kids do?
This is a year old. Meanwhile your own brethren have murdered plenty of innocent people since that article was published. Naturally you don't have a problem with Muslim clerics inciting their members to kill the Christians and the Jews.

Housefly you must have not gotten the point, you look at the OP claims which is lunacy, and respond to his grave claims, he's too ironic and it must hurt when the CIA says Israel is their biggest spy threat. Tissue? ....:cool:
The tissues should actually go to your brethren, Baghdad Bob Jr., who are always crying about something or other when they are the ones murdering innocent people. If you are so worried about assassinations, why didn't you bring up one which was more up to date about the Muslims wanting to assassinate the Coptic pope? And, BecauseIknownothing, the biggest thread to the world today happens to be Islam as they work their way around the world trying to welcome another Caliphate and forcing Sharia Law on everyone. By the way, are you going to spend the rest of your winter break from school on a message board and not hang out with some contemporaries like other kids do?

Ha Ha Ha! I've never seen you funnier than this ever before....Housefly....oh boy the Muslims are out to control the world with their thriving economies, satellites in space, etc. Boy are you a funny conspiracist. It gets funnier every day, especially the websites you use that fabricate almost every story....and we've said the same thing to several other members. You act is if everyone who disagrees with you is a loser Housefly and that you're some Hotshot. So what is a hotshot like you doing here housefly?

If irosie91 can call George a pig, then the Pals can call you people pigs.

Quid pro quo, mother-fucker!

try again crotch-boy- mother fucker- baby buggerer-----the ass lickers of
have been using the terms "pigs" and "monkeys" at jews for
more than 1400 years RETURN FIRE IS ALWAYS LEGAL---mother-
fucker, baby buggering scum
Israel derangement syndrome counseling
Stating things that are factually correct, is not derangement.

However, doing things that haven't been done (by a nation) since nazi Germany did them back the '30's and expecting no criticism or objections from the rest of the world, is pretty deranged.

The one sided obsessivity on the topic is deranged. Some of the info you get from Jew hating web sites is also evidence of your psychosis.
No wonder why you're such a big talker. You're far away from here and close to Hollywood.

I don't get to California, but next time you're in Judea and Samaria; the more-recently-liberated areas of Israel, let me know. Unlike you, my money is where my mouth is.
You made some vague reference to what cities you lived near, whereas I told you specifically where and when you could find me. But I can't make any bets, because the Tavern is not on Indian land.
You don't even know the basic terms, and yet you post? Get an ejamakashun before publicly embarrassing yourself.

Judea and Samaria Area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can meet you here- where it's happening; not halfway around the world where little people like you bravely :badgrin: sit at your keyboard talk tough.

And since you raised the issue:

"American Indians Aren’t Like Palestinians", David A. Yeagley (22 December 2002)

Many people see a similarity between American Indians and today’s Palestinians. I’m Comanche Indian. I see no similarity whatsoever...

"Aboriginal Canadians in Israel to Support Aboriginal Israelis" (Aug 15, '04 / 28 Av 5764)

"It's a spiritual journey for many of us," Rev. Raymond McLean, from Fairford First Nation in Manitoba, told the Toronto Star.

...Nine aboriginal educators participated in last year’s trip, including McLean, who, after representing Fairford First Nation on that tour, decided to lead this year’s group – which is going to Israel on its own this time.
The 29 aboriginals on the tour, mostly from Manitoba, represent the Cree, Sioux and Saultreaux tribes. "As First Nations we have a connection; our people have suffered similarly. We've had 500 years of persecution. So I can really relate," said Sharon Levasseur.

The group visited the Western Wall, the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum and part of Israel's separation fence. According to the Star report, “all the tour members feel a strong connection with Israel's Jews.”

McLean says both aboriginal peoples face threats to land and language:

"When you take a land and an identity from a people, they become suppressed. As a result of wrongs perpetrated and allowed to happen to our people by the government of Canada, we are in danger of losing forever our languages. We must preserve our heritage as Israel has."

"American Indian Chief: 'Fight for Israel'"
American Indian Chief Annie Richardson told Minister Uzi Landau that G-d gave Israel to the Jews and they should fight for it.

"Native American Leaders Grant Peace Pipe To Jerusalem Mayor" (May 22, 2006)

Native American leaders on Monday presented Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski with a peace pipe he is to keep for seven years.

The peace pipe had previously been kept at the United Nations and by the Dalai Lama.

It was presented to Lupolianski on the occasion of 39th anniversary of the unification of Jerusalem under Israeli rule as a blessing to Israeli and Palestinian residents of the city.

The Native American mission to Jerusalem included leaders of the Lakota (Sioux), Blackfoot, Cherokee and Lummi nations.

If you're afraid to meet in Judea and Samaria, we could meet somewhere in Israel's capital- Jerusalem.

Since you're an alcoholic, Mike's Place would be one possibility.
No wonder why you're such a big talker. You're far away from here and close to Hollywood.

I don't get to California, but next time you're in Judea and Samaria; the more-recently-liberated areas of Israel, let me know. Unlike you, my money is where my mouth is.
You made some vague reference to what cities you lived near, whereas I told you specifically where and when you could find me. But I can't make any bets, because the Tavern is not on Indian land.
You don't even know the basic terms, and yet you post? Get an ejamakashun before publicly embarrassing yourself.

Judea and Samaria Area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can meet you here- where it's happening; not halfway around the world where little people like you bravely :badgrin: sit at your keyboard talk tough.

And since you raised the issue:

"American Indians Aren’t Like Palestinians", David A. Yeagley (22 December 2002)

Many people see a similarity between American Indians and today’s Palestinians. I’m Comanche Indian. I see no similarity whatsoever...

"Aboriginal Canadians in Israel to Support Aboriginal Israelis" (Aug 15, '04 / 28 Av 5764)

"It's a spiritual journey for many of us," Rev. Raymond McLean, from Fairford First Nation in Manitoba, told the Toronto Star.

...Nine aboriginal educators participated in last year’s trip, including McLean, who, after representing Fairford First Nation on that tour, decided to lead this year’s group – which is going to Israel on its own this time.
The 29 aboriginals on the tour, mostly from Manitoba, represent the Cree, Sioux and Saultreaux tribes. "As First Nations we have a connection; our people have suffered similarly. We've had 500 years of persecution. So I can really relate," said Sharon Levasseur.

The group visited the Western Wall, the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum and part of Israel's separation fence. According to the Star report, “all the tour members feel a strong connection with Israel's Jews.”

McLean says both aboriginal peoples face threats to land and language:

"When you take a land and an identity from a people, they become suppressed. As a result of wrongs perpetrated and allowed to happen to our people by the government of Canada, we are in danger of losing forever our languages. We must preserve our heritage as Israel has."

"American Indian Chief: 'Fight for Israel'"
American Indian Chief Annie Richardson told Minister Uzi Landau that G-d gave Israel to the Jews and they should fight for it.

"Native American Leaders Grant Peace Pipe To Jerusalem Mayor" (May 22, 2006)

Native American leaders on Monday presented Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski with a peace pipe he is to keep for seven years.

The peace pipe had previously been kept at the United Nations and by the Dalai Lama.

It was presented to Lupolianski on the occasion of 39th anniversary of the unification of Jerusalem under Israeli rule as a blessing to Israeli and Palestinian residents of the city.

The Native American mission to Jerusalem included leaders of the Lakota (Sioux), Blackfoot, Cherokee and Lummi nations.
Comanche conundrum:

"Palestinian Arabs are not indigenous to Palestine. They are leftover Arabs, residual of another age. Knowing Arab history is vital to understanding the situation in the Middle East. (Joan Peters’ From Time Immemorial (1984) is a ‘must read’ on this subject.)"

Joan Peters and her "must read" is useful mainly for Israel's useful idiots.
Who says so...the world's smartest Jew:

"...(From Time Immemorial) was the big intellectual hit for that year: Saul Bellow, Barbara Tuchman, everybody was talking about it as the greatest thing since chocolate cake.

"Well, one graduate student at Princeton, a guy named Norman Finkelstein, started reading through the book. He was interested in the history of Zionism, and as he read the book he was kind of surprised by some of the things it said. He's a very careful student, and he started checking the references—and it turned out that the whole thing was a hoax, it was completely faked: probably it had been put together by some intelligence agency or something like that.

"Well, Finkelstein wrote up a short paper of just preliminary findings, it was about twenty-five pages or so, and he sent it around to I think thirty people who were interested in the topic, scholars in the field and so on, saying: 'Here's what I've found in this book, do you think it's worth pursuing?'

"Well, he got back one answer, from me. I told him, yeah, I think it's an interesting topic, but I warned him, if you follow this, you're going to get in trouble—because you're going to expose the American intellectual community as a gang of frauds, and they are not going to like it, and they're going to destroy you."

'The Fate of an Honest Intellectual', by Noam Chomsky (Excerpted from Understanding Power)

"Heroic" Jews should probably remember how History turned out for the Comanche in south Texas.
the criticisms that finklestein leveled at the book by Joan Peters
were picayune and trite. He searched and searched _DESPERATELY
for slight errors of attribution and found---some very trivial ones.
In fact Joan Peter's work was more valid than the Doctoral thesis
of Rev. Martin Luther King which also had some minor errors of
attribution galvanizing some slobs to claim his doctorate should
be withdrawn. This sort of thing is a game dogs play. The
work --from TIME IMMEMORIAL is very valuable and as a history---
far more accurate than most. Certainly more accurate than the
islamo nazi pig contention that the invasion of palestine by arabs
NEVER HAPPENED----and Bedouins never wandered in and
population shifts were not rampant during the time of the
FIRST REICH (first holy roman empire---especially starting with
the era of pig constantine) Suggesting that "muslim arabs" in
palestine are indigenous is about as brillian as insisting that the
Irish population of Boston has been there for 10,000 years

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