The Palin Brawl

Sure, it's not like you little Goebbels would outright lie to slander and libel those you hate.

I mean, a BLOGGER claims it happened, good enough for demagogues.

BTW, a blogger says they say Barack Obama sucking the cocks of hobos in a DC Greyhound station.

Both stories have the same level of credibility.

Sure, it's not like you little Goebbels would outright lie to slander and libel those you hate.

I mean, a BLOGGER claims it happened, good enough for demagogues.

BTW, a blogger says they say Barack Obama sucking the cocks of hobos in a DC Greyhound station.

Both stories have the same level of

Yup. The key word being "alleged."

Gotta laugh at how all these lefty loons take every opportunity to try to belittle Sarah Palin. A someone they consider less than nothing.

Gotta wonder why they bother if she such a nobody. LMAO.
I love this thread. Of course we'll never know the exact details of the brawl. That's where the fun part comes in. Both sides, libs and rwingers can both picture Momma Grizzly and her clan of cave bears getting their hackles up and letting their hair down and wading into a booze fueled fracas. And while the rw's get all puffed up with righteous indignation and "Oh no! I can't imagine Lady Sarah blah blah blah..." Of course they can. That's why the libs in this thread keep dangling raw meat in front of them and they keep snapping and snarling at it like one of Momma Grizzly's cubs.
The Palins should play for the NFL.

Because Bristol kicked some Liberal punks ass? nah

Do you actually believe that a liberal would invite the palin family to their party?

Do you actually believe that any of the palin family would go to a party at a liberal's house?

Do you actually believe that any of the palin children would date a liberal?

From what I gather this started because of an exboyfriend of one of the palin daughters.

Do you really think that the palin family would have a liberal as their friend? They are friends of the people who put on the party.

You need to blame everything on liberals. I have yet to encounter any conservative/republican who would ever take any responsibility for what they do or say.

This has nothing to do with liberals. This has to do with the palins and their behavior.

Fueled by a disgruntled employee of the guy who hosted the party...who was allegedly smacked around by Bristol.

You know, the one that isn't pressing charges.
Palins ADMIT that it happened

No they don't.

Sarah Palin is a strong woman who does not obey your filthy party - thus you wage war on her.

Your war on women rages on, Herr Goebbels.

Its true that she first tried to lie her way out of it with that whole "who me? I was in Houston" thing but yeah, they did admit it.

And reporting facts does not make anyone a Nazi.


We should hold a poll. Ask the RW nutters if they believe ALL the news accounts of the Palin drunken brawl(s).

Bet they would all say its a massive lib-rule media conspiracy.


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Actually it's about liberals visceral fear that Governor Palin may run against Hillary in the ancient young vs. old, rising vs. fading contest. Seriously, do you really think Hillary can even remember Governor Palin's first name - let alone the names of her children? Hell, it's a tribute that the old girl even remembers the name of her (for now) pregnant daughter. Perhaps not even who the father.........

At least Hillary remember's the name of Chelsea's father!

Who could forget good old "Turkey Baster?" Hmmm, could Chelsea have been a literal virgin birth?
Why doesn't Todd come out and clear the air?

Why should he? If he says anything, people like you will instantly call him a liar and go into your normal rant.

Beside, saying a single words only gives legitimacy to the original BS claim.

bS? Is that why a palin spokesman said there was a fight but other people started it

The Palin Family s Side of the Anchorage Brawl Story RealClearPolitics

Oh lookie - it once again goes right back to paid DNC stalker, Eyewitness comes forward on 8216 Palin brawl 8217 Amanda Coyne Amanda Coyne..

And the eyewitness was fired for telling the truth about the trailer trash Palins.
And the truth....not that the lefty, Palin haters will care...

Media Frenzies Over Unsourced Gossip Post to Trash Palin Family

Scott Conroy of Real Clear Politics actually tried something the New York Times, George Stephanopolous, and CNN didn't -- reporting. He spoke with someone close to the Palin family and was told that there was indeed a fight, most of the Palin family was there -- including the Governor -- but that the fight was started by a former boyfriend of Willow's, Palin's 20 year-old daughter. From the sound of this report, Track was defending his sister from an old boyfriend who was getting aggressive:

The initial tussle occurred, the source said, after the young man in question “tried to get in” to the Hummer limousine after he’d engaged in some unspecified “questionable behavior.”

Track Palin soon found himself struggling to fend off four men who had “piled on him,” according to the source.

Todd Palin then inserted himself into the brawl, which left the former “First Dude” of Alaska bleeding. …

According to the source, as her husband and son were trading blows with their adversaries, Palin was yelling (in reference to her son), “Don’t you know who he is? He’s a vet!”

This rendition of her words differs slightly but significantly from a previous report, which had Palin shouting, “Don’t you know who I am?”

Over the years, Sarah Palin has spoken frequently about her son’s U.S. Army service in the Iraq War, and Track currently serves as a counselor, working with veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

The local police are investigating the brawl. According to them, no one wants to press charges. But why would we expect the media to wait for facts before the frenzy? This is after all the very same media that blamed Palin for a murder spree in Tucson, was sure she was going to divorce Todd, and embraced aging conspiracy theorist Andrew Sullivan while he pretended to believe Trig Palin wasn't Sarah Palin's son.

The media even makes the stretch Hummer sound Hillbilly. It was Todd's 50th birthday. The extended Palin family rented the Hummer for the special occasion to move the family from a party at the family home to the party in question (hosted by a longtime Palin friend also celebrating a family birthday). Renting stretch Hummers is cool in Los Angeles. Kanye rents stretch Hummers. In Alaska it apparently makes you a rube. that the truth is known....the left can put their tin foil hats back on and go on bashing the Palin son who has Down's Syndrome...they seem to enjoy doing that...

Lefties think funny...
"In an unrelated episode, a 25-year-old man was arrested last Sunday on charges of stalking Bristol Palin after allegedly sending her approximately 1,000 Facebook messages and then appearing in her driveway -- an incident the Palin source described as “scary.”

The Palin Family s Side of the Anchorage Brawl Story RealClearPolitics

They're constantly being stalked by people who try to make trouble for them. This is no different. They don't have to quit living their lives and become recluses because there are always assholes out there making trouble. Ordinary people relate to this sort of thing. I know I do. Outside of the city walls, people go to parties and participate with their families at community events..where often liquor is involved, and tempers flare.

So freaking what?
Its true that she first tried to lie her way out of it with that whole "who me? I was in Houston" thing but yeah, they did admit it.

And reporting facts does not make anyone a Nazi.


We should hold a poll. Ask the RW nutters if they believe ALL the news accounts of the Palin drunken brawl(s).

Bet they would all say its a massive lib-rule media conspiracy.


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

False Puddley Pillowbite.

SO FAR, no one has come up with anything that doesn't lead right back to paid panty sniffer Amanda Coyne and her partisan hackjob blog.

Scroll back and notice that every time Batshit put up another link, I followed it right back to paid hack Coyne....
At least Hillary remember's the name of Chelsea's father!

Didn't he commit suicide in a national park...and then they cleared out his office?
Fueled by a disgruntled employee of the guy who hosted the party...who was allegedly smacked around by Bristol.

You know, the one that isn't pressing charges.

As reported by PAID DNC Panty Sniffer Amanda Coyne...

AND legit news sources, many of which have been posted in this thread.

Get your head out of the sand.

Palins got drunk and made asses of themselves. Deal with it.
The initial tussle occurred, the source said, after the young man in question “tried to get in” to the Hummer limousine after he’d engaged in some unspecified “questionable behavior.”

The Palin Family s Side of the Anchorage Brawl Story RealClearPolitics
Progressives hate it when people fight back.
He probably wanted to join the crack heads in the limo.

Unfortunately, you can't just climb into vehicles/on top of people who don't want you there.

My brothers and dad would have beat the shit out of him. It sounds like a punk with some of his friends targeted a guy, and it didn't go well for them.

I've seen it happen lots of times.
AND legit news sources, many of which have been posted in this thread.

And every one of them -WITHOUT FAIL, point right back to panty sniffer Coyne.

Get your head out of the sand.

Palins got drunk and made asses of themselves. Deal with it.

Are you really this stupid?

Find one source - just one - that does NOT thread back to Coyne?

You can't - there are none. Even the fucking NY Times is linking back to Coyne.
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The initial tussle occurred, the source said, after the young man in question “tried to get in” to the Hummer limousine after he’d engaged in some unspecified “questionable behavior.”

The Palin Family s Side of the Anchorage Brawl Story RealClearPolitics
Progressives hate it when people fight back.
He probably wanted to join the crack heads in the limo.

Looking at KG's link to RCP, where is their source?

But then, some words were exchanged. And that’s where the stories diverge significantly.

According to previously published eyewitness reports, the fracas began when Track Palin, the former governor’s adult son, confronted a former boyfriend of his 20-year-old sister, Willow.

Read more: The Palin Family s Side of the Anchorage Brawl Story RealClearPolitics
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I click on "reports" and what do I get?

Eyewitness comes forward on 8216 Palin brawl 8217 Amanda Coyne

Holy fuck, it's paid panty sniffer Coyne again...

Follow the link to the Washington Post blog from RCP, and who do they name as source?

Well fuck, it's paid panty sniffer Coyne again...

Well shit, the NY Times, all the news that's fit to serve the DNC, THEY must have a reliable source, right?

Nope, they even by-line paid panty sniffer Coyne.

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