The Palin Brawl

Here's something to fuel additional meltdowns from poor Henry.

You Want the Palin Brawl Here it is. The Mudflats News Politics From The Upper Left Corner
The Palins arrived at the party, but not just Sarah and Todd who were the only actual invitees from the clan – the whole fan-damnily and some other tagalong friends from Wasilla turned up in a stretch Hummer limo. Because, of course they did. The party was an adult and relaxed event, with most guests at least in their 30s. Reports have come in that Track got into a fight with an ex-boyfriend of Willow’s. But according to my source, the initial fight started when Track and his buddy were aggressively pursuing… how shall I put this… “romantic relations” with some female guests. They were allegedly explicit and crude in their depictions of what they’d like to do with and to the ladies, expressing a desire to “bend them over on the lawn,” according to my source. Apparently the lawn was large enough to include places one could be “bent over.”


As Track and his companion were wooing the ladies with honeyed words, certain individuals took exception to it – namely the husbands of the women in question, whose presence right there with their wives the whole time was no deterrant to our confident and ambitious Casanovas from the Mat-Su.

Track did not fare well in the ensuing confrontation with the spouse. The irate husband punched Track with the full force of his annoyance, and the young Palin ended up “spread eagle lying on the grass.” You could say someone did end up bent over on the lawn, but not in the way he first envisioned.

Track’s buddies then got involved in the fracas to defend the honor of their fallen comrade, others followed, and soon Bristol Palin began to punch the host in the face for reasons we do not fully understand. Repeatedly. Then Todd showed up and joined the scrum, ending up with a bloody nose out of the deal. Did I mention that it happened to be his 50th birthday? He probably won’t forget the big 5-Ohhhh.

Then Sarah shrieked, “Don’t you know who I am?” and other such things making clear the importance of the Palins, and the lack of importance of the non-Palins to whom she was speaking. She then apparently tried to fling herself on top of the giant dog pile into the middle of the melée.
Yeah, I love the "don't you know who I am?" as though she is someone important but my favorite

when someone in the crowd screamed back, “This isn’t some damned Hillbilly reality show!”

Obviously, people DO know exactly who she is.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

From the link:

If there’s one thing the Palin’s have learned from the last six years it’s that the darned media is ruthless, and every little thing you do is scrutinized, so you keep your nose clean, and walk on eggshells. Oh, and “keep the children out of it.” Don’t forget that one.

After tiring of being punched in the face, our host informed the Palins it was time for them to go home. Bristol’s young son Tripp was apparently sleeping in the back of the Hummer limo at the time, blissfully unaware of intoxicated mommy’s raging fists of fury.

The fight ended up involving about 20 people, but eventually the police arrived, and the marauders piled into their limo and headed north to the wild lands from whence they came. But not before Track ripped his shirt off and stood in the road giving the one finger salute to departing guests. Ok, I kind of loved that part.

“Alcohol may have been a factor,” said the police report filed later.

The day after the incident occurred, Sarah tried to do damage control and got on Twitter claiming “I was traveling yesterday, so I’m posting Todd’s 50th birthday greeting a day late.” If by (air quotes) “traveling” she meant sitting in the back of a Hummer stretch limo sitting next to Todd and his bleeding nose, with her shirtless drunken son and his randy friends, her street fighting daughter and the rest of the intoxicated hoard, then yeah… she was “traveling.”

Perhaps just as well the liberal loons didn't know of Track's Iraq veteran status. They might have turned really dangerously viscous in that circumstance.
Bristol is left-handed so it's highly doubtful she was throwing punches with her right hand....the blogger just made up the story as he went along...probably high on bath salts. :lol:
Here's something to fuel additional meltdowns from poor Henry.

You Want the Palin Brawl Here it is. The Mudflats News Politics From The Upper Left Corner
The Palins arrived at the party, but not just Sarah and Todd who were the only actual invitees from the clan – the whole fan-damnily and some other tagalong friends from Wasilla turned up in a stretch Hummer limo. Because, of course they did. The party was an adult and relaxed event, with most guests at least in their 30s. Reports have come in that Track got into a fight with an ex-boyfriend of Willow’s. But according to my source, the initial fight started when Track and his buddy were aggressively pursuing… how shall I put this… “romantic relations” with some female guests. They were allegedly explicit and crude in their depictions of what they’d like to do with and to the ladies, expressing a desire to “bend them over on the lawn,” according to my source. Apparently the lawn was large enough to include places one could be “bent over.”


As Track and his companion were wooing the ladies with honeyed words, certain individuals took exception to it – namely the husbands of the women in question, whose presence right there with their wives the whole time was no deterrant to our confident and ambitious Casanovas from the Mat-Su.

Track did not fare well in the ensuing confrontation with the spouse. The irate husband punched Track with the full force of his annoyance, and the young Palin ended up “spread eagle lying on the grass.” You could say someone did end up bent over on the lawn, but not in the way he first envisioned.

Track’s buddies then got involved in the fracas to defend the honor of their fallen comrade, others followed, and soon Bristol Palin began to punch the host in the face for reasons we do not fully understand. Repeatedly. Then Todd showed up and joined the scrum, ending up with a bloody nose out of the deal. Did I mention that it happened to be his 50th birthday? He probably won’t forget the big 5-Ohhhh.

Then Sarah shrieked, “Don’t you know who I am?” and other such things making clear the importance of the Palins, and the lack of importance of the non-Palins to whom she was speaking. She then apparently tried to fling herself on top of the giant dog pile into the middle of the melée.

Sarah actually yelled: "don't you know who HE is?" referring to her Iraq Vet son Track. But why let the facts get in the way of a good (tall) tale?

Oh goody, the spin has gotten started. What would that matter? Who is he? The trash doesn't fall far from the trailer. He's just trash who flips people off, staggers around drunk with his shirt off and yells the "c" word. BFD He's nobody and so are his trashy family.

This is the RW dance craze "Twist and Shout".

Go for it.
You prove yourself to be a crude liar everyday. That is a lie you are telling about Letterman. Crude and blatant total lie. Why should anyone believe any of your obscene nonsense?

You were saying, stupid fuck?

Sarah Palin’s daughter was paid handsomely for her abstinence campaign. The message she’s sending: getting pregnant is a great way to make money for doing nothing.
Even before it was revealed that Candies Foundation paid Bristol Palin $262,500to be its abstinence ambassador, her campaign against teen pregnancy was a farce. The Candies Foundation exists, in the words of its 990 form, “To educate America’s youth about the devastating consequences of teen pregnancy through celebrity PSA campaigns and initiatives.” Palin, a young woman whose unplanned pregnancy has rocketed her to reality star fame, could scarcely be a worse spokesperson. Everything about her and her celebrity telegraphs the message, already distressingly prevalent in this country, that pregnancy offers a way to trade boring high school anonymity for attention and adoration.

Bristol Palin s Abstinence Campaign Payday Her Latest Teen Pregnancy Outrage - The Daily Beast

The strange ways of the white trash whores
Being a vet myself, it's good to know how the Palin-groupies here believe I and all other vets should be immune to any repercussions for being a totally assholish douchebag, in contrast to all non-vets, who apparently should be beaten down at will for such transgressions. I'm hoping they'll invite me to their parties, where I can take advantage of that immunity.
The Palin Family Allegedly Got Into A Messy Brawl In Alaska And It Sounded Ridiculous

Word is that Bristol has a particularly strong right hook, which she employed repeatedly, and it’s something to hear when Sarah screams, “Don’t you know who I am!” And it was particularly wonderful when someone in the crowd screamed back, “This isn’t some damned Hillbilly reality show!” No, it’s what happens when the former First Family of Alaska comes knocking. As people were leaving in a cab, Track was seen on the street, shirtless, flipping people off, with Sarah right behind him, and Todd somewhere in the foreground, tending to his bloody nose.

According to the grapevine Track had some altercation with a person who may or may not have once dated one of the Palin girls. That led to some pushing and shoving, which escalated somehow to the family being asked to leave the premises.

However before that could happen a certain former abstinence spokesperson unleashed a flurry of blows at some as of yet identified individual before being pulled off by by another partygoer, after which Todd apparently puffed up his chest and made some threatening remarks. (The "C' word may have been uttered at one point.)

Anchorage Police Department communications director Jennifer Castro confirmed to The Huffington Post that police responded to a "verbal and physical altercation" outside a residence just before midnight on Saturday, and that "some of the Palin family members were in attendance at the party." Police believe that alcohol was a "factor" in the incident.

"The case is still an open and active investigation and is being reviewed by APD and our Municipal Prosecutor’s office, therefore, we are unable to release any police reports or further information at this time," Castro wrote in an email.

I thought the bible thumping $arah only drank Dr Pepper.

"Do you know who I am?" -- yeah, Sarah, you're the failed Governor of Alaska who couldn't hack in politics so cashed in on your fame with Fox and a book deal… Basically a whore.
Always enjoyable to see which side is really waging the "war on women" ain't it? Noodle armed, acne-scarred leftists who end up playing slap and tickle with each other because no woman will come anywhere near them. Their hero Slick Willy is a woman hater, the Kennedy clan all hate and have murdered women....Barry is a genetic woman with small tits; little wonder this pack of nerds falls in line when it comes to a babe like Sarah....she terrifies them. :eusa_doh:
I find the alternate story about the fight amusing. According to that version, Track was just quietly sitting in the stretch Hummer limousine, when four guys decided to jump in and beat him up. Seriously, folks, try to visualize that. "Hey! There is Sarah Palin's kid in the limo! Let's all jump in and beat him up!" Sure, that sort of thing happens all the time!

Dude, far left Obamabot David Letterman called for Palin's 14 year old daughter to be raped, on national television.

Still waiting while you dance around telling lies to cover your original lie. Where is the evidence that Letterman called for Palin's 14 year old to be raped?
Being a vet myself, it's good to know how the Palin-groupies here believe I and all other vets should be immune to any repercussions for being a totally assholish douchebag, in contrast to all non-vets, who apparently should be beaten down at will for such transgressions. I'm hoping they'll invite me to their parties, where I take advantage of that immunity.

Track is a COMBAT VET as am I....I doubt you were in a Stryker unit like Track or roaming the Bong Son plain as was I as a young gun....I doubt you left the States so ain't a "vet" around us, pooch.
Here's something to fuel additional meltdowns from poor Henry.

You Want the Palin Brawl Here it is. The Mudflats News Politics From The Upper Left Corner
The Palins arrived at the party, but not just Sarah and Todd who were the only actual invitees from the clan – the whole fan-damnily and some other tagalong friends from Wasilla turned up in a stretch Hummer limo. Because, of course they did. The party was an adult and relaxed event, with most guests at least in their 30s. Reports have come in that Track got into a fight with an ex-boyfriend of Willow’s. But according to my source, the initial fight started when Track and his buddy were aggressively pursuing… how shall I put this… “romantic relations” with some female guests. They were allegedly explicit and crude in their depictions of what they’d like to do with and to the ladies, expressing a desire to “bend them over on the lawn,” according to my source. Apparently the lawn was large enough to include places one could be “bent over.”


As Track and his companion were wooing the ladies with honeyed words, certain individuals took exception to it – namely the husbands of the women in question, whose presence right there with their wives the whole time was no deterrant to our confident and ambitious Casanovas from the Mat-Su.

Track did not fare well in the ensuing confrontation with the spouse. The irate husband punched Track with the full force of his annoyance, and the young Palin ended up “spread eagle lying on the grass.” You could say someone did end up bent over on the lawn, but not in the way he first envisioned.

Track’s buddies then got involved in the fracas to defend the honor of their fallen comrade, others followed, and soon Bristol Palin began to punch the host in the face for reasons we do not fully understand. Repeatedly. Then Todd showed up and joined the scrum, ending up with a bloody nose out of the deal. Did I mention that it happened to be his 50th birthday? He probably won’t forget the big 5-Ohhhh.

Then Sarah shrieked, “Don’t you know who I am?” and other such things making clear the importance of the Palins, and the lack of importance of the non-Palins to whom she was speaking. She then apparently tried to fling herself on top of the giant dog pile into the middle of the melée.

Sarah actually yelled: "don't you know who HE is?" referring to her Iraq Vet son Track. But why let the facts get in the way of a good (tall) tale?

Did you read your own (blog) link? It actually paints an even worse picture of what happened.

But you say you have the inside "track" on what went on?

Perhaps just as well the liberal loons didn't know of Track's Iraq veteran status. They might have turned really dangerously viscous in that circumstance.
Bristol is left-handed so it's highly doubtful she was throwing punches with her right hand....the blogger just made up the story as he went along...probably high on bath salts. :lol:

Read your own link.

And, pray tell, how do YOU know that all the news stories are wrong?
The strange ways of the white trash whores

What does this have to do with far left scumbag Letterman joking about the rape of Palin's 14 year old daughter?
Do you think telling the same lie over and over will make your lie the truth?

Sex w/a 14 year old is legally rape.

So it's not a lie. Letterman joked about sex between Willow & ARod.


If you happen to be a progressive scumbag.
Track is a COMBAT VET as am I....I doubt you were in a Stryker unit like Track or roaming the Bong Son plain as was I as a young gun....I doubt you left the States so ain't a "vet" around us, pooch.

So sad to see partisan assholery turn a vet into a vet-spitter. You apparently lack the guts necessary to stand up to your party, and that has sent you down the vet-spitting path.

However, being that I'm not a vet-hater like so many conservatives (who auto-hate all non-extreme-Republican vets, a majority of them) I won't declare that you're not a real vet, no matter how much like Hanoi Jane you act. You may be brainwashed and misguided, but you will always be a vet, and you will always be respected for it.
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Being a vet myself, it's good to know how the Palin-groupies here believe I and all other vets should be immune to any repercussions for being a totally assholish douchebag, in contrast to all non-vets, who apparently should be beaten down at will for such transgressions. I'm hoping they'll invite me to their parties, where I take advantage of that immunity.

Track is a COMBAT VET as am I....I doubt you were in a Stryker unit like Track or roaming the Bong Son plain as was I as a young gun....I doubt you left the States so ain't a "vet" around us, pooch.

And that gives him the right to ...

Reports have come in that Track got into a fight with an ex-boyfriend of Willow’s. But according to my source, the initial fight started when Track and his buddy were aggressively pursuing… how shall I put this… “romantic relations” with some female guests. They were allegedly explicit and crude in their depictions of what they’d like to do with and to the ladies, expressing a desire to “bend them over on the lawn,” according to my source. Apparently the lawn was large enough to include places one could be “bent over.”
Hey. You guys wanted this… don’t look at me.

As Track and his companion were wooing the ladies with honeyed words, certain individuals took exception to it – namely the husbands of the women in question, whose presence right there with their wives the whole time was no deterrant to our confident and ambitious Casanovas from the Mat-Su.

Track did not fare well in the ensuing confrontation with the spouse. The irate husband punched Track with the full force of his annoyance, and the young Palin ended up “spread eagle lying on the grass.” You could say someone did end up bent over on the lawn, but not in the way he first envisioned.

Track’s buddies then got involved in the fracas to defend the honor of their fallen comrade, others followed, and soon Bristol Palin began to punch the host in the face for reasons we do not fully understand. Repeatedly. Then Todd showed up and joined the scrum, ending up with a bloody nose out of the deal. Did I mention that it happened to be his 50th birthday? He probably won’t forget the big 5-Ohhhh.

And, Bull, that's from YOUR link.


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