The Palin Brawl

So RW hack Bull Kurtz posts THAT blog as proof that it didn't happen except that it quotes the legit news sources AND the blog and somehow the other RW hacks twist that around to make it say the opposite of what it says.

You RWs can twist and shout anything into oblivion.

Face facts. It did happen.

Do a little searching and you find this isn't their first drunken brawl.

Puddley = there is no source for this story other than paid DNC panty sniffer Amanda Coyne.

I doubt any of this even happened. Coyne has made shit up to slander Palin before out of thin air.

Anyone check to see if Sarah Palin was even in the state during the time panty sniffer Coyne claims this happened?
Since blogs are taken as fountains of truth by the haters, here's one they surely will enjoy:

Obama 8217 s disturbing poem on man-boy relationship Fellowship of the Minds

He was said to have been nineteen (19, libs) at the time He wrote this cry for attention, Just about the age of the Palin daughter who is so cruelly verbally assaulted in your favourite blog:

Pop takes another shot, neat,
Points out the same amber
Stain on his shorts that I’ve got on mine, and
Makes me smell his smell, coming
From me; he switches channels, recites an old poem
He wrote before his mother died,
Stands, shouts, and asks
For a hug, as I shrink, my
Arms barely reaching around
His thick, oily neck, and his broad back; ‘cause
I see my face, framed within
Pop’s black-framed glasses
And know he’s laughing too.

Yes, from an obviously troubled young mind - that went on to be your Messiah!

But He's "grown" now and can deal with the taunts of bloggers recalling words He might rather have wished He did not publish. The young Ms. Palin, who you so enjoy taunting, is still young.
SSDD from the RW hacks.

You people are ALWAYS on the wrong side of every single issue.

You go right on lying to yourselves and see what it gets you.
What on earth are you ranting about now, Luds? Do you think that's fine literature?
The strange ways of the white trash whores

What does this have to do with far left scumbag Letterman joking about the rape of Palin's 14 year old daughter?
Do you think telling the same lie over and over will make your lie the truth?

Sex w/a 14 year old is legally rape.

So it's not a lie. Letterman joked about sex between Willow & ARod.


If you happen to be a progressive scumbag.

That does not negate the white trailer trash behavior of the palins
Actually it has morphed into the outing of Gummo as this board's most rabid racist.

And let us not overlook that it has also validated the permissibility of using postings by paid posters to various blogsites as grounds to attack the children and, especially grand children, of any public figure.

Oh look! Another prominent family finding it's closer to a sex and drug problem that suggests the parents neglected to do due diligence in choosing where to send their (once) innocent girls:

Radar Online President Obama Daughters 8217 School Facing Sex Drug Scandal

"President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle shell out a whopping $70,000 a year to send their two daughters to an elite private school, but the academy has been embroiled in a shocking cocaine scandal!"

"Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., is also involved in a stunning court battle that threatens to expose even more sordid sex and drug secrets................."

Surely just the tip of the iceberg!
When did this "supposedly" take place?

how can they be at a snowmobile gathering when it's the middle of the summer?

Just curious - I won't hang around -- but I'd like to know how this thread is on page 18 and folks are asking basic questions like WHEN did this happen? Or who did what? Kinda sad and funny at the same time.

See how little it takes to start a brawl? :lmao:
I find the alternate story about the fight amusing. According to that version, Track was just quietly sitting in the stretch Hummer limousine, when four guys decided to jump in and beat him up. Seriously, folks, try to visualize that. "Hey! There is Sarah Palin's kid in the limo! Let's all jump in and beat him up!" Sure, that sort of thing happens all the time! One can't help but wonder why they were so pissed at Track, or why they didn't drag him out of the limo so that they could beat him up properly. One way or the other, it would appear that Track is a victim of a gang of bullies, and if Bristol had not have been there to save him, who knows what would have happened?

who cares,
I remember what you've called Bristol Palin. so let it go
Your memory is as feeble as your posts, because I have never called Bristol anything.
To answer an apparently legitimate question about snowmobile gatherings in summer:

It's not a gathering of snowmachines (as Alaskans seem to prefer they be called). It's a gathering of people involved in snowmachine racing. A winter sport that requires a lot of advance planning to be successful. The rivalries are mostly friendly and the members of multiple teams (the major races are team events) frequently get together out of season. Sometimes to plan strategies (unlike Our Kenyan Prexy) and sometimes just to have fun.

Todd Palin has been a participant for many years and frequently part of the winning team of such major events as "Iron Dog". It's a sport in which liberals rarely compete as it requires a certain strength, ability to withstand harsh conditions, and definitely requires having an actual strategy.

Iron Dog Race - World s Longest Toughest Snowmobile Race
The strange ways of the white trash whores

What does this have to do with far left scumbag Letterman joking about the rape of Palin's 14 year old daughter?

and what does letteman have to do with that white trash biblethumping christer scum getting into drunken white trash hilbilly brawls

good thing you don't use hateful terms like niggah

Really, Gummo, you've already demonstrated through your repeated use of the racist term "White Trash" that the use of hateful terms is perfectly acceptable. Please don't discourage others from doing as you were apparently taught at a very young age.

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