The Palin Brawl

Being a vet myself, it's good to know how the Palin-groupies here believe I and all other vets should be immune to any repercussions for being a totally assholish douchebag, in contrast to all non-vets, who apparently should be beaten down at will for such transgressions. I'm hoping they'll invite me to their parties, where I take advantage of that immunity.

Track is a COMBAT VET as am I....I doubt you were in a Stryker unit like Track or roaming the Bong Son plain as was I as a young gun....I doubt you left the States so ain't a "vet" around us, pooch.

You are big and strong. We are in fear of you.

The strange ways of the white trash whores

What does this have to do with far left scumbag Letterman joking about the rape of Palin's 14 year old daughter?
Do you think telling the same lie over and over will make your lie the truth?

Sex w/a 14 year old is legally rape.

So it's not a lie. Letterman joked about sex between Willow & ARod.


If you happen to be a progressive scumbag.

Not if its the Disgusting Duck Dynasty Dud Doing It.


Then Sarah shrieked, “Don’t you know who I am?” and other such things making clear the importance of the Palins, and the lack of importance of the non-Palins to whom she was speaking. She then apparently tried to fling herself on top of the giant dog pile into the middle of the melée.

Sarah actually yelled: "don't you know who HE is?" referring to her Iraq Vet son Track. But why let the facts get in the way of a good (tall) tale?

Did you read your own (blog) link? It actually paints an even worse picture of what happened.

But you say you have the inside "track" on what went on?


I know the thought of landing punches frightens you, Duddly, so here is something more familiar to ya.


Quit lying and dancing around. YOU posted that link. Its from a blog and gives a much worse version than is in the news.

Face up to that fact and stop hiding behind insults.

I dare you.

Or, you can just

Being a vet myself, it's good to know how the Palin-groupies here believe I and all other vets should be immune to any repercussions for being a totally assholish douchebag, in contrast to all non-vets, who apparently should be beaten down at will for such transgressions. I'm hoping they'll invite me to their parties, where I take advantage of that immunity.

Track is a COMBAT VET as am I....I doubt you were in a Stryker unit like Track or roaming the Bong Son plain as was I as a young gun....I doubt you left the States so ain't a "vet" around us, pooch.

You are big and strong. We are in fear of you.


What is it with Bull Kurtz that he lies about his own link?

Track is a COMBAT VET as am I....I doubt you were in a Stryker unit like Track or roaming the Bong Son plain as was I as a young gun....I doubt you left the States so ain't a "vet" around us, pooch.

So sad to see partisan assholery turn a vet into a vet-spitter. You apparently lack the guts necessary to stand up to your party, and that has sent you down the vet-spitting path.

However, being that I'm not a vet-hater like so many conservatives (who auto-hate all non-extreme-Republican vets, a majority of them) I won't declare that you're not a real vet, no matter how much like Hanoi Jane you act. You may be brainwashed and misguided, but you will always be a vet, and you will always be respected for it.

You can start by capitalizing the word "Vet"'s a proper noun.
Track is a COMBAT VET as am I....I doubt you were in a Stryker unit like Track or roaming the Bong Son plain as was I as a young gun....I doubt you left the States so ain't a "vet" around us, pooch.

So sad to see partisan assholery turn a vet into a vet-spitter. You apparently lack the guts necessary to stand up to your party, and that has sent you down the vet-spitting path.

However, being that I'm not a vet-hater like so many conservatives (who auto-hate all non-extreme-Republican vets, a majority of them) I won't declare that you're not a real vet, no matter how much like Hanoi Jane you act. You may be brainwashed and misguided, but you will always be a vet, and you will always be respected for it.

You can start by capitalizing the word "Vet"'s a proper noun.

Sure, if it's the first word in the sentence or part of a title. Otherwise, the word is not capitalized. It's not a holy relic.

Do you capitalize the word veteran in a sentence

Veterans receive some benefits for their service. My father was a veteran of the Korean War. He receives his medical treatment at the Veterans' Administration Hospital.

There. All better.
You can start by capitalizing the word "Vet"'s a proper noun.

Not according to the dictionary or common usage. Where do you get such nonsense? That's the first time I've ever heard such a claim.

That tells me all I need to know about your pride in serving....CHECKMATE. :bs1:

This isn't about Track being a vet. Its about him getting drunk, hitting on other men's wives and getting decked for it.

YOUR LINK said that.
Still waiting while you dance around telling lies to cover your original lie. Where is the evidence that Letterman called for Palin's 14 year old to be raped?

{“Sarah Palin went to a Yankees game yesterday. There was one awkward moment during the seventh-inning stretch: her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.” } - David Letterman while showing a video of 14 year old Willow Palin.

Are you clinically insane? I mean, are you diagnosed as not having a grip on reality?
Here's something to fuel additional meltdowns from poor Henry.

You Want the Palin Brawl Here it is. The Mudflats News Politics From The Upper Left Corner
The Palins arrived at the party, but not just Sarah and Todd who were the only actual invitees from the clan – the whole fan-damnily and some other tagalong friends from Wasilla turned up in a stretch Hummer limo. Because, of course they did. The party was an adult and relaxed event, with most guests at least in their 30s. Reports have come in that Track got into a fight with an ex-boyfriend of Willow’s. But according to my source, the initial fight started when Track and his buddy were aggressively pursuing… how shall I put this… “romantic relations” with some female guests. They were allegedly explicit and crude in their depictions of what they’d like to do with and to the ladies, expressing a desire to “bend them over on the lawn,” according to my source. Apparently the lawn was large enough to include places one could be “bent over.”


As Track and his companion were wooing the ladies with honeyed words, certain individuals took exception to it – namely the husbands of the women in question, whose presence right there with their wives the whole time was no deterrant to our confident and ambitious Casanovas from the Mat-Su.

Track did not fare well in the ensuing confrontation with the spouse. The irate husband punched Track with the full force of his annoyance, and the young Palin ended up “spread eagle lying on the grass.” You could say someone did end up bent over on the lawn, but not in the way he first envisioned.

Track’s buddies then got involved in the fracas to defend the honor of their fallen comrade, others followed, and soon Bristol Palin began to punch the host in the face for reasons we do not fully understand. Repeatedly. Then Todd showed up and joined the scrum, ending up with a bloody nose out of the deal.
Did I mention that it happened to be his 50th birthday? He probably won’t forget the big 5-Ohhhh.

Then Sarah shrieked, “Don’t you know who I am?” and other such things making clear the importance of the Palins, and the lack of importance of the non-Palins to whom she was speaking. She then apparently tried to fling herself on top of the giant dog pile into the middle of the melée.

Sarah actually yelled: "don't you know who HE is?" referring to her Iraq Vet son Track. But why let the facts get in the way of a good (tall) tale?

Do you believe that vets have the right to tell women they want to

“bend them over on the lawn,”

And then get into a punch fest with the HUSBANDS of those women took offense?

Face up to what YOU posted.
Funny stuff.

Yep funny that just because lefties don't like her, they are glad classless people are assaulting her family.

I don't believe the article for one minute that they started it!

So, husbands getting ticked at Track hitting on their wives is "classy" now?

That's what Bull Kurtz's link said.

You Want the Palin Brawl Here it is. The Mudflats News Politics From The Upper Left Corner

Mud Flats names as their source:

Wait for it,

Wait for it.....

{I knew as soon as I read Amanda Coyne’s original piece,}

Well fuck - right back to paid panty sniffer Amanda Coyne.

Isn't it amazing that not ONE source is independent of paid DNC demagogue and professional panty sniffer Coyne?
A ridiculous
Being a vet myself, it's good to know how the Palin-groupies here believe I and all other vets should be immune to any repercussions for being a totally assholish douchebag, in contrast to all non-vets, who apparently should be beaten down at will for such transgressions. I'm hoping they'll invite me to their parties, where I take advantage of that immunity.

Track is a COMBAT VET as am I....I doubt you were in a Stryker unit like Track or roaming the Bong Son plain as was I as a young gun....I doubt you left the States so ain't a "vet" around us, pooch.

And that gives him the right to ...

Reports have come in that Track got into a fight with an ex-boyfriend of Willow’s. But according to my source, the initial fight started when Track and his buddy were aggressively pursuing… how shall I put this… “romantic relations” with some female guests. They were allegedly explicit and crude in their depictions of what they’d like to do with and to the ladies, expressing a desire to “bend them over on the lawn,” according to my source. Apparently the lawn was large enough to include places one could be “bent over.”
Hey. You guys wanted this… don’t look at me.

As Track and his companion were wooing the ladies with honeyed words, certain individuals took exception to it – namely the husbands of the women in question, whose presence right there with their wives the whole time was no deterrant to our confident and ambitious Casanovas from the Mat-Su.

Track did not fare well in the ensuing confrontation with the spouse. The irate husband punched Track with the full force of his annoyance, and the young Palin ended up “spread eagle lying on the grass.” You could say someone did end up bent over on the lawn, but not in the way he first envisioned.

Track’s buddies then got involved in the fracas to defend the honor of their fallen comrade, others followed, and soon Bristol Palin began to punch the host in the face for reasons we do not fully understand. Repeatedly. Then Todd showed up and joined the scrum, ending up with a bloody nose out of the deal. Did I mention that it happened to be his 50th birthday? He probably won’t forget the big 5-Ohhhh.

And, Bull, that's from YOUR link.


A blog that names nobody.

The serious news outlets state the incident was bunk, that there is NOBODY talking about it, and no charges being filed.

The only people to lend their names to the event are loony bloggers...and the disgruntled employee. The guy who allegedly was the *victim* (the home owner?) refuses to comment on it, won't press charges...where's the so-called ex boyfriend who started it?

Oh yeah, probably shitting bricks that he's going to get charged for his part in it, as likely the only one who broke the law.
Any intelligent person knows that was not the intent of the joke.

So… You fail.

Letterman called for the rape of a 14 year old - what was his intent if not to attack her mother?
Letterman didn't call for anyone to do anything. His joke was that a player had knocked up Palin's daughter in the 7th inning. He described an event that didn't actually happen in the past tense. Even ignoring the claim he makes that he thought the daughter was the 18 year old who had had a child out of wedlock, he did not call for a rape to be committed. He joked about one having been committed and did so without making judgement as to the wrongness or rightness of the pretend event.
So, that still makes you a liar for accusing Letterman of calling for the rape of a 14 year old.
Plenty of le
Funny stuff.

Yep funny that just because lefties don't like her, they are glad classless people are assaulting her family.

I don't believe the article for one minute that they started it!

So, husbands getting ticked at Track hitting on their wives is "classy" now?

That's what Bull Kurtz's link said.

You Want the Palin Brawl Here it is. The Mudflats News Politics From The Upper Left Corner

Mud Flats names as their source:

Wait for it,

Wait for it.....

{I knew as soon as I read Amanda Coyne’s original piece,}

Well fuck - right back to paid panty sniffer Amanda Coyne.

Isn't it amazing that not ONE source is independent of paid DNC demagogue and professional panty sniffer Coyne?

So RW hack Bull Kurtz posts THAT blog as proof that it didn't happen except that it quotes the legit news sources AND the blog and somehow the other RW hacks twist that around to make it say the opposite of what it says.

You RWs can twist and shout anything into oblivion.

Face facts. It did happen.

Do a little searching and you find this isn't their first drunken brawl.
Nothing happened. There was a party and a disturbance...but no charges, and nobody can confirm the Palins were even involved except to be present.

Big whoop. How small your life must be that this reckons as big news.
Letterman didn't call for anyone to do anything.

Really dude, seek professional help.

{“Sarah Palin went to a Yankees game yesterday. There was one awkward moment during the seventh-inning stretch: her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.” } - David Letterman while showing a video of 14 year old Willow Palin.

His joke was that a player had knocked up Palin's daughter in the 7th inning. He described an event that didn't actually happen in the past tense. Even ignoring the claim he makes that he thought the daughter was the 18 year old who had had a child out of wedlock, he did not call for a rape to be committed. He joked about one having been committed and did so without making judgement as to the wrongness or rightness of the pretend event.
So, that still makes you a liar for accusing Letterman of calling for the rape of a 14 year old.

His "joke" was an open attack on an under age minor for the "crime" of being the daughter of someone the party is dedicated to destroying. Letterman is just a leftist demagogue - another of the thousands of little Goebbels that your filthy party relies on to smear those who the party hates - and let's face it, you HATE with a passion. Any who dare think or speak in ways not proscribed by the rulers of the party is hated - with all you little insects scurrying to hate as directed by the hive.

Letterman is a fucking pig, a pile of shit who raped his assistants for years - to the delight of you drones who supposedly defend women from sexual harassment - ah but as with all things - that's a fucking lie - a leftist demagogue like Letterman is immune from laws that cover lesser people.

Camp, you are a drone of the shameful democrat party, you post things not because they are true - or even rational, as is clear from this exchange - but only to support your filthy party. Letterman called for sex between ARod and a 14 year old - that is rape.Ask democrat hero Larry Flynt - he went to jail for it.

Look, I'm not surprised that you would support Letterman in this - Palin is an enemy of the party - anything that would happen to her children is deserved, she is an infidel and anyone associated with her should be destroyed - party above all.

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