The Palin Brawl

When all else fails to distract, pull out that one mistake that Obama made..............:D

Wait, you admit Obama made a mistake? :eek:

Your god is not perfect? Don't you risk excommunication from the peoples party? Will Rachel Maddow get on MSCCCP and denounce you?

Yep, he's human, he'll make mistakes, but his mistakes don't get 4000+ American soldiers killed.

Quit babbling like a're flailing.
Actually, I couldn't give a rat's ass what the Wassila Hillbillies do. It's their thing. Pfft.

Oh come on Statist - Obama is a colossal fuckup, it is VITAL that the GLORIOUS PEOPLES PARTY offer a scapegoat for the subjects to hate.

IF you can't focus the retards like Batshit and Mertex on hating Palin, they might actually pay attention to what Obama is doing.

You can't afford that with the November bloodbath looming.

Must keep the retards focused, and voting dim...

Says the retardo that thinks Palin is Presidential material and is in here defending her trailer-trash honor..........Bwahahahaha.
Plenty of le
Funny stuff.

Yep funny that just because lefties don't like her, they are glad classless people are assaulting her family.

I don't believe the article for one minute that they started it!

So, husbands getting ticked at Track hitting on their wives is "classy" now?

That's what Bull Kurtz's link said.

You Want the Palin Brawl Here it is. The Mudflats News Politics From The Upper Left Corner

Mud Flats names as their source:

Wait for it,

Wait for it.....

{I knew as soon as I read Amanda Coyne’s original piece,}

Well fuck - right back to paid panty sniffer Amanda Coyne.

Isn't it amazing that not ONE source is independent of paid DNC demagogue and professional panty sniffer Coyne?

So RW hack Bull Kurtz posts THAT blog as proof that it didn't happen except that it quotes the legit news sources AND the blog and somehow the other RW hacks twist that around to make it say the opposite of what it says.

You RWs can twist and shout anything into oblivion.

Face facts. It did happen.

Do a little searching and you find this isn't their first drunken brawl.

And it won't be their last. I wonder what their Christian friends think of that?
SSDD from the RW hacks.

You people are ALWAYS on the wrong side of every single issue.

You go right on lying to yourselves and see what it gets you.

Please explain in detail, Neddy-Weddy, how "and see what it gets you." is NOT a threat of violence. Best you do so very, very quickly.

Tsk, tsk.

I can tell you what it gets you:

a number of lost presidential elections, including the next two.

Dear Lord, you really are very, very sensitive. Would you like a nice pillow and a glass of warm milk?

When all else fails to distract, pull out that one mistake that Obama made..............:D

Wait, you admit Obama made a mistake? :eek:

Your god is not perfect? Don't you risk excommunication from the peoples party? Will Rachel Maddow get on MSCCCP and denounce you?

Yep, he's human, he'll make mistakes, but his mistakes don't get 4000+ American soldiers killed.

Quit babbling like a're flailing.
They did get the Ambassador killed in Bengahzi, got a Journalist's head chopped off, and now all the civilian deaths caused by ISIS.

How about Obama's Afghanistan dead 1500 compared to Bush's 500.

or how about obama's doctors killed by ebola compared to bush

When all else fails to distract, pull out that one mistake that Obama made..............:D

Wait, you admit Obama made a mistake? :eek:

Your god is not perfect? Don't you risk excommunication from the peoples party? Will Rachel Maddow get on MSCCCP and denounce you?

Yep, he's human, he'll make mistakes, but his mistakes don't get 4000+ American soldiers killed.

Quit babbling like a're flailing.
They did get the Ambassador killed in Bengahzi, got a Journalist's head chopped off, and now all the civilian deaths caused by ISIS.

How about Obama's Afghanistan dead 1500 compared to Bush's 500.

or how about obama's doctors killed by ebola compared to bush

Oh, my....
I bet Todd is waiting it out for his nose to heal. Staying hunkered down, so no one can see his bloodied snozz, prolly because of momma Griz as usual ;)
A little research does wonders.

Apparently the story about the Obama girls being sent to a school with some sex and drug issues went international and in more than just paid-blogger sites!

Goodness, by comparison, the Palin family looks downright presidential whilst the (former) Messiah of the left and his alleged spouse look downright Detroit!

70 000-a-year school Obama sends his daughters hit by drug and sex scandal Mail Online
A little research does wonders.

Apparently the story about the Obama girls being sent to a school with some sex and drug issues went international and in more than just paid-blogger sites!

Goodness, by comparison, the Palin family looks downright presidential whilst the (former) Messiah of the left and his alleged spouse look downright Detroit!

70 000-a-year school Obama sends his daughters hit by drug and sex scandal Mail Online

Nice RWNJ hit-piece!!

Uhh, the author needs to work on a couple of things:

The official study also reported that 25 per cent of senior boys admitted to drinking under the influence of alcohol.

Is there any other way to consume alcohol???

And ahhh, the rumors:

A former student confirmed rumors to the Enquirer, saying: 'I have seen kids snorting coke, smoking pot, getting high and boozing.

Of course, that former student was not named.

And then there is the hit-job on the school, using someone who hasn't been there for 13 years:

A graduate of the elite school was recently arrested for possession of cocaine and ecstasy with intent to supply, according to published reports.

Hugh L. Elsbree, 31, was arrested by D.C. police in April for running a drug lab out of a luxury apartment complex in the District’s Adams Morgan neighborhood.

When was the last time you saw a 30 year old graduating from High School? If he is 31, this means he graduated in either 2001 or 2002. Oh wait, Bush was president then, so of course, Bush is at fault for this young man going on to be a drug dealer!!!

Dear Lord, you Righties really are a sordid bunch...

Yep, he's human, he'll make mistakes, but his mistakes don't get 4000+ American soldiers killed.


What is the death toll since Dear Leader became ruler?

Oh wait, 2013 was the deadliest year ever - higher than any year under Bush.

iCasualties OEF Afghanistan Fatalities Details

Hmm, your little tin god makes mistakes that get a whole lot of Americans killed.

Quit babbling like a're flailing.

From pants on fire to hair on fire? I guess it's a good look on you....
I cant believe this thread has 26 pages of responses! Who gives a shit about her and family.
Not news worthy....

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