The pandemic of the unvaccinated continues

I do not know it. We need fewer ads for drugs and more ads for healthy living.

the news departments used to have a separate distinct budget apart from the network that carried it. that no longer is the case & since they receive boku bucks from bigpharma to run their ads - they will not air segments showing anything detrimental about them. a few fluff pieces here & there about the bennies of good nutrition & lifestyle creep in - but certainly not verifiable alternatives to chemicals.

after all - it's become a ' better living thru chemistry' mentality since.
99.4% do not die. the ones that do are fat. They will die anyway. Likely from heart disease. On average Americans gained 29 pounds over the lockdown period. I am not anti vax. My entire family is vaccinated AND we had COVID. I am anti vax mandate. Completely different.
"99.4% do not die" does not answer his question. It's a response to avoid it. Everyone understands the game here.

On the subject of anti-vax mandate, you are against that. Fine! Now stay out of public harm. What gives you the right to potentially harm me by infecting me? It's no different than people who drive drunk and jeopardize my safety and well being. And driving drunk is illegal. What's the difference?
It is not a simple solution but European countries don't have it as bad and we want to mimic them for their healthcare system. Maybe we should mimic them more on their diet/exercise regimen? Are you fat? Why are you so defensive?
You sure act like it’s simple.

Any schmo can do that.

It’s not. You can tell patients whatever you want. Patients don’t do it. They just don’t. And you can’t make them. People have tried. They’ve tried as many things as you can possibly imagine. It doesn’t work.

I’m defensive because assholes like you who have never had to deal with this think everyone else has it all wrong. You think you could do better? Be my guest.
the news departments used to have a separate distinct budget apart from the network that carried it. that no longer is the case & since they receive boku bucks from bigpharma to run their ads - they will not air segments showing anything detrimental about them. a few fluff pieces here & there about the bennies of good nutrition & lifestyle creep in - but certainly not verifiable alternatives to chemicals.

after all - it's become a ' better living thru chemistry' mentality since.
And I HATE it!

Obesity is the true disease we all should be fighting.
"99.4% do not die" does not answer his question. It's a response to avoid it. Everyone understands the game here.

On the subject of anti-vax mandate, you are against that. Fine! Now stay out of public harm. What gives you the right to potentially harm me by infecting me? It's no different than people who drive drunk and jeopardize my safety and well being. And driving drunk is illegal. What's the difference?
I am vaccinated. What gives you the right to be fat and increase my medical costs and take space in a ER? Alcohol isn't illegal. People are responsible for themselves. Same with vaccines. I do not like mandates but I am pro vaccine. Enough proof out there they work (Pfizer).
You sure act like it’s simple.

It’s not. You can tell patients whatever you want. Patients don’t do it. They just don’t. And you can’t make them. People have tried. They’ve tried as many things as you can possibly imagine. It doesn’t work.

I’m defensive because assholes like you who have never had to deal with this think everyone else has it all wrong. You think you could do better? Be my guest.
"They just don't"....Medical School was great for you. LOL
And I HATE it!

Obesity is the true disease we all should be fighting.

start with the food companies that put high fructose corn syrup in everything & pass some legislature to make fast food cos pay extra in taxes to help cover the costs of the diseases they help create PLUS put warnings on their packaging detailing the risks, like they do with bigtobacco.
It’s the hard truth.

You would know this but you have no experience. You’re just talking out of your ass.
My kids don't always want to go to school. Should I say "They just don't want to"? This is life and death. A good doctor would be able to convince them.
start with the food companies that put high fructose corn syrup in everything & pass some legislature to make fast food cos pay extra in taxes to help cover the costs of the diseases they help create PLUS put warnings on their packaging detailing the risks, like they do with bigtobacco.
Soda, juice boxes, fast food, alcohol, etc.

You are 100% correct. That should be a major fight for us but the politicians don't say anything because Big Pharma owns them.
My kids don't always want to go to school. Should I say "They just don't want to"? This is life and death. A good doctor would be able to convince them.
Your children are children. Your with them every day.

My patients are adults. They make their own decisions. I’m not with them every day to tell them what to do.
Your children are children. Your with them every day.

My patients are adults. They make their own decisions. I’m not with them every day to tell them what to do.
I set up a course of dealings and now they listen and I set an example. Are you fat? Yes or no? If yes, then why would your patients listen to a hypocrite?
like when they say don't smoke? i'd love to see a poll on how many drs & nurses would like a vaccine mandate go in effect; not to mention a mask requirement.
Yes and we have made awesome strides in our fight against big tobacco and smoking IMO. Do you not agree?
I set up a course of dealings and now they listen and I set an example. Are you fat? Yes or no? If yes, then why would your patients listen to a hypocrite?
I’m not fat.

A “course of dealings”? No idea what that means.

It’s not even a matter of listening or convincing. They sit there and agree with you 100%. Then they come back and nothing has changed.
Yes and we have made awesome strides in our fight against big tobacco and smoking IMO. Do you not agree?

there's still a long way to go.

cheap, 'tasty' fast & junk food is a really hard fight - & when you combine that with the addictiveness that literally makes the human body crave it... there will always be those who KNOW the risks, but, like tobacco - just can't or simply don't want to go thru the lifestyle changes they would have to make.
I’m not fat.

A “course of dealings”? No idea what that means.

It’s not even a matter of listening or convincing. They sit there and agree with you 100%. Then they come back and nothing has changed.
You don't know what "course of dealings" is? LOL

If nothing has changed you ask why and you prescribe psychotherapy because otherwise they will die. On average Americans gained 29 pounds during the lockdowns. That is fucking insane.
It was meant to be a bit hyperbolic to make a point. Yes, most who get it will survive, but it's also a fact that most who are dying or suffering life changing illness are unvaccinated, most of which are republican.
so intentionally blow it out of proportion so you can mock others.
there's still a long way to go.

cheap, 'tasty' fast & junk food is a really hard fight - & when you combine that with the addictiveness that literally makes the human body crave it... there will always be those who KNOW the risks, but, like tobacco - just can't or simply don't want to go thru the lifestyle changes they would have to make.
So let's make the risks more overt as we did with tobacco? Fair? You don't see tobacco commercials on TV anymore for example.
If nothing has changed you ask why and you prescribe psychotherapy because otherwise they will die. On average Americans gained 29 pounds during the lockdowns. That is fucking insane.
Sure. I ask why. They don’t know why. Prescribe “psychotherapy?” For what? Tell them they will die? Guess what? They know.

Tell them all that. They come back. Nothing has changed.

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