The pandemic of the unvaccinated continues

Then why aren't the people who get the vaccine the one's dying? This was the question posed by Colfax. You said they are dying but slower. HUH? Dying of what? Your answers make no sense.
99.4% do not die. the ones that do are fat. They will die anyway. Likely from heart disease. On average Americans gained 29 pounds over the lockdown period. I am not anti vax. My entire family is vaccinated AND we had COVID. I am anti vax mandate. Completely different.
You keep asking me questions. One way conversations do not work. Do you or do you not believe MDs should be counseling their fat patients? Yes or no?
You keep asking me the same questions I’ve already answered. The answer to your question is yes.

You love avoiding my questions when you have to admit things you want to ignore.

Do you know what intent to treat means?
Same with India. Fresher foods and smaller portions. Well you're foreign. My guess was China. It isn't brain surgery. If you eat Taco Bell and Burger King followed by a chaser of sausage pizza and Budweiser you will be fat and unhealthy. We drive more than any other country too. It is why heart disease is the leading cause of death. But supposed doctors like colfax_m believe vaccines and pills will solve all these ills. Pretty pathetic.
The vaccines have proven statistically to improve one's chances of survival with covid. Folks in South America who eat good food like I have been privileged to do, still get covid. And those who have been vaccinated in large numbers the virus has declined and survival is high. Eating good food is one thing, preventing infection is another.
You keep asking me the same questions I’ve already answered. The answer to your question is yes.

You love avoiding my questions when you have to admit things you want to ignore.

Do you know what intent to treat means?
So if yes, why aren't they doing it. America remains the fattest developed nation on Earth. I do not know more than it is some statistical methodology used to help medicinal MO. I am not a doctor.
The vaccines have proven statistically to improve one's chances of survival with covid. Folks in South America who eat good food like I have been privileged to do, still get covid. And those who have been vaccinated in large numbers the virus has declined and survival is high. Eating good food is one thing, preventing infection is another.
I am not anti vax. But COVID has a 99.4% survival rate. So if you aren't fat you should be able to get COVID and be fine. If you are you need the vaccine. We got the vaccine to save fat and old people. The least the fat people can do is get healthy for the rest of us as they are the true burden on our healthcare system.
So if yes, why aren't they doing it. America remains the fattest developed nation on Earth. I do not know more than it is some statistical methodology used to help medicinal MO. I am not a doctor.
Who said they aren’t doing it? They are.

Intent to treat means that you include all patients who are recommended a treatment. So say you have a vaccine that needs two doses and after the first dose they have such severe side effects that only half get the second dose.

When you analyze the data, you have to include all people who got any vaccine, not just the half of the people who stuck it out and got both. This will lower the efficacy substantially but a treatment is only good if you take into account noncompliance.

The point here is that you can tell every obese person to exercise and eat whatever diet you won’t. It’s really not effective because not a lot of them are actually going to do it. You know it. I know it.
Everything we do postpones. Do you know what the mortality rate of life is? 100%

You maybe missed your own inherent contradiction.

According to you:
1. Vaccines don't cure heart disease, obesity, diabetes
2. People aren't dying of COVID. They are dying of heart disease, obesity, diabetes

Then why aren't the people who get the vaccine the one's dying?
They are. That's the point.
Who said they aren’t doing it? They are.

Intent to treat means that you include all patients who are recommended a treatment. So say you have a vaccine that needs two doses and after the first dose they have such severe side effects that only half get the second dose.

When you analyze the data, you have to include all people who got any vaccine, not just the half of the people who stuck it out and got both. This will lower the efficacy substantially but a treatment is only good if you take into account noncompliance.

The point here is that you can tell every obese person to exercise and eat whatever diet you won’t. It’s really not effective because not a lot of them are actually going to do it. You know it. I know it.
I do not know it. We need fewer ads for drugs and more ads for healthy living.
I am not anti vax. But COVID has a 99.4% survival rate. So if you aren't fat you should be able to get COVID and be fine. If you are you need the vaccine. We got the vaccine to save fat and old people. The least the fat people can do is get healthy for the rest of us as they are the true burden on our healthcare system.
Someone who spends a month on a ventilator and now has permanently damaged organs is a survivor. It`s as though they never had it at all?
Someone who spends a month on a ventilator and now has permanently damaged organs is a survivor. It`s as though they never had it at all?
Good news. They now have natural immunity! They’re doing great!

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Nice try. You said "I know it" meaning I agree with you. I do not. Dishonest of you.
Deep down you do. The thick layer of self-delusion is covering it up.

Here’s a life lesson. If there’s ever a really huge and massively costly problem, and you think that there’s a really simple solution, then you’re wrong. You’re extremely wrong.

When you say that solving obesity is as easy as telling people to exercise and eat right, then you’re ignorant.
Deep down you do. The thick layer of self-delusion is covering it up.

Here’s a life lesson. If there’s ever a really huge and massively costly problem, and you think that there’s a really simple solution, then you’re wrong. You’re extremely wrong.

When you say that solving obesity is as easy as telling people to exercise and eat right, then you’re ignorant.
It is not a simple solution but European countries don't have it as bad and we want to mimic them for their healthcare system. Maybe we should mimic them more on their diet/exercise regimen? Are you fat? Why are you so defensive?

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