The pandemic of the unvaccinated continues

You failed to answer his question with any sort of statistics or intelligent answer.

The don't have Google in China? After all you said "China did everything right"?
Sorry. Forgot. We haven’t been using our magic wand to cure obesity.

Until we do, people need to take their meds and get vaccinated.
It is not magic it is shitty doctors prescribing meds instead of workout and dietary regimens. All band aids. You're good at that. I agree that you are sorry.
They can’t even TALK about vaccine efficacy. It’s not even possible for these people. It’s staring them in the face. They will recoil at the thought.

It’s such strange behavior.
Gotta own those libs. :auiqs.jpg: What a bunch of idiots. I read awhile back that the biggest reason many won't get vaccinated is because Trump lost. So, I guess that's the way to punish the libs. These are some mentally sick people. You won't take care of yourself because your criminal-in-chief lost the election. That's why this countries been going to shit for some time now. The Republican party has strategically decided to descend into the abyss, by cultivating a bunch of potato heads, who bought into a cult of personality.
It is not magic it is shitty doctors prescribing meds instead of workout and dietary regimens. All band aids. You're good at that. I agree that you are sorry.
It's the food industry. Read your labels. Everything is injected with preservatives.

You said I'm from China. Wrong! But I've spent a lot of time in South America, and most of those people have the capacity to stay away from processed foods. They have street markets of fresh vegetables grown in the valleys off the Andes mountains. The best grapes and fresh fish are from the pacific. I would eat that stuff every day and never gain a pound. None of it is processed. Coupled with walking, running, and weights, a healthy life style was the norm. I come back here and feel I'm back to eating plastic food again. Everything here is injected with large quantities of sugar and preservatives. Our poor livers are taking a huge hit. Our livers don't know how to process all the sugar and chemicals we inject into the food. That's why we have an obesity problem.

The don't have Google in China? After all you said "China did everything right"?
Then why aren't the people who get the vaccine the one's dying? This was the question posed by Colfax. You said they are dying but slower. HUH? Dying of what? Your answers make no sense.
It's the food industry. Read your labels. Everything is injected with preservatives.

You said I'm from China. Wrong! But I've spent a lot of time in South America, and most of those people have the capacity to stay away from processed foods. They have street markets of fresh vegetables grown in the valleys off the Andes mountains. The best grapes and fresh fish are from the pacific. I would eat that stuff every day and never gain a pound. None of it is processed. Coupled with walking, running, and weights, a healthy life style was the norm. I come back here and feel I'm back to eating plastic food again. Everything here is injected with large quantities of sugar and preservatives. Our poor livers are taking a huge hit. Our livers don't know how to process all the sugar and chemicals we inject into the food. That's why we have an obesity problem.
Same with India. Fresher foods and smaller portions. Well you're foreign. My guess was China. It isn't brain surgery. If you eat Taco Bell and Burger King followed by a chaser of sausage pizza and Budweiser you will be fat and unhealthy. We drive more than any other country too. It is why heart disease is the leading cause of death. But supposed doctors like colfax_m believe vaccines and pills will solve all these ills. Pretty pathetic.

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