The Paradox of 'Israeli Retaliation"

Does anybody bother reading Achmed's long meaningless, irrelvant responses? I don't! They're all the same IslamoNazi derived propaganda bullshit.
Hamas, the first Palestinian army


The Hamas movement was founded six days after the eruption of the first intifada at the end of 1987. The first terrorist acts of the military wing were perpetrated by the “101 Unit” established in the Jabaliya refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. Its people abducted and murdered Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers Avi Sasportas (February 1989) and Ilan Saadon (May 1989), and concealed their bodies.

Hamas’ terrorist acts became more deadly and murderous after the signing of the Oslo Accord between Israel and the PLO in 1993. Hamas attempted to subvert the agreement with terrorist attacks by suicide bombers. The height of suicide terrorism was reached in the second intifada in 2000, when the State of Israel was inundated by a wave of attacks that were directed mainly against civilians. Hamas’ military wing then adopted the suicide attack model of Hezbollah. Small, compartmentalized terror cells acted independently to plan attacks and send terrorists to blow themselves up in shopping centers and buses in Israel’s major cities.

After the disengagement from the Gaza Strip (August 2005), the movement underwent a strategic change: From small terror cells, it developed into a real army. Hamas became an organization of uniform wearers whose daily pursuit was military; they were trained according to the doctrine of a recruited army. They underwent weapons training and developed excellent military skills, together with religious indoctrination to strengthen their faith and adherence to the jihadist cause. Thus, in effect, Hamas created the first Palestinian army....

Hamas, the first Palestinian army

Read more: Hamas, the first Palestinian army

Odd thing not one of the replies could contradict or---dare I say it---attempt to refute any of the facts I posted in the this extent posting any factual assessment against Israel is akin to stirring the Zionist bee-hive and delighting as the idiots buzz in concentric circles re-posting the laughable fictions that they have memorized...if I laugh any harder I fear an accident...

Well I just contradicted You, You didn't understand
Palestinians have a functional army of about 27,000 trained soldiers, and they even recruit teenagers.
The most elite brigade of Hamas (aside from Iz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades), is the Nukhba commando unit:


Elite Hamas soldiers defecting to Isis from Gaza-based group in increasing numbers
Increasing numbers of highly-trained Palestinian commandos from the Gaza Strip are fleeing to pledge allegiance to Isis, report says

More and more Hamas fighters are defecting to Isis
That would depend entirely upon perspectives wouldn't it?
No. It is very simply a matter of international law.

you first disputed that Israel was an 'occupier' in any sense,
I most certainly have in the past and I stand by my assertion.

However, in this thread I am trying to ascertain YOUR claims. But you can't seem to decide what those are. You seem to be saying that Israel has no sovereignty (that its all Arab territory). Yet you also claim that it is the 1967 "border" which demarcate "Palestine."

So which is it? If we are to have a discussion about "occupation" you must clearly state what territory YOU think is occupied and why. Be clear. Make a statement and hold to it.

To the contrary it is you who keeps jumping from one claim to another, but that is irrelevant to the fact that its been explained to you that Israel is an occupying power, and any 'recognition accorded" this artificial nation was the sum result of politics and not law...You have already committed yourself to a number of contradicting positions---a hazard of posting see I recognize the content that you post because it is alpha-numerical content fresh off your Hasbara-software...I sincerely doubt that you even comprehend a 10th of the absurdities that you post...the irony is that each one of you seem to believe that you are some kind of 'specialist' as opposed to mindless, immoral propaganda whores for Israel...

Uh huh. So, Israel's an occupying power over some territory which you can not or will not name and you have absolutely no idea how or why and which legal instruments make it so.

Let's go back to Oslo then. It is a signed treaty agreement between the parties to the conflict. Areas A and B and Gaza are under direct Palestinian control. Area C is under complete Israeli control until a final settlement is negotiated. Israel "proper" (for a lack of a better term) is undisputed Israeli sovereign territory (not subject to negotiation).

"Resistance" is therefore unnecessary in Areas A and B and Gaza (they already have control over those areas). "Resistance" is in violation of peace treaties in Israel "proper" and in Area C. Therefore -- there is no occupation and no legitimate call for "resistance".

If you have anything other than Jew-bashing -- please post it. Otherwise, if you can't keep up, move along.

"Uh huh. So, Israel's an occupying power over some territory which you can not or will not name and you have absolutely no idea how or why and which legal instruments make it so."

( By all indications here it would appear that YOU have 'absolutely no idea how or why'...the thrust of hasbara is to put the opponent on the defensive and tie the available facts in concentric this end your tepid jousts are no more than amusing confirmations that you are being paid to post this circular content, you initially disputed the inarguable fact that Israel is 'an occupying power' the extent that the 'legal instruments' you reference are hopelessly corrupted by the UN and western political influences your argument falls flat: you cannot sustain any argument for Israel that references 'legal instruments' because Israel flouts any legal authority whatsoever---including the United Nations. )

Let's go back to Oslo then. It is a signed treaty agreement between the parties to the conflict. Areas A and B and Gaza are under direct Palestinian control. Area C is under complete Israeli control until a final settlement is negotiated. Israel "proper" (for a lack of a better term) is undisputed Israeli sovereign territory (not subject to negotiation).

( Oslo was a misleading farce from the outset, merely another duplicitous tactic designed to avoid peace rather than secure it....Critical to the architecture of Oslo was the notion of gradualism. The text did not address any of the key issues in this dispute: Jerusalem; the right of return of 1948 refugees; the status of Jewish settlements built on occupied Palestinian land; or the borders of the Palestinian entity. All these "permanent status" issues were deferred for negotiations towards the end of the five-year transition period. Basically, this was a modest experiment in Palestinian self-government, starting with the Gaza Strip and the West Bank town of Jericho. )
The text did not promise or even mention an independent Palestinian state at the end of the transition period. The Palestinians believed that in return for giving up their claim to 78% of historic Palestine, they would gain an independent state in the remaining 22%, with a capital city in Jerusalem. They were to be bitterly disappointed. Clearly you have no faint idea of what you speak....)

"Resistance" is therefore unnecessary in Areas A and B and Gaza (they already have control over those areas). "Resistance" is in violation of peace treaties in Israel "proper" and in Area C. Therefore -- there is no occupation and no legitimate call for "resistance".

( Yet another statement so demonstrably absurd that it doesn't even justify a lengthy boggles the mind that you propaganda-trolls can post this trash and force yourselves into believing it contains so much as a particle of fact...)

If you have anything other than Jew-bashing -- please post it. Otherwise, if you can't keep up, move along.[/QUOTE]

( Indeed it is 'Jew-bashing ' to the extent that Jews created and maintain the impasse in a conflict that could not possibly be more recap: Eastern European descendants of Khazar-converts to Judaism have zero claim to one square-foot of historic piratical filth created a toxic welfare dependency in the wake of a criminal ethnic cleansing...the state of Israel is not legitimate in either a legal or moral/ethical sense and the prevailing proof of this position are the mountain of lies and distortions you and your trolls post here. )
So funny, Every time the Pali's start a conflict with Israel the Pali's lose. And then the Pali's & their supporters bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.
So funny, Every time the Pali's start a conflict with Israel the Pali's lose. And then the Pali's & their supporters bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Even 'funnier' is how you cowardly Jews brag and swagger about tormenting a population with literally no military deterrent, and convince yourselves that 'they' are the terrorists...I would attempt to correct your hilarious ignorance but clearly that would be a pointless endeavor...enjoy your immoral idiocy, you're in wide company....
So funny, Every time the Pali's start a conflict with Israel the Pali's lose. And then the Pali's & their supporters bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Even 'funnier' is how you cowardly Jews brag and swagger about tormenting a population with literally no military deterrent, and convince yourselves that 'they' are the terrorists...I would attempt to correct your hilarious ignorance but clearly that would be a pointless endeavor...enjoy your immoral idiocy, you're in wide company....
No military deterrent? You must have missed the various islamic terrorist fashion shows where your islamic terrorist heroes somehow find military uniforms and goose-step their way through Gaza'istan hoping to impress each other.

You might want to attend one of those islamic terrorist fashion shows. Get some Pom Poms and flail them in support of your heroes.
So funny, Every time the Pali's start a conflict with Israel the Pali's lose. And then the Pali's & their supporters bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Even 'funnier' is how you cowardly Jews brag and swagger about tormenting a population with literally no military deterrent, and convince yourselves that 'they' are the terrorists...I would attempt to correct your hilarious ignorance but clearly that would be a pointless endeavor...enjoy your immoral idiocy, you're in wide company....
No military deterrent? You must have missed the various islamic terrorist fashion shows where your islamic terrorist heroes somehow find military uniforms and goose-step their way through Gaza'istan hoping to impress each other.

You might want to attend one of those islamic terrorist fashion shows. Get some Pom Poms and flail them in support of your heroes.
It appears Achmed Ventura subscribes to Islamist mythology.
So funny, Every time the Pali's start a conflict with Israel the Pali's lose. And then the Pali's & their supporters bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Even 'funnier' is how you cowardly Jews brag and swagger about tormenting a population with literally no military deterrent, and convince yourselves that 'they' are the terrorists...I would attempt to correct your hilarious ignorance but clearly that would be a pointless endeavor...enjoy your immoral idiocy, you're in wide company....
No military deterrent? You must have missed the various islamic terrorist fashion shows where your islamic terrorist heroes somehow find military uniforms and goose-step their way through Gaza'istan hoping to impress each other.

You might want to attend one of those islamic terrorist fashion shows. Get some Pom Poms and flail them in support of your heroes.

Hate to break this to you princess-drool, but you might want to attenuate the viral cowardice you and others swear by...the 'goose-stepping' and 'terrorism' is all Jewish...your real fight was with the SS and Gestapo, but you were too spineless to fight back, and by way of compensation now puff yourselves up by killing and tormenting an enemy without any resources to fight back---Navy...Army...Air-Force...your cowardice is difficult to hide!
That would depend entirely upon perspectives wouldn't it?
No. It is very simply a matter of international law.

you first disputed that Israel was an 'occupier' in any sense,
I most certainly have in the past and I stand by my assertion.

However, in this thread I am trying to ascertain YOUR claims. But you can't seem to decide what those are. You seem to be saying that Israel has no sovereignty (that its all Arab territory). Yet you also claim that it is the 1967 "border" which demarcate "Palestine."

So which is it? If we are to have a discussion about "occupation" you must clearly state what territory YOU think is occupied and why. Be clear. Make a statement and hold to it.

To the contrary it is you who keeps jumping from one claim to another, but that is irrelevant to the fact that its been explained to you that Israel is an occupying power, and any 'recognition accorded" this artificial nation was the sum result of politics and not law...You have already committed yourself to a number of contradicting positions---a hazard of posting see I recognize the content that you post because it is alpha-numerical content fresh off your Hasbara-software...I sincerely doubt that you even comprehend a 10th of the absurdities that you post...the irony is that each one of you seem to believe that you are some kind of 'specialist' as opposed to mindless, immoral propaganda whores for Israel...

Uh huh. So, Israel's an occupying power over some territory which you can not or will not name and you have absolutely no idea how or why and which legal instruments make it so.

Let's go back to Oslo then. It is a signed treaty agreement between the parties to the conflict. Areas A and B and Gaza are under direct Palestinian control. Area C is under complete Israeli control until a final settlement is negotiated. Israel "proper" (for a lack of a better term) is undisputed Israeli sovereign territory (not subject to negotiation).

"Resistance" is therefore unnecessary in Areas A and B and Gaza (they already have control over those areas). "Resistance" is in violation of peace treaties in Israel "proper" and in Area C. Therefore -- there is no occupation and no legitimate call for "resistance".

If you have anything other than Jew-bashing -- please post it. Otherwise, if you can't keep up, move along.

"Uh huh. So, Israel's an occupying power over some territory which you can not or will not name and you have absolutely no idea how or why and which legal instruments make it so."

( By all indications here it would appear that YOU have 'absolutely no idea how or why'...the thrust of hasbara is to put the opponent on the defensive and tie the available facts in concentric this end your tepid jousts are no more than amusing confirmations that you are being paid to post this circular content, you initially disputed the inarguable fact that Israel is 'an occupying power' the extent that the 'legal instruments' you reference are hopelessly corrupted by the UN and western political influences your argument falls flat: you cannot sustain any argument for Israel that references 'legal instruments' because Israel flouts any legal authority whatsoever---including the United Nations. )

Let's go back to Oslo then. It is a signed treaty agreement between the parties to the conflict. Areas A and B and Gaza are under direct Palestinian control. Area C is under complete Israeli control until a final settlement is negotiated. Israel "proper" (for a lack of a better term) is undisputed Israeli sovereign territory (not subject to negotiation).

( Oslo was a misleading farce from the outset, merely another duplicitous tactic designed to avoid peace rather than secure it....Critical to the architecture of Oslo was the notion of gradualism. The text did not address any of the key issues in this dispute: Jerusalem; the right of return of 1948 refugees; the status of Jewish settlements built on occupied Palestinian land; or the borders of the Palestinian entity. All these "permanent status" issues were deferred for negotiations towards the end of the five-year transition period. Basically, this was a modest experiment in Palestinian self-government, starting with the Gaza Strip and the West Bank town of Jericho. )
The text did not promise or even mention an independent Palestinian state at the end of the transition period. The Palestinians believed that in return for giving up their claim to 78% of historic Palestine, they would gain an independent state in the remaining 22%, with a capital city in Jerusalem. They were to be bitterly disappointed. Clearly you have no faint idea of what you speak....)

"Resistance" is therefore unnecessary in Areas A and B and Gaza (they already have control over those areas). "Resistance" is in violation of peace treaties in Israel "proper" and in Area C. Therefore -- there is no occupation and no legitimate call for "resistance".

( Yet another statement so demonstrably absurd that it doesn't even justify a lengthy boggles the mind that you propaganda-trolls can post this trash and force yourselves into believing it contains so much as a particle of fact...)

If you have anything other than Jew-bashing -- please post it. Otherwise, if you can't keep up, move along.

Did anybody read that garbage paraphrased from Islamist sites? Not moi.
So funny, Every time the Pali's start a conflict with Israel the Pali's lose. And then the Pali's & their supporters bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Even 'funnier' is how you cowardly Jews brag and swagger about tormenting a population with literally no military deterrent, and convince yourselves that 'they' are the terrorists...I would attempt to correct your hilarious ignorance but clearly that would be a pointless endeavor...enjoy your immoral idiocy, you're in wide company....
No military deterrent? You must have missed the various islamic terrorist fashion shows where your islamic terrorist heroes somehow find military uniforms and goose-step their way through Gaza'istan hoping to impress each other.

You might want to attend one of those islamic terrorist fashion shows. Get some Pom Poms and flail them in support of your heroes.

Apparently you require assistance in understanding the definition of 'deterrent'...are you so thoroughly self-deluded to assume that bottle-rockets can deter the 11th most powerful military force on the planet? ---all paid for by U.S. tax dollars!!! Hail the WELFARE STATE OF ISRAEL...LOL
Hamas, the first Palestinian army


The Hamas movement was founded six days after the eruption of the first intifada at the end of 1987. The first terrorist acts of the military wing were perpetrated by the “101 Unit” established in the Jabaliya refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. Its people abducted and murdered Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers Avi Sasportas (February 1989) and Ilan Saadon (May 1989), and concealed their bodies.

Hamas’ terrorist acts became more deadly and murderous after the signing of the Oslo Accord between Israel and the PLO in 1993. Hamas attempted to subvert the agreement with terrorist attacks by suicide bombers. The height of suicide terrorism was reached in the second intifada in 2000, when the State of Israel was inundated by a wave of attacks that were directed mainly against civilians. Hamas’ military wing then adopted the suicide attack model of Hezbollah. Small, compartmentalized terror cells acted independently to plan attacks and send terrorists to blow themselves up in shopping centers and buses in Israel’s major cities.

After the disengagement from the Gaza Strip (August 2005), the movement underwent a strategic change: From small terror cells, it developed into a real army. Hamas became an organization of uniform wearers whose daily pursuit was military; they were trained according to the doctrine of a recruited army. They underwent weapons training and developed excellent military skills, together with religious indoctrination to strengthen their faith and adherence to the jihadist cause. Thus, in effect, Hamas created the first Palestinian army....

Hamas, the first Palestinian army

Read more: Hamas, the first Palestinian army

Odd thing not one of the replies could contradict or---dare I say it---attempt to refute any of the facts I posted in the this extent posting any factual assessment against Israel is akin to stirring the Zionist bee-hive and delighting as the idiots buzz in concentric circles re-posting the laughable fictions that they have memorized...if I laugh any harder I fear an accident...

Well I just contradicted You, You didn't understand
Palestinians have a functional army of about 27,000 trained soldiers, and they even recruit teenagers.
The most elite brigade of Hamas (aside from Iz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades), is the Nukhba commando unit:


Elite Hamas soldiers defecting to Isis from Gaza-based group in increasing numbers
Increasing numbers of highly-trained Palestinian commandos from the Gaza Strip are fleeing to pledge allegiance to Isis, report says

More and more Hamas fighters are defecting to Isis
one person and he was arrested Elite Hamas fighters defecting to Islamic State
So funny, Every time the Pali's start a conflict with Israel the Pali's lose. And then the Pali's & their supporters bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Even 'funnier' is how you cowardly Jews brag and swagger about tormenting a population with literally no military deterrent, and convince yourselves that 'they' are the terrorists...I would attempt to correct your hilarious ignorance but clearly that would be a pointless endeavor...enjoy your immoral idiocy, you're in wide company....
No military deterrent? You must have missed the various islamic terrorist fashion shows where your islamic terrorist heroes somehow find military uniforms and goose-step their way through Gaza'istan hoping to impress each other.

You might want to attend one of those islamic terrorist fashion shows. Get some Pom Poms and flail them in support of your heroes.

Hate to break this to you princess-drool, but you might want to attenuate the viral cowardice you and others swear by...the 'goose-stepping' and 'terrorism' is all Jewish...your real fight was with the SS and Gestapo, but you were too spineless to fight back, and by way of compensation now puff yourselves up by killing and tormenting an enemy without any resources to fight back---Navy...Army...Air-Force...your cowardice is difficult to hide!
Such an angry, Louie. Your gee-had from behind a keyboard is most impressive. Really, it is. Flailing your Pom Poms must be exhausting.
So funny, Every time the Pali's start a conflict with Israel the Pali's lose. And then the Pali's & their supporters bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Even 'funnier' is how you cowardly Jews brag and swagger about tormenting a population with literally no military deterrent, and convince yourselves that 'they' are the terrorists...I would attempt to correct your hilarious ignorance but clearly that would be a pointless endeavor...enjoy your immoral idiocy, you're in wide company....
No military deterrent? You must have missed the various islamic terrorist fashion shows where your islamic terrorist heroes somehow find military uniforms and goose-step their way through Gaza'istan hoping to impress each other.

You might want to attend one of those islamic terrorist fashion shows. Get some Pom Poms and flail them in support of your heroes.

Apparently you require assistance in understanding the definition of 'deterrent'...are you so thoroughly self-deluded to assume that bottle-rockets can deter the 11th most powerful military force on the planet? ---all paid for by U.S. tax dollars!!! Hail the WELFARE STATE OF ISRAEL...LOL
Bottle rockets. LOL. Internet Jihadi is going down the list of Pallywoods greatest hits. Ha ha ha.
( Indeed it is 'Jew-bashing ' to the extent that Jews created and maintain the impasse in a conflict that could not possibly be more recap: Eastern European descendants of Khazar-converts to Judaism have zero claim to one square-foot of historic piratical filth created a toxic welfare dependency in the wake of a criminal ethnic cleansing...the state of Israel is not legitimate in either a legal or moral/ethical sense and the prevailing proof of this position are the mountain of lies and distortions you and your trolls post here. )

Ultimately, your arguments boil down to rants demonizing Jews. You have no interest in discussing international law let alone applying it. You have no interest in hearing the Jewish narrative or considering Arab responsibility. You have no interest in resolving the conflict.

There is no way to have a logical argument with you because your arguments are not logical but no more than anti-semitic rants. Sadly, your views are shared by a majority of Arabs and this is exactly why even sensible, legal solutions like Oslo will never work.
( Indeed it is 'Jew-bashing ' to the extent that Jews created and maintain the impasse in a conflict that could not possibly be more recap: Eastern European descendants of Khazar-converts to Judaism have zero claim to one square-foot of historic piratical filth created a toxic welfare dependency in the wake of a criminal ethnic cleansing...the state of Israel is not legitimate in either a legal or moral/ethical sense and the prevailing proof of this position are the mountain of lies and distortions you and your trolls post here. )

Ultimately, your arguments boil down to rants demonizing Jews. You have no interest in discussing international law let alone applying it. You have no interest in hearing the Jewish narrative or considering Arab responsibility. You have no interest in resolving the conflict.

There is no way to have a logical argument with you because your arguments are not logical but no more than anti-semitic rants. Sadly, your views are shared by a majority of Arabs and this is exactly why even sensible, legal solutions like Oslo will never work.


"Ultimately, your arguments boil down to rants demonizing Jews. You have no interest in discussing international law let alone applying it. You have no interest in hearing the Jewish narrative or considering Arab responsibility. You have no interest in resolving the conflict.

( Once yet again Jews are self-demonizing in this issue...has no one explained this to you? Simply howling 'demonizing Jews' or 'anti-Semitism' essentially amounts to an admission that you have no argument...Israel has flouted international law since its criminal inception therefore it remains the height of fatuous hypocrisy to even attempt to invoke "law' in any for your equally delusional comment about 'resolving the conflict' Israel has been steadfastly rejectionist since the 67 have zero moral or legal argument princess...)

"There is no way to have a logical argument with you because your arguments are not logical but no more than anti-semitic rants. Sadly, your views are shared by a majority of Arabs and this is exactly why even sensible, legal solutions like Oslo will never work.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]"

Why would you even employ a word like "logic' when your futile argument literally stands 'logic' upside down? As for 'my views' they are firmly upheld in the vast international consensus and have been for fifty stunning contrast your views are scrupulously an extremist minority-view view embraced only by Zionist Jews and their equally immoral Evangelical cheering chorus...technically you indulge a radical obscurantism at odds with every legal/moral perspective on the subject...and additionally with the documented public statements of every 20th century Zionist summation you aren't merely in are a liar and moral degenerate of unique dimensions )
( Indeed it is 'Jew-bashing ' to the extent that Jews created and maintain the impasse in a conflict that could not possibly be more recap: Eastern European descendants of Khazar-converts to Judaism have zero claim to one square-foot of historic piratical filth created a toxic welfare dependency in the wake of a criminal ethnic cleansing...the state of Israel is not legitimate in either a legal or moral/ethical sense and the prevailing proof of this position are the mountain of lies and distortions you and your trolls post here. )

Ultimately, your arguments boil down to rants demonizing Jews. You have no interest in discussing international law let alone applying it. You have no interest in hearing the Jewish narrative or considering Arab responsibility. You have no interest in resolving the conflict.

There is no way to have a logical argument with you because your arguments are not logical but no more than anti-semitic rants. Sadly, your views are shared by a majority of Arabs and this is exactly why even sensible, legal solutions like Oslo will never work.

Clearly it is YOU who practices the preferred strain of Israeli ( rejectionism )...

Chomsky: 2013
Furthermore, ever since the Oslo Accord declared that Gaza and the West Bank are an indivisible territorial unity, the US-Israel duo have been committed to separating the two regions. One significant effect is to ensure that any limited Palestinian entity will have no access to the outside world.

In the areas that Israel is taking over, the Palestinian population is small and scattered, and is being reduced further by regular expulsions. The result will be a Greater Israel with a substantial Jewish majority. Under the third option, there will be no “demographic problem” and no civil rights or anti-Apartheid struggle, nothing more than what already exists within Israel’s recognized borders, where the mantra “Jewish and democratic” is regularly intoned for the benefit of those who choose to believe, oblivious to the inherent contradiction, which is far more than merely symbolic.

Except in stages, the one-state option is an illusion. It has no international support, and there is no reason why Israel and its US sponsor would accept it, since they have a far preferable option, the one they are now implementing; with impunity, thanks to US power.

The US and Israel call for negotiations without preconditions. Commentary there and elsewhere in the West typically claims that the Palestinians are imposing such preconditions, hampering the “peace process.” In reality, the US-Israel insist upon crucial preconditions. The first is that negotiations must be mediated by the United States, which is not a neutral party but rather a participant in the conflict. It is as if one were to propose that Sunni-Shiite conflicts in Iraq be mediated by Iran. Authentic negotiations would be in the hands of some neutral state with a degree of international respect. The second precondition is that illegal settlement expansion must be allowed to continue, as it has done without a break during the 20 years of the Oslo Accord; predictably, given the terms of the Accord.
( Indeed it is 'Jew-bashing ' to the extent that Jews created and maintain the impasse in a conflict that could not possibly be more recap: Eastern European descendants of Khazar-converts to Judaism have zero claim to one square-foot of historic piratical filth created a toxic welfare dependency in the wake of a criminal ethnic cleansing...the state of Israel is not legitimate in either a legal or moral/ethical sense and the prevailing proof of this position are the mountain of lies and distortions you and your trolls post here. )

Ultimately, your arguments boil down to rants demonizing Jews. You have no interest in discussing international law let alone applying it. You have no interest in hearing the Jewish narrative or considering Arab responsibility. You have no interest in resolving the conflict.

There is no way to have a logical argument with you because your arguments are not logical but no more than anti-semitic rants. Sadly, your views are shared by a majority of Arabs and this is exactly why even sensible, legal solutions like Oslo will never work.

Clearly it is YOU who practices the preferred strain of Israeli ( rejectionism )...

Chomsky: 2013
Furthermore, ever since the Oslo Accord declared that Gaza and the West Bank are an indivisible territorial unity, the US-Israel duo have been committed to separating the two regions. One significant effect is to ensure that any limited Palestinian entity will have no access to the outside world.

In the areas that Israel is taking over, the Palestinian population is small and scattered, and is being reduced further by regular expulsions. The result will be a Greater Israel with a substantial Jewish majority. Under the third option, there will be no “demographic problem” and no civil rights or anti-Apartheid struggle, nothing more than what already exists within Israel’s recognized borders, where the mantra “Jewish and democratic” is regularly intoned for the benefit of those who choose to believe, oblivious to the inherent contradiction, which is far more than merely symbolic.

Except in stages, the one-state option is an illusion. It has no international support, and there is no reason why Israel and its US sponsor would accept it, since they have a far preferable option, the one they are now implementing; with impunity, thanks to US power.

The US and Israel call for negotiations without preconditions. Commentary there and elsewhere in the West typically claims that the Palestinians are imposing such preconditions, hampering the “peace process.” In reality, the US-Israel insist upon crucial preconditions. The first is that negotiations must be mediated by the United States, which is not a neutral party but rather a participant in the conflict. It is as if one were to propose that Sunni-Shiite conflicts in Iraq be mediated by Iran. Authentic negotiations would be in the hands of some neutral state with a degree of international respect. The second precondition is that illegal settlement expansion must be allowed to continue, as it has done without a break during the 20 years of the Oslo Accord; predictably, given the terms of the Accord.

I can do a 4/5 as that shrill, screeching tirade caused every dog in my neighborhood to start barking.

I can also do a 4/5 for your complete abandonment of sentence structure, your lack of ability to string words together into coherent thoughts and lastly, your..... mindless use....... of................dots.
..Israel has flouted international law since its criminal inception therefore it remains the height of fatuous hypocrisy to even attempt to invoke "law' in any respect...

Meh. You are just like Tinmore. You whine and complain about Israel not following international law, but can't hold a respectful discussion about that law and you discard anything (like Oslo) which doesn't work within your anti-semitism.

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