The party of 'Karens': The new Democratic Party alienates nonwhite voters

I met two lesbians who actually believed that they could have a child using DNA from just the two of them.

I walked away quickly from any further association with them.
Now you've got me sort of wondering ---- I don't exactly know what search terms to use to look that up! Not sure I want Microsoft Bing recording that question against me. :cool:
Now you've got me sort of wondering ---- I don't exactly know what search terms to use to look that up! Not sure I want Microsoft Bing recording that question against me. :cool:
Look what up, dear? These two ladies were told that there would soon be technology that would allow them to make a baby with just their DNA.

As an aside, I asked them how they intended to pay for this procedure, which sounded like it would be pretty expensive, since they both had minimum wage jobs. They said "Stupid taxpayers". This is the high regard the parasites have for those of us who get robbed to support their perverse asses.
Look what up, dear? These two ladies were told that there would soon be technology that would allow them to make a baby with just their DNA.

As an aside, I asked them how they intended to pay for this procedure, which sounded like it would be pretty expensive, since they both had minimum wage jobs. They said "Stupid taxpayers". This is the high regard the parasites have for those of us who get robbed to support their perverse asses.
Yeah, that technology. I'm wondering because a couple years ago I saw something about maybe THREE-WAY DNA mixes possible --- I don't think I ever saw a follow-up. Theoretically, I wonder if what they said isn't possible. In theory. I mean, cloning is certainly possible --- they do it with animals all the time now (and probably people too, but the Chinese have learned to stop talking about it). And to clone you need to get two half-DNA strands in the ova at the same time --- why not half from one woman, half from another?

Scifi, I know. I would have vamoosed, too: better not get involved in all that Buttigieg kind of thinking. As a relative of mine used to say, "Not Our Kind of People."
Don't worry. As long as the filthy Democrat Party is the party of welfare they will get the Blacks and Browns.

They will always have the blacks no matter what they do to them. Blacks don't follow politics very much so all they know is vote D. Ghetto rumor said the Republicans are only for rich white folks. They coddle them with welfare and various programs that don't do them any good, but look good.

I think Hispanics are a different breed, but the Democrats are trying to use their same strategies on them that they used on blacks. Treat them like they are always in need of help and you have a voting group for a lifetime. It's not working.

Hispanics are a proud people that believe in self-reliance. They certainly don't want to be treated more special than anybody else. They don't want to be looked down upon as victims, they want to be looked at like any other American. The Democrats are losing their vote because they figure if they let more Hispanics in the country, there will be solidarity with the Hispanics born here and those who came here legally. It's turning out to be just the opposite. Those Hispanics that are invading our country are holding up their kids in school, taking jobs that they could be working at, and cut in line while they honestly went through the processes to be part of this country.
As long as they never run out of refried beans and watermelon the democrats should be just fine. Of course, the democrats also need to horde plenty of ammo and boom boxes for their inner-city voters in places like Chicago.

They are not going to be able to pander to Hispanics like they do to blacks.

As long as they never run out of refried beans and watermelon the democrats should be just fine. Of course, the democrats also need to horde plenty of ammo and boom boxes for their inner-city voters in places like Chicago.
Somebody must have told that joke at the last Klan Rally, because you are TF stupid to come up with that on your own.
Somebody must have told that joke at the last Klan Rally, because you are TF stupid to come up with that on your own.

I am unabashedly happy to tell similar jokes about any other race(s), including my own. That being said, there's really not a lot of humorous potential in jokes about sauerbraten or hog maw.
The original Karen is BBQ Becky who called to cops on the black family for actually using a park for something useful like a BBQ.
This not good news for the party, if they lose minorities, turn the lights out!

It also makes me wonder how the women will vote next election. Cuomo just escaped charges with his advancement on two of the women he harassed. The female state trooper he ran his hands over they said what he did checked out, but there are no laws in New York that he broke so again, no charges filed.

A big lib state that doesn't have laws to protect women? And what happened to all women must be believed? Then there is the issue of Dementia bringing back the threat of government funds for schools that disallow weirdos in dresses to compete against real girls in athletics in school, robbing the real girl of a trophy or possibly a college scholarship that she earned. How do women feel about that voting Democrat?
They will always have the blacks no matter what they do to them. Blacks don't follow politics very much so all they know is vote D. Ghetto rumor said the Republicans are only for rich white folks. They coddle them with welfare and various programs that don't do them any good, but look good.

I think Hispanics are a different breed, but the Democrats are trying to use their same strategies on them that they used on blacks. Treat them like they are always in need of help and you have a voting group for a lifetime. It's not working.

Hispanics are a proud people that believe in self-reliance. They certainly don't want to be treated more special than anybody else. They don't want to be looked down upon as victims, they want to be looked at like any other American. The Democrats are losing their vote because they figure if they let more Hispanics in the country, there will be solidarity with the Hispanics born here and those who came here legally. It's turning out to be just the opposite. Those Hispanics that are invading our country are holding up their kids in school, taking jobs that they could be working at, and cut in line while they honestly went through the processes to be part of this country.
Why would black folks vote for a party that is full of racist like you, Flush, TipsyHag and many others on this forum.
Why would black folks vote for a party that is full of racist like you, Flush, TipsyHag and many others on this forum.

Because they would do better with Republicans in charge than Democrats as we seen during the Trump presidency. Even after the Republicans passed welfare reform, there was reunification of black families. Some stated that by being forced to work, they felt a liberty they've never known before. Look at what's going on today. Violent crime up over 30% in many of the lib big cities. Getting rid of the police only hurt the black community--not help it. Letting violent criminals out with no bail only gave lowlifes more time to commit violent crime. As I mentioned, many of the Walgreens closed up in San Francisco, and other stores are looking to do the same. How does that help one black person in that city?

Republicans believe blacks can fare just as well as everybody else without special programs or laws made explicitly for them. In many cases that's the way it ends up, and some of these programs even hurt blacks in the long run such as giving them home loans they could never afford to repay. Until this day many blacks still can't buy a house because of the foreclosure on their records.

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