The party of 'Karens': The new Democratic Party alienates nonwhite voters

Because they would do better with Republicans in charge than Democrats as we seen during the Trump presidency.
That's false i have debunked that lie over and over again. In the last 60yrs it is a proven FACT that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents.
Even after the Republicans passed welfare reform, there was reunification of black families.
Do you just make this garbage up as you go.
Some stated that by being forced to work, they felt a liberty they've never known before.
Post something, I mean anything to back this garbage up. I know you won't.
Look at what's going on today. Violent crime up over 30% in many of the lib big cities. Getting rid of the police only hurt the black community--not help it.
Name 5 so called big cities where they got rid of the police.
Letting violent criminals out with no bail only gave lowlifes more time to commit violent crime. As I mentioned, many of the Walgreens closed up in San Francisco, and other stores are looking to do the same. How does that help one black person in that city?
I laugh at how you just throw shit up against the wall and hope it sticks.
Republicans believe blacks can fare just as well as everybody else without special programs or laws made explicitly for them.
Give me a list of special programs and laws that are specifically for black folks. I'll wait.
In many cases that's the way it ends up, and some of these programs even hurt blacks in the long run such as giving them home loans they could never afford to repay. Until this day many blacks still can't buy a house because of the foreclosure on their records.
How many whites have bought a home that they couldn't afford?
Because they would do better with Republicans in charge than Democrats as we seen during the Trump presidency. Even after the Republicans passed welfare reform, there was reunification of black families. Some stated that by being forced to work, they felt a liberty they've never known before. Look at what's going on today. Violent crime up over 30% in many of the lib big cities. Getting rid of the police only hurt the black community--not help it. Letting violent criminals out with no bail only gave lowlifes more time to commit violent crime. As I mentioned, many of the Walgreens closed up in San Francisco, and other stores are looking to do the same. How does that help one black person in that city?

Republicans believe blacks can fare just as well as everybody else without special programs or laws made explicitly for them. In many cases that's the way it ends up, and some of these programs even hurt blacks in the long run such as giving them home loans they could never afford to repay. Until this day many blacks still can't buy a house because of the foreclosure on their records.
It is difficult to get people who have a true myopic view on the realities to believe. If deviating from a self destructive subculture or not taking it to task that has nothing to do with Africa is seen as being an Uncle Tom, then the road to convincing a group of people is made much harder. The resources will drop from others at some point because it has to. Many illegals and legal people coming here will get their cut as they become more dominant.
That's false i have debunked that lie over and over again. In the last 60yrs it is a proven FACT that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents.

Do you just make this garbage up as you go.

Post something, I mean anything to back this garbage up. I know you won't.

Name 5 so called big cities where they got rid of the police.

I laugh at how you just throw shit up against the wall and hope it sticks.

Give me a list of special programs and laws that are specifically for black folks. I'll wait.

How many whites have bought a home that they couldn't afford?

"That's false i have debunked that lie over and over again. In the last 60yrs it is a proven FACT that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents."

"Do better" meaning Dimocrat government programs.
"That's false i have debunked that lie over and over again. In the last 60yrs it is a proven FACT that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents."

"Do better" meaning Dimocrat government programs.
No, meaning by employment, education, financially, starting businesses, etc.
This not good news for the party, if they lose minorities, turn the lights out!

Great article. Yes, I remember back when Obama won in 2008. The Republican party was dead, never to be heard from again. Then came 2010, 2012, 2014, and then 2016. Even then, Obama was leaving the presidency but Hillary had been annointed to take over as president. The Republican party was dead, never to be heard from again. Then Trump was elected the Republican nominee and the left were bent over laughing so hard. The Republican party was indeed dead, never to be heard from again. Then came 2018 and 2020 and, finally, the Republican party was dead, never to be heard from again. Now we have had a Republican wave in 2021 and even Democrats are jumping off the 2022 Titanic, even as some still proclaim the Republican party is dead, never to be heard from again.

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