The party of small government strikes again

The legislation (Senate Bill 106/House Bill 35) would require most businesses to accept cash payments and prohibit them from charging a fee or placing conditions on accepting cash. They’d have to accept cash for “any transaction involving the purchase of any tangible good or any service.”

It would apply to any business operating at a fixed physical location, from a vehicle or other mobile space, or from temporary physical premises.

And it would cover transactions in which the customer is physically present at the place of business. It would not apply to sales that are not conducted in person, including phone, mail and online transactions.

The party of small government and more freedom is again attempting to tell business how they must operate and taking away their freedom to operate in their own best interest. And they are doing so with the help of the Dems who at least do not pretend to support either of those things.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but good on Florida.

These cashless businesses are HIGHLY discriminatory, and the trend is VERY dangerous to freedom and privacy.

Thank you for sharing.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but good on Florida.

These cashless businesses are HIGHLY discriminatory, and the trend is VERY dangerous to freedom and privacy.

Thank you for sharing.
All you have to do is not go to them. Let them hurt themselves. Its called the free market.
There is a bill like this that has been reintroduced in the House, as well. It is Bipartisan.
There also laws like this in many states like NJ and Mass.
While I understand why they are doing it, it isnt any of their fucking business how a store conducts their business.
I still use cash for all in person purchases. Your privacy is at stake with debit cards and such.
A local mall switched to the card only policy, and I stopped doing business with them. I didn't even think of sicking the state on them, to force them to do it my way!

Next, let's go after those restaurants that put avocado in every damned thing. I hate that shit!
/---/ No one is forcing you to use cash. You have "CHOICE." Cash or credit or debit. I thought Libs were all about CHOICE.

I do like choice, which is why I am against this law.

You support the Govt forcing places to take cash, do you also support the Govt forcing places to take cards?
Um, am I wrong in thinking that our money has written on it, "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private?"

That would mean if a business doesn't want to take cash, they can lump it.

I've eaten at a hole in the wall place that doesn't take credit cards, only cash because of the fees. Why a business wouldn't want to take cash is beyond me.

The legislation (Senate Bill 106/House Bill 35) would require most businesses to accept cash payments and prohibit them from charging a fee or placing conditions on accepting cash. They’d have to accept cash for “any transaction involving the purchase of any tangible good or any service.”

It would apply to any business operating at a fixed physical location, from a vehicle or other mobile space, or from temporary physical premises.

And it would cover transactions in which the customer is physically present at the place of business. It would not apply to sales that are not conducted in person, including phone, mail and online transactions.

The party of small government and more freedom is again attempting to tell business how they must operate and taking away their freedom to operate in their own best interest. And they are doing so with the help of the Dems who at least do not pretend to support either of those things.

'Both sides' are not 'the same.'
I can't believe I'm saying this, but good on Florida.

These cashless businesses are HIGHLY discriminatory, and the trend is VERY dangerous to freedom and privacy.

Thank you for sharing.

I am not surprised at all you are saying it, you have always been a big Govt loving type
They do have a choice, they can go to business that accept cash. There are a few places close to me that only take cash, should they be forced to take cards as well?
Of course! We need to get Republicans on that right away!
Um, am I wrong in thinking that our money has written on it, "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private?"

That would mean if a business doesn't want to take cash, they can lump it.

and until such time as you have been given a good or a service, there is no debt, thus it would not apply
and until such time as you have been given a good or a service, there is no debt, thus it would not apply

WTF are you talking about? If you provide me a good or service I can pay in cash. That is how we pay debts. It's legal tender. No business can refuse legal tender at least in these states:

By requiring businesses to accept cash, lawmakers can prevent retailers from discriminating against unbanked people, even unintentionally, said Carol Hedges, executive director of the Colorado Fiscal Institute, a Denver-based think tank.

A problem lies in the fact that almost 10% of people don't have a checking account and only deal in cash. You are now discriminating against such people. What about the elderly? Most of those don't deal with credit cards and only do cash. You can't discriminate against them. My mom STILL pays cash or writes a check everywhere she goes. She is the one holding up the line at Wal Mart. If Wal Mart stopped taking cash she'd walk out. She'd have no choice.

What about the 16% of all Americans with bad credit that can't get a credit card? Why are you discriminating against them?
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I dont know the reasoning behind the bill

And if Golfing Gator knows he aint saying

You’d think a fence sitter who claims to be non partisan would at least consider both sides
Cashless businesses are an attempt to destroy privacy, enhance control, charge transaction fees, discriminate against those who use cash for various legitimate reasons, etc.

I refuse to do business with them.

But I guess fascists dig fascism.

I've eaten at a hole in the wall place that doesn't take credit cards, only cash because of the fees.

Should those places be forced to take cards?

Why a business wouldn't want to take cash is beyond me.

It is a pain to deal with and is slower than taping or putting in a card.

If you take cash at the end of each day you have to count it and make sure it is all accounted for and then do a deposit slip and someone has to take it to a bank or pay to have a it picked up. These are all cost to the business that are not necessary.

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