The party of small government strikes again

What? Dude, take your silly argument to the courts. Maybe they'll listen. Or maybe that laugh (like I just did) and dismiss it.

What silly argument? Without some form of social contract implying some form of debt, that when you enter a store, pick an item, and intend to keep it, you owe for it. Without that what's to stop people from legally just taking other people's stuff?
So governments have zero ability to regulate commerce?
States do. And its fascism. If that baker dont want to bake a cake for someone, who fucking cares? If that coffee shop only wants to use cash, who fucking cares? If that barber shop doesnt want to accept cards, who fucking cares?
Let them go down in a cloud of smoke. Its no ones business but theirs.
I know you don't realize this, because leftists never do, but businesses pay fees for accepting card payments. They do not pay fees for accepting cash. This is why many, many small businesses are cash only, they don't want to pay the billionaire corporations you love so much fees for doing business.
Accepting cash only also allows businesses to skirt a few taxes here and there.
States do. And its fascism. If that baker dont want to bake a cake for someone, who fucking cares? If that coffee shop only wants to use cash, who fucking cares? If that barber shop doesnt want to accept cards, who fucking cares?
Let them go down in a cloud of smoke. Its no ones business but theirs.

That's another line. Sorry but asking a business to take legal tender is not the same as forcing them to bake a cake they don't want to bake.
Should those places be forced to take cards?

It is a pain to deal with and is slower than taping or putting in a card.

If you take cash at the end of each day you have to count it and make sure it is all accounted for and then do a deposit slip and someone has to take it to a bank or pay to have a it picked up. These are all cost to the business that are not necessary.

No, but they should be forced to charge the same price as cash if they DO take cards. This 3 or 4% "convenience fee" I feel should be illegal.

Why don't you address questions in my last post? 16% of all Americans have credit too bad for them to get a credit card. Why is it ok to discriminate against them?
What silly argument? Without some form of social contract implying some form of debt, that when you enter a store, pick an item, and intend to keep it, you owe for it. Without that what's to stop people from legally just taking other people's stuff?
Hmmm... not sure which state you live in, but in mine stealing is illegal.
Does it?

News to me.

But nice straw man. :)

Its what you implied, retard.
Its very relevant you are throwing around words that you dont understand. I guess we can add the word "irrelevant" to the list of words you dont get.
Yep, thats gg sop. I went into a cafe in missoula three years ago when most businesses were opening back up. They wouldn't accept cash so I walked out. Didnt complain to any of the employees or owners. Thats their right but they did go out of business a year later. Lol.

Still was probably illegal as cash is legal tender for all debts public AND Private.

The legislation (Senate Bill 106/House Bill 35) would require most businesses to accept cash payments and prohibit them from charging a fee or placing conditions on accepting cash. They’d have to accept cash for “any transaction involving the purchase of any tangible good or any service.”

It would apply to any business operating at a fixed physical location, from a vehicle or other mobile space, or from temporary physical premises.

And it would cover transactions in which the customer is physically present at the place of business. It would not apply to sales that are not conducted in person, including phone, mail and online transactions.

The party of small government and more freedom is again attempting to tell business how they must operate and taking away their freedom to operate in their own best interest. And they are doing so with the help of the Dems who at least do not pretend to support either of those things.
It is, afterall, the currency of the land. 🤷‍♀️
Hmmm... not sure which state you live in, but in mine stealing is illegal.

because you assume the debt on that person's property when you show your intention to purchase it by picking it up in a location designed for said purpose.
Yep, thats gg sop. I went into a cafe in missoula three years ago when most businesses were opening back up. They wouldn't accept cash so I walked out. Didnt complain to any of the employees or owners. Thats their right but they did go out of business a year later. Lol.
Liked, but not accepting cash actually isn't, or rather wasn't - :) - their right.
That's another line. Sorry but asking a business to take legal tender is not the same as forcing them to bake a cake they don't want to bake.
Yes it is. What if they want to barter with goods or services? You want that regulated too?

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