The party of small government strikes again

The legislation (Senate Bill 106/House Bill 35) would require most businesses to accept cash payments and prohibit them from charging a fee or placing conditions on accepting cash. They’d have to accept cash for “any transaction involving the purchase of any tangible good or any service.”

It would apply to any business operating at a fixed physical location, from a vehicle or other mobile space, or from temporary physical premises.

And it would cover transactions in which the customer is physically present at the place of business. It would not apply to sales that are not conducted in person, including phone, mail and online transactions.

The party of small government and more freedom is again attempting to tell business how they must operate and taking away their freedom to operate in their own best interest. And they are doing so with the help of the Dems who at least do not pretend to support either of those things.
Let's at least be fair about this.
The government can tell a store that it must provide accommodations for the handicapped.
The government can tell a store that it must meet certain standards of fire and health and workplace safety
The government can tell a store that it must require positive ID for those buying tobacco, alcohol, etc.
The government can tell a store that is cannot discriminate against customers due to their skin color, ethnicity, etc.
The government can allow a store to pass on to their customer their surcharge for accepting a credit card.

I have NEVER heard anyone on the left complain about any of that.

For the government to tell a store it cannot refuse a product or service to the customer who for whatever reason does not use debit or credit cards is no more unreasonable in this day and age though in areas of high crime and robberies I can understand why they would like to do away with cash.
Sorry I missed that. This thread is on fire and a bit tough to keep up.

Have you not heard of Debit card? One needs no credit for them.
Why do you hate privacy, the poor, POC, and the elderly?

Incomplete list of course.

You really are the worst - pro pot, pro trafficking, pro fascist.
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Sorry I missed that. This thread is on fire and a bit tough to keep up.

Have you not heard of Debit card? One needs no credit for them.

But you need a checking account and 10% of all Americans don't have a checking account. In my state, 11% of all citizens don't use banks which issue debit cards.

Again, why discriminate against them?
No, but they should be forced to charge the same price as cash if they DO take cards. This 3 or 4% "convenience fee" I feel should be illegal.

More big government from the government loving fool. Is there any thing you do not think the Govt should control?
Bullshit. These laws are about places that admit the public in to do business, and our legal tender is by law for all debts public and private.

This is something government SHOULD be involved in.
Repeal legal tender laws
More big government from the government loving fool. Is there any thing you do not think the Govt should control?

I don't know. You liberals mandated:

1. Businesses pay 15 dollar an hour minimum wage in many states. All liberal states.
2. Businesses must accomodate disabled people
3. Businesses must do business with everyone and cannot discriminate based on age, sex, national origin, etc.
4. Businesses must carry workers comp insurance on every worker
5. Businesses must offer paid sick leave
6. Businesses must offer paid maternity leave

Was it republicans trying to force Chic fil A to be open on Sunday? I think not.

But ask a business to take cash as legal tender and it's REPUBLICANS FOR BIG GOV'T.

Yea, you are a fucking idiot.
Why do you hate privacy, the poor, POC, and the elderly?

I do not hate anything besides raw tomatoes.

All those people are free to use cash in the 99% of places that still take cash.
I don't know. You liberals mandated:

1. Businesses pay 15 dollar an hour minimum wage in many states. All liberal states.
2. Businesses must accomodate disabled people
3. Businesses must do business with everyone and cannot discriminate based on age, sex, national origin, etc.
4. Businesses must carry workers comp insurance on every worker

Now you're totally ok with them trying to force Chic fil A to be open on Sunday.

But ask a business to take cash as legal tender and it's REPUBLICANS FOR BIG GOV'T.

Yea, you are a fucking idiot.

You clearly have me mistaken for someone else, I am against 1-3 and do not support CFA being forced to be open any time they do not wish to be. Would you mind dealing with my views instead of these childish strawmen?
You clearly have me mistaken for someone else, I am against 1-3 and do not support CFA being forced to be open any time they do not wish to be. Would you mind dealing with my views instead of these childish strawmen?

Really? That ain't what you said here:

You clearly stated you would be in favor of them forcing CFA to be open on Sunday as soon as their contract is up for renewal. Don't play games with me, liberal.

You lump me in with all republicans but then get all upset when I lump you in with all liberals.

Stupid fucking liberal is all you are.

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