The party of small government strikes again

But you need a checking account and 10% of all Americans don't have a checking account. In my state, 11% of all citizens don't use banks which issue debit cards.

No, you do not. All you need is cash and you have it put on a card.
I don't know. You liberals mandated:

1. Businesses pay 15 dollar an hour minimum wage in many states. All liberal states.
2. Businesses must accomodate disabled people
3. Businesses must do business with everyone and cannot discriminate based on age, sex, national origin, etc.
4. Businesses must carry workers comp insurance on every worker
Those policies should have never been adopted. They were socialist wedge issues to begin with, designed to get a "foot in the door" and give the state more power over private enterprise. Back in the day, Republicans recognized that. Now they can't recognize shit, unless it serves their culture war agenda.
There's a reason our money says "legal tender for all debts public and private". Your fascism doesn't change that.

And yet...there are GOVERNMENT offices where you cannot pay cash! You MUST pay with check or card!

WTF are you talking about? If you provide me a good or service I can pay in cash. That is how we pay debts. It's legal tender. No business can refuse legal tender at least in these states:

A problem lies in the fact that almost 10% of people don't have a checking account and only deal in cash. You are now discriminating against such people. What about the elderly? Most of those don't deal with credit cards and only do cash. You can't discriminate against them. My mom STILL pays cash or writes a check everywhere she goes. She is the one holding up the line at Wal Mart. If Wal Mart stopped taking cash she'd walk out. She'd have no choice.

What about the 16% of all Americans with bad credit that can't get a credit card? Why are you discriminating against them?

Bluntly: I don't care. They should step into 1997 and get a debit card.
No, you do not. All you need is cash and you have it put on a card.

You have to BUY a card to put it on. Why discriminate against the elderly and make them buy something they don't want just so they can pay for shit from this stupid business not taking cash?
^ Thinks it's okay to refuse service to the poor, elderly, POC, etc.

IOW, a CLASSIC modern liberal. :)

I think it is ok for a private business to refuse service for any damn reason they wish. Anti-discrimination laws should apply only to the Govt and protected classes is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause

It is Classic Libertarian, not liberal.
You clearly stated you would be in favor of them forcing CFA to be open on Sunday as soon as their contract is up for renewal. Don't play games with me, liberal.
No one is being forced to do anything in that circumstance. The state is asking for bids from vendors to provide service during specific hours. No one is forced to sign up. Can you really not make that distinction?
You have to BUY a card to put it on. Why discriminate against the elderly and make them buy something they don't want just so they can pay for shit from this stupid business not taking cash?

Go to a different damn business?

There is a doughnut places close to me that makes me take cash out of my bank if I want their product, why is it ok for them to discriminate agastin me?
^ Thinks it's okay to refuse service to the poor, elderly, POC, etc.

IOW, a CLASSIC modern liberal. :)
^ Thinks it's okay to force businesses to bend to your will. CLASSIC modern "conservative".
Go to a different damn business?

There is a doughnut places close to me that makes me take cash out of my bank if I want their product, why is it ok for them to discriminate agastin me?

Cash is legal tender. If they don't want to take credit cards which is not legal tender, or checks, not legal tender, that's fine.

We already discussed this. Try to keep up. I know you're a little slow. You have to take cash. Any other payment methods are up to you, as the business. Cash is the foundation of our economy.
Yes it is. What if they want to barter with goods or services? You want that regulated too?

The barter is still handled via the valuation of a cash equivalent.

And if you want to barter, make it a private transaction, not something you do as part of a PA setup.
And yet...there are GOVERNMENT offices where you cannot pay cash! You MUST pay with check or card!

Bluntly: I don't care. They should step into 1997 and get a debit card.

What gov't office doesn't take cash? Every gov't office I've ever been in ONLY took cash until just recently. I had to pay court fines in cash, speeding tickets in cash, DMV fees in cash, EVERYTHING.

The only one I know of that might not is probation and parole but someone told me they have a machine at the office that takes the cash and puts it into your account. So while they might not accept it in-hand, they accept it at the office.
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The barter is still handled via the valuation of a cash equivalent.

And if you want to barter, make it a private transaction, not something you do as part of a PA setup.
So you dont think I should be able to make a business from me trading my goods or services for other goods and services?
What if I didnt have the need for money?

The legislation (Senate Bill 106/House Bill 35) would require most businesses to accept cash payments and prohibit them from charging a fee or placing conditions on accepting cash. They’d have to accept cash for “any transaction involving the purchase of any tangible good or any service.”

It would apply to any business operating at a fixed physical location, from a vehicle or other mobile space, or from temporary physical premises.

And it would cover transactions in which the customer is physically present at the place of business. It would not apply to sales that are not conducted in person, including phone, mail and online transactions.

The party of small government and more freedom is again attempting to tell business how they must operate and taking away their freedom to operate in their own best interest. And they are doing so with the help of the Dems who at least do not pretend to support either of those things.

i can understand why a small business, maybe in a bad neighborhood might want to not have cash on hand. i like using cash bu whatever.

when i clicked on the thread i was wondering what they were shoving into women this time.
I just took the tuna off the shelf, is it mine now or do I owe the owner something for it?
If its yours, you don't owe them anything. But I think any sane court would say it's not yours until you pay for it. They'd just say you were shoplifting.
No, but they should be forced to charge the same price as cash if they DO take cards. This 3 or 4% "convenience fee" I feel should be illegal.

Why don't you address questions in my last post? 16% of all Americans have credit too bad for them to get a credit card. Why is it ok to discriminate against them?

Then you de facto make EVERYONE pay the CC fees. They are significant costs, especially to a small business.

I think that I have used cash once, since Covid started.

Our Local Sports Arena, Our Airport, - some other places have gone cashless only.

I dunno.

Tropicana Field in Florida was cashless in 2021.

Why do you hate privacy, the poor, POC, and the elderly?

Incomplete list of course.

You really are the worst - pro pot, pro trafficking, pro fascist.

He's just a seagull. He spends EVERY WAKING MOMENT trolling this site.

Nope, bags. Make those fuckers hand count every coin. Its muh legal tenderrrr

Hand count? Do you live in 1960?

But you need a checking account and 10% of all Americans don't have a checking account. In my state, 11% of all citizens don't use banks which issue debit cards.

Again, why discriminate against them?

Because (yet again) I don't give a damn.

Oh I see. Now it's "fuck everyone else". What an attitude.

No, it's just "fuck you."

What gov't office doesn't take cash? Every gov't office I've ever been in ONLY took cash until just recently. I had to pay court fines in cash, speeding tickets in cash, DMV fees in cash, EVERYTHING.

I can't pay property taxes in cash. I couldn't pay for my CDL road test in cash. (Check or money order only.) I couldn't pay a parking ticket in cash!

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