The party of small government strikes again

Cashless businesses are an attempt to destroy privacy, enhance control, charge transaction fees, discriminate against those who use cash for various legitimate reasons, etc.

I refuse to do business with them.

But I guess fascists dig fascism.

Yes, Joes coffee house wants to destroy everyones privacy and control them. Jesus Christ :rolleyes:
Its funny you dont even know what fascism is.... but screech about it like a child.
My card represents all my legal tender. I should not be forced to carry cash just to buy some doughnuts.

If it is good for the Govt to do it one way, it should be ok the other way

Funneled through a private company that charges either the owner or the business for the privilege.

No one charges you for using your own cash, or at least they shouldn't.
Should those places be forced to take cards?

I know you don't realize this, because leftists never do, but businesses pay fees for accepting card payments. They do not pay fees for accepting cash. This is why many, many small businesses are cash only, they don't want to pay the billionaire corporations you love so much fees for doing business.
WTF are you talking about? If you provide me a good or service I can pay in cash. That is how we pay debts. It's legal tender. No business can refuse legal tender at least in these states:

A problem lies in the fact that almost 10% of people don't have a checking account and only deal in cash. You are now discriminating against such people. What about the elderly? Most of those don't deal with credit cards and only do cash. You can't discriminate against them. My mom STILL pays cash or writes a check everywhere she goes. She is the one holding up the line at Wal Mart. If Wal Mart stopped taking cash she'd walk out. She'd have no choice.
^ Gets it; thread win.
Not unless they give it to you.

By publicly displaying them for sale they offer them for sale. If you don't think you assume a debt to them the second you pick it up with the intent to possess it, try walking out of the store without paying them for it.
The government controlling the private sector isnt fascism, but letting them run their business as they please is. lolz Mkay
Yeah. Partisan politics can be hard to track sometimes. They're so busy switching sides it can be dizzying.
Should those places be forced to take cards?

It is a pain to deal with and is slower than taping or putting in a card.

If you take cash at the end of each day you have to count it and make sure it is all accounted for and then do a deposit slip and someone has to take it to a bank or pay to have a it picked up. These are all cost to the business that are not necessary.
Cards. Aren't. Legal. Tender.
By publicly displaying them for sale they offer them for sale. If you don't think you assume a debt to them the second you pick it up with the intent to possess it, try walking out of the store without paying them for it.
What? Dude, take your silly argument to the courts. Maybe they'll listen. Or maybe that laugh (like I just did) and dismiss it.
Once again the false equivalency of "wanting small government = wanting no government"

Since the currency is government issued and regulated, how is this an example of government overreach?

GolfingGator: Holding the right to impossible standards while letting the left mutilate and drug kids as long as he "Gets teh Trumpers" since 2020!

Yep, thats gg sop. I went into a cafe in missoula three years ago when most businesses were opening back up. They wouldn't accept cash so I walked out. Didnt complain to any of the employees or owners. Thats their right but they did go out of business a year later. Lol.

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