The party of small Govt does it again...

There is no conflict of interest. Also, they did not eliminate it for any other public union in the state. If there was a conflict of interest why not do it for all of public unions of the state?

He did.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Teachers and other government employees will have to write monthly checks if they want to stay in their union after Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Tuesday banning automatic dues deductions from public employees’ paychecks,

Most people following the governor's vendetta, even supporters, will acknowledge that he's fighting the culture war via government - targeting people and businesses who are promote woke issues in the state. He hasn't made promoting woke issues illegal, yet, so they haven't broken any laws. But he's targeting them for punitive measures regardless. Doesn't that seem like a dangerous abuse of government? Anyone?
Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida signed a bill into law Tuesday that will require teachers who want to be in unions to mail in written checks every month.

Now the Repubs are dictating by law how people pay their bills.

Can someone explain how this is a Conservative thing to do?

The right has never had an issue with big government when it suits their needs.
You said this....Yep. If it's a right, it has to be written somewhere.

Now you are taking that back?

Does it matter how much? Why do you support any loss of freedom? How much freedom do you lose by the NSA reading you every email?

You with your constant apples and oranges comparisons. One has zero to do with the other.

These people work for the state of Florida government. They are not required to make union deductions for their employees; it's an option. DeSantis is simply saying the government will no longer do that for you any longer. If you want to be in the union, pay them yourselves.

If anything it's more freedom and and less government.
You with your constant apples and oranges comparisons. One has zero to do with the other.

These people work for the state of Florida government. They are not required to make union deductions for their employees; it's an option. DeSantis is simply saying the government will no longer do that for you any longer. If you want to be in the union, pay them yourselves.

If anything it's more freedom and and less government.

I am sure in your world having less options is more freedom, but you are a fucking partisan loon so I do not really care about your world.
I am sure in your world having less options is more freedom, but you are a fucking partisan loon so I do not really care about your world.

It's not about less options. It's the employers call whether they will take the time to automatically deduct those dues from your pay. DeSantis is simply saying the state will no longer provide that benefit.
That has zero to do with it. Show me in the amendment union workers have the right to demand their employer make their dues as a deduction.
It's the stock answer to anyway who asks "where is such-and-such right in the Constitution?" The question comes from ignorance about how the Constitution works.
Oh, I see. Well, if you're denying that these acts are targeted retribution, then you're just lying. Which isn't a bad strategy, politically, if you can't defend your position.

Defend my position from what, your opinion?
In other words you can't show me. That's all you had to say.
Thomas Jefferson, and others, actually opposed the Bill of Rights because they thought that future idiots, like you, might confuse it with an exclusive list of our rights, and then insist we have no others.

He was right.
There is no power in an allotment being taken out of check. My wife has the Govt deduct money from check and put into a savings account, should that be outlawed as well?

The payment to the union, like any other allotment can be stopped with a few clicks of the mouse.

What my way offers is freedom of choice, the thing your way takes away.

My wife has the Govt deduct money from check and put into a savings account, should that be outlawed as well?

Direct deposit is awesome!
The company puts the money into an account with her name on it.

The payment to the union, like any other allotment can be stopped with a few clicks of the mouse.

Or set up as a direct debit from a teacher's bank account.

What my way offers is freedom of choice, the thing your way takes away.

You're not free to set up a direct payment from your bank?

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