The party of small Govt does it again...

I guess it wasn’t in your news feed.

Oh, but that is not what you said. It is in fact nothing like what you said at all.

Nonsense. The same people who demand the city/county set the agenda are the same ones demanding that Teachers carry guns to be able to fight off some armed shooter.

There, in case you forgot what you said. And here is what the article says.

Two state legislatures are considering measures that would permit teachers and other school staff to carry arms in the aftermath of the Texas elementary school

So I am still waiting for a reference that demands that teacher carry guns.

You are aware that is not being called for anywhere, right? And there is a huge difference between "demanding teachers carry guns" and "permitting teachers to carry guns". The difference is so huge that they are not even close, and no reasonable person should ever confuse the two of them.

So once again, a reference where anybody is demanding that teachers carry guns.
Is that not her bank account?

Are you actually trying to argue that it should be illegal for her to put money in her own account?

I am not the one that just made payroll deduction to pay a bill illegal in the state of Florida, so no I am not trying to say that at all.
Yes you have, you think if it is not in writing it is not a right. You have said that multiple times now

Maybe this will help you.


[ rahyt ]

a just claim or title, whether legal, prescriptive, or moral: You have a right to say what you please.

Sometimes rights . that which is due to anyone by just claim, legal guarantees, moral principles, etc.: women's rights;Freedom of speech is a right of all Americans.

Maybe this will help you.


[ rahyt ]

a just claim or title, whether legal, prescriptive, or moral: You have a right to say what you please.

Sometimes rights . that which is due to anyone by just claim, legal guarantees, moral principles, etc.: women's rights;Freedom of speech is a right of all Americans.

I am not the one arguing that a right has to be in writing to be a right....that would be you
I am not the one arguing that a right has to be in writing to be a right....that would be you

Nope, that's why I brought up inalienable rights.

inalienable right
noun [ C ]

a right that cannot be taken away from you:
an inalienable right to sth Employees should have an inalienable right to participate in decisions that affect them.

inalienable right

It is the inalienable rightof every man to carry all the luxuries he wants.

From Project Gutenberg

She could no longer appropriate to herself every look and smile of him, whose glances and smiles she believed her own inalienable right.
From Project Gutenberg

Food and drink, roof and clothes, are the inalienable right of every child born into the light.
From Project Gutenberg

We cannot but admit in the old an imperishable germ of truth, and in the new, an inalienable rightto impress and influence us. From Project Gutenberg

None of these rights are written anywhere.

They could not do it before this law without asking.

As is your SOP you have no clue of what you speak
No, I know what I’m talking about. You on the other hand just bleat and cry about Republicans while ignoring your precious Dems doing far worse. Your SOP. Your inability to write a check or balance a checkbook or pay your bills on time by yourself is your problem. Seems you need big daddy government to do everything for you. Sucks to be you.
He did.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Teachers and other government employees will have to write monthly checks if they want to stay in their union after Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Tuesday banning automatic dues deductions from public employees’ paychecks,

Gator doesn’t read that far. He just sees an opportunity to bash DeSantis (or any Republican) and jumps at it.
The Union doesn’t like it because now people see actually how their Union dues impact their personal finances.

My wife saw that happen twice in her career.

When we got married she was a school bus driver, and as such had to join the Teamster's. And the dues were quite high, I want to say around 1/5 of her paycheck. However, the funny thing is that after we got married she moved to a yard closer to our new home. And that one was a non-union shop, but they had to pay her at the union wage she had gotten before. Which led to her making more money than before. Even more than her supervisor.

Then several years ago she got a job at a nursing home, and like most medical facilities she had to join the union. However, there was no chapter of the California Nurse's Association there, and actually had to join the steelworker's union. And saw her paycheck fall to less than she was making doing home health care after union dues were subtracted.

Thankfully, I have never had to join a union. To be honest, I find the very concept distasteful and akin to extortion. Where you have to pay another organization in order to be able to work. Is no surprise they had such a long history of being in bed with organized crime.
I am not the one that just made payroll deduction to pay a bill illegal in the state of Florida, so no I am not trying to say that at all.

It is not a bill, it is extortion. When one has no choice and it is yanked out of their pay without their consent, that is not a "bill".

Tell me, can you be fired for not paying your rent? Can you be fired if you decide to stop making your car payments?
Um...Really? Suppressing labour is not a Conservative trait?
Not really, no. The problem isn't labor unions. The problem is labor law, which grants them all kinds of special privileges.
It is not a bill, it is extortion. When one has no choice and it is yanked out of their pay without their consent, that is not a "bill".

They have a choice. They do not have to join the union, only 60% of Fla teachers are part of the union. And they do not have to pay their dues via allotment if they do join, it is just one of their options...or it was till DeSantis decided how they paid their bills was his business
I guess lefties can make up their own cliches about republicans in order to try to make a lame point about hypocrisy even if it's ludicrous. The GOP might be the party of smaller government but it's not the party of no government.
I guess lefties can make up their own cliches about republicans in order to try to make a lame point about hypocrisy even if it's ludicrous. The GOP might be the party of smaller government but it's not the party of no government.
ie "It's different when we do it!"

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