CDZ The Party of Trump will be Gone some Day, what then?

I was referring to Vice President Henry Wallace, not George C., who ran in 1948.

And John B. Anderson who ran in 1980 was clearly a Republican,serving 20 years as Rep. congressman.

Henry Wallace ran against Truman for VP in 1944 and lost. Then in 1948, Wallace was involved in the first of the nasty Communist Debacles. No, he wasn't a communist and neither were MOST of those that were accused of it but the accusation alone was enough to kill his presidential run.

Enough of this, "Hey, look over there". With Trump leaving office (no reason nor time given) that ends the Party of Trump, that leaves only the Democrat Party as the dominant party. Is that what you want to see? Or do you want to see the GOP cleaned up and presented in such a way that it can present itself to the Voter once again. Again, read the 1956 Republican Plank to see when the Republicans were loved by ALL America with the possible exception of the Dixiecrats and the KKK

If the Republican Party were to stand up with Hillary Clinton and agree that Trump's supporters are Deplorables and pledge to embrace the crazy collectivist dreams like the New Green Deal, they might as well just close up shop. You saw the way the GOP got schlonged in 2012 and 2008, that kind of platform is a losing one, a sure trip to palookaville. I can't see such an idea gaining much support or traction. The key in the post Trump area is to BUILD ON the base that Trump has given the GOP. Not to get rid of anyone,but instead to bring in Employed African Americans, Mexicans, Orientals and even non-radical Homosexuals onboard. Guys like Paul Ryan are rather pathetic losers. He already had his chances. Two big ones. Failure as VP candidate in 2012, and a complete and abject failure as Speaker of the House. Further, he has no appeal to the liberals even. I remember the 2012 campaign, Rep. Ryan was considered to be Literally Hitler he really didn't have anything to say about it. Yes, bringing in his small number of supporters can't hurt, but almost everyone realizes he doesn't have any clout.

All you want to do is perpetuate the hate. They are NOT going to build on the Party of Trump. There is only one Trump and when he leaves, the party goes with him. Get over that. And you aren't going to find anyone like him in the next 100 years. Some time in the future, the Party of Trump is gone. Get over that. The question is, what is the GOP going to do to build itself back up. Right now, the GOP doesn't exist. If it doesn't build itself back up in a way that the general population can accept, get ready for a whole long succession of Democratic Presidents. Can you put your hate and venom aside long enough to discuss that? it's not about the Democrats. It's about the Republicans. An the Party of Trump and Trump are not Republicans. Once you realize that then you are going to need to help rebuild the GOP. Otherwise, you end up with your own worst nightmares whether they are real or imagined.
And the remnants of the tea party, too.

Here is a funny one. I am one of the original Tea Party members. But it got hijacked by the same bunch that hijacked the Republican Party. This is why we need to turn the clock back on the Republican Party back to the day when it really WAS for America, all America. Otherwise, get used to the Democrats running every piece of crap they can come up with and getting them elected for President. Haven't we had enough of that already?
Those remnants are up Trumps ass.
Henry Wallace ran against Truman for VP in 1944 and lost. Then in 1948, Wallace was involved in the first of the nasty Communist Debacles. No, he wasn't a communist and neither were MOST of those that were accused of it but the accusation alone was enough to kill his presidential run.

Enough of this, "Hey, look over there". With Trump leaving office (no reason nor time given) that ends the Party of Trump, that leaves only the Democrat Party as the dominant party. Is that what you want to see? Or do you want to see the GOP cleaned up and presented in such a way that it can present itself to the Voter once again. Again, read the 1956 Republican Plank to see when the Republicans were loved by ALL America with the possible exception of the Dixiecrats and the KKK

If the Republican Party were to stand up with Hillary Clinton and agree that Trump's supporters are Deplorables and pledge to embrace the crazy collectivist dreams like the New Green Deal, they might as well just close up shop. You saw the way the GOP got schlonged in 2012 and 2008, that kind of platform is a losing one, a sure trip to palookaville. I can't see such an idea gaining much support or traction. The key in the post Trump area is to BUILD ON the base that Trump has given the GOP. Not to get rid of anyone,but instead to bring in Employed African Americans, Mexicans, Orientals and even non-radical Homosexuals onboard. Guys like Paul Ryan are rather pathetic losers. He already had his chances. Two big ones. Failure as VP candidate in 2012, and a complete and abject failure as Speaker of the House. Further, he has no appeal to the liberals even. I remember the 2012 campaign, Rep. Ryan was considered to be Literally Hitler he really didn't have anything to say about it. Yes, bringing in his small number of supporters can't hurt, but almost everyone realizes he doesn't have any clout.

All you want to do is perpetuate the hate. They are NOT going to build on the Party of Trump. There is only one Trump and when he leaves, the party goes with him. Get over that. And you aren't going to find anyone like him in the next 100 years. Some time in the future, the Party of Trump is gone. Get over that. The question is, what is the GOP going to do to build itself back up. Right now, the GOP doesn't exist. If it doesn't build itself back up in a way that the general population can accept, get ready for a whole long succession of Democratic Presidents. Can you put your hate and venom aside long enough to discuss that? it's not about the Democrats. It's about the Republicans. An the Party of Trump and Trump are not Republicans. Once you realize that then you are going to need to help rebuild the GOP. Otherwise, you end up with your own worst nightmares whether they are real or imagined.
And the remnants of the tea party, too.

Here is a funny one. I am one of the original Tea Party members. But it got hijacked by the same bunch that hijacked the Republican Party. This is why we need to turn the clock back on the Republican Party back to the day when it really WAS for America, all America. Otherwise, get used to the Democrats running every piece of crap they can come up with and getting them elected for President. Haven't we had enough of that already?
Those remnants are up Trumps ass.

Play nice. If you have noticed, I have been playing extremely nice. And we both know just how taxing that is for me. Just remember, I have a very low opinion of the Democratic Party as well so don't look for me to jump on your band wagon.

I am looking for solutions, not rehash all the BS.
I was referring to Vice President Henry Wallace, not George C., who ran in 1948.

And John B. Anderson who ran in 1980 was clearly a Republican,serving 20 years as Rep. congressman.

Henry Wallace ran against Truman for VP in 1944 and lost. Then in 1948, Wallace was involved in the first of the nasty Communist Debacles. No, he wasn't a communist and neither were MOST of those that were accused of it but the accusation alone was enough to kill his presidential run.

Enough of this, "Hey, look over there". With Trump leaving office (no reason nor time given) that ends the Party of Trump, that leaves only the Democrat Party as the dominant party. Is that what you want to see? Or do you want to see the GOP cleaned up and presented in such a way that it can present itself to the Voter once again. Again, read the 1956 Republican Plank to see when the Republicans were loved by ALL America with the possible exception of the Dixiecrats and the KKK

If the Republican Party were to stand up with Hillary Clinton and agree that Trump's supporters are Deplorables and pledge to embrace the crazy collectivist dreams like the New Green Deal, they might as well just close up shop. You saw the way the GOP got schlonged in 2012 and 2008, that kind of platform is a losing one, a sure trip to palookaville. I can't see such an idea gaining much support or traction. The key in the post Trump area is to BUILD ON the base that Trump has given the GOP. Not to get rid of anyone,but instead to bring in Employed African Americans, Mexicans, Orientals and even non-radical Homosexuals onboard. Guys like Paul Ryan are rather pathetic losers. He already had his chances. Two big ones. Failure as VP candidate in 2012, and a complete and abject failure as Speaker of the House. Further, he has no appeal to the liberals even. I remember the 2012 campaign, Rep. Ryan was considered to be Literally Hitler he really didn't have anything to say about it. Yes, bringing in his small number of supporters can't hurt, but almost everyone realizes he doesn't have any clout.

All you want to do is perpetuate the hate. They are NOT going to build on the Party of Trump. There is only one Trump and when he leaves, the party goes with him. Get over that. And you aren't going to find anyone like him in the next 100 years. Some time in the future, the Party of Trump is gone. Get over that. The question is, what is the GOP going to do to build itself back up. Right now, the GOP doesn't exist. If it doesn't build itself back up in a way that the general population can accept, get ready for a whole long succession of Democratic Presidents. Can you put your hate and venom aside long enough to discuss that? it's not about the Democrats. It's about the Republicans. An the Party of Trump and Trump are not Republicans. Once you realize that then you are going to need to help rebuild the GOP. Otherwise, you end up with your own worst nightmares whether they are real or imagined.
And the remnants of the tea party, too.

Here is a funny one. I am one of the original Tea Party members. But it got hijacked by the same bunch that hijacked the Republican Party. This is why we need to turn the clock back on the Republican Party back to the day when it really WAS for America, all America. Otherwise, get used to the Democrats running every piece of crap they can come up with and getting them elected for President. Haven't we had enough of that already?

Well, we'll see what happens. 2024 isn't that far down the line. We'll see how Paul Ryan or Romney or Kasich or Bush get their shit together and actually earn the confidence and votes of the American people and show they willing to fight and vanquish the Democrats. They failed in the past, but that doesn't mean they won't succeed in the future. Maybe their 16 years in the wilderness will teach them how to actually accomplish things and win.

Like I said, we shall see
If the Republican Party were to stand up with Hillary Clinton and agree that Trump's supporters are Deplorables and pledge to embrace the crazy collectivist dreams like the New Green Deal, they might as well just close up shop. You saw the way the GOP got schlonged in 2012 and 2008, that kind of platform is a losing one, a sure trip to palookaville. I can't see such an idea gaining much support or traction. The key in the post Trump area is to BUILD ON the base that Trump has given the GOP. Not to get rid of anyone,but instead to bring in Employed African Americans, Mexicans, Orientals and even non-radical Homosexuals onboard. Guys like Paul Ryan are rather pathetic losers. He already had his chances. Two big ones. Failure as VP candidate in 2012, and a complete and abject failure as Speaker of the House. Further, he has no appeal to the liberals even. I remember the 2012 campaign, Rep. Ryan was considered to be Literally Hitler he really didn't have anything to say about it. Yes, bringing in his small number of supporters can't hurt, but almost everyone realizes he doesn't have any clout.

All you want to do is perpetuate the hate. They are NOT going to build on the Party of Trump. There is only one Trump and when he leaves, the party goes with him. Get over that. And you aren't going to find anyone like him in the next 100 years. Some time in the future, the Party of Trump is gone. Get over that. The question is, what is the GOP going to do to build itself back up. Right now, the GOP doesn't exist. If it doesn't build itself back up in a way that the general population can accept, get ready for a whole long succession of Democratic Presidents. Can you put your hate and venom aside long enough to discuss that? it's not about the Democrats. It's about the Republicans. An the Party of Trump and Trump are not Republicans. Once you realize that then you are going to need to help rebuild the GOP. Otherwise, you end up with your own worst nightmares whether they are real or imagined.
And the remnants of the tea party, too.

Here is a funny one. I am one of the original Tea Party members. But it got hijacked by the same bunch that hijacked the Republican Party. This is why we need to turn the clock back on the Republican Party back to the day when it really WAS for America, all America. Otherwise, get used to the Democrats running every piece of crap they can come up with and getting them elected for President. Haven't we had enough of that already?
Those remnants are up Trumps ass.

Play nice. If you have noticed, I have been playing extremely nice. And we both know just how taxing that is for me. Just remember, I have a very low opinion of the Democratic Party as well so don't look for me to jump on your band wagon.

I am looking for solutions, not rehash all the BS.
I am a Democrat now so I can vote in the CA primary. I do not like a bunch of non-governing grifters and rampant corruption. The biggest solution is to get the money out.
I know where you are coming from and I appreciate it.
The Party of Trump will be Gone some Day, what then?

It may happen in 2020, or Jan of 2021 or even Jan 2025 but it's going to happen. What then? Let's face it, you can't call the Party of Trump the Republican Party. The Republican Party is pretty much silent these days. When Trump leaves, it's going to leave a huge vacuum. Let's face it, a person like Trump only comes along once in a hundred years or so. Don't look for a replacement from the Party of Trump. There isn't one. It's one man. And when his time runs out, the Party is gone. The same thing happened to the Patriot Party with Perot.

So we need to rebuild the Republican Party. Where do we start? Obviously, there are going to be a lot of casualties in the process of those Rs that became staunch members of the Party of Trump and dare to call themselves Republicans. Some will weather it and others won't. I predict that the GOP would be forced to bring up an old hand for 2020 if Trump is out of the Picture and even in 2024 and that would be Paul Ryan. But that would not be a winner either. While I think it would be a good choice, the Trumpers will be seething and light the place on fire rather than vote for Paul Ryan. So even if Trump does go to 2024, the Republican Party is dead.

That means, it must be rebuilt for the 2028 year. And even then, there may still be enough of the hate and venom left that even 2028 may be a bad year for the Republicans. And I don't mean the Party of Trump which dies Politically when Trump leaves office. Like I said before, the party of Trump is one man and only one man and another one like him is not going to be seen for another hundred years in America.

What we need to do is start to rebuild now as a 3rd Party as the Republican Party. Call it "The New Republican Party" adopting the old GOP planks and ideologies. One of the other posters posted what the GOP once stood for and I hope he reposts it again here.

This isn't about the Democrat Party. It's about rebuilding the Republican Party back to the days it once was the Grand Old Party. Let the Democrat Party do whatever the hell it wants to do. But we need to rebuild back to the days of Ike.

Let's hear some constructive inputs on this one. Sorry, it's not about the party of Trump or the Democrat Party. It's about the rebuilding of the GOP to the time it earned the name of GOP.

Trump shook up things, but the GOP machine and other members and voters are still there.

The ideas of populism and economic nationalism, will hopefully still find a champion, if the GOP has two brains cells to rub together, but regardless, they will be fielding a lot of candidates and filling a lot of seats in Congress and State governments, even if they don't win the White House.

YOur op really does not make the case for your premise.
“The Party of Trump will be Gone some Day, what then?”

Trump will be gone someday – we all hope that day is January 20, 2021; the party he misappropriated will still be here, just as reactionary, just as authoritarian, and just as wrong.
“The Party of Trump will be Gone some Day, what then?”

Trump will be gone someday – we all hope that day is January 20, 2021; the party he misappropriated will still be here, just as reactionary, just as authoritarian, and just as wrong.

Although without a doubt, your wrong about your assessment of Donald J. Trump, you are right that the GOP will still be around being led by the Bush Family and the Romney's and McCain. And they will be just as condemned by libs as "authoritarian and wrong", although libs usually use the euphemism "racist/sexist/homophobe" or "literally Hitler" instead of "authoritarian and wrong"
Henry Wallace ran against Truman for VP in 1944 and lost. Then in 1948, Wallace was involved in the first of the nasty Communist Debacles. No, he wasn't a communist and neither were MOST of those that were accused of it but the accusation alone was enough to kill his presidential run.

Enough of this, "Hey, look over there". With Trump leaving office (no reason nor time given) that ends the Party of Trump, that leaves only the Democrat Party as the dominant party. Is that what you want to see? Or do you want to see the GOP cleaned up and presented in such a way that it can present itself to the Voter once again. Again, read the 1956 Republican Plank to see when the Republicans were loved by ALL America with the possible exception of the Dixiecrats and the KKK

If the Republican Party were to stand up with Hillary Clinton and agree that Trump's supporters are Deplorables and pledge to embrace the crazy collectivist dreams like the New Green Deal, they might as well just close up shop. You saw the way the GOP got schlonged in 2012 and 2008, that kind of platform is a losing one, a sure trip to palookaville. I can't see such an idea gaining much support or traction. The key in the post Trump area is to BUILD ON the base that Trump has given the GOP. Not to get rid of anyone,but instead to bring in Employed African Americans, Mexicans, Orientals and even non-radical Homosexuals onboard. Guys like Paul Ryan are rather pathetic losers. He already had his chances. Two big ones. Failure as VP candidate in 2012, and a complete and abject failure as Speaker of the House. Further, he has no appeal to the liberals even. I remember the 2012 campaign, Rep. Ryan was considered to be Literally Hitler he really didn't have anything to say about it. Yes, bringing in his small number of supporters can't hurt, but almost everyone realizes he doesn't have any clout.

All you want to do is perpetuate the hate. They are NOT going to build on the Party of Trump. There is only one Trump and when he leaves, the party goes with him. Get over that. And you aren't going to find anyone like him in the next 100 years. Some time in the future, the Party of Trump is gone. Get over that. The question is, what is the GOP going to do to build itself back up. Right now, the GOP doesn't exist. If it doesn't build itself back up in a way that the general population can accept, get ready for a whole long succession of Democratic Presidents. Can you put your hate and venom aside long enough to discuss that? it's not about the Democrats. It's about the Republicans. An the Party of Trump and Trump are not Republicans. Once you realize that then you are going to need to help rebuild the GOP. Otherwise, you end up with your own worst nightmares whether they are real or imagined.
And the remnants of the tea party, too.

Here is a funny one. I am one of the original Tea Party members. But it got hijacked by the same bunch that hijacked the Republican Party. This is why we need to turn the clock back on the Republican Party back to the day when it really WAS for America, all America. Otherwise, get used to the Democrats running every piece of crap they can come up with and getting them elected for President. Haven't we had enough of that already?

Well, we'll see what happens. 2024 isn't that far down the line. We'll see how Paul Ryan or Romney or Kasich or Bush get their shit together and actually earn the confidence and votes of the American people and show they willing to fight and vanquish the Democrats. They failed in the past, but that doesn't mean they won't succeed in the future. Maybe their 16 years in the wilderness will teach them how to actually accomplish things and win.

Like I said, we shall see

If they are going to try the same tactics as the Party of Trump then they are going to fail. At what point does the general public finally say enough. Will it be this year or will it be in 2024. But it's happening right now. And we aren't to crazy about the Dem picks either.

Both sides are broken. Either it gets fixed or one side or the other just goes away. As it stands now, without Trump, there IS no party of the trump. So either you work with the so called Rinos and rebuild the party to cater to the general public or it just dies on the vine and nothing will threaten the Dems so they won't feel the need to fix their broken party.
“The Party of Trump will be Gone some Day, what then?”

Trump will be gone someday – we all hope that day is January 20, 2021; the party he misappropriated will still be here, just as reactionary, just as authoritarian, and just as wrong.

Although without a doubt, your wrong about your assessment of Donald J. Trump, you are right that the GOP will still be around being led by the Bush Family and the Romney's and McCain. And they will be just as condemned by libs as "authoritarian and wrong", although libs usually use the euphemism "racist/sexist/homophobe" or "literally Hitler" instead of "authoritarian and wrong"

Step one. Stop blaming everything on the Dems. That only works for Trump. Do that and you just made a hell of a gift to the Dems. Lose the hate and venom. Okay, you don't have to stop feeling it, but don't voice it. Use your inside voice for a change. It needs to start right now.
If the Republican Party were to stand up with Hillary Clinton and agree that Trump's supporters are Deplorables and pledge to embrace the crazy collectivist dreams like the New Green Deal, they might as well just close up shop. You saw the way the GOP got schlonged in 2012 and 2008, that kind of platform is a losing one, a sure trip to palookaville. I can't see such an idea gaining much support or traction. The key in the post Trump area is to BUILD ON the base that Trump has given the GOP. Not to get rid of anyone,but instead to bring in Employed African Americans, Mexicans, Orientals and even non-radical Homosexuals onboard. Guys like Paul Ryan are rather pathetic losers. He already had his chances. Two big ones. Failure as VP candidate in 2012, and a complete and abject failure as Speaker of the House. Further, he has no appeal to the liberals even. I remember the 2012 campaign, Rep. Ryan was considered to be Literally Hitler he really didn't have anything to say about it. Yes, bringing in his small number of supporters can't hurt, but almost everyone realizes he doesn't have any clout.

All you want to do is perpetuate the hate. They are NOT going to build on the Party of Trump. There is only one Trump and when he leaves, the party goes with him. Get over that. And you aren't going to find anyone like him in the next 100 years. Some time in the future, the Party of Trump is gone. Get over that. The question is, what is the GOP going to do to build itself back up. Right now, the GOP doesn't exist. If it doesn't build itself back up in a way that the general population can accept, get ready for a whole long succession of Democratic Presidents. Can you put your hate and venom aside long enough to discuss that? it's not about the Democrats. It's about the Republicans. An the Party of Trump and Trump are not Republicans. Once you realize that then you are going to need to help rebuild the GOP. Otherwise, you end up with your own worst nightmares whether they are real or imagined.
And the remnants of the tea party, too.

Here is a funny one. I am one of the original Tea Party members. But it got hijacked by the same bunch that hijacked the Republican Party. This is why we need to turn the clock back on the Republican Party back to the day when it really WAS for America, all America. Otherwise, get used to the Democrats running every piece of crap they can come up with and getting them elected for President. Haven't we had enough of that already?

Well, we'll see what happens. 2024 isn't that far down the line. We'll see how Paul Ryan or Romney or Kasich or Bush get their shit together and actually earn the confidence and votes of the American people and show they willing to fight and vanquish the Democrats. They failed in the past, but that doesn't mean they won't succeed in the future. Maybe their 16 years in the wilderness will teach them how to actually accomplish things and win.

Like I said, we shall see

If they are going to try the same tactics as the Party of Trump then they are going to fail. At what point does the general public finally say enough. Will it be this year or will it be in 2024. But it's happening right now. And we aren't to crazy about the Dem picks either.

Both sides are broken. Either it gets fixed or one side or the other just goes away. As it stands now, without Trump, there IS no party of the trump. So either you work with the so called Rinos and rebuild the party to cater to the general public or it just dies on the vine and nothing will threaten the Dems so they won't feel the need to fix their broken party.

Then it looks like we'll probably have the Democrats. The RINO's have had chances before and failed, its sort of doubtful that they'll be able to turn it around. But you never know.
All you want to do is perpetuate the hate. They are NOT going to build on the Party of Trump. There is only one Trump and when he leaves, the party goes with him. Get over that. And you aren't going to find anyone like him in the next 100 years. Some time in the future, the Party of Trump is gone. Get over that. The question is, what is the GOP going to do to build itself back up. Right now, the GOP doesn't exist. If it doesn't build itself back up in a way that the general population can accept, get ready for a whole long succession of Democratic Presidents. Can you put your hate and venom aside long enough to discuss that? it's not about the Democrats. It's about the Republicans. An the Party of Trump and Trump are not Republicans. Once you realize that then you are going to need to help rebuild the GOP. Otherwise, you end up with your own worst nightmares whether they are real or imagined.
And the remnants of the tea party, too.

Here is a funny one. I am one of the original Tea Party members. But it got hijacked by the same bunch that hijacked the Republican Party. This is why we need to turn the clock back on the Republican Party back to the day when it really WAS for America, all America. Otherwise, get used to the Democrats running every piece of crap they can come up with and getting them elected for President. Haven't we had enough of that already?

Well, we'll see what happens. 2024 isn't that far down the line. We'll see how Paul Ryan or Romney or Kasich or Bush get their shit together and actually earn the confidence and votes of the American people and show they willing to fight and vanquish the Democrats. They failed in the past, but that doesn't mean they won't succeed in the future. Maybe their 16 years in the wilderness will teach them how to actually accomplish things and win.

Like I said, we shall see

If they are going to try the same tactics as the Party of Trump then they are going to fail. At what point does the general public finally say enough. Will it be this year or will it be in 2024. But it's happening right now. And we aren't to crazy about the Dem picks either.

Both sides are broken. Either it gets fixed or one side or the other just goes away. As it stands now, without Trump, there IS no party of the trump. So either you work with the so called Rinos and rebuild the party to cater to the general public or it just dies on the vine and nothing will threaten the Dems so they won't feel the need to fix their broken party.

Then it looks like we'll probably have the Democrats. The RINO's have had chances before and failed, its sort of doubtful that they'll be able to turn it around. But you never know.

Those same type of Rinos ruled for about a hundred years during times when the Nation was quite healthy. it's not them that needs to change, it's you that needs to change.
And the remnants of the tea party, too.

Here is a funny one. I am one of the original Tea Party members. But it got hijacked by the same bunch that hijacked the Republican Party. This is why we need to turn the clock back on the Republican Party back to the day when it really WAS for America, all America. Otherwise, get used to the Democrats running every piece of crap they can come up with and getting them elected for President. Haven't we had enough of that already?

Well, we'll see what happens. 2024 isn't that far down the line. We'll see how Paul Ryan or Romney or Kasich or Bush get their shit together and actually earn the confidence and votes of the American people and show they willing to fight and vanquish the Democrats. They failed in the past, but that doesn't mean they won't succeed in the future. Maybe their 16 years in the wilderness will teach them how to actually accomplish things and win.

Like I said, we shall see

If they are going to try the same tactics as the Party of Trump then they are going to fail. At what point does the general public finally say enough. Will it be this year or will it be in 2024. But it's happening right now. And we aren't to crazy about the Dem picks either.

Both sides are broken. Either it gets fixed or one side or the other just goes away. As it stands now, without Trump, there IS no party of the trump. So either you work with the so called Rinos and rebuild the party to cater to the general public or it just dies on the vine and nothing will threaten the Dems so they won't feel the need to fix their broken party.

Then it looks like we'll probably have the Democrats. The RINO's have had chances before and failed, its sort of doubtful that they'll be able to turn it around. But you never know.

Those same type of Rinos ruled for about a hundred years during times when the Nation was quite healthy. it's not them that needs to change, it's you that needs to change.

I'll certainly consider voting for them in 2024 and beyond. But after what they did in 2008 and 2012, you can understand why I'm not real confident that they will be successful.
Republicans will disavow him
Conservatives will claim he was never one of them
Both will blame the media
Here is a funny one. I am one of the original Tea Party members. But it got hijacked by the same bunch that hijacked the Republican Party. This is why we need to turn the clock back on the Republican Party back to the day when it really WAS for America, all America. Otherwise, get used to the Democrats running every piece of crap they can come up with and getting them elected for President. Haven't we had enough of that already?

Well, we'll see what happens. 2024 isn't that far down the line. We'll see how Paul Ryan or Romney or Kasich or Bush get their shit together and actually earn the confidence and votes of the American people and show they willing to fight and vanquish the Democrats. They failed in the past, but that doesn't mean they won't succeed in the future. Maybe their 16 years in the wilderness will teach them how to actually accomplish things and win.

Like I said, we shall see

If they are going to try the same tactics as the Party of Trump then they are going to fail. At what point does the general public finally say enough. Will it be this year or will it be in 2024. But it's happening right now. And we aren't to crazy about the Dem picks either.

Both sides are broken. Either it gets fixed or one side or the other just goes away. As it stands now, without Trump, there IS no party of the trump. So either you work with the so called Rinos and rebuild the party to cater to the general public or it just dies on the vine and nothing will threaten the Dems so they won't feel the need to fix their broken party.

Then it looks like we'll probably have the Democrats. The RINO's have had chances before and failed, its sort of doubtful that they'll be able to turn it around. But you never know.

Those same type of Rinos ruled for about a hundred years during times when the Nation was quite healthy. it's not them that needs to change, it's you that needs to change.

I'll certainly consider voting for them in 2024 and beyond. But after what they did in 2008 and 2012, you can understand why I'm not real confident that they will be successful.

What you are banking on, after all the insults and heartache you and your bunch has heaped on the Republicans that they will continue to vote like they did in 2016. They didn't in 2018. What you are banking on is that they would rather have anyone other than a Democrat no matter who that is as long as they have an R next to their name. Beware, there are more Moderate Republicans than radical republicans. You may get that choice in 2020. What then, you going to burn the bridge?
Well, we'll see what happens. 2024 isn't that far down the line. We'll see how Paul Ryan or Romney or Kasich or Bush get their shit together and actually earn the confidence and votes of the American people and show they willing to fight and vanquish the Democrats. They failed in the past, but that doesn't mean they won't succeed in the future. Maybe their 16 years in the wilderness will teach them how to actually accomplish things and win.

Like I said, we shall see

If they are going to try the same tactics as the Party of Trump then they are going to fail. At what point does the general public finally say enough. Will it be this year or will it be in 2024. But it's happening right now. And we aren't to crazy about the Dem picks either.

Both sides are broken. Either it gets fixed or one side or the other just goes away. As it stands now, without Trump, there IS no party of the trump. So either you work with the so called Rinos and rebuild the party to cater to the general public or it just dies on the vine and nothing will threaten the Dems so they won't feel the need to fix their broken party.

Then it looks like we'll probably have the Democrats. The RINO's have had chances before and failed, its sort of doubtful that they'll be able to turn it around. But you never know.

Those same type of Rinos ruled for about a hundred years during times when the Nation was quite healthy. it's not them that needs to change, it's you that needs to change.

I'll certainly consider voting for them in 2024 and beyond. But after what they did in 2008 and 2012, you can understand why I'm not real confident that they will be successful.

What you are banking on, after all the insults and heartache you and your bunch has heaped on the Republicans that they will continue to vote like they did in 2016. They didn't in 2018. What you are banking on is that they would rather have anyone other than a Democrat no matter who that is as long as they have an R next to their name. Beware, there are more Moderate Republicans than radical republicans. You may get that choice in 2020. What then, you going to burn the bridge?

In 2020, none of the Moderate Republicans is making a serious challenge. Of course in 2020, President Trump's record of economic growth and jobs, and appointing good judges, and whacking terrorists, I don't Moderate Republican wants to run to reverse that.
If they are going to try the same tactics as the Party of Trump then they are going to fail. At what point does the general public finally say enough. Will it be this year or will it be in 2024. But it's happening right now. And we aren't to crazy about the Dem picks either.

Both sides are broken. Either it gets fixed or one side or the other just goes away. As it stands now, without Trump, there IS no party of the trump. So either you work with the so called Rinos and rebuild the party to cater to the general public or it just dies on the vine and nothing will threaten the Dems so they won't feel the need to fix their broken party.

Then it looks like we'll probably have the Democrats. The RINO's have had chances before and failed, its sort of doubtful that they'll be able to turn it around. But you never know.

Those same type of Rinos ruled for about a hundred years during times when the Nation was quite healthy. it's not them that needs to change, it's you that needs to change.

I'll certainly consider voting for them in 2024 and beyond. But after what they did in 2008 and 2012, you can understand why I'm not real confident that they will be successful.

What you are banking on, after all the insults and heartache you and your bunch has heaped on the Republicans that they will continue to vote like they did in 2016. They didn't in 2018. What you are banking on is that they would rather have anyone other than a Democrat no matter who that is as long as they have an R next to their name. Beware, there are more Moderate Republicans than radical republicans. You may get that choice in 2020. What then, you going to burn the bridge?

In 2020, none of the Moderate Republicans is making a serious challenge. Of course in 2020, President Trump's record of economic growth and jobs, and appointing good judges, and whacking terrorists, I don't Moderate Republican wants to run to reverse that.

The same could be said in 2018. The Reps lost the House. And in 2020, as slim a margin as the Reps have in the Senate, I know of 4 Reps in serious trouble. I think the Reps will retain the Senate but by a very, very close margin. And it just might go to 50-50. Then it's danged important which side the VP is on. The House will stay Blue although it's going to slip a little as well. Things aren't going to go quite like your fantasy says it will. And remember, the moderate Republicans in the general population may vote either way just like the moderate Dems do as well. But from the look of things, don't bet your last meal on the Dem Moderates to vote for Trump. So you need to take better care of the people you call Rinos. There are some powerful ones standing up right now saying they will vote and support any Democrat over Trump. They've been poked and insulted almost to death. You may want to lose the term Rino.
All you want to do is perpetuate the hate. They are NOT going to build on the Party of Trump. There is only one Trump and when he leaves, the party goes with him. Get over that. And you aren't going to find anyone like him in the next 100 years. Some time in the future, the Party of Trump is gone. Get over that. The question is, what is the GOP going to do to build itself back up. Right now, the GOP doesn't exist. If it doesn't build itself back up in a way that the general population can accept, get ready for a whole long succession of Democratic Presidents. Can you put your hate and venom aside long enough to discuss that? it's not about the Democrats. It's about the Republicans. An the Party of Trump and Trump are not Republicans. Once you realize that then you are going to need to help rebuild the GOP. Otherwise, you end up with your own worst nightmares whether they are real or imagined.
And the remnants of the tea party, too.

Here is a funny one. I am one of the original Tea Party members. But it got hijacked by the same bunch that hijacked the Republican Party. This is why we need to turn the clock back on the Republican Party back to the day when it really WAS for America, all America. Otherwise, get used to the Democrats running every piece of crap they can come up with and getting them elected for President. Haven't we had enough of that already?
Those remnants are up Trumps ass.

Play nice. If you have noticed, I have been playing extremely nice. And we both know just how taxing that is for me. Just remember, I have a very low opinion of the Democratic Party as well so don't look for me to jump on your band wagon.

I am looking for solutions, not rehash all the BS.
I am a Democrat now so I can vote in the CA primary. I do not like a bunch of non-governing grifters and rampant corruption. The biggest solution is to get the money out.
I know where you are coming from and I appreciate it.
Did you know the Democrat Party has a history that dates back to the Democrats firing on Fort Sumpter so they could keep their slaves without the new party of Republicans formed from protest groups to give black people freedom nationally and to outlaw slavery altogether? After they lost the war, they had to start payrolls for their slaves who didn't walk away with 40 acres and a mule. The slaves then still had the hard work, but they had no education to fight for a better job, and it stayed that way for one hundred years. One hundred years later, I was graduating from high school in the south, and I saw black people being treated real bad. I was white, surrounded by boys in my high school who went out to "teach them a lesson" because one black man admired a white woman out loud on a public street somewhere in my state. The next morning, a few people were severely hurt by the beatings they took, all of them black. The guys didn't show up for school that day.
At church that weekend, I heard a couple of men as I was going down a staircase from my Sunday School room, and I'll never forget what those two Democrats said about black people, and it wasn't something I can repeat in polite company.

You couldn't twist my arm to become a lying Democrat.
Well, it appears that one question has been answered. What will the remnants of the Party of Trump do when Trump leaves office? Will they work to rebuild the tattered and wounded Republican Party? No. It's pretty obvious. They are going to try and burn things to the ground. So be it.

So we don't pay any attention to them. We work to get the Republican Party back to the days it was a Grand Old Party without the aid of the John Birch Society that has hijacked it as of late. BTW, I saw the same bunch hijack the Tea Party as well and you see where the Tea Party is today.
Well, it appears that one question has been answered. What will the remnants of the Party of Trump do when Trump leaves office? Will they work to rebuild the tattered and wounded Republican Party? No. It's pretty obvious. They are going to try and burn things to the ground. So be it.

So we don't pay any attention to them. We work to get the Republican Party back to the days it was a Grand Old Party without the aid of the John Birch Society that has hijacked it as of late. BTW, I saw the same bunch hijack the Tea Party as well and you see where the Tea Party is today.

Trump has not hurt the GOP.

The GOP has hurt itself, with it's attempt to deny the will of it's voters, in the primaries.

I won't be forgetting the way they acted.

YOur pretense that Trump is this or that, is just hysteria.

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