CDZ The Party of Trump will be Gone some Day, what then?

Can you tell us what the Democrat party has to offer America.....perhaps a comparison between the 2 and what one thinks will happen within the next 20 years or so, would be a benefit to all.

I don't think that either the party of Trump nor the Democratic Party should even enter into the discussion. It will just start or keep the eternal fight going. Let's face it, both existing parties really don't represent the majority anymore like the old GOP did in it's day. Ike represented America in a way that no President has even done since. And he laid the foundation even for the next two Democrat Presidents. And he even had a huge effect in some of what Reagan accomplished. Looking at the GOP during that time is the Gold Standard.

I think you have missed or maybe ignored the shifts that have taken place in both major party bases.

No I have not. I see only two parties right now. One is the Party of Trump (not the Republican Party) and the other is a Leftist Party (Not the Democratic Party). Both are in serious trouble for different reasons. I would welcome the old Republican and Democratic Party from the Eisenhower and Truman days.

You long for Rinos.

We (the base) are glad to see them go.

They are still there. Some are quiet. Some are pretending to be members of the party of trump. Others have severed party affiliation and others have grudgingly crossed over. We still outnumber you by a large margin. And by no later than 2025, you don't have a party at all. It's gone. Then what? Do you go away? Do you become a RINO yourself or do you burn it all to the ground? I think I covered that already.
The flaw in the thread premise is that everything was ‘fine’ in the GOP before Trump.

It wasn’t.

That a degenerate charlatan such as Trump was able to so easily misappropriate the GOP is further proof of the comprehensive rot consuming the Republican Party.
I don't think that either the party of Trump nor the Democratic Party should even enter into the discussion. It will just start or keep the eternal fight going. Let's face it, both existing parties really don't represent the majority anymore like the old GOP did in it's day. Ike represented America in a way that no President has even done since. And he laid the foundation even for the next two Democrat Presidents. And he even had a huge effect in some of what Reagan accomplished. Looking at the GOP during that time is the Gold Standard.

I think you have missed or maybe ignored the shifts that have taken place in both major party bases.

No I have not. I see only two parties right now. One is the Party of Trump (not the Republican Party) and the other is a Leftist Party (Not the Democratic Party). Both are in serious trouble for different reasons. I would welcome the old Republican and Democratic Party from the Eisenhower and Truman days.

You long for Rinos.

We (the base) are glad to see them go.

They are still there. Some are quiet. Some are pretending to be members of the party of trump. Others have severed party affiliation and others have grudgingly crossed over. We still outnumber you by a large margin. And by no later than 2025, you don't have a party at all. It's gone. Then what? Do you go away? Do you become a RINO yourself or do you burn it all to the ground? I think I covered that already.
The flaw in the thread premise is that everything was ‘fine’ in the GOP before Trump.

It wasn’t.

That a degenerate charlatan such as Trump was able to so easily misappropriate the GOP is further proof of the comprehensive rot consuming the Republican Party.

This is why I took it back to the 1956 Republican Platform.
I disagree that aby of "Trumps" nominees are any more political than any other members already on the court. Especially Ginsburg.

That said.

The U.S. is NOT a democracy.

It is a Constitutional REPUBLIC.

That BURNS in your crawl.

Doesn't it.

Off Topic.

No it isn't.

You called it the "party of Trump."

I corrected your error.

There IS no Republican Party right now to speak of at a Federal Level. All the control is in the hands of one man. Therefore, it's the Party of Trump.

I am taking on the Republican Party first. It's broken bad. So is the Democrat Party. But we know that as early as 2024, the Democrat party (no matter how broken it is) is going to gain control because the Party of Trump ceases to exist. The Democratic Party will have no reason to be fixed. But if the Republicans want to get back into the game, the Republicans are going to have to go back to the days they were the old GOP when the phrase, "I am a Good Republican, in good standings" meant something. So we fix the Republican Party First and that means if the Democrats want to stay in the game, they have to fix themselves. Neither were broken over night and neither will be fixed over night. It took decades to get this broken. So rather than dwell on the broken party of Trump that goes away in no longer than 5 years or the broken Democratic Party that will stay broken, let's see about rebuilding the GOP.

It would be very entertaining (for about 5 minutes) to see what YOU think the GOP's party platform "should be" verses what it IS.

To give you an idea just how the Republican Party has changed since 1956, here is a summary of the 1956 Republican Platform. This is the short form. This was put together to slight the real Platform. I will give a link to the real 1956 Platform. It's a bit long and brilliant. If the GOP adopted it today and followed it there would be no way in hell that either the Democratic Party nor the Party of Trump could win another Presidency until they cleaned way up.


As promised, the real
Republican Party Platform of 1956
Almost sounds like Liz Warrens platform. The GOP of today is a mirror of that 56 platform.
The US political swamp needs to be replenished with more putrid, fetid, toxic, substances to lure prospective GOP lawmakers back and nurture them after they are elected by the lowest life forms in the USA.

Donald Trump's present cabinet has sucked all the most putrid material out of the swamp.
And he even had a huge effect in some of what Reagan accomplished. Looking at the GOP during that time is the Gold Standard.

Reagan and Trump are a good comparison ,for their 'feel good' tactics

That sound byte / bumper sticker mentality has always been a powerful elixir , properly applied.

Reagan, love or hate him, was a master at it, Trump merely his understudy

So to answer your OP Daryl , i would suspect the GOP to hang hat on some similar charismatic character


Off Topic.

No it isn't.

You called it the "party of Trump."

I corrected your error.

There IS no Republican Party right now to speak of at a Federal Level. All the control is in the hands of one man. Therefore, it's the Party of Trump.

I am taking on the Republican Party first. It's broken bad. So is the Democrat Party. But we know that as early as 2024, the Democrat party (no matter how broken it is) is going to gain control because the Party of Trump ceases to exist. The Democratic Party will have no reason to be fixed. But if the Republicans want to get back into the game, the Republicans are going to have to go back to the days they were the old GOP when the phrase, "I am a Good Republican, in good standings" meant something. So we fix the Republican Party First and that means if the Democrats want to stay in the game, they have to fix themselves. Neither were broken over night and neither will be fixed over night. It took decades to get this broken. So rather than dwell on the broken party of Trump that goes away in no longer than 5 years or the broken Democratic Party that will stay broken, let's see about rebuilding the GOP.

It would be very entertaining (for about 5 minutes) to see what YOU think the GOP's party platform "should be" verses what it IS.

To give you an idea just how the Republican Party has changed since 1956, here is a summary of the 1956 Republican Platform. This is the short form. This was put together to slight the real Platform. I will give a link to the real 1956 Platform. It's a bit long and brilliant. If the GOP adopted it today and followed it there would be no way in hell that either the Democratic Party nor the Party of Trump could win another Presidency until they cleaned way up.


As promised, the real
Republican Party Platform of 1956
Almost sounds like Liz Warrens platform. The GOP of today is a mirror of that 56 platform.

For one, there could be no Democratic Party or the party of Trump in existance in 1956. Both parties started going to hell in a hand basket starting sometime in the early 60s. Much of the good things that Kennedy and Johnson are attributed for were extentions of what Eisenhower started. But none of the bad things from them came out of the Eisenhower administration. Eisenhower would NEVER have sent troops other than advisors(yes he sent advisors to South Vietnam in 1956) but he would never have sent troops or fallen for the trap Johnson did. If his Platform had been followed there would have been no Vietnam War. There would have been no Kosovo war, there would have been no Desert Storm and countless other conflicts. Here is something that pretty well sums up what I am talking about. Yes,, I know, it's from a TV show but it hits things right on the head and the episode is about the Eisenhower days even though it doesn't say it.

The Party of Trump will be Gone some Day, what then?

It may happen in 2020, or Jan of 2021 or even Jan 2025 but it's going to happen. What then? Let's face it, you can't call the Party of Trump the Republican Party. The Republican Party is pretty much silent these days. When Trump leaves, it's going to leave a huge vacuum. Let's face it, a person like Trump only comes along once in a hundred years or so. Don't look for a replacement from the Party of Trump. There isn't one. It's one man. And when his time runs out, the Party is gone. The same thing happened to the Patriot Party with Perot.

So we need to rebuild the Republican Party. Where do we start? Obviously, there are going to be a lot of casualties in the process of those Rs that became staunch members of the Party of Trump and dare to call themselves Republicans. Some will weather it and others won't. I predict that the GOP would be forced to bring up an old hand for 2020 if Trump is out of the Picture and even in 2024 and that would be Paul Ryan. But that would not be a winner either. While I think it would be a good choice, the Trumpers will be seething and light the place on fire rather than vote for Paul Ryan. So even if Trump does go to 2024, the Republican Party is dead.

That means, it must be rebuilt for the 2028 year. And even then, there may still be enough of the hate and venom left that even 2028 may be a bad year for the Republicans. And I don't mean the Party of Trump which dies Politically when Trump leaves office. Like I said before, the party of Trump is one man and only one man and another one like him is not going to be seen for another hundred years in America.

What we need to do is start to rebuild now as a 3rd Party as the Republican Party. Call it "The New Republican Party" adopting the old GOP planks and ideologies. One of the other posters posted what the GOP once stood for and I hope he reposts it again here.

This isn't about the Democrat Party. It's about rebuilding the Republican Party back to the days it once was the Grand Old Party. Let the Democrat Party do whatever the hell it wants to do. But we need to rebuild back to the days of Ike.

Let's hear some constructive inputs on this one. Sorry, it's not about the party of Trump or the Democrat Party. It's about the rebuilding of the GOP to the time it earned the name of GOP.
“So we need to rebuild the Republican Party.”

That’s been the case since Reagan, since the Southern Strategy, since the embracing of the religious right, the rise of authoritarian social conservatism, and Fox ‘news.’

Indeed, the Party of Eisenhower and Goldwater has been gone for decades – ‘Trump’ is merely a symptom of the rightwing malignancy the GOP has become.
Religion was morals and ethics that most lived by and stood by before the early 1970's. Then God was killed off. The religious right became a group just like the rest of them. You guys love big and massive government. Well authoritarianism comes with it. The Progs who you state are for freedoms do not remove any criminal code infractions even as they tell their police to stand down. Obama wanted to nationalize the police. The riots a ruse to hide that fact. We are to be incorporated into the North American Union. Canada, Mexico and the United States. Nationalize police is needed for all three nations to form one loose economic entwined community and one of at least several political confederations around a globalist world.
The Party of Trump will be Gone some Day, what then?

It may happen in 2020, or Jan of 2021 or even Jan 2025 but it's going to happen. What then? Let's face it, you can't call the Party of Trump the Republican Party. The Republican Party is pretty much silent these days. When Trump leaves, it's going to leave a huge vacuum. Let's face it, a person like Trump only comes along once in a hundred years or so. Don't look for a replacement from the Party of Trump. There isn't one. It's one man. And when his time runs out, the Party is gone. The same thing happened to the Patriot Party with Perot.

So we need to rebuild the Republican Party. Where do we start? Obviously, there are going to be a lot of casualties in the process of those Rs that became staunch members of the Party of Trump and dare to call themselves Republicans. Some will weather it and others won't. I predict that the GOP would be forced to bring up an old hand for 2020 if Trump is out of the Picture and even in 2024 and that would be Paul Ryan. But that would not be a winner either. While I think it would be a good choice, the Trumpers will be seething and light the place on fire rather than vote for Paul Ryan. So even if Trump does go to 2024, the Republican Party is dead.

That means, it must be rebuilt for the 2028 year. And even then, there may still be enough of the hate and venom left that even 2028 may be a bad year for the Republicans. And I don't mean the Party of Trump which dies Politically when Trump leaves office. Like I said before, the party of Trump is one man and only one man and another one like him is not going to be seen for another hundred years in America.

What we need to do is start to rebuild now as a 3rd Party as the Republican Party. Call it "The New Republican Party" adopting the old GOP planks and ideologies. One of the other posters posted what the GOP once stood for and I hope he reposts it again here.

This isn't about the Democrat Party. It's about rebuilding the Republican Party back to the days it once was the Grand Old Party. Let the Democrat Party do whatever the hell it wants to do. But we need to rebuild back to the days of Ike.

Let's hear some constructive inputs on this one. Sorry, it's not about the party of Trump or the Democrat Party. It's about the rebuilding of the GOP to the time it earned the name of GOP.
“So we need to rebuild the Republican Party.”

That’s been the case since Reagan, since the Southern Strategy, since the embracing of the religious right, the rise of authoritarian social conservatism, and Fox ‘news.’

Indeed, the Party of Eisenhower and Goldwater has been gone for decades – ‘Trump’ is merely a symptom of the rightwing malignancy the GOP has become.
Religion was morals and ethics that most lived by and stood by before the early 1970's. Then God was killed off. The religious right became a group just like the rest of them. You guys love big and massive government. Well authoritarianism comes with it. The Progs who you state are for freedoms do not remove any criminal code infractions even as they tell their police to stand down. Obama wanted to nationalize the police. The riots a ruse to hide that fact. We are to be incorporated into the North American Union. Canada, Mexico and the United States. Nationalize police is needed for all three nations to form one loose economic entwined community and one of at least several political confederations around a globalist world.

You are just rehashing the bitterness and the fight. How about a solution. I gave one. Find faults in my solution. Republican Party Plank 1956
And he even had a huge effect in some of what Reagan accomplished. Looking at the GOP during that time is the Gold Standard.

Reagan and Trump are a good comparison ,for their 'feel good' tactics

That sound byte / bumper sticker mentality has always been a powerful elixir , properly applied.

Reagan, love or hate him, was a master at it, Trump merely his understudy

So to answer your OP Daryl , i would suspect the GOP to hang hat on some similar charismatic character



Trump is a one of a kind. He used every tactic that was abysmal to get the nomination. he destroyed the other candidates even though they were ALL much more qualified than he was (and still are). Reagan did the old Lincoln method of seemingly being everywhere at the same time. He worked his ass off to get that nomination. While I look back and see the damage he did, I will admit that I vote for him twice. The alternatives from the other side were nightmares. Just like Bush Jr, I vote twice for as well even though I knew he was more than a little dangerous but the alternatives were nightmares. Trump got the election even though he is Satan because the Republican Party was broken but the Democratic Party was even more broken and they ran the Devil. While the Republican Party didn't know how to handle that, being Satan, Trump knew how to handle the Devil and did a pretty good job of it. The Fire and Brimstone stunk up the whole election.

Look back at the elections as far as 1960 and you will see a very broken system. The last Presidential Election that it wasn't where one party or the other presented a stinker was the one in 1960. This was the last time we had two really qualified Candidates face off against each other. So I took it back to the very last really successful administration and that was the 8 years of Eisenhower. Before that, Truman did a pretty fair job as well. Both had to clean up the mess that WWII, FDR and the Depression left them.
We've had our share of ups/downs as a nation Daryl , along with those that stepped up to the potus plate as true leaders, and those that fell short of doing so

I would venture to say the real leaders got most of us on the same page, uniters not dividers.

Sorts of that caliber are few , and often deceiving in their penchant to demonize some faction to do so

Although it would be grand to see one produced and presented.....

We've had our share of ups/downs as a nation Daryl , along with those that stepped up to the potus plate as true leaders, and those that fell short of doing so

I would venture to say the real leaders got most of us on the same page, uniters not dividers.

Sorts of that caliber are few , and often deceiving in their penchant to demonize some faction to do so

Although it would be grand to see one produced and presented.....


It isn't the one. It's the many. Everyone keeps looking for that one leader. Well, that brought us some real winners and has kept us in a quagmire. WE THE PEOPLE need to step up the plate. And that is what Eisenhower was preaching. And he more than lived up to that. Yes, other Presidents are side to be greater like FDR, Kennedy, Reagan, even Lincoln but none of them lived up to what Eisenhower did and lead by example. And he did it quietly. The only other President I might choose that comes remotely close to Eisenhower would be Teddy R but even he falls short. Looking for that next great leader is what got is where we are today.
WE THE PEOPLE need to step up the plate

I agree in principal Daryl

but the reality is that road is mired with 'THEY the OLIGARCHS' .....


It starts locally. For the first time in many years, our annoited Federal House of Representative has a NON Trump contender running against him. There is going to be millions spent on this election by both sides. Usually, its either an uncontested Republican bi or the Dems throw a sacrificial candidate. This time around, the real threat comes from the Republican side.

A few years ago, I was approached by a few Republican Business People to run for a City Council Position. They know I am an indie. Luckily, I live in the only 50 feet of real estate that is not in the city and you have to live in the city to be elected. It seems they were against the spend, spend, spend and back door deals. They also were aware of my feelings on Trump and his Cabinet (not favorable at best). They were either current clients of mine in a business or previous clients and knew me as a staunch fiscal conservative. These were the guys that sat in the front row at the local Republican Convention each year. What they said was, they would back me for the Council and if that worked out then they would see about backing me further. Can you imagine me as a State Senator? Not without being drug to the State Capital behind a truck. They were going to do a local Coup which would lead to a County Coup and then a State......... We, the People.
Can you imagine me as a State Senator?

why not Daryl?

the dude who used to print my company shirts in town was a political gadfly, ran for town board, now is state senator

i read up on him all the time

but i digress, you also speak of the fiscal capitulation that goes with the turf, I.E> to follow the candidate is to follow the $$$

devil details....

The Party of Trump will be Gone some Day, what then?

It may happen in 2020, or Jan of 2021 or even Jan 2025 but it's going to happen. What then? Let's face it, you can't call the Party of Trump the Republican Party. The Republican Party is pretty much silent these days. When Trump leaves, it's going to leave a huge vacuum. Let's face it, a person like Trump only comes along once in a hundred years or so. Don't look for a replacement from the Party of Trump. There isn't one. It's one man. And when his time runs out, the Party is gone. The same thing happened to the Patriot Party with Perot.

So we need to rebuild the Republican Party. Where do we start? Obviously, there are going to be a lot of casualties in the process of those Rs that became staunch members of the Party of Trump and dare to call themselves Republicans. Some will weather it and others won't. I predict that the GOP would be forced to bring up an old hand for 2020 if Trump is out of the Picture and even in 2024 and that would be Paul Ryan. But that would not be a winner either. While I think it would be a good choice, the Trumpers will be seething and light the place on fire rather than vote for Paul Ryan. So even if Trump does go to 2024, the Republican Party is dead.

That means, it must be rebuilt for the 2028 year. And even then, there may still be enough of the hate and venom left that even 2028 may be a bad year for the Republicans. And I don't mean the Party of Trump which dies Politically when Trump leaves office. Like I said before, the party of Trump is one man and only one man and another one like him is not going to be seen for another hundred years in America.

What we need to do is start to rebuild now as a 3rd Party as the Republican Party. Call it "The New Republican Party" adopting the old GOP planks and ideologies. One of the other posters posted what the GOP once stood for and I hope he reposts it again here.

This isn't about the Democrat Party. It's about rebuilding the Republican Party back to the days it once was the Grand Old Party. Let the Democrat Party do whatever the hell it wants to do. But we need to rebuild back to the days of Ike.

Let's hear some constructive inputs on this one. Sorry, it's not about the party of Trump or the Democrat Party. It's about the rebuilding of the GOP to the time it earned the name of GOP.


Caution: Taking advise from the 57 States, We <3 Illegals and Jihadists Party is s waste of time
If the Republican party re-embraces honor and integrity, they will soon become the strong respected party they once were. If they don't they will never rebuild what they once had.
Any GOP success after Trump is mercifully gone will depend in part on what the alternative looks like.

Right now it's not very attractive. I realize there are no mirrors in partisan politics, but that's partly what got him elected in the FIRST place.
Any GOP success after Trump is mercifully gone will depend in part on what the alternative looks like.

Right now it's not very attractive. I realize there are no mirrors in partisan politics, but that's partly what got him elected in the FIRST place.

This is why I presented the 1956 Republican Plank. It was the last one that made any sense and was good for America. All the others (including the Dems) have been self centered and empty promises.
Any GOP success after Trump is mercifully gone will depend in part on what the alternative looks like.

Right now it's not very attractive. I realize there are no mirrors in partisan politics, but that's partly what got him elected in the FIRST place.

This is why I presented the 1956 Republican Plank. It was the last one that made any sense and was good for America. All the others (including the Dems) have been self centered and empty promises.
I hadn't seen that. Wow, how things have changed.

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