The Pelosi premium...

I'm going to research it a bit more. You could have edited the wiki link just before you posted it as evidence, for all I know. I did notice that the USA puts out more CO2 from cars than anyone else, according to your link.

I wouldn't doubt it, we probably have the most cars of any country.

As for calling me a liar, go fuck yourself.
Ravi called someone a LIAR?

that's rich as hell.
When it appears to be true, yes. You have taken a stand on an issue that is not even close to being a pillar of scientific theory or process. This one requires so many guess and assumptions as to be useless. Yet here you are acting like it is written in stone. I suggest you have not used most of your brain coming to that conclusion.

i'm not acting like it is written in stone. where did i say "this is fact" or anything like that. i just said scientists, experts in the field, are very worried about species extinction. and if they say it, there is likely something to it. you are saying there is absolutely no evidence to it. you really think close to 70% of biologists (Mass Extinction Underway, Majority of Biologists Say, Washington Post Tuesday, April 21, 1998)would be worried about massive human caused species extinction if there was nothing to it? i wont dismiss their fears simply because they dont have conclusive proof. just like i wont dismiss evolution or jesus' ressurection
Not all that sure any more... Havent you heard? There's water on mars. Once we screw this planet, we can start over on the red one....

Granted we'd have to solve a slight atmospheric oxidizing problem there.

They think the ground on Mars is toxic now from the recent lander. Guess you don't keep up, ehh?


" – The Phoenix lander has found a toxin in Mars soil that considerably decreases the odds of finding Martian life, reports. The chemical, perchlorate, is a harsh oxidizing agent often used in solid rocket fuel, so researchers are double checking to ensure it wasn’t carried from Earth. The results are especially surprising because Sunday’s tests revealed no sign of perchlorate."

LOL.. helps to actually understand the "Toxin" the your speaking about...
i'm not acting like it is written in stone. where did i say "this is fact" or anything like that. i just said scientists, experts in the field, are very worried about species extinction. and if they say it, there is likely something to it. you are saying there is absolutely no evidence to it. you really think close to 70% of biologists (Mass Extinction Underway, Majority of Biologists Say, Washington Post Tuesday, April 21, 1998)would be worried about massive human caused species extinction if there was nothing to it? i wont dismiss their fears simply because they dont have conclusive proof. just like i wont dismiss evolution or jesus' ressurection

Just like I do not put faith in the claims of Man Made Global warming. They have no actual functioning theory to even support the claim. Both of these are nothing more than political stunts designed to get money for research dollars. Much easier if you scare everyone into thinking something bad is happening and man is doing it.

Basically you are admitting you are a FAITHFUL believer in the white smock.
Just like I do not put faith in the claims of Man Made Global warming. They have no actual functioning theory to even support the claim. Both of these are nothing more than political stunts designed to get money for research dollars. Much easier if you scare everyone into thinking something bad is happening and man is doing it.

Basically you are admitting you are a FAITHFUL believer in the white smock.

no, im admitting that i dont dismiss things simply because i dont like them and/or there isnt conclusive proof. i dont blindly accept, but i listen to the experts and then make my judgements off the evidence they present. your act of constantly trying to spin things negatively is getting old
no, im admitting that i dont dismiss things simply because i dont like them and/or there isnt conclusive proof. i dont blindly accept, but i listen to the experts and then make my judgements off the evidence they present. your act of constantly trying to spin things negatively is getting old

An expert is no expert on a subject with the amount of GUESS work and required untestable assumptions as this "theory". Thus why I said "half a brain". This is nothing more than a bunch of white smocks saying we think there for it is true. They can not even use the scientific method on the theory.
An expert is no expert on a subject with the amount of GUESS work and required untestable assumptions as this "theory". Thus why I said "half a brain". This is nothing more than a bunch of white smocks saying we think there for it is true. They can not even use the scientific method on the theory.

yeah, it is all their fault that they dont have data from the last milion years. and keep saying that they arent deriving their estimates from real numbers. eventually you might convince people that scientists just guess and dont do real experiments or research.

Species Extinction-the Data
National Wildlife: Feb-March 2001 | Find Articles at BNET
Have no problem with REAL science, just the fake shit you seem to buy into.

biology is a fake science huh? must be fun to ignore and dismiss any bit of evidence or research that doesnt fit into your narrow worldview. only believing what the repubs tell you to is a hell of a lot easier than thinking and reading research articles. you dont need to use any brain.

not an insult cause i think its true
biology is a fake science huh? must be fun to ignore and dismiss any bit of evidence or research that doesnt fit into your narrow worldview. only believing what the repubs tell you to is a hell of a lot easier than thinking and reading research articles. you dont need to use any brain.

not an insult cause i think its true

Once again Biology is fine, however a theory based on guess work and assumptions with absolutely no way to test it is not much of a theory.
Well, I knew there was something fishy in that wiki article. It didn't count carbon dioxide as a pollutant.
Once again Biology is fine, however a theory based on guess work and assumptions with absolutely no way to test it is not much of a theory.

alright RGS, dismiss every theory where proof cannt be immediately given and pretend like there is no evidence whatsoever behind it. ill be more responsible and listen to the professionals while they attempt to hash out all the details
And BTW, it seems that is exactly what Pelosi was talking about...carbon dioxide pollution.

In an article published in Geophysical Research Letters, climate expert Ken Caldeira and colleagues argue that CO2 emissions will soon oversaturate the oceans; within four decades, they write, oceans could become dangerously acidic, literally corroding the plankton foundations of oceanic food chains.

Carbon Dioxide Pollution Could Kill the Oceans | Wired Science from
oh, but that cant be proven. i wont believe it unless there is concrete evidence it is/will happen. right RGS?

course by then it will probably be too late to fix it, but at least we'll have the proof
This reminds me of an argument with a guy that thought that just because a pest control company sprayed bug spray that was odorless it was okay for him to breathe it in.
hmmm.... Let us take a look at your statement here that I am apparently running from....

We aren't you loon. We are very much for Conservation. We are not, however, for cutting our economic throat on the say so of idiots, loons and retards.
Some cons are for conservation and they love the outdoors. Many Sierra Club members are conservatives.

Lets take a look at pollution shall we? It has steadily gone DOWN every year since the 70's.
Negative. It has steadily increased. Fertilizers, non-aeresol chemicals, tailpipe emmissions all are on the increase. What your speaking about are regulated emmissions. The EPA likes to talk about Coal fired plant emmisions which have been decreasing. This is indisputable. Well, kind of... Now, Just how far and how fast conservative air quality proposals will go on limiting emmisions is up for debate. Here is a piece on clear Skies... "Clear Skies" > Clean Air > Sierra Club

We put out less and clean up more.

Per plant yes, but the problem is that there are more plants online (as of 2007 I think there were 114 or so plants in various stages of production.

And we continue to work on ways to lower it EVEN more. We continue to look for old sites that we polluted before we wised up ( you know back when the dems ran everything) and clean them as well.
YOu Mean super fund sites? These disaster sites cannot be attributable to either party. We may have wised up.. "thanks love canal" but not enough to continue funding the program.

...Facing a record budget shortfall of about $250 million and about 475 uncompleted sites, the nearly 25-year-old program aimed at protecting Americans from industrial contamination is in crisis. Program managers are scaling back their spending requests and slowing cleanups. Republicans and Democrats agree that the program needs more money, but its budget has been stagnant for a decade and its original industry-funded multibillion-dollar trust fund is broke... Lack of Funding Slows Cleanup Of Hundreds of Superfund Sites

Meanwhile the loons do not want us to actually USE the technology we have. Or did you miss where they are against the CO2 scrubbers developed from being used?
HUh.. I've got to see that info... My understanding is that of the 400 or so 30-40year old plants costs and lack of regulation has meant that only 25% of these plants have been retrofitted with scrubbers. Carters Clean Air Act legislation was forcing them to have all pollution controls install by 2008. But, the Clear Skies bill let them slide for another decade.

Now the developing nations are a problem , but unless you advocate aggressive wars against them for pollution you really haven't a leg to stand on.
This is another issue that negates your argument of air quality being better, because "pollution is going down". In one of your later posts you even show that pollution from Asia is darken our skies. Though I think you meant to say that we were cutting back on pollution per plant, I just wanted to make this clarification...
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Nice post, Jeepers. I totally missed that the pollutants RGS claimed as decreasing are just a narrowly focused group.

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