The people and the GOP of Oregon win!

They're dimocrap scum.

They absolutely will not stop,ever, until you are dead

So GOP hid behind far right wing militias, who threatened violence and fear, to squash democracy.
I am sure, that all those who gave their lives to defend democracy and our Constitution, just got their graves pissed on. And that's good news?
Man, we really have severely warped posters here. Very UN-American and enemies to those who love America and what it stands for.
So GOP hid behind far right wing militias, who threatened violence and fear, to squash democracy.
I am sure, that all those who gave their lives to defend democracy and our Constitution, just got their graves pissed on. And that's good news?
Man, we really have severely warped posters here. Very UN-American and enemies to those who love America and what it stands for.

It was over climate change....take a deep breath, pee wee
So GOP hid behind far right wing militias, who threatened violence and fear, to squash democracy.
I am sure, that all those who gave their lives to defend democracy and our Constitution, just got their graves pissed on. And that's good news?
Man, we really have severely warped posters here. Very UN-American and enemies to those who love America and what it stands for.

It was over climate change....take a deep breath, pee wee

Of course, my post went over your head, which is a common occurrence.
The Oregon legislature is a democratically elected. A majority were using the democratic process of elected representation. That majority had the votes to pass legislation. That is the democratic process, a system guided by our founding fathers.
Go get your GED and then maybe, just maybe, you could post stuff that is somewhat intelligent.
So GOP hid behind far right wing militias, who threatened violence and fear, to squash democracy.
I am sure, that all those who gave their lives to defend democracy and our Constitution, just got their graves pissed on. And that's good news?
Man, we really have severely warped posters here. Very UN-American and enemies to those who love America and what it stands for.

It was over climate change....take a deep breath, pee wee

Of course, my post went over your head, which is a common occurrence.
The Oregon legislature is a democratically elected. A majority were using the democratic process of elected representation. That majority had the votes to pass legislation. That is the democratic process, a system guided by our founding fathers.
Go get your GED and then maybe, just maybe, you could post stuff that is somewhat intelligent.

Did you whine when the demoquacks were led by Gov Brown in a walkout?

If not stfu, pee wee
Oregon is a fascinating state. To the east you have the far right building bunkers and shit. To the west you have the far left running ridiculously successful cities and creating high technology and trying to implement their ideals. And I thought upstate NY was divided lol.
"“Hey hey, ho ho, President Courtney’s got to go,” they chanted. One sign read “Courtney you betrayed the children,” a reference to the teenage climate activists who had been lobbying heavily to get the bill passed."

Liberals think its cute to let children run things. But we all know liberalism is a mental illness and its one of immaturity. Thats why they are obsessed with the the "youth" who should be listening rather than running things. And its why we have age requirements for both voting and holding office.
The sober men who were our Founding Fathers were wise enough to do that.

Also remember that liberals like to hide behind victims they believe are untouchable and unassailable. Children, teen shooting victims, gold star moms...anyone they can send into the fray and then say "how dare you attack the operatives we wound up and sent out to defeat you"

Dont fall for complaints about "democracy". These people will do anything to win and their whining about fairness is just a way of using your own good nature to defeat you.
"“Hey hey, ho ho, President Courtney’s got to go,” they chanted. One sign read “Courtney you betrayed the children,” a reference to the teenage climate activists who had been lobbying heavily to get the bill passed."

Liberals think its cute to let children run things. But we all know liberalism is a mental illness and its one of immaturity. Thats why they are obsessed with the the "youth" who should be listening rather than running things. And its why we have age requirements for both voting and holding office.
The sober men who were our Founding Fathers were wise enough to do that.

Also remember that liberals like to hide behind victims they believe are untouchable and unassailable. Children, teen shooting victims, gold star moms...anyone they can send into the fray and then say "how dare you attack the operatives we wound up and sent out to defeat you"

Dont fall for complaints about "democracy". These people will do anything to win and their whining about fairness is just a way of using your own good nature to defeat you.
Never mind, lol.

Funny, sounds just like the Dems did in Texas in the 1970s.

Ahh the "Killer Bees". I remember that. Legislative Reference Library of Texas: The Texas "Killer Bees"

But its been done more the 2000's. A group of Democrats fled to New Mexico where the state police chased them down. They were trying to block redistricting which wold have killed some of their race based black only districts and given whites a chance.
Texas Eleven - Wikipedia

And just a few months back Texas Democrats AGAIN used the tactic to keep abortion mills running.
Democrats Bust Quorum To Stop Texas Born-alive Protection Bill

This is an old Democrat tactic they have used for years around the country. Democrats fled their states in Wisconsin and Indiana in 2011

The Huffington Post, Vox and, Newsweek the Washington Post, Daily Kos and other multi-national media conglomerates begged the Democrats to use the tactic to stop Trumps Supreme Court Nominations LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK

And Pelosi famously ordered an attempt in 2016 over foreign citizens she represented called "Dreamers". They have used it many times in the senate where they can deny committees a quorum and delay votes indefinitely almost LINK

Democrat strategists in Michigan tried but failed "This is the kind of stuff where you shut down the chamber, you walk out, you don’t give people quorums,” he said. “There seems to be a series of tactics that (Democrats) feel are beneath them. Effective or not, it’s better than just letting (Republicans) back the truck over you again and again.” LINK

When these animals really scream loudly about know they are projecting. They really sound like banshees when their own tactics are used against them as in when they got rid of the Senate filibuster and then died from it...;loudly and pitifully.

Funny, sounds just like the Dems did in Texas in the 1970s.

Ahh the "Killer Bees". I remember that. Legislative Reference Library of Texas: The Texas "Killer Bees"

But its been done more the 2000's. A group of Democrats fled to New Mexico where the state police chased them down. They were trying to block redistricting which wold have killed some of their race based black only districts and given whites a chance.
Texas Eleven - Wikipedia

And just a few months back Texas Democrats AGAIN used the tactic to keep abortion mills running.
Democrats Bust Quorum To Stop Texas Born-alive Protection Bill

This is an old Democrat tactic they have used for years around the country. Democrats fled their states in Wisconsin and Indiana in 2011

The Huffington Post, Vox and, Newsweek the Washington Post, Daily Kos and other multi-national media conglomerates begged the Democrats to use the tactic to stop Trumps Supreme Court Nominations LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK

And Pelosi famously ordered an attempt in 2016 over foreign citizens she represented called "Dreamers". They have used it many times in the senate where they can deny committees a quorum and delay votes indefinitely almost LINK

Democrat strategists in Michigan tried but failed "This is the kind of stuff where you shut down the chamber, you walk out, you don’t give people quorums,” he said. “There seems to be a series of tactics that (Democrats) feel are beneath them. Effective or not, it’s better than just letting (Republicans) back the truck over you again and again.” LINK

When these animals really scream loudly about know they are projecting. They really sound like banshees when their own tactics are used against them as in when they got rid of the Senate filibuster and then died from it...;loudly and pitifully.

Let's face it, both sides do this all the time. Neither group (nor supporters, hint hint) have a leg to stand on. Hell, I've seen it used in small clubs.
Surprised this happened in Oregon, of all states; I guess the Cali fornication of Oregon has finally hit a wall and the backlash is beginning.
So GOP hid behind far right wing militias, who threatened violence and fear, to squash democracy.
I am sure, that all those who gave their lives to defend democracy and our Constitution, just got their graves pissed on. And that's good news?
Man, we really have severely warped posters here. Very UN-American and enemies to those who love America and what it stands for.

Stupid post. All us right wing militia types were getting drunk down on the border, clubbing small illegal alien children to death like baby seals for fun.

We weren't anywhere near Oregon. Must have been Mexican farm laborers; you can hire them to do anything for chump change and a few beers.

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