The PEOPLE are the ones being screwed


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
On one hand we got Obamacare that's damn near impossible for people to afford and on other hand we Trumpcare that cuts medicaid for the elderly and poor and raises rates as you get older. Why is it the 300 million people in this country are the ones that get screwed while politicians make their pals in the health care industry get RICH?
On one hand we got Obamacare that's damn near impossible for people to afford and on other hand we Trumpcare that cuts medicaid for the elderly and poor and raises rates as you get older. Why is it the 300 million people in this country are the ones that get screwed while politicians make their pals in the health care industry get RICH?

Because the Republican'ts were able to convince a minority of voters to vote against their own best interest. And the dopes did. That's it.

As long as a large enough group can be convinced to vote against their own best interests the rest is mute.
On one hand we got Obamacare that's damn near impossible for people to afford and on other hand we Trumpcare that cuts medicaid for the elderly and poor and raises rates as you get older. Why is it the 300 million people in this country are the ones that get screwed while politicians make their pals in the health care industry get RICH?

You almost made sense. We got the government we deserve, even those of us who didn't vote for a Republican in any race in 2016. It's on them, The R's who voted YES today, and the neo fascist, narcissist and megalomaniac who occupy's the White House when not on the Golf Course.

We the people are screwed, even if the D's take over the House in Jan 2009, and have a majority in the Senate, the removal from office of Trump will put Pence there, and not only will be ruled by the Plutocrats as we are today, we will be under the thumb of the clergy and the power elite. Those who don't study history ...

"The estates of the realm were the broad orders of social hierarchy used in Christendom (Christian Europe) from the medieval period to early modern Europe. Different systems for dividing society members into estates developed and evolved over time.

"The best known system is the French Ancien Régime (Old Regime), a three-estate system used until the French Revolution (1789–1799). Monarchy was for the king and the queen and this system was made up of clergy (the First Estate), nobles (the Second Estate), and peasants and bourgeoisie (the Third Estate)."

...are doomed to relive it.
On one hand we got Obamacare that's damn near impossible for people to afford and on other hand we Trumpcare that cuts medicaid for the elderly and poor and raises rates as you get older. Why is it the 300 million people in this country are the ones that get screwed while politicians make their pals in the health care industry get RICH?

Don't forget ...

... they also exempted themselves from the new rules that allow states to waive essential benefits.
On one hand we got Obamacare that's damn near impossible for people to afford and on other hand we Trumpcare that cuts medicaid for the elderly and poor and raises rates as you get older. Why is it the 300 million people in this country are the ones that get screwed while politicians make their pals in the health care industry get RICH?

Don't forget ...

... they also exempted themselves from the new rules that allow states to waive essential benefits.

How nice of Chaffetz, who wanted to gut the ethics in the House, wanted you to find his pre-existing condition while he couldn't recover fast enough to deny protection for yours.
How much of other people's bills do I have to pay? It would be nice to have a number so I can plan accordingly vs being constantly told MORE MORE.
On one hand we got Obamacare that's damn near impossible for people to afford and on other hand we Trumpcare that cuts medicaid for the elderly and poor and raises rates as you get older. Why is it the 300 million people in this country are the ones that get screwed while politicians make their pals in the health care industry get RICH?

You almost made sense. We got the government we deserve, even those of us who didn't vote for a Republican in any race in 2016. It's on them, The R's who voted YES today, and the neo fascist, narcissist and megalomaniac who occupy's the White House when not on the Golf Course.

We the people are screwed, even if the D's take over the House in Jan 2009, and have a majority in the Senate, the removal from office of Trump will put Pence there, and not only will be ruled by the Plutocrats as we are today, we will be under the thumb of the clergy and the power elite. Those who don't study history ...

"The estates of the realm were the broad orders of social hierarchy used in Christendom (Christian Europe) from the medieval period to early modern Europe. Different systems for dividing society members into estates developed and evolved over time.

"The best known system is the French Ancien Régime (Old Regime), a three-estate system used until the French Revolution (1789–1799). Monarchy was for the king and the queen and this system was made up of clergy (the First Estate), nobles (the Second Estate), and peasants and bourgeoisie (the Third Estate)."

...are doomed to relive it.
The government we "deserved" passed Obamacare. Let's not forget that.
On one hand we got Obamacare that's damn near impossible for people to afford and on other hand we Trumpcare that cuts medicaid for the elderly and poor and raises rates as you get older. Why is it the 300 million people in this country are the ones that get screwed while politicians make their pals in the health care industry get RICH?

You left out the extra hike in premiums for people with pre-existing conditions. One out of two Americans have a pre-existing condition of some kind. And you forgot that pre-existing conditions care can also be waived by the individual states. Trumpcare is nothing but a big tax break for Trump's friends.
Never expect these Congress clowns to fix it. It's directly their fault, too.

It's time to revamp the whole thing.

They just can't be allowed to take bribes and vote for the bribers vs. the people they're supposed to represent like that.
How much of other people's bills do I have to pay? It would be nice to have a number so I can plan accordingly vs being constantly told MORE MORE.

Well, here's a quick method to find out how much this is going to cost you: Millions - healthcare insurance = millions who will be forced to either get very sick and/or go to the ER for care. ER/hospital costs skyrocket when those people cannot pay their bill, and those costs are passed on from the healthcare industry to those who do have insurance. Do you think the insurance companies are going to pay? No. You are.
On one hand we got Obamacare that's damn near impossible for people to afford and on other hand we Trumpcare that cuts medicaid for the elderly and poor and raises rates as you get older. Why is it the 300 million people in this country are the ones that get screwed while politicians make their pals in the health care industry get RICH?

Because the Republican'ts were able to convince a minority of voters to vote against their own best interest. And the dopes did. That's it.

As long as a large enough group can be convinced to vote against their own best interests the rest is mute.

You are positively 100% correct.
One out of two Americans have a pre-existing condition of some kind. And you forgot that pre-existing conditions care can also be waived by the individual states.
You think being a woman is a pre-existing condition?

I think being a meathead is a terminal condition.
Life is a terminal, but not a pre-existing condition.

Learn to lose with a little dignity.

In comes Sammy Scoreboard who views all of life as us vs them.

The people will be letting their bugwit Congressmen know what they think of getting screwed, again.
On one hand we got Obamacare that's damn near impossible for people to afford and on other hand we Trumpcare that cuts medicaid for the elderly and poor and raises rates as you get older. Why is it the 300 million people in this country are the ones that get screwed while politicians make their pals in the health care industry get RICH?

You almost made sense. We got the government we deserve, even those of us who didn't vote for a Republican in any race in 2016. It's on them, The R's who voted YES today, and the neo fascist, narcissist and megalomaniac who occupy's the White House when not on the Golf Course.

We the people are screwed, even if the D's take over the House in Jan 2009, and have a majority in the Senate, the removal from office of Trump will put Pence there, and not only will be ruled by the Plutocrats as we are today, we will be under the thumb of the clergy and the power elite. Those who don't study history ...

"The estates of the realm were the broad orders of social hierarchy used in Christendom (Christian Europe) from the medieval period to early modern Europe. Different systems for dividing society members into estates developed and evolved over time.

"The best known system is the French Ancien Régime (Old Regime), a three-estate system used until the French Revolution (1789–1799). Monarchy was for the king and the queen and this system was made up of clergy (the First Estate), nobles (the Second Estate), and peasants and bourgeoisie (the Third Estate)."

...are doomed to relive it.
The government we "deserved" passed Obamacare. Let's not forget that.

Wow, we agree. The government we deserve reflects the traditional values of America, a nation conceived in liberty for all, and the expression of empathy is partly enscribed on the Statue of Liberty in NY Harbor:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
One out of two Americans have a pre-existing condition of some kind. And you forgot that pre-existing conditions care can also be waived by the individual states.
You think being a woman is a pre-existing condition?

I think being a meathead is a terminal condition.

Clearly its chronic, but give enough morons enough time at the keyboard some may someday offer something of substance beyond the gallows humor of our laughter at their ignorance.
If Trumpcare is supposed to make insurance cheaper, why did the insurance stocks go up yesterday?

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