The Perfect CounterAttack If Amnesty Happens, And OBAMA Would Be Helpless To Stop It!


Jun 10, 2010
I thought of this while I was in church this morning:

All American prisoners that are not in anyway connected to Latin Americans will:

Be released from prison to be bussed to the US Mexico border.

They will be released to enter Mexico and must stay there for the next 5 years and cannot re-enter the US no matter what.

They will be free to live off of the Mexican people in any way they wish with the blessing of the United States Prison System and the Governors of each state.

They will not be held accountable for any of their actions provided it is not against the people or country of the United States or the free world.

They ultimately will be tasked to take over Mexico for the purpose of using it as a very large prison facility where the Mexicans themselves are the prisoners.

At the end of their 5 year term in Mexico, they can return to the US, if they wish, with full pensions like that of politicians.

This is just a rough draft but I think it will have the effect most real Americans want.
Such thoughts to have while in church.
Not sure you are going for the proper reason.
I thought of this while I was in church this morning:

All American prisoners that are not in anyway connected to Latin Americans will:

Be released from prison to be bussed to the US Mexico border.

They will be released to enter Mexico and must stay there for the next 5 years and cannot re-enter the US no matter what.

They will be free to live off of the Mexican people in any way they wish with the blessing of the United States Prison System and the Governors of each state.

They will not be held accountable for any of their actions provided it is not against the people or country of the United States or the free world.

They ultimately will be tasked to take over Mexico for the purpose of using it as a very large prison facility where the Mexicans themselves are the prisoners.

At the end of their 5 year term in Mexico, they can return to the US, if they wish, with full pensions like that of politicians.

This is just a rough draft but I think it will have the effect most real Americans want.

As always, excellent idea, Bullshitter!
I thought of this while I was in church this morning:

All American prisoners that are not in anyway connected to Latin Americans will:

Be released from prison to be bussed to the US Mexico border.

They will be released to enter Mexico and must stay there for the next 5 years and cannot re-enter the US no matter what.

They will be free to live off of the Mexican people in any way they wish with the blessing of the United States Prison System and the Governors of each state.

They will not be held accountable for any of their actions provided it is not against the people or country of the United States or the free world.

They ultimately will be tasked to take over Mexico for the purpose of using it as a very large prison facility where the Mexicans themselves are the prisoners.

At the end of their 5 year term in Mexico, they can return to the US, if they wish, with full pensions like that of politicians.

This is just a rough draft but I think it will have the effect most real Americans want.

We should inject them with that bio toxin that turns people into the walking dead so we can bring down a full fledged zombie apocalypse on Mexico.

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