The perfect meme on socialism

We all know America is moving more and more to socialism, while China ... moves away from communism and socialism ..

That statement reflects either an immense degree of ignorance about capitalism, communism/socialism, and the history and thought pertaining to all three, or a boorish will to spew inflammatory rhetoric. Moreover, while I don't know if you have, your having written that statement and shared it publicly, strongly suggests you've spent no meaningful period of time in China's capitalist zones such as Shenzhen or Dalian. Having served clients and been in Shenzhen at least bi-weekly (save for holidays and vacations) for the past decade, socialism/communism and capitalism are alive and well there. (See also: China's Economy Dances Between Communism and Capitalism) Indeed, those parts of China are more capitalist than any party of the U.S., particularly insofar as once one gets the government's imprimatur to go into business, it's pretty damn near laissez faire capitalism all the way.

What does one find after reading/watching the content listed above? One finds:
  • China is both communist and capitalist.
  • China has shown that democracy and capitalism are not at all synonymous or inextricably linked, that is, capitalism does not necessarily imply democracy or anything resembling it. Thus, observations about communism can no longer be viewed as attestations about capitalism, nor vice versa.
  • China is clearly in a "tug of war" with itself about whether it will continue to successfully blend communism and capitalism or whether it will irrevocably discard communism and adopt some other political model.

Now by the preceding and what follows, do I assert any predilection or preference of my own for or against socialism/communism? Of course not. That would be nuts. I'm merely highlighting the absurdity given the ample evidence we've gained in the past score or so years of conflating ideas about China, communism/socialism and democracy and capitalism. Each one has it's pros and cons, and of the various systems just noted, the only one that isn't a political system is capitalism. It is purely and economic framework, which, IMO, is why it can be integrated effectively with a variety of political paradigms, although not pure (utopian, if you will) communism, but then that's never be extant on the scale of the U.S., China or any other nation with an enormous and diverse population. In my household, for example, communism works just fine; I control who does what, when they do it and how. (Call that a dictatorship if you want, but what is communism but group -- government leaders -- dictatorship that does the same thing with regard to millions upon millions?) That works just fine. It wouldn't work at all on the scale of even the D.C. Metro area.

As goes my personal preference, far and away laissez faire capitalism -- no matter the political framework within which it's implemented -- is my preference. Why? Because I've managed to be highly successful under capitalism and there's nothing suggesting I wouldn't be similarly successful within capitalist-socialism. I'm not unique in that way, but neither have I false modestly about my own blessings that would place me in good stead in any society.

Thoughts on capitalism and socialism:
In the early stage of the socialist movement in the 19th century, there was wide agreement that socialism would be a radically different type of society from capitalism. This understanding of socialism was held not just by revolutionary Marxist socialists, but also by evolutionary socialists, Christian socialists, and even anarchists. At that time, there was also wide agreement about the basic institutions of the future socialist system: public ownership instead of private ownership of the means of production, economic planning instead of market forces, production for use instead of production for profit, and a state that represented the working class. Socialism would be a system in which people cooperatively planned their economic and social development, instead of one in which the profit motive and competition determined economic and social development.

While economic growth would be needed for some time to eliminate poverty in the world and achieve a comfortable living standard for all, under socialism economic growth would be a social choice rather than an economic compulsion as it is under capitalism. Poverty thus abated in the world, the aim of increasing production might well lose its rationale. Instead, society might aim for a sustainable relationship with the natural environment, the development of human capabilities, the promotion of satisfying social relationships, and/or other alternative social goals for economic activity. This is the vision of a new and superior socioeconomic system that inspired the building of a socialist movement and the twentieth century revolutions aimed at building socialism.

Today it is common to encounter the view that socialism and capitalism are not two distinct socioeconomic systems. According to this view, socialism and capitalism are elements of most modern socioeconomic systems, with some countries "more capitalist" and others "more socialist." This view has long been found among supporters of capitalism, who worry that adoption of such allegedly "socialist" schemes as public provision of health care or retirement pensions damage a capitalist economy by mixing socialism with capitalism. In recent decades this view of socialism and capitalism has become common among supporters of socialism.

Such a view arose in Moscow toward the end of the Soviet period. During the late 1980s, many Soviet intellectuals began to argue that socialism is not after all a distinct system from capitalism. It became common to hear that modern capitalism has many features of socialism. Some even argued that modern capitalism was more "socialist" than the Soviet system.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s in the West a new literature on market socialism arose which views socialism as not qualitatively different from contemporary capitalism. This literature advocates a market socialist system in which private enterprises would pursue maximum profits in competitive markets. A strong state would regulate and supplement the market, as in contemporary capitalism. The only difference from capitalism is that enterprises would be owned either by workers, or by outside shareholders with institutions designed to prevent a distinct class of wealthy owners of capital from emerging. The substantive advantages over capitalism claimed by these models are a more equal distribution of income and a more genuine political democracy. However, if one imagined being parachuted into such an imaginary system, it would be difficult to see the differences from welfare-state capitalism.

The twentieth century attempts to build socialism were only the first attempts to do so. Since these attempts have largely passed away, capitalism has changed, moving backward toward a much harsher form in the contemporary neoliberal era. None of the major problems facing humankind today seems solvable within the framework of capitalism. Foremost among these is achieving a decent and secure living standard for all, in a manner that is environmentally sustainable over the long run.

Since capitalism now stands as an obstacle to human progress, and even human survival, it seems certain that further attempts will by made to supercede capitalism in the future. Recent developments in several South American countries suggest that a new period of socialist experiments may have already started in the twenty-first century. New socialist experiments have the advantage of being able to learn both the positive and negative lessons of the first socialist experiments in the twentieth century. Hopefully the next wave of socialist attempts will be able to avoid the pitfalls of the first wave and finally build a socialism that lives up to the original vision

Other useful references:

All that try to disprove china is not moving away from communism /socialism?

All you have to do is look at china today compared to china under Mao. China would look like North Korea today if that fuck head was still alive.
We all know America is moving more and more to socialism, while China ... moves away from communism and socialism ..

That statement reflects either an immense degree of ignorance about capitalism, communism/socialism, and the history and thought pertaining to all three, or a boorish will to spew inflammatory rhetoric. Moreover, while I don't know if you have, your having written that statement and shared it publicly, strongly suggests you've spent no meaningful period of time in China's capitalist zones such as Shenzhen or Dalian. Having served clients and been in Shenzhen at least bi-weekly (save for holidays and vacations) for the past decade, socialism/communism and capitalism are alive and well there. (See also: China's Economy Dances Between Communism and Capitalism) Indeed, those parts of China are more capitalist than any party of the U.S., particularly insofar as once one gets the government's imprimatur to go into business, it's pretty damn near laissez faire capitalism all the way.

What does one find after reading/watching the content listed above? One finds:
  • China is both communist and capitalist.
  • China has shown that democracy and capitalism are not at all synonymous or inextricably linked, that is, capitalism does not necessarily imply democracy or anything resembling it. Thus, observations about communism can no longer be viewed as attestations about capitalism, nor vice versa.
  • China is clearly in a "tug of war" with itself about whether it will continue to successfully blend communism and capitalism or whether it will irrevocably discard communism and adopt some other political model.

Now by the preceding and what follows, do I assert any predilection or preference of my own for or against socialism/communism? Of course not. That would be nuts. I'm merely highlighting the absurdity given the ample evidence we've gained in the past score or so years of conflating ideas about China, communism/socialism and democracy and capitalism. Each one has it's pros and cons, and of the various systems just noted, the only one that isn't a political system is capitalism. It is purely and economic framework, which, IMO, is why it can be integrated effectively with a variety of political paradigms, although not pure (utopian, if you will) communism, but then that's never be extant on the scale of the U.S., China or any other nation with an enormous and diverse population. In my household, for example, communism works just fine; I control who does what, when they do it and how. (Call that a dictatorship if you want, but what is communism but group -- government leaders -- dictatorship that does the same thing with regard to millions upon millions?) That works just fine. It wouldn't work at all on the scale of even the D.C. Metro area.

As goes my personal preference, far and away laissez faire capitalism -- no matter the political framework within which it's implemented -- is my preference. Why? Because I've managed to be highly successful under capitalism and there's nothing suggesting I wouldn't be similarly successful within capitalist-socialism. I'm not unique in that way, but neither have I false modestly about my own blessings that would place me in good stead in any society.

Thoughts on capitalism and socialism:
In the early stage of the socialist movement in the 19th century, there was wide agreement that socialism would be a radically different type of society from capitalism. This understanding of socialism was held not just by revolutionary Marxist socialists, but also by evolutionary socialists, Christian socialists, and even anarchists. At that time, there was also wide agreement about the basic institutions of the future socialist system: public ownership instead of private ownership of the means of production, economic planning instead of market forces, production for use instead of production for profit, and a state that represented the working class. Socialism would be a system in which people cooperatively planned their economic and social development, instead of one in which the profit motive and competition determined economic and social development.

While economic growth would be needed for some time to eliminate poverty in the world and achieve a comfortable living standard for all, under socialism economic growth would be a social choice rather than an economic compulsion as it is under capitalism. Poverty thus abated in the world, the aim of increasing production might well lose its rationale. Instead, society might aim for a sustainable relationship with the natural environment, the development of human capabilities, the promotion of satisfying social relationships, and/or other alternative social goals for economic activity. This is the vision of a new and superior socioeconomic system that inspired the building of a socialist movement and the twentieth century revolutions aimed at building socialism.

Today it is common to encounter the view that socialism and capitalism are not two distinct socioeconomic systems. According to this view, socialism and capitalism are elements of most modern socioeconomic systems, with some countries "more capitalist" and others "more socialist." This view has long been found among supporters of capitalism, who worry that adoption of such allegedly "socialist" schemes as public provision of health care or retirement pensions damage a capitalist economy by mixing socialism with capitalism. In recent decades this view of socialism and capitalism has become common among supporters of socialism.

Such a view arose in Moscow toward the end of the Soviet period. During the late 1980s, many Soviet intellectuals began to argue that socialism is not after all a distinct system from capitalism. It became common to hear that modern capitalism has many features of socialism. Some even argued that modern capitalism was more "socialist" than the Soviet system.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s in the West a new literature on market socialism arose which views socialism as not qualitatively different from contemporary capitalism. This literature advocates a market socialist system in which private enterprises would pursue maximum profits in competitive markets. A strong state would regulate and supplement the market, as in contemporary capitalism. The only difference from capitalism is that enterprises would be owned either by workers, or by outside shareholders with institutions designed to prevent a distinct class of wealthy owners of capital from emerging. The substantive advantages over capitalism claimed by these models are a more equal distribution of income and a more genuine political democracy. However, if one imagined being parachuted into such an imaginary system, it would be difficult to see the differences from welfare-state capitalism.

The twentieth century attempts to build socialism were only the first attempts to do so. Since these attempts have largely passed away, capitalism has changed, moving backward toward a much harsher form in the contemporary neoliberal era. None of the major problems facing humankind today seems solvable within the framework of capitalism. Foremost among these is achieving a decent and secure living standard for all, in a manner that is environmentally sustainable over the long run.

Since capitalism now stands as an obstacle to human progress, and even human survival, it seems certain that further attempts will by made to supercede capitalism in the future. Recent developments in several South American countries suggest that a new period of socialist experiments may have already started in the twenty-first century. New socialist experiments have the advantage of being able to learn both the positive and negative lessons of the first socialist experiments in the twentieth century. Hopefully the next wave of socialist attempts will be able to avoid the pitfalls of the first wave and finally build a socialism that lives up to the original vision

Other useful references:

All that try to disprove china is not moving away from communism /socialism?

All you have to do is look at china today compared to china under Mao. China would look like North Korea today if that fuck head was still alive.

And, no, I'm not trying to prove (I presume you didn't mean to use a double negative), "china is not moving away from communism /socialism. What I was doing was "highlighting the absurdity given the ample evidence we've gained in the past score or so years of conflating ideas about China, communism/socialism and democracy and capitalism." I wrote that sentence so nobody would have to speculate about the purpose of the post.

I "look at China today" nearly every week.

Hypothesis contrary to fact.

If frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their ass when they land.
Your fear of the word socialism is likely due to you fearing political systems and not economic systems. Common mistake.

You a nice guy loan.
Bears fear of socialism is because he is fucking ignorant. And doesn't know WTF he is talking about.
Other than that, he starts great threads. LMAO.
Is this what liberals really want?


A thread by a brainwashed troll.

It's no wonder Donald Trump is the favorite of those who never attended college, and many who never finished high school. The bane of democracy (note for Bear, the small d. is significant) is ignorance and voters who vote by emotion, not reasoning.
Is this what liberals really want?


Why so stupid? Seriously? Why do you fuckers always go overboard with the rhetoric? You can't name one liberal here who advocates for straight up socialism.

Where is the city in your picture? Is it in America? If is not "on" socialism. How about tha hospital? Where is that?

If you tried harder, you might learn something.

The USA has long had a mixture of capitalism and socialism, as do most nations in the western world. .

The reason why we go overboard lone is because of people like the above.

We all know America is moving more and more to socialism, while China and Russia moves away from communism and socialism ..

Will all three meet at a happy medium?

Or will America swing so far left the meme becomes true before we swing back?

Our nation is NOT moving more and more toward Socialism, it is, if one reads the posts of self proclaimed conservatives and listens to The Trump, treading on the road to fascism. The irony is those who claim to be conservatives in the manner of Reagan are fooling themselves, today's Republican Party has become the home to bigots, racists, misogynists, and single issue voters who actually believe the demagoguery of the charlatan DJT.

Abortion, Gay and Lesbian Marriage, the 2nd A. and Obamacare are laws of our land, no POTUS has the power to change these facts. And yet the fools who believe Trump, actually think he can have an impact on these wedge issues.

"Believe me, it's an incredible disaster, black men are incredible great and the Mexican people are wonderful, notwithstanding my earlier comments to get your votes in winning the clown car, and Obama and Hillary are crooks, I know this and they have created a disaster, a disaster in the middle east and in our once great county which I will make America Great Again ........I know more than the generals about ISIS, and I will put troops onto the ground in Syria, a disaster the doing of Hillary and Obama, such a disaster, it's terrible what they have done. And believe me, I will fix it, in 30 days we will bring ISIS to their knees and fix the economy which is a disaster, believe me, I know how to do it, believe me, and it is terrible the disaster Obama and Hillary have done to our economy and the world, believe me, believe me, believe me it's terrible, a disaster and I will make the sands of the middle east glow for decades to get my way"

Not for a second do I believe anything which comes out of the far right side of Trumps mouth, nor the words written by his handlers which he reads and comes out the left side of his mouth. Believe Me!
Is this what liberals really want?


Why so stupid? Seriously? Why do you fuckers always go overboard with the rhetoric? You can't name one liberal here who advocates for straight up socialism.

Where is the city in your picture? Is it in America? If is not "on" socialism. How about that hospital? Where is that?

If you tried harder, you might learn something.
Its not here yet, but its coming. Now, we have have always had a form of "socialism" blended in with our other systems. But that is required for basic government.
THE PROBLEM IS, how big the government has gotten. I mean, we have politicians wanting AMERICANS to lose lands for a foreign company. The other side only battling it because their donors like rail cars.. We have the government FORCING a for-profit product on us.
Bernie sanders did very well in his primary considering he is a self branded socialist. If cankles wins, she will (judging by her ACTUAL political history) fuck a lot of shit up. ALOT.
Next time, there will be another Bernie, and the establishments rhetoric will be crucified by the entitled limp wrists who cant wipe their own fucking ass.
Last part is just my opinion, of course.
Is this what liberals really want?


Why so stupid? Seriously? Why do you fuckers always go overboard with the rhetoric? You can't name one liberal here who advocates for straight up socialism.

Where is the city in your picture? Is it in America? If is not "on" socialism. How about that hospital? Where is that?

If you tried harder, you might learn something.
Its not here yet, but its coming. Now, we have have always had a form of "socialism" blended in with our other systems. But that is required for basic government.
THE PROBLEM IS, how big the government has gotten. I mean, we have politicians wanting AMERICANS to lose lands for a foreign company. The other side only battling it because their donors like rail cars.. We have the government FORCING a for-profit product on us.
Bernie sanders did very well in his primary considering he is a self branded socialist. If cankles wins, she will (judging by her ACTUAL political history) fuck a lot of shit up. ALOT.
Next time, there will be another Bernie, and the establishments rhetoric will be crucified by the entitled limp wrists who cant wipe their own fucking ass.
Last part is just my opinion, of course.

Your opinion is part word salad and part bigotry, with a sprinkling of echoes of the same old shit.

Q. How big should the government be in a nation as large are ours with a population of 300 + million citizens
Q. Do you ever consider why the Articles of Confederation failed
Q. If you believe the private sector is less expensive and more capable than the public sector, explain how and why
Q. Do you believe Socialism and Totalitarianism always go together

Our form of government as established by COTUS allows for change every 2 years.

We the People vote directly for our Rep. in the H. of Rep every two years, and our Senator every six; and indirectly for the POTUS every four.

Q. Do you oppose the system
Q. What idea(s) do you have to improve democracy in America
Is this what liberals really want?


Why so stupid? Seriously? Why do you fuckers always go overboard with the rhetoric? You can't name one liberal here who advocates for straight up socialism.

Where is the city in your picture? Is it in America? If is not "on" socialism. How about tha hospital? Where is that?

If you tried harder, you might learn something.

The USA has long had a mixture of capitalism and socialism, as do most nations in the western world. .

The reason why we go overboard lone is because of people like the above.

We all know America is moving more and more to socialism, while China and Russia moves away from communism and socialism ..

Will all three meet at a happy medium?

Or will America swing so far left the meme becomes true before we swing back?

Our nation is NOT moving more and more toward Socialism, it is, if one reads the posts of self proclaimed conservatives and listens to The Trump, treading on the road to fascism. The irony is those who claim to be conservatives in the manner of Reagan are fooling themselves, today's Republican Party has become the home to bigots, racists, misogynists, and single issue voters who actually believe the demagoguery of the charlatan DJT.

Abortion, Gay and Lesbian Marriage, the 2nd A. and Obamacare are laws of our land, no POTUS has the power to change these facts. And yet the fools who believe Trump, actually think he can have an impact on these wedge issues.

"Believe me, it's an incredible disaster, black men are incredible great and the Mexican people are wonderful, notwithstanding my earlier comments to get your votes in winning the clown car, and Obama and Hillary are crooks, I know this and they have created a disaster, a disaster in the middle east and in our once great county which I will make America Great Again ........I know more than the generals about ISIS, and I will put troops onto the ground in Syria, a disaster the doing of Hillary and Obama, such a disaster, it's terrible what they have done. And believe me, I will fix it, in 30 days we will bring ISIS to their knees and fix the economy which is a disaster, believe me, I know how to do it, believe me, and it is terrible the disaster Obama and Hillary have done to our economy and the world, believe me, believe me, believe me it's terrible, a disaster and I will make the sands of the middle east glow for decades to get my way"

Not for a second do I believe anything which comes out of the far right side of Trumps mouth, nor the words written by his handlers which he reads and comes out the left side of his mouth. Believe Me!
It's already socialist, past the point of no return… LOL
Is this what liberals really want?


Why so stupid? Seriously? Why do you fuckers always go overboard with the rhetoric? You can't name one liberal here who advocates for straight up socialism.

Where is the city in your picture? Is it in America? If is not "on" socialism. How about tha hospital? Where is that?

If you tried harder, you might learn something.

The USA has long had a mixture of capitalism and socialism, as do most nations in the western world. .

The reason why we go overboard lone is because of people like the above.

We all know America is moving more and more to socialism, while China and Russia moves away from communism and socialism ..

Will all three meet at a happy medium?

Or will America swing so far left the meme becomes true before we swing back?

Our nation is NOT moving more and more toward Socialism, it is, if one reads the posts of self proclaimed conservatives and listens to The Trump, treading on the road to fascism. The irony is those who claim to be conservatives in the manner of Reagan are fooling themselves, today's Republican Party has become the home to bigots, racists, misogynists, and single issue voters who actually believe the demagoguery of the charlatan DJT.

Abortion, Gay and Lesbian Marriage, the 2nd A. and Obamacare are laws of our land, no POTUS has the power to change these facts. And yet the fools who believe Trump, actually think he can have an impact on these wedge issues.

"Believe me, it's an incredible disaster, black men are incredible great and the Mexican people are wonderful, notwithstanding my earlier comments to get your votes in winning the clown car, and Obama and Hillary are crooks, I know this and they have created a disaster, a disaster in the middle east and in our once great county which I will make America Great Again ........I know more than the generals about ISIS, and I will put troops onto the ground in Syria, a disaster the doing of Hillary and Obama, such a disaster, it's terrible what they have done. And believe me, I will fix it, in 30 days we will bring ISIS to their knees and fix the economy which is a disaster, believe me, I know how to do it, believe me, and it is terrible the disaster Obama and Hillary have done to our economy and the world, believe me, believe me, believe me it's terrible, a disaster and I will make the sands of the middle east glow for decades to get my way"

Not for a second do I believe anything which comes out of the far right side of Trumps mouth, nor the words written by his handlers which he reads and comes out the left side of his mouth. Believe Me!


You seriously don't believe are nation is moving more abd more to socialism when the people are now figuring out how to vote for free stuff, the major income inequality and the youth movement propelled Bernies campaign. Plus you had OWS a few years ago.

Only mostly old white guys support trump.
Is this what liberals really want?


Why so stupid? Seriously? Why do you fuckers always go overboard with the rhetoric? You can't name one liberal here who advocates for straight up socialism.

Where is the city in your picture? Is it in America? If is not "on" socialism. How about that hospital? Where is that?

If you tried harder, you might learn something.
Its not here yet, but its coming. Now, we have have always had a form of "socialism" blended in with our other systems. But that is required for basic government.
THE PROBLEM IS, how big the government has gotten. I mean, we have politicians wanting AMERICANS to lose lands for a foreign company. The other side only battling it because their donors like rail cars.. We have the government FORCING a for-profit product on us.
Bernie sanders did very well in his primary considering he is a self branded socialist. If cankles wins, she will (judging by her ACTUAL political history) fuck a lot of shit up. ALOT.
Next time, there will be another Bernie, and the establishments rhetoric will be crucified by the entitled limp wrists who cant wipe their own fucking ass.
Last part is just my opinion, of course.

Your opinion is part word salad and part bigotry, with a sprinkling of echoes of the same old shit.

Q. How big should the government be in a nation as large are ours with a population of 300 + million citizens
Q. Do you ever consider why the Articles of Confederation failed
Q. If you believe the private sector is less expensive and more capable than the public sector, explain how and why
Q. Do you believe Socialism and Totalitarianism always go together

Our form of government as established by COTUS allows for change every 2 years.

We the People vote directly for our Rep. in the H. of Rep every two years, and our Senator every six; and indirectly for the POTUS every four.

Q. Do you oppose the system
Q. What idea(s) do you have to improve democracy in America
Dear god you are stupid.
Our government was NEVER meant to FORCE property owners to rent out their land against their will; for a for-profit FOREIGN company.
Our government was never meant to FORCE a for-profit product on us or get penalized.
Our government was never meant to illegalize everything because of money (see pot and prostitution)
Articles of confederation and what happened with that have NOTHING to do with what I am referring to. Its just a cliché response. Perhaps because your mind is so limited..
Our government is so fucking huge, we don't even know how many departments we have. We lose BILLIONS of dollars and its just anther "fuck up".
Accountability and responsibility die with a bloated bureaucracy.
I don't believe socialism and totalitarianism go hand in hand. But they have in the past.
Is this what liberals really want?


Why so stupid? Seriously? Why do you fuckers always go overboard with the rhetoric? You can't name one liberal here who advocates for straight up socialism.

Where is the city in your picture? Is it in America? If is not "on" socialism. How about tha hospital? Where is that?

If you tried harder, you might learn something.

The USA has long had a mixture of capitalism and socialism, as do most nations in the western world. .

The reason why we go overboard lone is because of people like the above.

We all know America is moving more and more to socialism, while China and Russia moves away from communism and socialism ..

Will all three meet at a happy medium?

Or will America swing so far left the meme becomes true before we swing back?
Is this what liberals really want?


Why so stupid? Seriously? Why do you fuckers always go overboard with the rhetoric? You can't name one liberal here who advocates for straight up socialism.

Where is the city in your picture? Is it in America? If is not "on" socialism. How about tha hospital? Where is that?

If you tried harder, you might learn something.

The USA has long had a mixture of capitalism and socialism, as do most nations in the western world. .

The reason why we go overboard lone is because of people like the above.

We all know America is moving more and more to socialism, while China and Russia moves away from communism and socialism ..

Will all three meet at a happy medium?

Or will America swing so far left the meme becomes true before we swing back?
Is this what liberals really want?


Why so stupid? Seriously? Why do you fuckers always go overboard with the rhetoric? You can't name one liberal here who advocates for straight up socialism.

Where is the city in your picture? Is it in America? If is not "on" socialism. How about tha hospital? Where is that?

If you tried harder, you might learn something.

The USA has long had a mixture of capitalism and socialism, as do most nations in the western world. .

The reason why we go overboard lone is because of people like the above.

We all know America is moving more and more to socialism, while China and Russia moves away from communism and socialism ..

Will all three meet at a happy medium?

Or will America swing so far left the meme becomes true before we swing back?
When did the USSR practice Marx's communism?

I knew you were a Marx fan, when did they not try?

What happened?

Human nature always gets in the way of something that looks good on paper.
Of all the types of socialism did only one lead to communism?

Is this what liberals really want?


Nothing more pathetic than a Liberal Elite floating his yacht down the river to avoid taxes while he is demanding more from those who happen to earn more in a given year.

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