The plagiarism ploy.

I am running around saying we GOP are fucking stupid, bluegin.

Last night was only the latest in our attempts to climb out of the shit hole called the Donald Trump campaign.

What will today and the rest of the week will bring?

Next month?

I know what will happen in November.
I dunno...

There are only so many words in the English language...and far far far fewer words in Trump's wife's English vocabulary.

A prospective First Lady's speech is way up there on the useless fluff meter.

Why wouldn't anyone expect Hillary's campaign to try and take advantage of the recycling of Michelle Obama's speech?

Lot's of people get angry, and don't even realize they've been made angry by a political campaign. That is sad.

but Donald has the best words ... why use someone else's .... especially one of "those" who don't share American values?

Posted By: Lindsey Bruce 07/19/2016

The first day of the RNC was outstanding, so naturally liberals had to find something to criticize.

The accusation is that Melania Trump “plagiarized” a speech made by Michelle Obama in 2008. Well I’m sorry liberals, she did not.

Here are the comments from Michelle Obama in 2008:

And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you’re going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don’t know them, and even if you don’t agree with them.

And Barack and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and pass them on to the next generation. Because we want our children — and all children in this nation — to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.

Melania Trump’s speech:

From a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life. That your word is your bond, that you do what you say and keep your promise. That you treat people with respect. They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily life. That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to or son. And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow. Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.

Did Melania use a few sentences that were similar to Michelle Obama’s speech? Sure, but that is common. ALL First Lady speeches resonate the same universal concepts.

The fact is, you can go back and look at Laura Bush’s speech, Nancy Reagan, and even Hillary when she was first lady and find the same type of comments.

In a speech Hillary Clinton gave in 2014 for the New American foundation. Hillary spoke of the same values saying,

” my mother and father gave us a middle-class life with opportunities she never could have imagined for herself but which she always believed could be possible for her children. And that was a great gift that I will be forever grateful for, and then Bill and I of course worked hard to pass on those values to our daughter.”

(In other words, passing on values to the next generation, like Michelle Obama said in 2008.)

Laura Bush said in her 2004 RNC speech,

“If you’re determined and you want to work hard, you can do anything you want to. That’s the beautiful thing about America.”

(The same concept of Michelle Obama’s speech in 2008.)

Even Ann Romney’s speech hit the same notes in 2012

“Mitt will be the first to tell you that he is the most fortunate man in the world. He had two loving parents who gave him strong values and taught him the value of work.”

Hillary is actually the biggest offender when it comes to plagiarism, she plagiarized Bernie Sanders so often that the hashtag #StealTheBern was born.

Obama plagiarized Bush nearly word for word in 2014, but the liberal media didn’t seem to have a problem with that.

Every 4 years, a first lady, or potential first lady, stands on stage at their convention and talks about the same subjects: upbringing, values and family.

In fact, 90% of what we hear this week will probably be rehashed and resaid at the DNC. They’ll just spin it around to be all about race, class warfare, illegal immigrants and insulting police, of course.

I dunno...

There are only so many words in the English language...and far far far fewer words in Trump's wife's English vocabulary.

A prospective First Lady's speech is way up there on the useless fluff meter.

Why wouldn't anyone expect Hillary's campaign to try and take advantage of the recycling of Michelle Obama's speech?

Lot's of people get angry, and don't even realize they've been made angry by a political campaign. That is sad.

but Donald has the best words ... why use someone else's .... especially one of "those" who don't share American values?
Donald?....the best words?

The best words for what?
Yeah, it was plagiarized. Run it through Grammerly, and it will get an F-.

Not only will Trump lose the election, he is going to lose yuuuuge when Melania divorces him for making her look like a fool. Some women ignore the fucking around, but make a fool of a woman, better not turn your back on her.

I am running around saying we GOP are fucking stupid, bluegin.

Last night was only the latest in our attempts to climb out of the shit hole called the Donald Trump campaign.

What will today and the rest of the week will bring?

Next month?

I know what will happen in November.
Shit a brick when trump sends your statist ass to the gulag?
I am running around saying we GOP are fucking stupid, bluegin.

Last night was only the latest in our attempts to climb out of the shit hole called the Donald Trump campaign.

What will today and the rest of the week will bring?

Next month?

I know what will happen in November.
Shit a brick when trump sends your statist ass to the gulag?
Only statists like you want gulags, TN.
Falling as this does at the very beginning of the Republican Convention, there is plenty of time for change to occur.
What if this were a mise en scène, a "set-up", a reason to change what has become the otherwise obvious outcome.
For example, what if, in support of his wife, he retired from the race ("for the good of the Party and and the good of his marriage...").
In other words, it was always meant to be that the decision would be made here, now.
Good point! I've had that same gut feeling that Trump would bail if his ruse took him too far for about the last three weeks or so.
I am running around saying we GOP are fucking stupid, bluegin.

Last night was only the latest in our attempts to climb out of the shit hole called the Donald Trump campaign.

What will today and the rest of the week will bring?

Next month?

I know what will happen in November.
Shit a brick when trump sends your statist ass to the gulag?
Only statists like you want gulags, TN.

Actually, it's you and your ilk that make the gulags possible. I don't know if that is your ultimate goal but the constant desire to disarm the population ALWAYS leads to gulags.
I am running around saying we GOP are fucking stupid, bluegin.

Last night was only the latest in our attempts to climb out of the shit hole called the Donald Trump campaign.

What will today and the rest of the week will bring?

Next month?

I know what will happen in November.
Shit a brick when trump sends your statist ass to the gulag?
Only statists like you want gulags, TN.
Fallacy of the straw man argument.

I believe in the 2d Amendment, but I know it does not guarantee crazies or those on watch lists the right to purchase and carry firearms.

Actually, it's you and your ilk that make the gulags possible. I don't know if that is your ultimate goal but the constant desire to disarm the population ALWAYS leads to gulags.
"A chicken in every pot, and a car in every garage."

Melania Huey Trump
I am running around saying we GOP are fucking stupid, bluegin.

Last night was only the latest in our attempts to climb out of the shit hole called the Donald Trump campaign.

What will today and the rest of the week will bring?

Next month?

I know what will happen in November.
Shit a brick when trump sends your statist ass to the gulag?
Only statists like you want gulags, TN.
Fallacy of the straw man argument.

I believe in the 2d Amendment, but I know it does not guarantee crazies or those on watch lists the right to purchase and carry firearms.

Actually, it's you and your ilk that make the gulags possible. I don't know if that is your ultimate goal but the constant desire to disarm the population ALWAYS leads to gulags.

No, you wish to disarm the People of the United States because you have this silly belief that preventing good people from having guns, that you don't like, will somehow keep them out of the hands of bad guys. Which has been shown over, and over, and over to be false. And, more to the point of the OP, in a speech of over two thousand words, that is filled with platitudes the fact that there were only 30 or so words that sounded like michelles, who's words likewise sounded like thousands of speeches before hers, is not surprising.

What is surprising is the hysteria the desperate hilary fluffers have worked themselves into.
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All the excuses for the plagiarism seem to be "we want to be like the Dems."

Not a winning strategy, losers.
Well, Melania certainly DID want to be like Michelle.

Who wouldn't. Vacations paid for by the American Public. Meals cooked for you how, and when you want it. Your home cleaned every day for the American People. It's as close as you can get to being a queen in this country.
Falling as this does at the very beginning of the Republican Convention, there is plenty of time for change to occur.
What if this were a mise en scène, a "set-up", a reason to change what has become the otherwise obvious outcome.
For example, what if, in support of his wife, he retired from the race ("for the good of the Party and and the good of his marriage...").
In other words, it was always meant to be that the decision would be made here, now.

I think that's wishful thinking.
Yeah, it was plagiarized. Run it through Grammerly, and it will get an F-.

Not only will Trump lose the election, he is going to lose yuuuuge when Melania divorces him for making her look like a fool. Some women ignore the fucking around, but make a fool of a woman, better not turn your back on her.

View attachment 82155
I understand she's in her upper 40's....he's gonna turn her in for a new model......soon.
I am running around saying we GOP are fucking stupid, bluegin.

Last night was only the latest in our attempts to climb out of the shit hole called the Donald Trump campaign.

What will today and the rest of the week will bring?

Next month?

I know what will happen in November.
Shit a brick when trump sends your statist ass to the gulag?
Interesting. You support gulags?

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