The plagiarism ploy.

All the excuses for the plagiarism seem to be "we want to be like the Dems."

Not a winning strategy, losers.
Well, Melania certainly DID want to be like Michelle.

Who wouldn't. Vacations paid for by the American Public. Meals cooked for you how, and when you want it. Your home cleaned every day for the American People. It's as close as you can get to being a queen in this country.
The funny thing is.....just like every other First Lady and family. But NOW it's a problem? Hmmmmmmmmmm
Falling as this does at the very beginning of the Republican Convention, there is plenty of time for change to occur.
What if this were a mise en scène, a "set-up", a reason to change what has become the otherwise obvious outcome.
For example, what if, in support of his wife, he retired from the race ("for the good of the Party and and the good of his marriage...").
In other words, it was always meant to be that the decision would be made here, now.
All the excuses for the plagiarism seem to be "we want to be like the Dems."

Not a winning strategy, losers.
Well, Melania certainly DID want to be like Michelle.

Who wouldn't. Vacations paid for by the American Public. Meals cooked for you how, and when you want it. Your home cleaned every day for the American People. It's as close as you can get to being a queen in this country.
The funny thing is.....just like every other First Lady and family. But NOW it's a problem? Hmmmmmmmmmm

Who said it was a problem? I certainly didn't.
I am running around saying we GOP are fucking stupid, bluegin.

Last night was only the latest in our attempts to climb out of the shit hole called the Donald Trump campaign.

What will today and the rest of the week will bring?

Next month?

I know what will happen in November.
Shit a brick when trump sends your statist ass to the gulag?
Only statists like you want gulags, TN.

Actually, it's you and your ilk that make the gulags possible. I don't know if that is your ultimate goal but the constant desire to disarm the population ALWAYS leads to gulags.
I can't think of a worse place on the planet than Logan, Utah in January.
I am running around saying we GOP are fucking stupid, bluegin.

Last night was only the latest in our attempts to climb out of the shit hole called the Donald Trump campaign.

What will today and the rest of the week will bring?

Next month?

I know what will happen in November.
Shit a brick when trump sends your statist ass to the gulag?
Only statists like you want gulags, TN.

Actually, it's you and your ilk that make the gulags possible. I don't know if that is your ultimate goal but the constant desire to disarm the population ALWAYS leads to gulags.

No, you wish to disarm the People of the United States because you have this silly belief that preventing good people from having guns, that you don't like, will somehow keep them out of the hands of bad guys. Which has been shown over, and over, and over to be false. And, more to the point of the OP, in a speech of over two thousand words, that is filled with platitudes the fact that there were only 30 or so words that sounded like michelles, who's words likewise sounded like thousands of speeches before hers, is not surprising.

What is surprising is the hysteria the desperate hilary fluffers have worked themselves into.
westwall, you freak too much. I am to do nothing of the sort. Once again, Fallacy of the straw man argument. I believe in the 2d Amendment, but I know it does not guarantee crazies or those on watch lists the right to purchase and carry firearms. The right is not absolute, never has been, never will be.

The only hysteria are the right wingers who know the Trump staff really stuff the goose with Melania's plagiarism. The rest of world is wondering, "they can't even get a speech right."
Falling as this does at the very beginning of the Republican Convention, there is plenty of time for change to occur.
What if this were a mise en scène, a "set-up", a reason to change what has become the otherwise obvious outcome.
For example, what if, in support of his wife, he retired from the race ("for the good of the Party and and the good of his marriage...").
In other words, it was always meant to be that the decision would be made here, now.

I think that's wishful thinking.

Not really 'wishful' on my part; it's all entertaining no matter what happens. It was just an idea.
Apparently, this was not the script. That means the plagiarism is from stupidity or ignorance, neither of which are healthy signs in a presidential campaign.
Falling as this does at the very beginning of the Republican Convention, there is plenty of time for change to occur.
What if this were a mise en scène, a "set-up", a reason to change what has become the otherwise obvious outcome.
For example, what if, in support of his wife, he retired from the race ("for the good of the Party and and the good of his marriage...").
In other words, it was always meant to be that the decision would be made here, now.

I think that's wishful thinking.

Not really 'wishful' on my part; it's all entertaining no matter what happens. It was just an idea.

i take it more seriously than that. not judging. but i can't think anything about the donald is funny.

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