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The Planned Parent Hood, Lie.

This is to all you ABORTION LOVERS. you want to fund PP send in your weekly paychecks. get the hell off the rest of us in this countries backs. AND GO GET a gawddam conscious and search for some courage while you're at it


The Cold, Hard Truth About Planned Parenthood and the Fight to Defund It
By: Sen. Ted Cruz and Dr. Alveda King | September 29th, 2015

  • Sen. Ted Cruz (TX) - R

    The next few sentences may be hard to read, but they must be seen and heard, with responsible and compassionate action following. Americans must know what Planned Parenthood does to unborn children.

    Crushing a baby’s body, while strategizing how to keep its organs intact... Selling body parts of dead babies...This is Planned Parenthood.

    Cutting through an aborted baby’s face to access its brain…while its heart is still beating... Crushing a baby’s body, while strategizing how to keep its organs intact... Selling body parts of dead babies...This is Planned Parenthood. This is what the Obama Administration is willing to shut down the government in order to continue funding.

- See more at: Conservative Review - The Cold, Hard Truth About Planned Parenthood and the Fight to Defund It

You had no problem spending others people($3.7 Trillion) money killing innocent Iraqis...

And again, no taxpayers money is spent on abortions.

Bull shit we spent 7.8 trillion dollars murdering babies in the past 40 years...

Listen Jack ass you want to make up a number so can I.....
We need to start calling the Progressive/commie/democrat party what they are

they party that sanctions the killing of little BABIES. the party and people of DEATH

That's a nice graphic.

Unfortunately you have no fucking idea what the Statue of Liberty represents.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

This is a monument to immigration and offering refuge to people fleeing violence and poverty.

Which the right wing absolutely deplores.

Protesters Hound Buses Of Immigrant Children: ‘Nobody Wants You’

"Protesters Hound Buses Of Immigrant Children: ‘Nobody Wants You"

On Tuesday afternoon, a swell of anti-immigrant protesters prevented three buses carrying undocumented immigrants from driving to a Border Patrol processing facility in Murrieta, California, a small town less than two hours away from Los Angeles. Waving the American flag and shouting “USA,” Take them away from here,” and “America, stand your ground,” demonstrators refused to leave the roadway, forcing bus drivers to transfer the immigrants to another facility in San Diego county.

Organizers from the anti-immigration group We the People Rising shouted, “Nobody wants you. You’re not welcome. Go home.” One protester shouted, “Turn around and go back,” “Vamanos. You’re in contempt of Congress…. criminals. Go home. We have no money for you.” Another protester approached a tan police officer who tried to hold back the crowd, saying, “Can you take the day off for me, boss? These are your kids too, man.”

Those were really live kids facing death at the hands of the Drug Cartel American policy directly created.
The issue is pretty much decided. The stupid Chaffetz committee tied in with the fake and manipulated video has put it to rest. The government will not shut down over the issue and if the Repub's fail to fund PP they will be rightfully accused of increasing abortions and abusing low income women. Experts will be coming out of the walls to testify that PP prevents way more pregnancies than anything else available to woman and far more than it's involvement with abortions.

No one is "slaughtering" children or "selling" body parts.


That is a lie. You are delusional or simply in Libtard denial or maybe just confused.

It always amazes me how ignorant Liberals are when it comes to economics, history, the Constitution, ethics and even basic biology.

When you abort a child you sure as hell are slaughtering it. The undercover tapes sure as hell revealed that Planned Parenthood was selling the body parts and were even trying to negotiate a price high enough so that one of the abortion bitches could afford a Lamborghini.
We need to start calling the Progressive/commie/democrat party what they are

they party that sanctions the killing of little BABIES. the party and people of DEATH

That's a nice graphic.

Unfortunately you have no fucking idea what the Statue of Liberty represents.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

This is a monument to immigration and offering refuge to people fleeing violence and poverty.

Which the right wing absolutely deplores.

Protesters Hound Buses Of Immigrant Children: ‘Nobody Wants You’

"Protesters Hound Buses Of Immigrant Children: ‘Nobody Wants You"

On Tuesday afternoon, a swell of anti-immigrant protesters prevented three buses carrying undocumented immigrants from driving to a Border Patrol processing facility in Murrieta, California, a small town less than two hours away from Los Angeles. Waving the American flag and shouting “USA,” Take them away from here,” and “America, stand your ground,” demonstrators refused to leave the roadway, forcing bus drivers to transfer the immigrants to another facility in San Diego county.

Organizers from the anti-immigration group We the People Rising shouted, “Nobody wants you. You’re not welcome. Go home.” One protester shouted, “Turn around and go back,” “Vamanos. You’re in contempt of Congress…. criminals. Go home. We have no money for you.” Another protester approached a tan police officer who tried to hold back the crowd, saying, “Can you take the day off for me, boss? These are your kids too, man.”

Those were really live kids facing death at the hands of the Drug Cartel American policy directly created.

Those illegals are going to take away your janitorial job swallow....

Why you vote against yourself interest?
Notice how they "play" the poor woman thing when they want to sell you their BS?

Never forget what these jerks did to Sarah Palin, Michelle Bauchmamn, etc

you're pathetic but it's not surprising you would be out defending this ungodly butchering of aborted ALIVE babies

Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and YOU are mocked for saying things without thinking

That has nothing to do with being a woman
We as a society is HOPELESS. No wonder this Federal government and politicians is getting ready to consume us and condemn us all to SLAVERY. God help you all. I have a clear conscience . Call your Congresscritters if you give a little bit of shit about this

took this off another site

They just keep upping the ante to see what if anything will shock an American conscience.

And the answer is, America’s conscience is fried. They could chop up babies on nationwide TV and most people would not bat an eye. That is proven. And their leaders will line up to pay for it. That is also proven.

I agree that we are under judgement. The wages of abandoning God is extinction. We can lose it all and never see it coming... and in fact we do see it coming and seem powerless to lift a finger to stop it. We can’t even fight for our own survival because we no longer see any point to it. And in our present condition, there isn’t much point to it.

Pray, work, and keep your families close.

all of it here:
The Cold, Hard Truth About Planned Parenthood and the Fight to Defund It (King's & Cruz's Op-Ed)
Notice how they "play" the poor woman thing when they want to sell you their BS?

Never forget what these jerks did to Sarah Palin, Michelle Bauchmamn, etc

you're pathetic but it's not surprising you would be out defending this ungodly butchering of aborted ALIVE babies

Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and YOU are mocked for saying things without thinking

That has nothing to do with being a woman

Yup we all knew you were a woman RW/candy corn/bordecia

Gotcha ":)
Then you can explain to us why Richards admitted there were no mammogram machines at PP health centers? Lol.

You liberals are rich... oops. Forgive my language.
mammogram machines are not kept in doctor's offices or clinic Templar, your doctor writes a prescription of what he wants and you get sent to radiology that has mammography in the hospital or a radiology center in a separate building.

SO of course there are no mammogram machines there, the patient get sent to radiology centers with mammography with a script for the mammogram if they operate like all other clinics and doctor's offices....planned parenthood would not have a mammogram machine in any of their clinics or doctor's offices....nor does my physician.

Men know so little about women's health care, the congress critters should inform themselves, before making fools of themselves, as they did in this hearing.
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In their very own "hearing", this happened:

Chaffetz lied.

She admitted they don't have mammogram machines in any Planned Parenthood facility.

So where's the lie?

Ms Richard's is the one lying.

The lie was the graph he tried to pass off as having been an official graph generated by Planned Parenthood. Unfortunately the dump ass forgot to remove the real source of the document that was printed on the bottom of the graph. The source happens to be an anti abortion group and the graph a total lie in itself, but Chaffetz's big lie that he got caught in was when he claimed the graph was generated in a specific report created by Planned Parenthood. He had to make shit up to attempt to cover up his original misrepresentation. All live and in front of God and Country while being caught on video.

According to the actual Planned Parenthood 2013 - 2014 annual report,
Now, I have no idea what the starting point is for Chaffetz's chart, but assuming he meant year over year, he's technically correct:
  • 1,121,580 > 935,573 = a 16.6% reduction in cancer screenings/preventative services year over year.
  • 327,166 > 327,653 = a 0.15% incrrease in abortions year over year.
UPDATED x3: I've corrected the chart Rep. Chaffetz presented at today's Planned Parenthood hearing.

But of course Chaffetz's BIG LIE FAR FAR Overshadows this BIG LIE! Right???

Cecile Richards Once Said Planned Parenthood Does Mammograms. Today She Admitted She Lied
Cecile Richards Once Said Planned Parenthood Does Mammograms. Today She Admitted She Lied

Your distortion has no legs or wheels. The claim was made over six weeks ago and fell apart. Woman go to Panned Parenthood for an examination to decide if a mammogram is needed. If it is, they are referred to a Diagnostic and Testing facility where various imaging equipment, including MRI, X Ray, ultra sound, etc. equipment is available. Planned Parenthood also overviews and determines whether a patients insurance will cover the cost. When it does not PP arranges through charitable organizations for payment and failing to find such funds available, pays for it themselves. Planned Parenthood is involved in the process from beginning preliminary exam to final payment for the procedure.

So why then did Richards say "
If this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are going to lose their health care access, not to abortion services, to basic family planning – you know, mammograms, cancer screenings, cervical cancer,”
But should have given a correct and non-self serving answering like " mammograms referrals"?
Slip of the tongue that became a mantra ... where will women go to get Mammograms if not to PP?
Sorry. You want double standards on the truth.
Then you can explain to us why Richards admitted there were no mammogram machines at PP health centers? Lol.

You liberals are rich... oops. Forgive my language.
mammogram machines are not kept in doctor's offices or clinic Templar, your doctor writes a prescription of what he wants and you get sent to radiology in the hospital or a radiology center in a separate building.

SO of course there are no mammogram machines there, the patient get sent to radiology centers with mammography with a script for the mammogram if they operate like all other clinics and doctor's offices....planned parenthood would not have a mammogram machine in any of their clinics or doctor's offices....nor does my physician.

Men know so little about women's health care, the congress critters should inform themselves, before making fools of themselves, as they did in this hearing.

then if Richards knew so much why did she say this on the View?
If this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are going to lose their health care access, not to abortion services, to basic family planning –
you know, mammograms, cancer screenings, cervical cancer,” she said.
Then you can explain to us why Richards admitted there were no mammogram machines at PP health centers? Lol.

You liberals are rich... oops. Forgive my language.
mammogram machines are not kept in doctor's offices or clinic Templar, your doctor writes a prescription of what he wants and you get sent to radiology in the hospital or a radiology center in a separate building.

SO of course there are no mammogram machines there, the patient get sent to radiology centers with mammography with a script for the mammogram if they operate like all other clinics and doctor's offices....planned parenthood would not have a mammogram machine in any of their clinics or doctor's offices....nor does my physician.

Men know so little about women's health care, the congress critters should inform themselves, before making fools of themselves, as they did in this hearing.

Just a question how come not? I don't even know what a mammagrom machine is..

I wonder how expensive it is? You are probably right that technology is expensive...
This is to all you ABORTION LOVERS. you want to fund PP send in your weekly paychecks. get the hell off the rest of us in this countries backs. AND GO GET a gawddam conscious and search for some courage while you're at it


The Cold, Hard Truth About Planned Parenthood and the Fight to Defund It
By: Sen. Ted Cruz and Dr. Alveda King | September 29th, 2015

  • Sen. Ted Cruz (TX) - R

    The next few sentences may be hard to read, but they must be seen and heard, with responsible and compassionate action following. Americans must know what Planned Parenthood does to unborn children.

    Crushing a baby’s body, while strategizing how to keep its organs intact... Selling body parts of dead babies...This is Planned Parenthood.

    Cutting through an aborted baby’s face to access its brain…while its heart is still beating... Crushing a baby’s body, while strategizing how to keep its organs intact... Selling body parts of dead babies...This is Planned Parenthood. This is what the Obama Administration is willing to shut down the government in order to continue funding.

- See more at: Conservative Review - The Cold, Hard Truth About Planned Parenthood and the Fight to Defund It
You call people "Abortion Lovers".....there's your first lie. Can't take anything you say as truth after that.
In their very own "hearing", this happened:

Chaffetz lied.

She admitted they don't have mammogram machines in any Planned Parenthood facility.

So where's the lie?

Ms Richard's is the one lying.

The lie was the graph he tried to pass off as having been an official graph generated by Planned Parenthood. Unfortunately the dump ass forgot to remove the real source of the document that was printed on the bottom of the graph. The source happens to be an anti abortion group and the graph a total lie in itself, but Chaffetz's big lie that he got caught in was when he claimed the graph was generated in a specific report created by Planned Parenthood. He had to make shit up to attempt to cover up his original misrepresentation. All live and in front of God and Country while being caught on video.

According to the actual Planned Parenthood 2013 - 2014 annual report,
Now, I have no idea what the starting point is for Chaffetz's chart, but assuming he meant year over year, he's technically correct:
  • 1,121,580 > 935,573 = a 16.6% reduction in cancer screenings/preventative services year over year.
  • 327,166 > 327,653 = a 0.15% incrrease in abortions year over year.
UPDATED x3: I've corrected the chart Rep. Chaffetz presented at today's Planned Parenthood hearing.

But of course Chaffetz's BIG LIE FAR FAR Overshadows this BIG LIE! Right???

Cecile Richards Once Said Planned Parenthood Does Mammograms. Today She Admitted She Lied
Cecile Richards Once Said Planned Parenthood Does Mammograms. Today She Admitted She Lied

Your distortion has no legs or wheels. The claim was made over six weeks ago and fell apart. Woman go to Panned Parenthood for an examination to decide if a mammogram is needed. If it is, they are referred to a Diagnostic and Testing facility where various imaging equipment, including MRI, X Ray, ultra sound, etc. equipment is available. Planned Parenthood also overviews and determines whether a patients insurance will cover the cost. When it does not PP arranges through charitable organizations for payment and failing to find such funds available, pays for it themselves. Planned Parenthood is involved in the process from beginning preliminary exam to final payment for the procedure.

So why then did Richards say "
If this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are going to lose their health care access, not to abortion services, to basic family planning – you know, mammograms, cancer screenings, cervical cancer,”
But should have given a correct and non-self serving answering like " mammograms referrals"?
Slip of the tongue that became a mantra ... where will women go to get Mammograms if not to PP?
Sorry. You want double standards on the truth.

Because they need a prescription from a doctor to determine if you need to receive one and to pay for one if the person is poor.

Once O care's Medicaid expansion is spread out in to the poor in the republican governed States, planned parenthood won't need govt support....

but as of now, since the poorest do not qualify for health care coverage through O care, nor through Medicaid expansion, until the Repub governors expand Medicaid, the Planned parenthood clinics are needed for medical services.
Last edited:
In their very own "hearing", this happened:

Chaffetz lied.

She admitted they don't have mammogram machines in any Planned Parenthood facility.

So where's the lie?

Ms Richard's is the one lying.

The lie was the graph he tried to pass off as having been an official graph generated by Planned Parenthood. Unfortunately the dump ass forgot to remove the real source of the document that was printed on the bottom of the graph. The source happens to be an anti abortion group and the graph a total lie in itself, but Chaffetz's big lie that he got caught in was when he claimed the graph was generated in a specific report created by Planned Parenthood. He had to make shit up to attempt to cover up his original misrepresentation. All live and in front of God and Country while being caught on video.

According to the actual Planned Parenthood 2013 - 2014 annual report,
Now, I have no idea what the starting point is for Chaffetz's chart, but assuming he meant year over year, he's technically correct:
  • 1,121,580 > 935,573 = a 16.6% reduction in cancer screenings/preventative services year over year.
  • 327,166 > 327,653 = a 0.15% incrrease in abortions year over year.
UPDATED x3: I've corrected the chart Rep. Chaffetz presented at today's Planned Parenthood hearing.

But of course Chaffetz's BIG LIE FAR FAR Overshadows this BIG LIE! Right???

Cecile Richards Once Said Planned Parenthood Does Mammograms. Today She Admitted She Lied
Cecile Richards Once Said Planned Parenthood Does Mammograms. Today She Admitted She Lied

Your distortion has no legs or wheels. The claim was made over six weeks ago and fell apart. Woman go to Panned Parenthood for an examination to decide if a mammogram is needed. If it is, they are referred to a Diagnostic and Testing facility where various imaging equipment, including MRI, X Ray, ultra sound, etc. equipment is available. Planned Parenthood also overviews and determines whether a patients insurance will cover the cost. When it does not PP arranges through charitable organizations for payment and failing to find such funds available, pays for it themselves. Planned Parenthood is involved in the process from beginning preliminary exam to final payment for the procedure.

So why then did Richards say "
If this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are going to lose their health care access, not to abortion services, to basic family planning – you know, mammograms, cancer screenings, cervical cancer,”
But should have given a correct and non-self serving answering like " mammograms referrals"?
Slip of the tongue that became a mantra ... where will women go to get Mammograms if not to PP?
Sorry. You want double standards on the truth.

Go to a lab, any kind of medical lab. Walk in and tell them you want a blood test or any other kind of lab work. You will quickly learn the importance of having a referral. Without a referral from a professional who has given an exam and determined a lab test is called for will result in you being told you can not receive the requested test.
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It's not
Our nation has lost all morality under progressive leadership of both parties.

How PP can continue to be funded by our tax dollars, after these heinous revelations, is beyond me.

What can one conclude about a political party that will fight to the death to protect the murdering of babies and the selling of their body parts?

We have much in common with Nazi Germany.

Read this:
The Planned Parenthood video in context

I posted the whole of it becasue of the gross lack of understanding by the right...

An anti-abortion activist group released a video that they say proves Planned Parenthood "sells the body parts of aborted fetuses." Is it misleading?

Posing as a biological tissue procurement company, actors for the Center for Medical Progress secretly filmed a luncheon with Planned Parenthood’s senior director of Medical Services Dr. Deborah Nucatola in 2014. On July 14, 2015, the group released a nine-minute video that they say shows Nucatola talking about performing partial-birth abortions to keep body parts intact in order to "sell" them, an action which the video alleges is a felony.

Nearly every Republican presidential candidate has responded, condemning Planned Parenthood. And Congress, as well as the states of Texas and Louisiana, have called for investigations into the women’s reproductive health care organization.

Many, including Planned Parenthood, have said the video was heavily edited and is misleading. They say Nucatola was discussing a standard, legal procedure for providing fetal tissue for scientific research, for which clinics are often reimbursed for costs associated with procuring the tissue (as opposed to selling tissue for a profit).

Who’s right? We read the 60-page transcript of the nearly three-hour luncheon and found that Nucatola reveals very little concrete information on Planned Parenthood’s practices. Put simply, there’s no clear gotcha.

We’ll leave it up to readers to come to their own conclusions about Planned Parenthood’s practices and Nucatola’s statements, but we want to highlight a few key moments in the conversation to put the edited video in context.

It’s clear in the full-length video that Nucatola believes she is speaking with representatives from a company that provides scientific researchers with tissue from aborted fetuses (a legal process that raises difficult ethical questions). She describes the process of getting consent from patients, as well as how Planned Parenthood clinics typically interacts with the companies that take the tissue from the clinics to the researchers.

The edited video shows Nucatola discussing a per-specimen price range for tissue parts. But the full video shows that the cost under discussion is a reimbursement for the cost of preparing the specimens for transfer, not the value of the specimens themselves. She adds that Planned Parenthood needs to be able to explain exactly what the funds are used for.

Asked by the actors about a price range, Nucatola said:

"You know, I would throw a number out, I would say it’s probably anywhere from $30 to $100 (per specimen), depending on the facility and what’s involved. It just has to do with space issues, are you sending someone there who’s going to be doing everything, is there shipping involved, is somebody going to have to take it out? You know, I think everybody just wants, it’s really just about if anyone were ever to ask them, ‘What do you do for this $60? How can you justify that? Or are you basically just doing something completely egregious, that you should be doing for free.’ So it just needs to be justifiable.

"The way they budget (for the cost of producing a specimen) is by the amount of time they spend on one patient. … It depends, if (the procurement service is) expecting somebody to process, and package, identify tissue for you, it’s going to be at the higher end of the range. In all cases, it’s really going to be about staff time, because that’s the only cost to the affiliate. And then, if you want space."

Nucatola also said Planned Parenthood affiliate clinics appreciate that they can reduce some of their overhead costs of disposing of aborted fetal tissue by using a tissue procurement service.

Nucatola said:

"I think for affiliates, at the end of the day, they’re a nonprofit, they just don’t want to — they want to break even. And if they can do a little better than break even, and do so in a way that seems reasonable, they’re happy to do that. Really their bottom line is, they want to break even. Every penny they save is just pennies they give to another patient. To provide a service the patient wouldn’t get.

"No one’s going to see this as a money-making thing. The other reason affiliates think this is a good thing is, it’s less tissue that they need to worry about, it’s taken care of. They have to do something with that tissue, it’s hard to find somebody that wants to do something with that tissue, so the fact that there’s somebody that’s looking for that tissue is -- that is such a huge service to them."

Nucatola says throughout the luncheon that Planned Parenthood is not interested in making a profit off the specimens -- an interpretation the edited video pushes.

"(Clinics) want to do this, but they want to do it in a way that’s not going to impact them, and it’s much much less about money. You could call them up and say, ‘I’ll pay you double the money,’ and they’re almost more inclined to say no, because it’s going to look bad. … To them, this is not a service they should be making money from, it’s something they should be able to offer this to their patients, in a way that doesn’t impact them.

"Again, affiliates don’t — affiliates are not looking to make money by doing this. They’re looking to serve their patients and just make it not impact their bottom line.

"At the end of the day we just want to keep the doors open. And we don’t want to let jeopardize keeping the doors open. We just want (the cost per specimen) to be reasonable for the impact it has on the clinic. This is not a new revenue stream the affiliates are looking at. This is a way to offer the patient the service that they want. Do good for the medical community.

"Like I said, is to give patients the option without impacting our bottom line. The messaging is this should not be seen as a new revenue stream because that’s not what it is."

The actors in the video act as if they are on the same page:

Actor: "I understand what you’re saying. This cannot be seen as, ‘We’re doing this for profit.’ "

Nucatola: "No. Nothing, no affiliate should be doing anything that’s not like, reasonable and customary. This is not -- nobody should be ‘selling’ tissue. That’s just not the goal here."

Actor: "Right. And, I never see that as, I don’t look at it that way, we’re not selling tissue, we’re selling the possibility of what the research can offer."

Nucatola: "I think we all would agree with you. That’s just not the perception, sadly, for everybody."

Actor: "I mean, researchers are paying for procurement, they’re not paying for — You’re not buying a brain, you’re buying a procurement service."

Nucatola: "Exactly. Exactly."

The conversation indicates that at least some Planned Parenthood clinics do sell aborted fetal tissue. But Nucatola plainly argues that the money they’re charging is trying to offset the costs associated with tissue procurement -- a legal service.
It's not so much about the money....far more about the procedures.

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