The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
For some historical perspective on our now 420 PPM CO2 level.
I don't think we have to go much or even any higher to reach the same Sea Level...
And we are and will exceed the current CO2 level easily at the rate we're going as atmospheric CO2 is Cumulative and lasts from 5-200 years. I think 500 PPM is in the cards by 2050 or before.

The USA is doing a great job lowering emissions in the last decade, almost the 'GND' of AOC due to the fact Renewables have become 80-90% cheaper/more efficient in that short time period. But we still contribute though not nearly as much as 'Chindia' and the 'developing world.

Alas, we got to 400+ so fast (100-200x natural speed) we probably just have to wait for the snowballing Melt (+free and generated Methane) to catch up.

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2

Royal Meteorological Society

The last time carbon dioxide was so plentiful in our planet's atmosphere was in the Pliocene era, around 3 million years ago. Life on Earth was dominated by giant mammals; humans and chimps had shared their last common ancestor. Although the Sun's force was about the Same, the sea levels were 15 metres (50') higher and Arctic summer temperatures were 14 degrees higher than the present day.".."

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2

The Pliocene: >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2



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The last time carbon dioxide was so plentiful in our planet's atmosphere was in the Pliocene era, around 3 million years ago.

Ah, excuse me, but the Pliocene is not an Era, it is the EPOCH that preceded the Pleistocene and the Holocene of modern day!

If you can't get even that basic fact right, why should we believe anything else you say?
Ah, excuse me, but the Pliocene is not an Era, it is the EPOCH that preceded the Pleistocene and the Holocene of modern day!

If you can't get even that basic fact right, why should we believe anything else you say?
1. "pliocene era" - Google Search

2. And NO REBUTTAL TO: the Meat

Royal Meteorological Society

"The last time carbon dioxide was so plentiful in our planet's atmosphere was in the Pliocene era, around 3 million years ago. Life on Earth was dominated by giant mammals; humans and chimps had shared their last common ancestor. Although the Sun's force was about the Same, the sea levels were 15 metres (50') higher and Arctic summer temperatures were 14 degrees higher than the present day.".."

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Shall we call you the meathead?

"The last time carbon dioxide was so plentiful in our planet's atmosphere was in the Pliocene era, around 3 million years ago. Life on Earth was dominated by giant mammals; humans and chimps had shared their last common ancestor. Although the Sun's force was about the Same, the sea levels were 15 metres (50') higher and Arctic summer temperatures were 14 degrees higher than the present day.".."

Yeah, the crazy thing is that you make no point in any of this, leaving me to ask: SO WHAT.
Apparently things were quite natural and good back then and everything turned out just fine.
The Earth has routinely and regularly had CO2 levels that high and higher, it is all part of the many natural cycles of the Earth of which humanity is a part.
But I forget: the eternal clarion of the Left is that somehow, humanity is NOT natural and NOT just another part of the ever-changing Earth.
The Left's view of humanity is that humanity and civilization are like a virus a plague on the Earth out of control that must be brought under reign.
For some historical perspective on our now 420 PPM CO2 level.

^^^Dummass is so ignorant that he even "Fake News" me on a basic science fact that anyone can LOOK UP for themselves in 5 seconds! :auiqs.jpg:

Lecture us on the future climate of the Earth the shitstain don't even know the difference between an Era, a Period, and Epoch and an Age. :laughing0301:
Shall we call you the meathead?

Yeah, the crazy thing is that you make no point in any of this, leaving me to ask: SO WHAT.
Apparently things were quite natural and good back then and everything turned out just fine.
The Earth has routinely and regularly had CO2 levels that high and higher, it is all part of the many natural cycles of the Earth of which humanity is a part.
But I forget: the eternal clarion of the Left is that somehow, humanity is NOT natural and NOT just another part of the ever-changing Earth.
The Left's view of humanity is that humanity and civilization are like a virus a plague on the Earth out of control that must be brought under reign.
But that sea level NOW Would DESTROY Many of our Largest cities and coasts.
Like the whole East and Gulf Coast.
Shanghai (pop 26 Million), NYC, Miami, etc, etc.
What an IDIOT you are.

^^^Dummass provides a link which, clicked on, proves me right and the OP wrong! TOO FUNNY! :laugh2:

But that sea level NOW Would DESTROY Many of our Largest cities and coasts.
So what? Pretty stupid we built literally right down to the edge of the water as if sea levels don't constantly rise and fall!!! :lmao:

Shanghai (pop 26 Million)
Hope they are the first to go! They are one of the countries pumping out the most soot from burnt coal! :21:
With any luck, you live there or in NYC! :21:
^^^Dummass provides a link which, clicked on, proves me right and the OP wrong! TOO FUNNY! :laugh2:

So what? Pretty stupid we built literally right down to the edge of the water as if sea levels don't constantly rise and fall!!! :lmao:

Hope they are the first to go! They are one of the countries pumping out the most soot from burnt coal! :21:
With any luck, you live there or in NYC! :21:

IOW, You Lose on ALL points you unbelievable MORON.

For some historical perspective on our now 420 PPM CO2 level.
I don't think we have to go much or even any higher to reach the same Sea Level...
And we are and will exceed the current CO2 level easily at the rate we're going as atmospheric CO2 is Cumulative and lasts from 5-200 years. I think 500 PPM is in the cards by 2050 or before.

The USA is doing a great job lowering emissions in the last decade, almost the 'GND' of AOC due to the fact Renewables have become 80-90% cheaper/more efficient in that short time period. But we still contribute though not nearly as much as 'Chindia' and the 'developing world.

Alas, we got to 400+ so fast (100-200x natural speed) we probably just have to wait for the snowballing Melt (+free and generated Methane) to catch up.

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2

Royal Meteorological Society

The last time carbon dioxide was so plentiful in our planet's atmosphere was in the Pliocene era, around 3 million years ago. Life on Earth was dominated by giant mammals; humans and chimps had shared their last common ancestor. Although the Sun's force was about the Same, the sea levels were 15 metres (50') higher and Arctic summer temperatures were 14 degrees higher than the present day.".."

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2

The Pliocene: >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2




And the ice cores conclusively show CO2 lags temperature on increase and decrease



Maybe they’ll capsize, like Guam.

Have you been hanging with jc456? I'm pretty sure your momma said to stay away from him. He's a bad influence. Or maybe you were the bad influence. Or maybe the two of you are synergistic.
For some historical perspective on our now 420 PPM CO2 level.
I don't think we have to go much or even any higher to reach the same Sea Level...
And we are and will exceed the current CO2 level easily at the rate we're going as atmospheric CO2 is Cumulative and lasts from 5-200 years. I think 500 PPM is in the cards by 2050 or before.

The USA is doing a great job lowering emissions in the last decade, almost the 'GND' of AOC due to the fact Renewables have become 80-90% cheaper/more efficient in that short time period. But we still contribute though not nearly as much as 'Chindia' and the 'developing world.

Alas, we got to 400+ so fast (100-200x natural speed) we probably just have to wait for the snowballing Melt (+free and generated Methane) to catch up.

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2

Royal Meteorological Society

The last time carbon dioxide was so plentiful in our planet's atmosphere was in the Pliocene era, around 3 million years ago. Life on Earth was dominated by giant mammals; humans and chimps had shared their last common ancestor. Although the Sun's force was about the Same, the sea levels were 15 metres (50') higher and Arctic summer temperatures were 14 degrees higher than the present day.".."

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2

The Pliocene: >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2




Did everything die?
For some historical perspective on our now 420 PPM CO2 level.
I don't think we have to go much or even any higher to reach the same Sea Level...
And we are and will exceed the current CO2 level easily at the rate we're going as atmospheric CO2 is Cumulative and lasts from 5-200 years. I think 500 PPM is in the cards by 2050 or before.

The USA is doing a great job lowering emissions in the last decade, almost the 'GND' of AOC due to the fact Renewables have become 80-90% cheaper/more efficient in that short time period. But we still contribute though not nearly as much as 'Chindia' and the 'developing world.

Alas, we got to 400+ so fast (100-200x natural speed) we probably just have to wait for the snowballing Melt (+free and generated Methane) to catch up.

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2

Royal Meteorological Society

The last time carbon dioxide was so plentiful in our planet's atmosphere was in the Pliocene era, around 3 million years ago. Life on Earth was dominated by giant mammals; humans and chimps had shared their last common ancestor. Although the Sun's force was about the Same, the sea levels were 15 metres (50') higher and Arctic summer temperatures were 14 degrees higher than the present day.".."

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2

The Pliocene: >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2



Do you need for me to add the historical CO2 graph versus time?
Want to kill all life on earth? Do away with CO2, because that is how you put an end to the Biosphere.
No one has suggested doing away with all CO2. Are you under the impression that the world's scientists and leaders are unaware of the role of CO2 in photosynthesis?

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