BLM Riots in Lancaster PA After Black Man Shot by Police

Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
Sunday, Lancaster, Pennsylvania:

Cop responds to domestic disturbance call.

Knife wielding negro tries to attack cop.

Cop, not wanting to shoot said negro, runs.

Negro chases cop.

Cop draws sidearm arm.

Cops shoots and kills man who was chasing him with a knife.

Idiot BLM retarded monkeys protest shooting of negro who was trying to kill a cop and, as if this would be any surprise, BLM retard monkeys trash city.

Fuck BLM. Just fuck them. They all need to die, and the sooner the better. This wasn't a case of a cop pushing a knee down on some negro's neck or a cop shooting an unarmed negro. No, the negro in this case was trying to kill the cop, and apparently BLM retards believe that the cop choosing to defend himself was racist.

I thought I had seen the extent of the stupidity that BLM retards could display.

Boy, was I ever wrong...

Video: Officer running away while shooting man with knife in Lancaster
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Black behavior matters. These stories will continue UNTIL Africans understand that there are consequences for bad behavior, OR until whites completely turn the country over to black mobs. Abraham Lincoln was right.

VIOLENT “riots” have erupted in Lancaster, Pennsylvania after footage was released of the moment a knife-wielding man was shot dead by cops after charging at them.

Police released the video on Sunday, and protests erupted as black people instigateв by agitators from the Democratic party became outraged over the footage.


a man wielding a knife as he ran toward a cop



Video shows an officer fire his weapon at the man


The criminal, Ricardo Munoz, was fatally shot on Sunday.

A man was seen running out of the home and charge toward the officer as he turned around and ran.The officer turned back around to face the man, as he fired a weapon.

In a statement, police said video showed a 27-year-old man leave a home, and begin "chasing the officer."

"Preliminary information and body worn camera footage indicates that the male subject had a knife in his right hand as he was chasing the officer," police said.

"The officer fired several shots from his firearm, striking the subject."

The criminal "...did not survive his injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene," the police statement added.


As video of the incident was shared, public outrage erupted and BLM organisers initiated demonstrations that escalated across the city.

Photos showed windows smashed out at a police station and the post office.

Several police cars also had windows smashed, WGAL reported.

Police said in a statement that one county vehicle outside the precinct had its windows smashed, and that "bricks were thrown through the front of the police station and into the post office window" and a dumpster was lit on fire, Lancaster Online reported.





At least four people were arrested, Lancaster Online reported.

Video showed cops using tear gas to break up demonstrations.

Cops said in a statement on Monday that more than 100 demonstrators gathered outside the police station on Sunday.

Police used a public address system to provide several warnings that if the group did not move from the ramp that chemical munitions would be deployed," according to the release.

"The group failed to follow the instructions and chemical agents were used to disperse the crowd. Members of the crowd damaged a county vehicle parked in the front of the police station. Bricks were thrown through the front of the police station and into the post office window."

From the author:

The police acted in full accordance with the instructions. Anyone who encroaches on the life of a government official must be stopped. And BLM, funded by the pro-Chinese political elite of the Democratic Party, is sowing destruction, anarchy and death. Both the BLM and their patron, the Democratic Party, must be outlawed, and the instigators and financiers of the riots must be arrested and brought to justice.

The President is OBLIGED to declare a state of emergency throughout the United States and lift the prohibition on the possession and carrying of weapons in the states controlled by the Democratic Party.

My comments, including my appeal to the President, can, of course, be blocked, but the truth cannot be stopped.

Now I started to copy the English version of my comments to my Telegram channel Academia Socrates




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The police better start figuring out a way to tamp down these things.

Their asses are on the line, physically.
Some events are questionable. Many are not. This protest/riot was weak. Changes need to occur with Law Enforcement. From how they respond in real life to TV Shows and their depictions.
We’re waiting patiently for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to condemn the unprovoked attack against the police officer and against the riots. Waiting . . . waiting . . . waiting . . .
Is he going to have to do this for every time some copper has this done?
Until you Leftards stop trying to murder police, yes.
The police better start figuring out a way to tamp down these things.

Their asses are on the line, physically.
Some events are questionable. Many are not. This protest/riot was weak. Changes need to occur with Law Enforcement. From how they respond in real life to TV Shows and their depictions.

City battles between the enraged BLM and the normal population will soon be on all channels

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