Zone1 The Political Correctness of the NFL Game Postponement.

No one is "pretending" out there on the football field.

I just made a post to that effect. And those vets face far worse danger for a TENTH the money Hamlin was making and he was a low paid player.

Cry me a river. When all is said and done........the young man that droped on the field, more than likely was using......some preformance enhancing substance.

Yeah.......pretending would be getting paid millions of dollars to play a child's game, and then bitching like the spoiled children they are when an injury might happen. Real life is a young man or woman, lacing up their boots, putting on their saftety gear, just like the children who play a game, to include pads/vest, helemet...etc., but instead of alluding some ZEBRA who has been paid to (wink, wink) adjust the scorce for the Vegas gamblers......these young men and woman attempt to allude death on a daily basis. And thanks to these young men and women who work for THE PEOPLE....the PRETENDERS playing a child's game for millions of dollars........have the right to be the "entertainers" they are.
What's the difference? Indeed they are trained are members of the WWF.......inspite of building their bodies into near perect examples...death happens. In the end.....the NFL players are nothing but paid entertainers on a stage who knew the risks when they accepted the millions of dollars for playing a child's sport with perfect examples of the human body dishing out the hits and punishments. 99.999% of the time..........the entertainment goes as planned, the crowd gets their monies worth of entertainment and the NFL dictates which market share would yeild the best bang for the bucks spent.

You are living in a dream world if you think these games are anything other than ENTERTAINMENT on a staged platform.

Think about the past few decades. After 9/11..........who started a winning Winning Dynasty orginating in the same area as the Green Mountain Boys? Of course.........a team called the "PATS" short for the US PATRIOTS. Move ahead to the tragic event that was called Hurricane Katrina.......who was groomed to win the Super Bowl, what city needed business to be re-established..........enter stage left, The New Orleans "SAINTS" who became a blessing to the state during the recovery.......the list goes on and on......

Watch any important game........notice how, especially this season, and late last season in the blowouts, almost every game comes down to a last mintue act of heorics (of course added by unexplained calls by the Zebras)....... No one can state that they have never had their suspicions the FIX WAS IN in ceratin games where it would be beneficial to collective that is the NFL for the bigest market share team to win the game.

People.............its an entertainment industry, its not important when LIFE is actually on the line. If one life could be saved......cancel the entire season. WHO CARES?

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