The political suicide of Trump

When Trump was the president, he pushed hard for getting the vaccines developed, produced, and delivered so that fewer people would die, and of course the democrats roundly opposed him. Now that he's out of office, is he supposed to change his rhetoric to oppose that which he supported before? That would make him no better than the democrats wouldn't it, politicizing a health issue of some importance. Trump takes credit for the “incredible speed” of how the vaccines were developed under his administration, so should he now tell everybody all that time, money, and effort was worthless?

"Look, we did something that was historic. We saved tens of millions of lives worldwide. We, together, all of us, not me," the former president said in a weekend appearance at his and Bill O'Reilly's joint "History Tour," footage of which was shared on Twitter by O'Reilly's No Spin News. He can't say that and then tell people not to get the vaccine. Politically, he's only doing what he's gotta do IMHO. He cannot let Biden and the Dems take credit for the work he did to fight the pandemic. And we all know they will do just that.

I do not agree with Trump on some issues, but that doesn't make him a traitor. I haven't had the vaccine yet, and don't intend to. But I don't believe I need it as much as others might, but those with some kind of comorbidity could be better off getting jabbed. I think it's a personal thing, it's not like I'm risking someone else's health by not getting the shot.
Trump ran Operation Warp Speed which produced three vaccines in record time.

Trump ran Operation Warp Speed which produced three vaccines in record time.

Question: Where is the 'vaccine' against HIV?
All faggots of the planet push for their invention through the last 40 years with no result.
But the virus of HIV is more simply and easy to deal with as that one of CV19.
Amazingly the 'vaccine' against CV19 had been developed within few months
I guess humanity is being keep for idiots
My greatest humor in all this is in realizing that there are people out there who ever thought Trump was the long-term solution for the GOP or any of us who voted for him in 2016. He never was anything more than a means to slap some sense into the GOP for most of us. Unfortunately it didn’t work.
Communist democrats created their own Trump. Their Trump was anti vaccine and anti boosters. They completely dismissed Trump's role in the creation of the vaccine. They never accepted Operation Warp Speed. Never even admitted to themselves that Trump always supported the vaccine AND recognized the unfettered freedom of individuals to make their own decisions. Now when Real Trump addresses his people the communists say it's political suicide.

This is the way communists think.
Who can still trust Trump after his promotion of 'boosters'?
Where is the difference between him, Gates, Schwab or Fauci?
It's understandable now why he did nothing against the stolen election a year ago
Is he a traitor?
Obviously the sad answer is YES

Too late to change his legacy of having bungled the pandemic.
Communist democrats created their own Trump. Their Trump was anti vaccine and anti boosters. They completely dismissed Trump's role in the creation of the vaccine. They never accepted Operation Warp Speed. Never even admitted to themselves that Trump always supported the vaccine AND recognized the unfettered freedom of individuals to make their own decisions. Now when Real Trump addresses his people the communists say it's political suicide.

This is the way communists think.

Communists? You're an idiot.
Trump ran Operation Warp Speed which produced three vaccines in record time.

How many people would have died without those vaccines? I am 75 with several conditions that make me a target for COVID-19. I might be alive today only because I got the vaccine.

Trump is also 75 and is overweight, Like me it makes damn good sense for him to get the vaccine and any and all boosters.

However in a free nation that should be an individual choice. Nobody knows for sure what long term effects the vaccines will have. I took a prescription does of Ibuprofin for years for back pain until my doctor pulled me off of it as it can cause kidney damage. A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with Chromic Kidney Disease.
Same attitude the older Japanese have about nuclear fallout. 30 years they would be dead anyway. So much for anyone or everyone else attitude.

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