The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts ...

Commentary: The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts ...
Aug 23, 2018 · Mollie, Kate Steinle, Jamiel Shaw Jr, Josh Wilkerson, Christy Sue Piña, Grant Ronnebeck, Sarah Root, Drew Rosenberg, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza and thousands of other innocent Americans weren’t killed by illegal aliens, they were killed by American politicians who have built careers on keeping America’s borders open so … Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, NRCC Chairman Rep. Steve Stivers and Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, California Governor Jerry Brown, Oregon Judge Monica Herranz, Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf and the rest of the open borders politicians and judges are the ones who killed Mollie Tibbetts.

This article is clear, concise, and honest. Our politicians of all stripes killed this Mollie Tibbetts and others. We need to call a spade a spade.
Are the deaths of American citizens worth the aims of the political parties ideologies?
McCain, Graham, Rubio, Murkowsky, Hoeven, Heller, Hatch, Alexander, Corker and Flake all voted to give this guy amnesty and make him a citizen. Bush league Republicans and Progressive Socialist Democrats seeking votes MUST become extinct before the Republic does.
Surely They (politicians) didn’t kill her but they certainly bear responsibility. Meanwhile Democrats refuse voting to build the wall and scream about their desire to get rid of ICE, while Senate Republicans dither on their votes to build the wall.
Commentary: The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts ...
Aug 23, 2018 · Mollie, Kate Steinle, Jamiel Shaw Jr, Josh Wilkerson, Christy Sue Piña, Grant Ronnebeck, Sarah Root, Drew Rosenberg, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza and thousands of other innocent Americans weren’t killed by illegal aliens, they were killed by American politicians who have built careers on keeping America’s borders open so … Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, NRCC Chairman Rep. Steve Stivers and Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, California Governor Jerry Brown, Oregon Judge Monica Herranz, Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf and the rest of the open borders politicians and judges are the ones who killed Mollie Tibbetts.

This article is clear, concise, and honest. Our politicians of all stripes killed this Mollie Tibbetts and others. We need to call a spade a spade.
Are the deaths of American citizens worth the aims of the political parties ideologies?
McCain, Graham, Rubio, Murkowsky, Hoeven, Heller, Hatch, Alexander, Corker and Flake all voted to give this guy amnesty and make him a citizen. Bush league Republicans and Progressive Socialist Democrats seeking votes MUST become extinct before the Republic does.
Surely They (politicians) didn’t kill her but they certainly bear responsibility. Meanwhile Democrats refuse voting to build the wall and scream about their desire to get rid of ICE, while Senate Republicans dither on their votes to build the wall.

You are a loathsome individual. The person who is responsible is the person who did it. You are trying to t5ake advantage of her death. People have been murdered this year and many more will be murdered this year. Yet you don't giver a damn about them because you can't use their deaths to further your political agenda.

You sound exactly like the far left who use mass shootings to further their gun agenda. You are probably the first one to criticize them when they do it. We do not need to build a wall.

Several members of her family have said the same thing. They do not want her death politicized and the family statement said nothing about immigration legal or otherwise.
You should have thought of that when you guys allowed all these assholes to walk across the border!
I see that there are some still trying to play politics with a young woman's dead body. It's disgusting. Many of the people so concerned about the murder of Mollie Tibbetts aren't ever concerned over all of the other murders that take place here, let alone the rapes. This case is of the same type as those who, all of a sudden, are concerned about African-Americans who are shot in Chicago, but who otherwise are never concerned with the well-being of the African-American population. Talk about cynical and spineless.
Republicans have controlled Congress for 18 of the past 22 years. And along with the presidency for 9.5 of those years.

Republicans own the illegals and the deficit and the debt.
I see the pugs are trying to ramp up their anecdotal midterm mascot. Another pretty girl killed by an illegal and not being allowed to RIP.
Rest in peace. REST IN PEACE?? She shouldn't be DEAD, asshole!!! But she IS. Due to fucktards like YOU.
Commentary: The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts ...
Aug 23, 2018 · Mollie, Kate Steinle, Jamiel Shaw Jr, Josh Wilkerson, Christy Sue Piña, Grant Ronnebeck, Sarah Root, Drew Rosenberg, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza and thousands of other innocent Americans weren’t killed by illegal aliens, they were killed by American politicians who have built careers on keeping America’s borders open so … Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, NRCC Chairman Rep. Steve Stivers and Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, California Governor Jerry Brown, Oregon Judge Monica Herranz, Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf and the rest of the open borders politicians and judges are the ones who killed Mollie Tibbetts.

This article is clear, concise, and honest. Our politicians of all stripes killed this Mollie Tibbetts and others. We need to call a spade a spade.
Are the deaths of American citizens worth the aims of the political parties ideologies?
McCain, Graham, Rubio, Murkowsky, Hoeven, Heller, Hatch, Alexander, Corker and Flake all voted to give this guy amnesty and make him a citizen. Bush league Republicans and Progressive Socialist Democrats seeking votes MUST become extinct before the Republic does.
Surely They (politicians) didn’t kill her but they certainly bear responsibility. Meanwhile Democrats refuse voting to build the wall and scream about their desire to get rid of ICE, while Senate Republicans dither on their votes to build the wall.

It was an op/ed; not an article.

The wall will do nothing to curb illegal immigration.

We do need to deport as many illegals as possible…as Obama was doing.
Morons like you is why Trump is President.
Commentary: The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts ...
Aug 23, 2018 · Mollie, Kate Steinle, Jamiel Shaw Jr, Josh Wilkerson, Christy Sue Piña, Grant Ronnebeck, Sarah Root, Drew Rosenberg, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza and thousands of other innocent Americans weren’t killed by illegal aliens, they were killed by American politicians who have built careers on keeping America’s borders open so … Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, NRCC Chairman Rep. Steve Stivers and Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, California Governor Jerry Brown, Oregon Judge Monica Herranz, Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf and the rest of the open borders politicians and judges are the ones who killed Mollie Tibbetts.

This article is clear, concise, and honest. Our politicians of all stripes killed this Mollie Tibbetts and others. We need to call a spade a spade.
Are the deaths of American citizens worth the aims of the political parties ideologies?
McCain, Graham, Rubio, Murkowsky, Hoeven, Heller, Hatch, Alexander, Corker and Flake all voted to give this guy amnesty and make him a citizen. Bush league Republicans and Progressive Socialist Democrats seeking votes MUST become extinct before the Republic does.
Surely They (politicians) didn’t kill her but they certainly bear responsibility. Meanwhile Democrats refuse voting to build the wall and scream about their desire to get rid of ICE, while Senate Republicans dither on their votes to build the wall.

So the guy they have arrested and charged with her murder can just cite this post and walk free?
I see that there are some still trying to play politics with a young woman's dead body. It's disgusting. Many of the people so concerned about the murder of Mollie Tibbetts aren't ever concerned over all of the other murders that take place here, let alone the rapes. This case is of the same type as those who, all of a sudden, are concerned about African-Americans who are shot in Chicago, but who otherwise are never concerned with the well-being of the African-American population. Talk about cynical and spineless.
Yeah yeah yeah asshole! Mollie Tibet’s is dead because everybody who does not think exactly like you are racists! You have blood on your hands defending this shit!
Many of the people so concerned about the murder of Mollie Tibbetts aren't ever concerned over all of the other murders that take place here, let alone the rapes
Then START A THREAD! The truth is, you need to derail THIS thread because it exposes your agenda to completely destroy American culture and turn it into a Turd World shithole.

Stay on topic or find/create another thread about "more important" murders.
You are trying to link people coming into this country, legally or illegally, with murderers, No! We have witnessed too many murders by people of all backgrounds. Many born here. Many white. You cannot try to point out one bad person because he comes from another country, Told to you by a person who fit the profile of the type that Ted Bundy wanted to kill. And I'm still alive, and he isn't.

Mollie is dead. Please to not attempt to dishonor her any further.

I have not dishonored Mollie Tibetts. I suggest you read the following:
"Deaths that could have been prevented if the Congress and the Executive Branch would have secured our border and enforced existing U.S. immigration laws."

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial
Many of the people so concerned about the murder of Mollie Tibbetts aren't ever concerned over all of the other murders that take place here, let alone the rapes
Then START A THREAD! The truth is, you need to derail THIS thread because it exposes your agenda to completely destroy American culture and turn it into a Turd World shithole.

Stay on topic or find/create another thread about "more important" murders.

Are you serious? What is "American culture"? Sorry. I'm part of "American culture." I do not accept rape or murder or any form of domestic violence. I mourn the deaths of Molly Tibbetts, Shanann Watts and her daughters at the hands of Chris Watts. As I type this, I am watching on TV (the ID channel) a person named Jennifer who survived being taken from her bedroom at age 8, raped, her throat slashed, left for dead. She survived and lived to adulthood to tell her story.

What is your problem? What does this have to do with "American culture"?
Commentary: The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts ...
Aug 23, 2018 · Mollie, Kate Steinle, Jamiel Shaw Jr, Josh Wilkerson, Christy Sue Piña, Grant Ronnebeck, Sarah Root, Drew Rosenberg, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza and thousands of other innocent Americans weren’t killed by illegal aliens, they were killed by American politicians who have built careers on keeping America’s borders open so … Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, NRCC Chairman Rep. Steve Stivers and Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, California Governor Jerry Brown, Oregon Judge Monica Herranz, Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf and the rest of the open borders politicians and judges are the ones who killed Mollie Tibbetts.

This article is clear, concise, and honest. Our politicians of all stripes killed this Mollie Tibbetts and others. We need to call a spade a spade.
Are the deaths of American citizens worth the aims of the political parties ideologies?
McCain, Graham, Rubio, Murkowsky, Hoeven, Heller, Hatch, Alexander, Corker and Flake all voted to give this guy amnesty and make him a citizen. Bush league Republicans and Progressive Socialist Democrats seeking votes MUST become extinct before the Republic does.
Surely They (politicians) didn’t kill her but they certainly bear responsibility. Meanwhile Democrats refuse voting to build the wall and scream about their desire to get rid of ICE, while Senate Republicans dither on their votes to build the wall.
Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense and demagoguery.

Trump’s ‘wall’ of bigotry and hate wouldn’t have prevented this woman’s death.

And the reprehensible right seeks to exploit her death for some perceived partisan gain and to advance their anti-immigration agenda.
Commentary: The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts ...
Aug 23, 2018 · Mollie, Kate Steinle, Jamiel Shaw Jr, Josh Wilkerson, Christy Sue Piña, Grant Ronnebeck, Sarah Root, Drew Rosenberg, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza and thousands of other innocent Americans weren’t killed by illegal aliens, they were killed by American politicians who have built careers on keeping America’s borders open so … Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, NRCC Chairman Rep. Steve Stivers and Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, California Governor Jerry Brown, Oregon Judge Monica Herranz, Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf and the rest of the open borders politicians and judges are the ones who killed Mollie Tibbetts.

This article is clear, concise, and honest. Our politicians of all stripes killed this Mollie Tibbetts and others. We need to call a spade a spade.
Are the deaths of American citizens worth the aims of the political parties ideologies?
McCain, Graham, Rubio, Murkowsky, Hoeven, Heller, Hatch, Alexander, Corker and Flake all voted to give this guy amnesty and make him a citizen. Bush league Republicans and Progressive Socialist Democrats seeking votes MUST become extinct before the Republic does.
Surely They (politicians) didn’t kill her but they certainly bear responsibility. Meanwhile Democrats refuse voting to build the wall and scream about their desire to get rid of ICE, while Senate Republicans dither on their votes to build the wall.

So the guy they have arrested and charged with her murder can just cite this post and walk free?

Who said this??? The murderer remains the murderer. The murderer of Mollie Tibbetts has hell to pay. So does the guy in Colorado who murdered his family, including his children and the murder of the woman he impregnated three times.
Commentary: The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts ...
Aug 23, 2018 · Mollie, Kate Steinle, Jamiel Shaw Jr, Josh Wilkerson, Christy Sue Piña, Grant Ronnebeck, Sarah Root, Drew Rosenberg, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza and thousands of other innocent Americans weren’t killed by illegal aliens, they were killed by American politicians who have built careers on keeping America’s borders open so … Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, NRCC Chairman Rep. Steve Stivers and Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, California Governor Jerry Brown, Oregon Judge Monica Herranz, Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf and the rest of the open borders politicians and judges are the ones who killed Mollie Tibbetts.

This article is clear, concise, and honest. Our politicians of all stripes killed this Mollie Tibbetts and others. We need to call a spade a spade.
Are the deaths of American citizens worth the aims of the political parties ideologies?
McCain, Graham, Rubio, Murkowsky, Hoeven, Heller, Hatch, Alexander, Corker and Flake all voted to give this guy amnesty and make him a citizen. Bush league Republicans and Progressive Socialist Democrats seeking votes MUST become extinct before the Republic does.
Surely They (politicians) didn’t kill her but they certainly bear responsibility. Meanwhile Democrats refuse voting to build the wall and scream about their desire to get rid of ICE, while Senate Republicans dither on their votes to build the wall.

It was an op/ed; not an article.

The wall will do nothing to curb illegal immigration.

We do need to deport as many illegals as possible…as Obama was doing.

Do you lock your doors at night?

Do you lock your car when you park it?
What an ignorant post. The person who killed Mollie is the person who killed Mollie. The person who killed the person he made pregnant and murdered the two children he already had with her is himself only.

What an ignorant post. The person that killed Mollie Tibbetts would not have been given access to her unless our Government was more concerned with securing our borders then they are in listening to Social Justice Warriors.

Cry all you want, her blood is on the hands of those who chose to ignore this security flaw.

Absolutely! I absolutely agree with you! :clap2:

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