Day One Of New Open Border Policy By Republicans

It’s utter foolishness to suggest that new laws will be any more meaningful than existing laws that the Dems / Socialists refuse to enforce.

Biden wants illegals as fast as Mayorkas can import them.
It’s utter foolishness to talk about laws that don’t exist

Wht law are you referring to?
Close this border now Republicans. It's a national crisis.
Democrats opened it when Biden dismantled everything Trump had done to stabilize the border. We had a manageable number of immigrants during his term and the numbers were going DOWN. When Biden and Myorkas took control they literally blew up the border and handed control to the Cartels and the numbers skyrocketed 500 to 1000 percent more illegals crossing.

At least you admit it's a national crisis, I'll give you credit for that. Some of your clan still think it's great.
I’m 109% against ANY immigration. I see the US border as an Exit Only gateway. Though I would also be in favor of turning both the Northern and Southern borders into free fire zones for the military, police and civilians.
Making America Great killing immigrant families seeking a better life for their children in the land of opportunity and the land of the free?

It is such sentiment, endorsed by too many on the QAnon/MAGA side of the fence, that puts that JerrySpringer demographic in such disrepute.
Such sentiments tars everybody who is a MAGA.

Unitl MAGA/Q's themselves reject sentiments like poster Anathema's and emphatically proclaim they want nothing to do with military, or even civilians gunning down immigrant families coming across our borders.....legally or illegally. (ALL immigrants in Anathema's worldview.)...well, until the nation sees that rejection MAGA will continue to be disrespected and dismissed.

Is MAGA......really a collective of '
We do. Title 8 is the law that covers this.
Title 8 guarantees that anyone who wants asylum can apply for it and get a court hearing.
The bill that the GOP killed changes that
Title 8 was never intended to be the welfare system for central and south america
Yeah. Title 8. And it allows anyone to apply for asylum and get a hearing

No. The Biden politburo is pulling a scam. The CBP app is, as Sen. Josh Hawkey put it, “a Ticketmaster for illegals.”

The app doesn’t ask a single question about asylum. That and the phony Mayorkas contrived “parole for illegals” is nothing more than a ridiculous way to ignore immigration law while importing millions of illegals who will never see a court date.
Making America Great killing immigrant families seeking a better life for their children in the land of opportunity and the land of the free?

It is such sentiment, endorsed by too many on the QAnon/MAGA side of the fence, that puts that JerrySpringer demographic in such disrepute.
Such sentiments tars everybody who is a MAGA.

Unitl MAGA/Q's themselves reject sentiments like poster Anathema's and emphatically proclaim they want nothing to do with military, or even civilians gunning down immigrant families coming across our borders.....legally or illegally. (ALL immigrants in Anathema's worldview.)...well, until the nation sees that rejection MAGA will continue to be disrespected and dismissed.

Is MAGA......really a collective of '

Cartels seeking riches at the expense of illegals and American citizens is the end result of Dem / Marxist open border policies.
"Cartels seeking riches at the expense of illegals and American citizens......"

OK, I guess.
But poster Hollie, are you too all in on Anathema's suggestion of gunning down immigrant families seeking a better life?

If so, why?
And if so, can you think of a better way than killing them?
OK, I guess.
But poster Hollie, are you too all in on Anathema's suggestion of gunning down immigrant families seeking a better life?

If so, why?
And if so, can you think of a better way than killing them?

Chillcothe, I reworded your comment so it would read, if you were being honest.

OK, I guess.
But poster Hollie, are you too all in on Anathema's suggestion of gunning down criminals breaking the law, and refusing to comply with the authorities' orders to surrender.

If so, why?
And if so, can you think of a better way than killing them?
OK, I guess.
But poster Hollie, are you too all in on Anathema's suggestion of gunning down immigrant families seeking a better life?

If so, why?
And if so, can you think of a better way than killing them?

The majority of illegals being imported by the Dems / Socialists are single male adults, not immigrant families.

I’m not in favor of single male adults from third world countries flooding the US.
Making America Great killing immigrant families seeking a better life for their children in the land of opportunity and the land of the free?
No. Making America great again by making us AMERICAN again. Until we can truly determine who is here, what their agendas are, are purge thus country of those who aren’t America First/Anerica ONLY we can’t afford to be allowing more unknown quantities into this country.
Is MAGA......really a collective of 'Anathemas'?
No, it’s not. MAGA has become a Pro-Trump catchphrase. I don’t support Trump. He’s too liberal for my tastes.
gunning down criminals breaking the law, and refusing to comply with the authorities' orders
Ummmm, good poster elektra, you do know that sorta sounds like an echo from that fateful lobby of Ashley Babbit's. No?


The majority of illegals being imported by the Dems / Socialists are single male adults, not immigrant families.
Well, first, using the phrase "imported by ...Socialist".....sorta kinda limits your reach Hollie.
Limits your persuasiveness. Your credibility.
Such a phrase....rightly or wrongly ....colors your avatar as a xenophobic partisan. And that, gf, is a pretty limited demographic.

Although, to be honest, it worked just for netting the 'participants' on the Jerry Springer Show.
Just sayin'.


I’m not in favor of single male adults from third world countries flooding the US.
Well, on the face of it, that seems plausible.
Especially if one hyperventilates over 'imported' Dems" coming in.
But too, I'm concerned over the long term implications for a country that needs workers.
And too, in my own personal story (tho I cannot exactly remember it, but...).....but my own personal story is that both of my great great grandfathers were single young males when they landed on US from Germany in the 1830's, the other from County Tipperary in the late 1840's (family lore = he ran out of pommes frites ;) )
Ummmm, good poster elektra, you do know that sorta sounds like an echo from that fateful lobby of Ashley Babbit's. No?


Well, first, using the phrase "imported by ...Socialist".....sorta kinda limits your reach Hollie.
Limits your persuasiveness. Your credibility.
Such a phrase....rightly or wrongly ....colors your avatar as a xenophobic partisan. And that, gf, is a pretty limited demographic.

Although, to be honest, it worked just for netting the 'participants' on the Jerry Springer Show.
Just sayin'.


Well, on the face of it, that seems plausible.
Especially if one hyperventilates over 'imported' Dems" coming in.
But too, I'm concerned over the long term implications for a country that needs workers.
And too, in my own personal story (tho I cannot exactly remember it, but...).....but my own personal story is that both of my great great grandfathers were single young males when they landed on US from Germany in the 1830's, the other from County Tipperary in the late 1840's (family lore = he ran out of pommes frites ;) )

Well, good poster, Chillicothe, what is flawed with acknowledging that the Dems / Socialists are importing illegals? The Biden policies of “parole”, vastly exceeding quotas for immigration amnesty are clearly against the law. The Dems / Socialists have made it clear that illegally crossing the border has no negative consequences and that free healthcare, food and housing will be made available. The Dems / Socialists have made the point that a “ pathway to citizenship” is the goal. That means importing future voters for the Dem / Socialist party.

To suggest that this country needs millions of unskilled, uneducated and unemployable workers kind of limits your reach.

I have no way of knowing if the story of your ancestors is true or not. I don’t see how that story is relevant in the context of open borders when terrorists and criminals are able to enter the country freely.

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