Day One Of New Open Border Policy By Republicans

1. Your 1st sentence says that the border will be shut down but we all know it won't be. Biden will just process as many as he can, just like now.
2. Catch and release will never be ended by Biden.
3. 1400 a day even if the border is closed? Does that even make sense?
4. There are many loop-holes written into the law that lets Biden open the border
5. Republicans passed HR-2, so your claim they won't shut the border is bullshit.
6. Sealing the border is NOT illegal.
7. Pass HR-2 and see how fast the border gets sealed.

Traitor Biden let in 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and who knows how many terrorists and Cartel gang members.

The Biden administration has deported more illegals than the Trump administration.

The remain in Mexico policy was implemented in 2019. There was a 100% increase in border crossings than there was in 2018.

Other than the fact Trumps policy was a failure, the courts have ruled against it, and Mexico says it will not honor it.

An actual immigration policy that will work, has now been abandoned by the very people who wanted it, because they really never wanted it.

The current border problem, as well as the past border problems, are 100% on Republicans, not Democrats that have submitted numerous policy propsals, including Republican policy proposals that would have fixed it a long time ago.

This is, and always has been the Republican Open Border Problem.
Republicans insisted that aid be reciprocated with a border fix. A bill was negotiated and drafted.
The Republicans walked away when they got exactly what they asked for.
That's got nothing to do with my position. I don't take my lead from Republicans. I don't view them as any kind of moral or intellectual authority.
Deport the Illegals, but far more importantly, deport the "representatives" who are fighting to keep them and bring even more here; Senators, Congressmen, governors, Sheriffs, etc. they all go to Mexico AND NEVER RETURN
Read the GD bill. What the Republicans killed was the guaranteed entry into this country, the daily invasion of 3,999 sick, criminal, and undeserving illegals. Biden wants them here and will never stop the flow. Go back to bed and cuddle with that skunk.
You're the kinda Norbert who turns down a job he doesn't think pays enough even though he's past due on the rent, aren't you.

Do you want something done that you can maybe build on later, or do you want nothing done so you can keep bitching about it?
This is, and always has been the Republican Open Border Problem.
We all know you can't think for yourself, and always parrot the talking points your handlers feed you, bur come on man! Grow a brain.

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The Biden administration has deported more illegals than the Trump administration.

The remain in Mexico policy was implemented in 2019. There was a 100% increase in border crossings than there was in 2018.
Other than the fact Trumps policy was a failure, the courts have ruled against it, and Mexico says it will not honor it.

An actual immigration policy that will work, has now been abandoned by the very people who wanted it, because they really never wanted it.

The current border problem, as well as the past border problems, are 100% on Republicans, not Democrats that have submitted numerous policy proposals, including Republican policy proposals that would have fixed it a long time ago.

This is, and always has been the Republican Open Border Problem.
1. Trump deported ~800,000 and Biden about ~142,000. The problem is that Biden let 10,000,000 illegals in, including 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and who knows how many terrorists and cartel gang members.

2. The border crossings don't matter, its the number released into the US that mattered. Trump deported illegals.

3. Trump border policy, the wall and remain in Mexico worked perfectly. Trump threatened Mexico with tariffs if they didn't support remain in Mexico.

4. Trump had the border solved. Biden broke it with his stupid "open border" Exec Orders.

5. The new Bill doesn't it seal the border, it processes migrants faster. Republican Bill HR-2 seals the border.

6. Open borders are a problem for Republicans, and border states are fixing it with National Guard troops and lot of razor wire.
"Trump wants the border SEALED."
Meaning what?
Zero people come across a 1,954 mile southern border?
Zero people come across a 5,525 mile northern border?
'Sealed'.....if meaning zero a fantagasm held by America's uber-Right xenophobes.
An 'orderly' entry and acceptance --or rejection---is what is needed. The Republicans had a golden opportunity to significantly move towards that.....and other developments that they advocated for.
They declined -- in a tantrum.

So here, poster kyzer, read the quotes below, pulled from posters Hutch & Skews. They offer you truth.....and insight.
Take it.
And be a better American citizen, and a better poster on this venue.
Good luck.

  • Republicans insisted that aid be reciprocated with a border fix. A bill was negotiated and drafted. The Republicans walked away when they got exactly what they asked for.
  • Other than the fact Trumps policy was a failure, the courts have ruled against it, and Mexico says it will not honor it.
  • An actual immigration policy that will work, has now been abandoned by the very people who wanted it, because they really never wanted it.
  • "The current border problem, as well as the past border problems, are 100% on Republicans"
Meaning what?
Zero people come across a 1,954 mile southern border?
Zero people come across a 5,525 mile northern border?
'Sealed'.....if meaning zero a fantagasm held by America's uber-Right xenophobes.
An 'orderly' entry and acceptance --or rejection---is what is needed. The Republicans had a golden opportunity to significantly move towards that.....and other developments that they advocated for.
They declined -- in a tantrum.

So here, poster kyzer, read the quotes below, pulled from posters Hutch & Skews. They offer you truth.....and insight.
Take it. And be a better American citizen, and a better poster on this venue. Good luck.
1. The truth is that Republicans passed HR-2 to seal the border. Democrats apparently don't want the border sealed.

2. Republicans rejected the new Bill because it does not seal the border. Its open borders allowing 4,999 migrants a day.

3. A better citizen would reject Biden's open borders that let in 10,000,000 illegals including 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and who knows how many cartel gang members and terrorists.
Read the GD bill. What the Republicans killed was the guaranteed entry into this country, the daily invasion of 3,999 sick, criminal, and undeserving illegals. Biden wants them here and will never stop the flow. Go back to bed and cuddle with that skunk.
Nope. With the changes to the asylum law which this bill does, few get that opportunity
Then write a BORDER SECURITY ONLY bill.

The bipartisan bill in the Senate does. It's perception.

There isn't, and is never going to be a wall, a moat, or machine gun nests on the border to stop all crossings.

Ain't happenin'

The majority of illegals. Let me repeat that. The MAJORITY OF ILLEGALS, came in through points of entry on trains, planes, cars, and busses.


The border bill that's in the Senate is the most hard ass bill I've personally ever seen. Hell, it doesn't even protect the Dreamers, and Republicans were willing to do that under Bush, and Obama.

The Boder Patrol wants it, and if you look at it without putting politics into it. It would actually work better than anything ever done bu either party. Until a bill like this is put into place, we won't ever have anything to build on.

I don't like parts of it, because it is to hard ass. I can see why Republicans like Lankford were quick to support it.

It's not the border that's the problem. It's US foreign policy in Central America since the 1980's, and not criminally prosecuting companies that hire them that's the problem. So even if a hard ass bill like this one is passed, it still doesn't stop the problem, only slows it down.

But this is America. We do the right thing in accordance with the Constitution. What's fair is

1. ) We start prosecuting companies and business owners that hire illegals.

2. ) We honor our asylum laws that allows those that have legitimate claims to seek it.

3. ) We stop holding the Dreamers hostage, who are young people that have lived their whole lives here, and are as American as anyone else is.

4. ) We fix the broken court system that speeds up the process on both asylum, and deportation hearings.

5. ) We give the Border Patrol better tools to be more effective at the border, including the transportation means and authority to send crossers immediately back across the border to Mexico City, instead of Chicago and New York, like some Republican governors playing politics.

That would send a message to the Mexican government to fix it's southern border. Not mayors in American cities who can't do anything.
The bipartisan bill in the Senate does. It's perception.

There isn't, and is never going to be a wall, a moat, or machine gun nests on the border to stop all crossings.

Ain't happenin'

The majority of illegals. Let me repeat that. The MAJORITY OF ILLEGALS, came in through points of entry on trains, planes, cars, and busses.

I didn’t say anything about immigration. I’m 109% against ANY immigration. I see the US border as an Exit Only gateway. That solves all the problems at once.

Though I would also be in favor of turning both the Northern and Southern borders into free fire zones for the military, police and civilians.
Sen. Mike Lee of Utah seems to be ginning up a division among Republicans in the Senate after a group of senators released its bipartisan deal on the border and Ukraine on Sunday. The $118 billion package, which includes wartime aid to Ukraine, Israel, and other allies, was tied to negotiated border security measures. Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson very quickly called the bill “even worse than we expected,” saying the bill would be “dead on arrival” in the House. Majority Leader Steve Scalise promised the bill would not even receive a vote in the House.

Soon to be followed by Republican caused fentynal deaths.

Close this border now Republicans. It's a national crisis.

I can't fathom the absolute ignorance found in "Progressives".
Your fix would be to shoot them all. You just said so.

From this day on… all that cross the border are on Trump and the Republicans

Even 12 year olds would be embarrassed to have posted that.
The bipartisan bill in the Senate does. It's perception.

There isn't, and is never going to be a wall, a moat, or machine gun nests on the border to stop all crossings.

Ain't happenin'

The majority of illegals. Let me repeat that. The MAJORITY OF ILLEGALS, came in through points of entry on trains, planes, cars, and busses.


The border bill that's in the Senate is the most hard ass bill I've personally ever seen. Hell, it doesn't even protect the Dreamers, and Republicans were willing to do that under Bush, and Obama.

The Boder Patrol wants it, and if you look at it without putting politics into it. It would actually work better than anything ever done bu either party. Until a bill like this is put into place, we won't ever have anything to build on.

I don't like parts of it, because it is to hard ass. I can see why Republicans like Lankford were quick to support it.

It's not the border that's the problem. It's US foreign policy in Central America since the 1980's, and not criminally prosecuting companies that hire them that's the problem. So even if a hard ass bill like this one is passed, it still doesn't stop the problem, only slows it down.

But this is America. We do the right thing in accordance with the Constitution. What's fair is

1. ) We start prosecuting companies and business owners that hire illegals.

2. ) We honor our asylum laws that allows those that have legitimate claims to seek it.

3. ) We stop holding the Dreamers hostage, who are young people that have lived their whole lives here, and are as American as anyone else is.

4. ) We fix the broken court system that speeds up the process on both asylum, and deportation hearings.

5. ) We give the Border Patrol better tools to be more effective at the border, including the transportation means and authority to send crossers immediately back across the border to Mexico City, instead of Chicago and New York, like some Republican governors playing politics.

That would send a message to the Mexican government to fix it's southern border. Not mayors in American cities who can't do anything.

Submit a clean Bill dumbass, don't hide war funding in it.
Nope. With the changes to the asylum law which this bill does, few get that opportunity

It’s utter foolishness to suggest that new laws will be any more meaningful than existing laws that the Dems / Socialists refuse to enforce.

Biden wants illegals as fast as Mayorkas can import them.
Title 8 makes no such distinction.

The bill your beloved GOP killed does
Tell me, during the Trump presidency. You loons fought against him closing the border. Now why all a sudden you want it closed?

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